The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 1

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ninth v :ah jFMNGH DEPUTY. Uisle'iilil Rtiickb Tic Goilil ts fassaiiai. UPIBIR AID PROTEST Foilcws Ard The Qovari menf* Attitude X s pprovsd. Paii», Due. 29, —There was a repetition tbi* afternoon of the nO w fatuous scenes in the cham ber of deputies. M, Lasceles interpellated the government on the alleged in discretion of the Brilon ministry in the Dreyfus aft Jr. He iv cused Former Premier M Briaaon of violating the «on stitution, and violently attacked the court of cassation, whose president, M Lowes, lie said, w*s a brother ot the German of ficer. The speech cf M. Lascehs elicited an uuroar and protests. The minister of war, M. de Frrjcinet, said he did not desire to appei r as vt itbitig to ii fluence the dec sion of the court, of cassa tion But the minister added while he was willing to submit t« the c> i::l a 1 the < fhoial dceu tutats in his posse >9'lo i, he wa »b»o’u ely detenu in d not to hubtnii the secret docun cuts in die cas*-, winch, he i oinit.d out contained papers iffeiting the I lecurity of the nation, Headier that if the house did not approve ' of his attitude he was willing to resign. M. Lasaeles said b th -ugli’ I that under the circuisastant'f s the revision of the Dreyfus trial was | only a comedy, and he thanked . M. de Freycinet for furnishing! official confirmation of the re port that a secret batch of docu ments, so frequently referred to, really existed . He then with- I drew his interpellation. The chamber later discussed ; >n interpellation of M. Miller, and relative to the conditions ' upon which the secret dossier ' ten 1 he communicated to the : «oii i of cassation, as he contend ed. ii. dess the court were put in P'• » non of all the documents, the wh de case cf revision was vitiated. M, Dupuy, the pre.aier, re- , plied that unless guanatees of 1 TO EXCaXENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS *•<«« not only to the originality and **ljlieity of the combination, but also eeru and skill with which it is •snnfaetured by’ scientific proceassf California Fig SyriZ * B 'y> and vva wish to impress upon *' the importance of purchasing the ■» and original remedy. As the F** , ‘ n * Syrup of Figg Is manufactured **>• California Fie Syrup Co. * knowledge of that fact will oce In »voiding the worthless *** t<o,J s manufactured by other par "*■ The high standing of the Cali c°,BKlA Fie Syhup Co. with the medi- Profession, and the satisfaction »i«h the genuine Syrup of Figs ha* ? T ** millions of families, makes of the Company a guaranty the exeell.n „ o f its renv.dy. It i« . 11 France of a )i other laxatives. k_ , '*• oj, thp iher .and ie W k Wi * llout ii-riuting or weakaa r them, and it does not gripe nor In ,)ri h’ r to get its bentieial - Please ro member the name of wmpany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. »*euTn.LK * v “^ eieuw - <,s ‘ . w ’■•Mt. ICAL >■ ■ THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME i BAILEY OF TEXAS atflsrlyDctoiliit iilutiiii'ji Os Disifjn'ly TiII)'AFTER JOE WIiEkKR H« Denounces Some Republi can A* An Infamous Liar * X ion, D<-c 2).—This was i su-prnsion day iu tf lM h<wan d Several bi Is were passed, the mo,t important of which wa» t'ie b’ll eppropriaiing $350,000 for the Philadelphia exposition of 1899 1 i.e vote was exceedingly close. It had but two voee more than the necessary tw«-thirds. Bills were also pusied to au j thorize thj distribution of the as sets of the Freedman's bank, to enlarge the scope of ,lhe H«h coni-, mission, lo indole game birds, and for the relief of ’the 4 h Mounted Arkansas Infautry. Mr. Bailey, ot IVxas, introduced resolution in t ie cpen house direal ing the judiciary committee to in vestigate, and report on the cjues ' tioii us to whdln r the me mb' rs of the house who ac< ptvd commission milkdiuiy had farfeiud their I Seati io the Fie made the resolution the text lo’ s< mw r maika, in the course o v> Ln took ici asion to bit erly den muoe a newspaper slatt ment te tb* cfle.,t .hat m his at tituoe up >i) this qi.est'on he Ltd >een made a cat’s paw of by cer lain prominent republicans in the ioin«, He deiinou'.ed the repubii j can w’>o Lad instigt ted the state ment as an infamous liar, and ch a is ng d h m to father it. There was no reply to Mr. B«i --e y'e statement, and the resolu tion w«g referred to ths committee on rules. The i evolutions fol lew: R solved, That the committee ou judiciary be. and it is hereby instructed to ascertain and report to this house : 1. Whether any member of the house has accepted any office un der the United States, and 2. Whether the acceptance of such office under the United States I had vacated the seat of the mem* bar accepting it. Mr. L?ingl**y, from the commit tee on ways and means, < tiered the resolution for a holiday recess from Wednesday, Dec. 21, to Wednesday, Jau. 4, and it was adopted without a division. — —_— .absolute secrecy were ferlhcotu ing, the government would not communicate these documents to the court. The premier de clared also that it was impossi ble to show the documents to the defense unless the govern ment were absolutely assured of seerecy. M. Brisson added: “There is no document in the Dreyfus dossier that ?ould effect the security of th® state. 1 ex amined. the entiredossier after the discovery of the Henry forg ery, and considered them all suspicious.” M. Cavaignac, former minis ter of war. interjected: “Yes, M. Brisson and Sarri eti examined the documents, 1 thought it necessary to show them. Afterward I offered to j show M. Brisson certain docu- | ments in the hands of General Gonzo, in which there were the elements of conviction, but M. Brisson thought it use’- 11 -> ~ ,> ■ nnot» examine these, t After further debate Nl nich had been throughout tne most animated ®haracter, th® cham ber by> vote of 370 against 80 approved the attitude of the govern menu GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, HCEM IR. 2q. ISM. luoo.i'usl n — Slicks Os Bilsiitu n.iisii Btutfnci I TERRE HAUTK3 BIG FIRE Ma>;y People lnju»ed,lno tiding A Numbir Os F runn Terre W*nte, Ind., I) c 20 File worst fire in the history o' Ferre Haute took place I nigh' causing a loss of ueal ly $2 i 0 <,COO. The blaz* started in the bis- show windows of the Havers A <S Ide Cwuipanv, wholeß>il«i at d retail dealers m dry goods aud m lions The cause is not definitely kuowi but it is !*up/osf»d that a live el<c trie wire set fire to th e>-Doi wi'h which the window was decor ated. and before ths blpze coulc be extinguished, spread to tin decorations of evergreens i store and the building was wrap ped io lames in an incredibly Bh--r space of time Thv following firms are il losers-: Havens A G-.ld«», SSOO 0(0 Breinsr Miller furoilnre# ?5 000 ! P x'ev 4r Company $200,00: fi-rrt . Haute Shoe f’empany wbclesa'u , sl*o 060 Albrecht it Company re tail dry goods $750,000: Unite' States Bant-mg Company, sb() <IOO Thortnan & Schloss, c othiei I $50,000 The Havana & Geode loss is $400,000 on stock a.'d SIOO, 'OOO od building insurane aboir ; two thirds. The fire started at 5:3 ’-. 'cloi ; when half of the employ<»« - ii lb eatib i«bmeat were sl th b n a f- r supper. There is a f •- BOG lor mi re in the retail d-v ar turn. t of the establishment, ati'i h.»d th* entire force been present the los o life would have birfn frightful ' As it is Kate Maloney, a clerk in the notion depaitmeiit is lying at the point of death. Sb - sprang from a window in the s on and sir ta nod injuries from whiol she will probably die, Miss Lueila Fergtuon, in th» same department, jumpoo jus’ be fore Miss Ma 1 ® icy did, but was ca ught by some men who wen watching for her. She is internal ly injured, but will recover, Louis Kramer, th* trinai»*r. who was in the show window when the fire started, is frightful ly burned about the h*ad and arm?. When rescued fr m th burning build ng he was ' insarn from pain ar.d bi-gg d to be ki led Firemwn Osterlo* Walsh ano Shay w®re badly injured Ly its fallir.gof th* floor in the Aibiesht building and are now in the city hospital. The fir* department worked ad tnirably and there wer* raany nar row escapes among th* men Ssv ' of the firemen are in a pre- I casions ®ondition from burn and ths i-ffeo sos th® s ifting smoke, hut it is thought all will r cover Atllo’elock the fir* was still burning fiercely in the rear of th*- United Slates Banking Company but the firemen had the fire under control. A heroic act on the part of s man named Peters, traveling sales man from Chicago, called for cheers from tue crowd watching he flame* When the firo started Peters was ~ anding in the crowd end saw th* laloaey and Bergueou girls ap pear at th* second story windows. The girls weru panic stricken and w> re in momentary danger of go ing down with th* floors Peters sprang through the door, w ith his coat over his head, and dashing through th* flames and smoke, r-ached the window at whi i the o-irls appeared, and after talking wth them, swung out fr in tbt .-dga and diopped His example as followed by the two girls. I ’ "5 if ow 2 IfflY MH E 11 HU il p ON TUESM'i | I Everyday and evening till ChristaK&s we will have the greatest display es » all New Holiday goods aver shown • in Rome. Wc are the only house hi | j Reme sending a buyer t® the ma: - . ' kets for Holiday goods only, and F therefore, have the greatest display | lof new and beautiful goods, especial- b ly for heliday trade. P New Dolls, New Toys, Doll Car- | rlagea, Wagons, Go Carts, Engines, | Wagons, Hookaad LadderTruak with horses and drivers, fTornir Masques, Books, Games and ten thousand things to make your gift* l giving easy. hC Come to the show and bring the little ones with you. | J The second floor of our H Street Store one I \Great ExhibitonZ | F. - r 9 ■ of all New Toys snd Dolls, not a lotoi I old out-of-date, fall-to-pseces. cheap - ■ toys of by-t one years—but the very I best to be had in the great city “of | New York, and fthey are new’ and . priced down. I EESIDE 101 S HmOllS WE HOVE I NEW GLOVES NEW CAPS Fest’s Kid in the Justreteived and | bast black and colors, priced down to sea and pi ices d 3wna . great lot of tke ve:y | bottom- newest and’ best in- HANDKERCHIEFS fants’headwear. You > in a|lth. dainty,snowy should see;thern he- X seal op and embroid- fore they fare picked A er'ed edges, from the’ cneap t j th® fine ones. °vei, URIAH AID SONS J —■ I .1 ■■ a .M. —. » U,. 10 CENTS PER WEEK