The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 19, 1898, Image 7

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■ mppMS. I TH- ■•- pr ' , , r ■ ), of Smith’s i Igh ‘l>- 1, ■ 110,110 ,U ’ eilh 1 ‘ ■ ' p ■ where he v. ill -pend ■ boi’ ■ I( oidayß. I VHOI.V SMOKE I-That is to ■ that if you want the bes ■"* n the market and the om | the most fragrant ■ ‘Tyou should ask you, |i for one of the barters ■ u.t a-le brands. I hyoVM Scalp •<» S‘ I to p» rlor ’ ,n tl ”’ ■ “ Ridins on Seeond Avenue. II M him cure !t *y apply mg | l r i dandruff ex I ‘rauDHtor and hair regenerator ■ 01 will cure you ►•very time. I IToAW Rome—Miss Pau- I I lg Brown, of Carrollton, Ga , I L Miss Laura Brown, of An- ■ Leo, two charming young la- I L will brighten Rome’s so- ILv by their presence during I Lbolid»)s. I Fine Nkw Fruit Cake A I H a -ge line of delicious new fruit I ca ke from one of the very bes' I houses in the country, just re oieved at Lloyd’s. Also a band ,9rad )B« ot L-r <y assorted cake ; al! at most rea.onable prices. Lstike.timw Sk mon.— in ab’e and interesting sei mon preached last night at the 'First Methodist church by Mr. of the Whitesburg circuit. )ir. Eakes is m brother of Rev. J. H. ■ >ke?, of this city. If you expect to have a .well rrcept.on cran unt* r tninnn nt of snr kind, you can get every thing i.eedtul and up to date at Lloyd’s, and at prices no small dialer can afford. L ig* fancy celery, fancy new Nut*, c usier Raisins, colored W x Candles and othwr nice i kings. A New Stkn ikaphir —Mr. Geo. Wright, one of this city » expert stenographers, is rtceiv-l ing the congratulations of his' many friends over the arrival of. aS pound boy. He is quite a handsome little fellow, and his name is William Gardner; Wright. Cctta«k Fox Rent. —The pretty cottage residence of Mra A. 0. Garrard, on Maine St., in the Fifth ward i« offered for rent by Mrs. Garrard. The cot-J bge tins a splendid cistern, a gv»d wall and is also supplied; with hydrant waler. I he garden >« in excellent condition and dure isasMbleoa ths premises • $Se Mrs. •’nr r a rd. I I Anhiswncb. —T« Iks public Wist 1 bav» soured th* »ervio<» of Willem MsOlsllan, an expert fsuey saady maker, «»« has bien fsr th. past years with t*hn Barrww fsia<rns v->*V hitch*® i. AMsiatm. Wearefti.w makit'f daily *ll ki a«| <»f • •eaatiut, Mongols, »tw. AH as a.k i» 8 'rial. Ws jaa pleas, you A. M. ANVwsssr.i, You Don’t Wantl< r. Now Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need *nd want, and that is the best grate cual on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Monto vella, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and °ur word for i , you will be pleased. Rome Ici Co. Phone 100. ’ ards Second Ave. - - ■■■■ hundred THOUSAND. Newartc, 0., Dec. 19—Presi dent Purinton. of Deni-oa Uni versity, announces that John D. Rockefeller offers SIOO,OOO to the Granville Institution, pre siding the trustees raise $l5O There is no time limit. |GOT worn nid hmutmth Ihill to jhtiila. COL. WHERRY ill CHARGE. Suitable cioth nt is Naw Being Securest Co'uinbus, O , De?. 19 —Col. Wherry, of • ilia Seventeenth Regulars, received orders to go to Manila this morning. The order says to be ready by time transportation is arranged. The colonel at once innde an order for clothing for the Philippine climate. He said it would be several weeks before he would be ready to move. SIXTH IS JOYFUL. That the Regimsnt will Remain at Home San Antonio, Tex , Dec 19- The tneinGrs o'' the Sixth regulars an well pleased over the faot that they were not included in the or -1 der of yesterday which five regi- I ments to Manila. They feared a repetition of the inferior trimeport service exper isneed during the trip to Santiago and disliked the idea of such a lor g sea voyage. The recruits, however, like ihe volunteers, were anxious for foreign service. Private Parnell, ofC». B,stab oad Private Kinsley of Co. E, in , the ahdoeaeu last night and the i wound is dangerous. Kinsley was j arrested. It is alleged he took $59 ! 'row his victim’s pockets. K nvley was found on the outskirts of San Antonie unconsciono. _. ■ X J." ~ , J J .. . All f rms of scrofula, sores, I boils, pimples and eruptions, are quickly and perma eutly cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. TO Tl ED AT 110 YEARS Michigan Man Will Take A 50- Ykar-Old Bride Arm Arbor, Mich., Die 19, — Joseph McGee, aged 110 year*, of Ypsilanti, today got a license to wed here. He will make Amelia Day. 50 years old his wi f e. McGae’s . hearing is goed, he does not use glasses, he has never taken rich food ®r used tabacco Mr, McGaa ' fought in the war of 1812 in the Mexic*u war aid in theCivi! war. —— KAISLR WANTS BIG NAVY. Barlin, Dec. 19.—The Kaiser I has presented the Reichstag some new naval figures comparing the German navy with those of other nations De spite semi-official denials, it s supposed that a new bill for an increase in the navy mxt year ■will l»3 brought before the Reichstag. SYBIL'S DILEMMA. London, Dec. 19.—According to the Paris correspondent of the Daily News, the late Antonio (Terry, husband of the former i opera singer, Sybil Sanderson, j left his entire fortune of $60,- 000,000 to his widow. "T WHAT CAUSED IT. 1 “I have beeu a constant suf ferer from headache* and weak eyes. I thought my trouble was due to catarrh and I resorted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproving, and 1 have had no severe attacks since I began tak ing this medicine. I cannot say too much in its praise.” Indiana Cobb, Sunny Side, Ga. Hood's PiH» cure all liver ills. Easy to take, < to operate ; reliable, sure. 25c. -a. ,'.y RIGGS GETS 21 YEARS I And the Mu d«r Trial is Ei dasi i IVgys vi !e , K j Maysville, Ky , Dec. 19 -T ic jury in the case of Amos Riggs, charged with the mu d r of ( Boyd and son, returned verdict this afternoon, seuteucie Riggs j to 21 years in the peniteuih <rv Liggs’ wife broke down and wept. 1 Riggs wis once senteu ed to be hanged, but was granted a : new trial I Pastmaster Under Ar r ost Columbus. Ga , D eo jg Doited States CommiHsioi or WiR liatus is investigating t! 1 es W. A, Walk r, formerl ou* ni ist.-ir st Genuvi, Ga , who is I cbarg.dwbh deatroyii g govern h menl recoid* After t*kin ■ s ;ma L of tt.e testimony, th imai-j ing was postponed till u<-xt W.-d-' iiesday morning on accou . < f the ' absence of « uumbor of n rtant witnesses in the uase 1( will be recalled that, on the L morning of 'be.B h day of • vein-1 ’ b'ir a fire occurred at Ge v ■?. ;.ud '' a uiosi d stroyed the enti town > II originate lin the poet 1 -e al that, and tor this r non J. H Wardle, one of the | -ti'flic? j .nspectors, was sent to 6e va to invustigate the matter. ,e in vestigation resulted in tb r;e-t 1 of Postmast'-r W A W t r ' i Child Seveiely Burned. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 19. -A it tie daughter of W. D. J- im <, a armer living five miles u r hes 1 Waycross on the Waycross Air- Line railroad, came near I- n g ne liously burned while a iiding around th'} bu ler where ti e were making syrup. Her oh thm ■ ' fire and the little oc.o st id fol run. The wind w s l>’. wing p d ,ird ' it looked as if the lit le el i d w old 1 b>' bi rmd to M s Me- ; Qurig was m.t fai away m I hu~ ri d to the eudansered chu 8 e I was soon joined by th- r ’ -r of the littla girl and soon h> cinfh- * ing was torn away and nfa «f ' the little one was sav<-d. bhe was I burned in several places, but is do ing well. < f ‘ J IJMH 1 WHAT JOYFUL FEELING. < With the exhilarating s>-use <f renewed health and strength and intiri'al cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is un known to the few who btive not pr> gre«si-d beyond the eid-tiraa 1 medicines and the cheap su’ •ti lutes sometimes offered lut rtv«r - accepted by the weil-i.,formed. I Buy the genuine manu ac'ri.ed by ‘ (he California Fig Svrup Go. aM-fwi i i ’.r-tjw , yjareht •* >: i-i 1 lax \ : EHr I ft® HOLIDAY REFLEC- TIONS. Will be uleasant if you buy here what Furniture you need for gifts. We have an excellen line of Desk'', Book Cases, Chi na closets, I'a.rlorCsbine s, Sha- I \ ing Stands, Pictures and other .audsome and durable pieces | ,uitable for presentation sillier to yourself or some friend. These go ds are not ti e kind made up solely for the Holiday trade, but ars high grade, and . tne equal of anything ever sold by us. Os course our prices v .11 meet with your a opr v T. ; Bhudy, Harvey &. Co-, Ko. 337, Kroad bt. rw— in i PERSONAL OTION. M W. Hod, of Atlanta, was here yesterday. Mr. Jim Shaw is in the city visiting relatives. Mr. Will Logan left this morn ing for Chattanooga. Col Phil G Byrd went down to Atlanta this in< ruing. Mr. Eugene Pentecost sp»nl Sunday in Gadsden, Ala. Col. W. N Foreacre, of the Southern R’y., spent Sunday iu this city. Mr Harvey Ycuug, of the Gate City, is autographed at the A r m strong. Mr. W. 11. Ovoiby, of the At lanta Constitution, spent the day in the city. Waiter’s “iwofers” the fa incus ‘‘Terrell Speed” cigars are growing more popular each day Miss Wert, who has been vis iting Miss Julia Bayard, return ed to her home Saturday. Rev. J. II Eakes, of the First Metlmdist church of this city, went down to Atlanta this morn ing. Chief of Police J. B. Shrop shi e still remains out <f the city, and nothing has been heard of him. The enterprising drug firm of Curry Arrington Co , are build ing a large warehouse on East Second street. Mr. Pope of the Southern Bell l elephone Co., cawie over from M arietta yesterday. He returned lhi» mo'roing. Mr. Jack Harper, oi the Southern Bell Telephone Co., has acc'-ptud a position in Au gusta ns operator. Success comes to hoa« who persevere. If you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla faithfully and per sistently, you will surely be beiiefitted. Messrs. John H. and F. W. Copeland, two of LaFayette’s most prominent eitizens, spent Sunday in this city with friends Miss Bett s Ledbetter has re turned home after a pleasant visit of several days to her sister, Mrs. A. B. Arrington, in Atlan ta. A real good’ sweet juicy ham for lOcpcund, you don’t get every day, but you will find them at Lloyd’s. Better get one quick, or they’ll be gone. Lieut Reeve?, of Gen. Wheel ei’s sti ff, is visi'ing Miss Julia Biyard. Lieut. Rseves fought! n the famous battle at Santia- The many Rome fri< nds < f '.lrs. Laura Seay will be glad to know that she has returned iioae after a pleasant visit to Roi.k Hill, S. C. Prof. J. C. Harris spent Sun day with hia daughter, Miss Agnese, who is attending the GirJ’s Industrial School of Mil ledgeville. Mr. Bolling Sullivan, accom panied by several of his friends of the Univenily of Georgia, will arrive in the city this week to spend the holidays. Miss Minnie Fleming, one of Rome’s most charming and ac complished young ladies, will leave in a few days for Birming ham, where she will spend the holidays. Mr. Ollie Ledbetter, a hustling salesman of Leveriig’s famous coffee, is in the city to spend the holidays with his parents, on East Third street. Mr. Ledbetter will resum his travels the sec ond week ie January. W v if REKOVAL SIU i Within the next few days Will move into my elegant V * Hew Drug Store | '-NEXT DOOR TO MY OLD STAND. | Immediately upon moving into my store, I u ill oj en up a beautiful line of . . . ► CBRISMTAS AND | • HOLIDAY GOODS All new and fresh. Don’t buy until you see thorn. Until then 1 offer the public big reduc tioi.s on everything in my stock. . . > PRICES THAT KILL SELL * It will be ch uper for me to offer vou the goods v ».z ", M at prices ih.jt will sell th in than to move them. J Perfumeries and £ J Toilet Articles! > Remember that this sale will not last long, and advantage must be taken of it at once. ■y.Je Come to see me and I am sure that my price will induce you to buy ...» All DiGScrlDilons arc * j Most Garctullo GomDOKndfid. J i C.A.ISEVITT. i — > ■ • !■ I— ■■ I— - L-"g= F. HANSOS. NOKRIS N. .SMITH. jj THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. g Plumbing and Tinning. | g Engineers’ and machinists’ | supplies. Stoves, rangesand 3 ® tinware. Gas and electric fix- a B tures. INSURANCE gasoline | g stoves. Water meters. _ C ft Broad st Phone 32. | -v £i .. i. ii 1 i S S. M. Stark, g MH S ggl £ B LUIEi ID GfflMßl'S MIL“B 3 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd h ? g 52 &BVERTISE NOW!