The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 19, 1898, Image 6

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rjf , ' The women are on the warpath after the Utah Congressman who has two wives. They are alej ou the warpath after the man who has no wile, and it is not often that the men who has one wife es capes the onslaught of the lady belligerents. As has been said be fore, women are like Providence in that thier ways are past finding ear. O O 0 Piobably the reader has never hsard of th * pr iyer of the darkey at th" tin e ->f the Charleston eartl q iake. He said, in effect. “Uh. id. v. e are in a bad way. Pleaoe c.iuc to our help. Dan’t ssud your Sen, This ain’t no child's play; come y- urself.” o o o QThe 700 pounds of a New York wojoaa is reported ill. She is on ly 58years old and at eighteen she weighed only 190. Since then she b<a kickwd the beam at 750 but re cently had to give up the odd fifty from illness. She married an or dinary sizid man who has “skipp ed by the light of the muon.’’ Can it be that he was afraid of a deli cate thing lite that? o o o Senator McMillian, of Michigan, has announced bis intention of re tiring from the Senate at the close •f his present term and going back into business at Detroit. coo If there is one prop sitn n upon which all American citizens are harmonious it is that honor b to ie Reir Admiral Dewey. People of all shades of poliiical opinion, men whose policies are as diver gent as the poles—expansionists, eontraetionists, imperialists and annexationist—are a unit when r comes to naming the greatest hem of lhe war. o o o Geuuit e regret will be universal if it should prove true that the great sea captain’s health has giv*- en way before the stress and ten sion cf his aiduous duties and tne trying climate in the Philippines He is rapidly approaching the age when his retirement will be come necessary , even if his health continues. His counsel and opin ion would b? of essential import* ante to President McKinley in shaping a policy for the Philip pines; the American people, who love and honor him from afar have a right to see the hero of Manila. o o o With the final establishment of pesos with Spa: a ai.d ths presence of an adequate land army about Manila there seems to be every Poisoned by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition | Happened to Rear’ About a Simi’a Case —Followed th® Other Mian’s Example and Was Cured. Tbe following incident i, given bj Charles Morris, general jobber,s2 Lesin :■ tee Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass.: “Several years ago I b?can:c poison d hr ivy. i tried many medicines, spending « large sum of money without-obtaining • particle of good. My children v> ■ also afflicted with the same disease. V, ware all constant sufferers with an aw f J itching Sensation, and it acemcd a.j if i should tear myself to pieces. I picked «p a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who had been similarly afflicted and had taken ■eod’sSarsaparilla with benefit. 1 bought • bottle, which we took and it did • Me and My Children so much good I piirehaacd another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla • ntll we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly’ cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa- I parilla. Before resorting to this medicine I was reduced in weight, but now 1 weigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has aot only done much good but has bsee the means of saving me a great deal es money. I would not bo without it ia my bouse end I heartily recommend it te all who are afflicted, 1 have writ ten this statement for publication, of my »wb will, as I want others to know what Hood’s SarsapariUa has 4oue for us.’’ CnAamn Morris. Hood's Pill a lr ’ I,l ' "idy pills to laks HWU » r lII> W]th Hood s.-i.osanai ffi* A POPULAR MISTAKE Regarding Remedies fcr Dyspepsia and Indigestion The national disease of Amer icana is iudig< stion or in ts chron ic form, dyspt | sia, ai d for lhe very reason that it is bo common thuny neople Deg'fct taking proper treatment fur wbht they 'joueider tri Hing stuinach trouble, when an a matter of fact, indigestion Ivys lhe founda’iou for many incurable diseases. No persons with a vig orous, healthy stomach will fall a victim to consumption. Many kid ney d.spaees and heart troubles date their beginning from poor digestion, thin, nervous people are really so because their s’omacbe are out of gear; weary, languid, faded out women owe their condi tion to imperfect ii digestion. When nearly every person you meet is afliicted with weak diges tion it is not surprising that near ly every secret patent medic ne on the market claims to be a cure fur dyspepsia, as well a score of other j troubles, when in fact, as Dr. Werihier says, there ie> but one genuine dyspe F s’a cure wh'ch is perfectly sate and reliable, and moreover, this remedy is not a patent mecicine, but it is a scien tific combitation of pure pepsin (tree from animal mat’er,) vegeta ble essences, fruit salts and bis muth. It is sold by druggists un der name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia 1 ablets. No . xtravagant claims are made for them, but for indi gestion or any stomach trouble, S mart’s Dvrpepsia Tablets are far ahead of any remedy yet discover ed. Thvy act on the food eaten, no die ting is necessary, simply ant all the wholesome food you want and ihese tablets will digest it A cure results, because all the stomach needs is a rest, which Stuart’s Dysp’-psia Tablets give by doing the work cf digestion. I) (legists a II these tablets at 100 ts per package. Circulars and 1 e.-timoi la!«- sent free by addrffss i. g I A Smart Co., Marshall, M.cb. reason why the great captain should be permitted to come home. Let us hope that he will return in tugged health, steaming through lhe riu z in his gallant flagship, and anchoring safely one of these fine days in New York harbor. o o o Dr. Conan Doyle, the author, it going to give a Christmas Eve eo« teitainment at Lie home in Hind bead, at which guests will wear costumes representing the charac ters in the doctor’s stories. The entertainment will consist chiefly us music and dancing, and the foremost artist, critics and musi cians of London and Edinburg have been invited. o o o The recovery if the Trine® of Wales from an injury caused by a fall down stairs reminds the Wash- 1 ingten Post that the little King of I Spain recently had a similar tum ble and would have been seriously hurt had he not been caught by a footman. Because ot Spanish court etiquette that no plebeian hand must uver touch the sacred person of ’he King, the footman lost his place as a result of his catch, but tht Queen Ragent thanked him personally for his act, gave him haudtome present and provided him with a life annuity which | gives him a life of ease in hie: native village. o o o “I may he in error, but in my judgment, our nal’on is in great* er dai gerjust now than Cuba. ■ Our people defended Cuba against foreign uruis Now they must defend themselves and their country against a foreigner idea —the colonial idea of European nations. Heretofore greed has perverted the government and used its instrumentalities for private j gain, but now the very foundation I riaciples of our government are assaulted.”—Wm J. Bryan. o o o Rutus L. Perry, a colored law yer of Brooklyn, has secured an option on 1,500 acres of land on Long Island with the idea of rming a settlement of the people t (• | V-Z t / J m *R & 1 x If 11\ I V t * . il\ s R > R I I I IN k I vj I IT t M I * ■ I <7 I i of hie race 'lha plan i» to bii g up about 5,000 n*groes from th*-| s cticns of North aud South Caro lina iu which race rinte have tak en nlac? ai d lease the land to thim ift 99-year leases at $5 a lot I Building materials are to be sup • | plied to the settle*, and the buckets of the scheme intend to ee ablish factories where the ne groes can make chairs and ku ds of woodwork. The men who ’ an: with Perry in the scheme are said to be Tammany mon. Perry himself is a Democrat. o u o The New York Journal of y s terday printed under a big head some commendations by clergymen <>t ts course in not publishing ihe story of 'he scandalous behavioi of the Rev. Dr. Kerr, which lei to that gei. liemnn’s depositioa a a minister < f a Presbyterian i Church. Whether this signifies a radical change ol policy in the Journal or simply a desire to cov er up a beat the regular readers of the paper will now undoubtedly buy copies of tho other yellow pa pers to learn what it was all about. MnnthU»’in«evr«d Br. MUm' p ' n * i ansrs i i 1 CORNEBI ROHE Gl j * Arealready beginning to tingle the blood and quick. J en the pace. The bright smiles of dear friends; the 2 expectant faces of littlechildren;the crisp, cool wind all g betoken the near approach of Christmas and the glad Christmas time. “What shall 1 get?” and “Where shall I get it?” -) are the paramount questions that confront the prog- 5 pective purchaserat this time. # We submit the following for your inspection, peru- ' sal and consideration: Kwmmnnnßnßi | IN | BRUSHES. 1 $ COMBS! | SRIS! | MILITARY, ! 1 BRUSHES! * Meerchaum Pipes < CLOTHES, 1 g MIRRORS!? cTg r a?H°oider P s es « HAT, HAIR, ] | Curling Tongs! g § TOOTH, J 'X Sewing S.'ts! w tmported and De- NAIi k , .. X. . meetic Cigars. H | | Nad Files! » | FACE- 3 2 Manicure Sets! Elegant, Useful! f sk**********M%**%*«K I i 6/ * 1 // / 1 • cZ^z/wz a | Z z I | CO.« ' SANTA CLAUS’ choice ofahv or a holiday gilt is a sensible me. Especially when one of »ar handsome Derbys, Fedorae • r Alpines have been croaen.We Hiffve them in the newest jhaprs celors and nobby styles, and anyone who is fortunate enough to receive one will call it a “beaut.” Cfftne to W. H. Co, ker to trade and get your Xmas presents. W. H. COKER, No. 11 Broad St. 1 W w Fashionable Cipis, Wraps Fascinators, Glaves, Umbrellas, and etc , will make a member of your family an Xmas gift that they will appreciate. We have some beaut-, s in Capes, 1' ascinators, eic. The prices are the lowest and our quality is the best. N. B.—Don’t fail to come to aiy store to trade and get your Xmas gift. W. H. COKER. No. 11 Broad St. Ma&4a<A« *.<> Hilus' Fuiu PUW. Xtlparws l aineles; v e*> x euuX. FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. J->hn.°ten announces himself a candid it* for the office of Bailiff of the Ratni District, and asks you o v< t” s’s him on election day. I announce inysolf as a cand 1 * date for bailifl of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the v >te of friends and others in the election on the first bat urd'iy in January. Geo. W. BeaufoKl’- To my friends and the vOt prs of the Rome district, I desire to state that I am a candidate re-election to the office of Bail* for this district and most 1( ‘ s pectfully solicit your support re-elected I pledge to do my 111 duty on each and every oce»s |(,tl in discharging the obligati'’"* oi the office. Very Respectful y» R. II UorELANP- I hp-ebv announce rry»^ f , Floyd county. Ga. » ® S. turday in