The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 19, 1898, Image 8

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civ HAV2 AlfflUWU A FIVIR I CITI’ For SANTA CLAUS /Al mBLi anSßhta tSEHM sdLTtai M&3iflki 3«o Dozen Christmas Handker- Great stock of new Scarfs, Bows . Beam ?ul assortment of fine ho .. . ,• . . , . s> . r . . . . ssery. Silk hose that were si.c« . n <i chiefs. Ihe finest stuck in Rome. and fiea. to close out $2.00, nor **•»• ano Cost or Below Qost At Cost cents ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST: x?. v ®o&, vß ,4'>c '••>> Qx»B"T’. C* tf*fc if 1 Anything in the stock at half price Superb selections. Late and stylish. Krippendo f’s fine Shses to go to close out. At cost. Make Santa Claus market at our Clothing for men and boys. Fine ‘J«ckets~a years :i, so d,O p ] ace com , ©j-.. Buy no other shoes , , ~ , , s6.o* to Sio.os. Price now only SI.OO. , - »noes stoek tie's n. or below This is giving goods away, but Ki'ippendo. s’. f hey are the best cost. come and get them. fine shoes made. We shall well nigh give goods away this week and ssali mxko it the greatest we* < ii the history of our business. Come to us for BARGAINS. & CO GRUBTIG WORDS Friffl i Jildgt Dmilicitii Hit lilhaitles GUILTY OF LAWLESS ABTS Were Four Justices, Judge «. Scott Declared. Omaha, N»b., Due. 19. —Judg C, R. Scott y«st*rday e ided the Expeeition case, incidei ally de claring his four companions en the bench to be anarchists and guilty of lawless acts of the mo* t flagrant description He concluded by asse ing finf penalties and premiums in th sum of $30,000 and d sbarriiu; for all time Carroll M ntgomery, the general attorney of ;he Expos; tl*U. Those on trial were President Wattlee, Managers Rosewater, Babcock, Reed, Burse, Lindsay, Kirk ndall, Gen. Manager Clerk tow, General Attorney dontgorn ery. Commandant ot the Guard Llewellyn and Inspector Wad'ey. Judge Scott’s injunction had pie Viously been ignor<d, NO DELUSION. “Juve, old men, I bnven’t seen you for thiee yeaie H< w are you, auyway?” asked Ci pperdowi , when he ran across I itherbee in the lobby of ol the Rus- 11 Houie the other day. “I at not thb man I was when we were at col lege,” was the reply, as the bant’ clasped. ‘‘Been sick?’’ “Nope.’’ “Were you in the army?” “I should say not.” “Business reverses?” “Net one.” “Well, what’s the matter then?” “Nothing much. ” “Yes there is, Y'ou look though s imeone had been telling you an old story. ’’ “Nothing of the kind.” “Oh, say, speaking of stories,! I’ve got a new one. Brown’s moth «r-in-la w ” “S op right there !” exelaimed Featherbee, with a haunted look in his eyes, “Clipperdown, there l was a time when I looked upon mother-in-law stories as canards, as delusions, as libels on a worthy class of human beings, but I don’t any more.” ‘ Why not?” “I've been married since I saw yon last.” “So that’s what’s the matter with you, is it 1” “Uh, huh !” “ Po<»r old chap ! Come in and have something.” “Can’t do it,” “Why not?” “She’s visiting us now, and might smell my b’eath. If she did, she'd cabl out the fire department and alienate my wife’s affections before night. ” “It’s awful, ain’t it?” “Awful ” And the hands were clasped again; this time in sympathy. — Detroit Free Frees. Dr. Chaunces M. Depew’s ex periences with the New York World show the latest develop mentof the kind of journalism of which that paper is an expo nent. The W orld published a detailed and circumstantial sto ry a few days ago of how the doctor, riding with two friends on a street car in New Haven, buncoed one of them out of car fare by matching coins, and not matching fairly. The next day the World sent a reporter to the ductor to ask if the story was true, to which th* doctor re jplied : “It is not.” 1 NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children i at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Beits, Hair Ornaments and Buckles, ail to go at cost to close them cut. Don’t fail to call and get. prices before buying in Millinery". I BALTIC FLOODS A TOWN Inhabitants Being Taken From Their Houies In Boats. Cotbenburg, Dec. 19 —A Severn I blizzard b-s t e n raging on the j Bal’ie ft a since yesterday and the town of B, rgho.m, on Ola nd Is land, is partly Hood d. The piers have bten damaged and (hn inhabitants are beir.g ie.-» eu d from heir houses in boats. TOCVRI A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bruno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails t© cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. APPLICATION FOR HOME SI FAD. GF. >HGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. Mrs. Mary Hunt bus applied .or exemption of pus maity and set ting apart and valuation o flume s'ead out of the proparty o. A H. Hunt, and I will pass upon,, the same at 10 o ekek am, un the 4:U day oi January 1899, at my cffice. John P. Davis, Ordinary 1 i FAITHFUL DOS I Lii ti Discouery if a | KUrdsr. j fim B IMIIIfEMT. I j , Lynchers ai & Only A/aiting for Reinforcements. I Alma, Nob., Dec. 17—The mob that pin sued Sheriff Boyd from Frankl'n with Cole and Tunan, the alleged assassins of i Farmer Kn ichhaum, still holds j out. They have surrounded the I jail and express the intention of ;starving the officers out. There are 300 members, of the mob, and they are all armed. A light appears imminent. The body of the victim was found by his dog refusing to leave the spot where he had been hasily buried. No appeal can be made for troops, as there ar« none in the state. Sheriff Boyd declares bis in tention to light the mob if they storm the jail. HER COMB IN FLAMES- Odd Accident to Mrs. L&wrence at Covington Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 17. Last night Mrs. Hunter Law rence, 15’27 Gaffl?,-®j| street, Covington, was seated al, ] - near tne open grate lire; wh*.J - cejlnloid comb in btr hair suirh denly burst into flamr. All tin hair was burnt from her head She put, a shawl over the flumes and smothei\l (hem. She is in doctor’s care." , _ a -x. HALID IY GOODS: P'ST'.TK j GIFT BOeKfc, PHOTO PHKjlMtt MCY MIRKW Fine £ it.oHtry and Story Bu o' , also Games for the Li tl T’k. Ea: j .twlins lco®< Books A Stationery, 302 Broad 5 w—■—i in Ill’ll I iMMfln in i m 1 -tgrai—tti .■■■un i—ll 1 F3O r- rj * A IHR O'.-sC ■. H 1 I ' LIT B A | Wfttcß | BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, I 1A , . * xi% For S« e* Soda Founts of. W CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J- J jr T.Croi ch rjid Jervis&Wrijfht ®