The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 19, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH year ■ J. IWMSS ■ fUt ‘fsllisr of I wyalMfsiEiHl. I ■ Was #neof The Most Notab e H Men of Th® South- ■ Atlanta, Dec. 19.—ionathan ■ Norcross, the very first settler ■ of this city. un i often called the H •‘father of Atlanta,” passed ■ peacefully away at his residence ■ Ol) West End avenue in West ■ End at 1 ( * : lo’* lock last night. I While Ins illness was of short ■ duration, his death has been ex ll pected for some months. He was | in his ninety-first year and the | attending physicians say that | old age was tin cause of his ds- I wise. I The old gentleman had been I confined to his home the greater I part of his time for several I years. He was very feeble and I was able to go around but little. I I He va* taken ill about twoj month* ago, and it was thought * he wiu'd not recover then, but he rallied. Lait Wednesday he I exhibit d signs of unusual weak ness, and was confined to his bed. lie seemed to realize that the end was near, for he told hissoi , kier. Virgil N rcruss, be expeettd to die soon. Saturday morning he appear-! ed to feel some better, but in at tempting to walk a< rose his room he fell to the floor and was assisted to his bed. Hu began to sink rapidly, and Dr. Longino, I who was called in, told the fam-j ily that death would claim its* victim in a few hours. Mr. Nor-’ cross seemed some stronger yes terday morning, and was con scious until 4 o’clock in the af ternoon. He never recovered consciousness after that hour and he passed away without a struggle or a pain as peacefully as if ne had just ta'len ’asleep. D iring the day h 3 sp( ke several ' nines 11 inemb jfs of his family lei.vuig many tender messages, for tn, m. His death was that of a Christian, and he seemed hap py with the thought that he would soon be with his Maker. Mr. Norc.oss leaves on only, ~ 111-. 1-IWL -J.IJI ■ —« : * . tea'll / U. ■ ’Af4. IMIbWW TIE EICULENCE OF SYRUP GF FMS is duo not only to the originality and s’atplieity of the combination, but a!** l *• the care and skill with which it ie ■•nufaetured by scientific preeeeee? k* ( >vni to the California FlO BYRt< 1 • enly, and we wish to impress upoe 411 th* importance of jsurefcasiag the true and original remedy. As the twiuine Byrup of Figs is manufactured hy the California Flu Syrup Co. a, ly. a knowledge of tlmt fact will a*e»t one in avoiding the worthies* 'Sitatibns manufactured bvother par ties. The high standing of the Cai.l -roRMA Tie Srnvp Co. with the medi- C#l profession, and the 'satisfaction whick the genuine Syrup of Fig* has free to millions of families, ineko* the aarae of the Company a guaranty the excellence of ita remedy. It i* Ur ie advance of all other laxative*, ** !t Rote on the kidney*, liver aad J»wela without irritating or weaken ’■g them, and it does not gripe ner ’'’"••‘Rte. In order to get its benefieie I plaase remember the n«me es we wrarpany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C». •** «-RANOMCe, Oai. ?RCl*vn,i4t. VKM' 4 OBK. X T FHE HOME ROMt BEitiG EVFUH D I - - Spaiiii Treops art flow Itrchih ftwty. IBLMDEHS BEJOICI|fG. United States and Cuban Flag* Being H*ifet®d. Havana, Dec. 19. —Ths Spanish evacuation coiamiaaiouer# ji.f urm ed the American commissioners this even ng that the Havana sub urbs teno a»d Jesus D I Monte had bten evacutad. Tie Spanish troops left Junsus Del Monte at 5 o'aloek this evening, immediately after which American and Cuban flags wer» raised, crackers fired and the usual demonstrations inado by the large crowds in honor of the*event. It is reported that uosie of the I troops of the Cuban general. Me«- . ooal, are entering Jfe us del Monte Pr 'bably the United Slates forces will be .'■ent there tomorrow. The subuib of Cerro was evacu ated yesterday. American and Cu ban flags were displayed from the houses on the Calzeda del Cerro and crowds rushed through the streets shouting “Viva Cuba libre,” About half-past 5 o'clock 'ast evening a crewd of Cubans of the lower elass passed a barracks of engineers on the Infanta avenue shouting “Long live Cuba’' and “Death to Spain” ajid firing shots into the air in ce.ebiatiou of the evacuation ®f Cerro. The engineers did not fir*, but ihe guard was doubled. The crowd then passed on from theCklzada del Monte to the Cal zada del Cerre, stopping the street cars and compelling passing-re to shout “Viva Cuba I'hra.” Jose Ganoedo and his cousin, Tsodoro Huertas, who were on the care, were wounded with knives. Gancedo died today and Huertas will probably die, Later the crowd met seme engi neers at the Eiquias de Tejas and fired upon them, seriously wound ing one. The engineers returned the fire, wound ng a street car conductor, a civilian, Isodorc Ba sols and John Leonard, a colored man . The rioting continued, many shets bemg tired m front of the Casade Socorro, where the wound ed were assist« d. Spanish soldiers were ordered to the scene and arnvsd about 9 o’clock . While marching through ICerro they were fired upon by men concealed behind pillars. One Spanish private fell wound ad and the battalion fired into the air to scare the rioters. Or. rrium* leg their march they were again fired upon and another man was hit. The Spaniard# then fired and duperseo the rioters. Among the wounded was a col ored woman, and ilia ®l®o report ed that there were several others The rioting caused great alarm in Cerro and along lha Calzada del Monte, where all houses have kept j closed doors since last night, son, Rev. Virgil Norcross, his wife having died about a year ago. His estate is valued at about $ 150,000 and the son is the onb heir. At the hour of his death his bed v-as surrounded by his immediate relatives, consisting )? f Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Norcross and their three children—Paul, Grace and Carrie. \ good num ber of the neighbors present in the house offered what condol ence they could to the bereaved ’fa•i I,V - , . . - •qjsejq nva aJno wfnqvj •’’W UEORGIa. MONDAY EVSINING. /IlßKrt. 19. 1 BSS. AFOULDSfD. ♦-®* --- - _ . Wtnaii Beaten is Dears ty Uikuwi Robbers. tiOUSE fikSO BURNED If The Fiend® are Found They Wil! b« Lynched Biroiii ghum, Ala., Dec. 19. N*-ar Ju9i«, Ala., s lori’v «ft«r midnight last Bight, 'ivo unshed robb is entered the house of Mr® Ida Myers, a wealthy widow ami were b-ating her with elubs when her screams aroused John (Lok, overseer ot her farm, “’ho occupied a room iu the building. Cook ran to her rsscue, when he was fe’led to the floar by one of the robbers j and rendered unconscious. Leaving the two for d'-ad the! criminals next turned their atte. - t'on to Mrs. K ..Myers, daughter in-law of the widow, who occupied ian adjoining room and who had been awakened and was sen aming for help. Her brains were beate; ' out with clubs and her corpse lef I upon the fioor. A safe in the house was blown l • pen with dynamite and SB,OOO in gold taken from it. The rubbers i then set fire to the bou»e to hide | their crimsand fled. Just as the- | departed Cook regained oonssious nass and quickly suiveyed the tit nation. He dtagged out the elder Mr, wh was still in n«j' ' and also resound the Ctfrp-e f -- ; murdered woman. Running to the farm bell he rang it wit*’ all hi* niighL The sound aroused th neighborhood and seen a store <>f ’’armors were upon the se tie but tos late to save the house f m de struction. A inching party was hur: iedij O'ganizsd and mounted mm sent in rvery direction in the hope pl appiehendiug the murderers, but at las reports they were still » large. If eaught they will be un ceremoniously strung up. 'I he Widow Myers is suffering from a fractured skull and her lif« is d spaired of. She says the first she knew of the presence of th robbers was when one of then, dragged n*?r from her bed whil the other began pounding hst with a c üb. Thpyentered through a window. The identity of th* guilty parties is shrouded in mys tery. fIALACE of sports Will be Built by Gsarge Gould at Lakew®od, N. J New York, Dac. 19. —-&eorge Gauld contemplate# e teting » cunntrj home in Lakewood. N J. which will excel anything of it* kind in th? world He a'eo pro poses erecting, i e«njunc ion vitl his country home, a building in which all sorts of sports can be en joyed. The building which u ic be two storiesr, will erver mor» than an sere and will combine > riding ring a marble swimming pend, tennis courts and equipp si gymnasium* Gouln has also pjo vided for su'ts ior bachrl >r quar ters. BOLIVIA'S REVOLUTION Insurgent® Hav® Fot mally Pro clajmesl a Federation. Lima Pern, via Galveston, Dee 19 _Advices i\coived today La Paz capital of Bolivia, an nounce that the revolutionists hav fartw’lly proclaimed a federation Sennor Severn Firne.ndez Alon i > President of Bolivia, is stilt al Grnro at th* head of the govern ment troop#. He has declared a state cf si*ge. ZJmK "t ihW ■ 1 ■ ? W'H 11 SHO'W' I i Everyd&yand evening till Christawis we will have the greatest dispia/ es | all New Holiday «;oods ever shown [ in Rome. We are the only house in I Rtrne seeding a buyer it the ma- | keti for Holiday goods only, and ’ | therefore, have the greatest display I of naw and beautiful goods, especial- , I ly for heliday trade. g New Dolls, New Toys, Doll Car- rlages, Wagons, Go Carts,"Engines, P1 »»e Wagons, 1 i ook aasd La dJe rY r usk with horses aud drivers, Horns, Masques, Books, Games and ten thousand things to make your gift” < X giving easy. Come to the show and bring the ’lhr little ones with vou. W The second floor of our Broad I Street Store one of *ll New l oys Mud Doll®, not a lot of old out-of-date, fall-to-pieces. cheap toys of by-f on® years--but the very I beet to be had in the great cityjof I New York, and ithey are new and I priced down. BESIDE JOUS AND DOLLS WE HAVE NEW GLOVES NEW CAPS Fest’s Kid in ths Just reteived and best biack a«d colors, P’*' cecl ..own to §• , a and piices downai i° : ° r the ve.y bottom newest and be*t fin- HANDKERC -11EFS headwear. You inalith-• daiwV.Fnowy should see-them be seal op and embroiu fore they .are picked i X er i«cl edges, from the! , . cneap t j the fine one*.! ove * ’ LAIHK AND .... I - _ , ■——— —d IO CE 'TS PER WE