The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 2

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LOCai HiPPENiNGS. Wnopy Smc.kk ! —That is to H *y, that if you want th* best cigar on the market ami the on* that gives the most fragrant smoke. you should ask your dealer for one of the W arters Home Hi*d* brands. , la Yui « *“’*A P Bad?—lf *o S' ; | O Howell Taylei* parlor, in the Curry U*ildi»t on S**o»d Avenue, and let him e«r* it by applying Taylor’* celebrated daudruf ex torminator and hair regenerator t He will cure you every time. Large line of Medal lions and Pictures just received and opened up to ci a v at Curry-Ar ri gtan Co’s. All pop i |r»r subjects. Fink New Fruit Cakk.—A large line of delicious new fruit , cake from on® of the very bes» , Louse* in th* country, just re-- cieved at Lloyd a. Also a hand s*m« Bi •c f ft»i (y assoitr d cake all at most reasonable prices. T* Elect Chief. —The City Council will hold a meeting at the city hall tonight for th* purpose of electing a chief of police, to fill tbe vacancy caused by the sudden departure of for mer Chief Shropshire—whose present whereabouts are un known. If you expect to have a swell , reception or an entertainment o> any k nd, you cun get every thing needfuJ and up to date ai ■ Lloyd’s, and al prices no small dealer can afford. L-rg® fanci ce’ery, fancy new Nuts, clustei Raisins, colored Wax Condlev and othtr nice things. Reymold’s Recki’Tiun . Card ' have been received by quite > • umber of Selmiane to an “A Home” jtven by Mr. and Mo- John Hughe* Reynolds aid Miss Reynolds in Rome, Ga , on D*“ comber 23rd. Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Muiain Reynolds were visi tors to Selma at the Cawthorn" Aver wedding in October and were the recip euts of marked sccial at" tentions, —Selma Journal. Cctta«b Fok Rent.—Th* pretty eottage residence of Mrs A. 0. Garrard, on Maine St., in th* Fifth ward i* offered for' rent by Mrs. Garrard. Th* cot tag* has a splendid cistern, a good well and is also supplied with hydrant watsr. The garden is in excellent eonditicn and there is a stable o* jli* premises S*e Mrs. •arrard. Cxristmas Shufpeks—The warmth of the atmospheie has! had the effect of peopling the streets and the store rooms with throngs of holiday shoppers to day. On *very side the good nature! crowds have been eager ly pressing toward those stores that have advertised Christmas goods, and the merchants have appeared hustling and happy. J Ann**n«k.— T* th* publiej that I have a*<y*red the enrvi»<»* of William MoClellau, an expert f«uoy ea*4y maker, has h*en f*r th* past !•»* years with t4»u ©Mj-rew f*a*'>*e«BN4r ie! Atlant*. W* ar* new aeakirj daily ! all kt*4 of fae taW»*. •ream*, ivmgats, «t«. All w« ask is a trial. <?in pleas* yoa. A. M. ei, Legislators Return.—Hon R. A. Denny, Hon. J Lindsay Johnson, Hon. W. C. Bryan ami Senator R. T. Fuuchs have re-1 turned from their 50 days’ stay in the Gate City. These honora ble gentlemen have proven moat influential members of the gen •rel uaaeuably, just adjourned. Fleyd can afford to feel proud of the record made by this *par-' tett of able law mid.era, and ex tend to them a cordial welsoine hem*. fl BLACK FIEND Mifi a Pespeutt Effort to Assadlt ids NARDIN. 1 WIDOW, Wh* Rest*** In Th*F>fth ward, Last Night. Last night, at about • :30 there was a knock on the door of the cottage occupied by Mrs. Hardin, a widow, who resides in the Fifth wurd, near the home of Deputy Marshall Horry VVim pee. Mre. Hardin ask*d, "Who’s ther*?” A negro’s voice replied “Smith, open the door.” Mr*. Hardin ordered the in truder to leave, whereupon h* replied : "Open the door or I’ll burn your house dt wn.” The negro forced the door a*d clutched th* helplees widow by the throat. Mrs. Hardin fought h*r would be assailant fiercely. Her little girl aged about 10 years darted out of the bouse and up th* street to officer Wim pse’s home. Fortunately the officer had jus; arrived and dashed to the rescue. As he went in the front door the negro took the alarm a; d!< -d by the back door. The officer fired at the feeing de mon four times. At the third shot the negro screamed. but continued bis Hight. Officer Gree* was notiied and at once went to the jeil for th* blood hounds. In a sh*rt time he dogs were ou th* trail with i poss- of determined men fol io w lag. Thu negro was followed and at 2; 30 tbe dogs were so oloe* o* hi*) that he swam tbe Coosa river. Be*t< wt»rs secur- d and the possp fdlewsd th* dogs across tbe murky stream. At 3:80 thia *aor*iog th* dogs was lost, somewhere o* the Hors®" leg mountain near ths Marshal plae* and at 4 o’eloek this after coen no *ewt had bean hsaid of dogs or nsgro. Mrs. Hardin, th* lone »i iew who had sueh a narrow escape from th* black fona. was hysterical laet night, tho’ today she is much im proved. the is considerably bruis ed however, will piobably not re« cover tally from tn® terrible aheok For a long while. But for Deputy M.rahal Wim pee'a prompt work the negro's hellish de*d would have been ac complished, and that too, in on* of the most populous 1 wards of th® city. Changed Sofldil* The Southern Railway instituted some important changes in their schedule Sunday. The change* ar* upon the main line between Chattanooga and Atlant* and points south. The arrival of trains here are as follow* : No 16 south 9 :15 a. *•■ ' No. 14 south, 8 :20. p. in ; No. • south 1:44 a m ; No. 13 north, 7 :30 a. in. ; No. 7 north, 10:20 a. m.; No. 15 north, 6:25 p. m. Nos. 14 and 13 are the fast vestibuled train* known as the "Cuban Flyer.” You Don't Want lob. —Now Nature supplies thi* want, but we have something you do need and want, and that i* the best grate cual on *artD. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Monte valla, Wooldrige ’ Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our woid for i , you will be pleased. Romk Icb Co. Phon* 100. Yards Second Av*. Don’t Fobqki l This. —Noth- ing affords more pleasure than the childaen’s Santa Chuis. We k h ve a mi-jii nrnuth r lock of nut s, fancy fin ts,vraDgee,pu)e candies 11 id fire I works, at j rices inade to sell them fut>.. Ll yd Jt Haki’.ek » Off to Macon —Mr. Tom Treadaway, the successful dairy man and truck farmer, leave* tomorrow for Macon where he is booked to le. r the discussion on “Feeding Dairy Cows,’ be fore the Dairy A -mciatiaa. Hon. Hamilt'u Yancey of East Rome, is on the program to m ,ke one . of the re ponses rtCURK A COLD IN ONI DAY Take Laxative Bron** Quinia* Tablets. All druggists r»fußd the meney if it fails to cur®, lie. The tyenuin* has L. 14. each tablet. CAMBON WILL RETURN New York, Dec. 20. —Ambas- sador Jules Cambon will sail from Havre for New York on Jan 7to resume his duties at Washington. =—r "— 1 wr 11 Al Z--8 > I HOLIDAY FTIFLEC- TlONb. Will be nleasant if you buy h*re what Furniture you n«*d for gifts. We have an excellen line of Desks, Bock Ca«ee, Chi na «lo«ets, Parlor Cabinets, Sha ving Stands, Pictures and other handsome and durable pipe** suitable for presentation eiihe to yourself or sume friend. These gojds are not the kind made up solely for tlis Holiday trad q but ar* high grtde, and the equal of anything ever sold by us. Os cours* our prioes will me*t with your approval.' Hhudy. Harvey &. Co-, No. 337, Bioad St. 2-CENT STAMP! Will se«d a letter to a»y point ia Ueole tianaa k ** . domain Fjf thin very reaaou, if you are -nok t <• sore or buffering thh- wt very tridiaij outlay *V* May Sava Yoar n'ffiffijgi lifaf Me.r'vjuat Oan LIIBI iti.. r.u I "ww. write a plain letter .«a a t yee» *<> it win take ju»t two eea« ia aarry it to tea “WuMttii! UetffHl & Ssrtliil ißtlttito, Atliiti, Ctergla," And the lianu tfpeteaHMa who ir a tie maJ M that itetitato are ablate gave yea advtee and treatment by mall an well ae if yea earn* ta per •am re the city. Thia to no teletakn They eta Aw llu it every 'lay. They aew hart pa Aon to ia I affthe adjotatag Atatm name r fhry handle* j as milaa away, and their euroe are efmply wow Aerdwi. CURES POSITIVE AND F 0 r r J CONSULTATION IT 0111 la erarr beftrmity of Spine <w Lira he Gab Poor, ■are iJp, Crrwa Kyanaad ether eurfteal eeaaa aloe to al tyrma of bkia and ■ood dioordera.Kh'aaka . ttaaa. Sei a Hue Catarrh of the Moot. Threat | Laaga, iMoerach or any vital organ, I.tver, <l4- aae and Bladder troahloe. Naao-oua W«ah ■ enteoof either men or women diaeeaea of the texnal parte and every other bodily aSirtlon that ktajly trei«e»l apeoialtota alone -wn deal with. write freely It eoete you nothi>te If we ua Ahrteke year eaae we ehall nend wi quoetion Wank for sou partovhlani If you. aaae u WaLL > £I’RB *T P erfccl »«4«*tce WC That Irat Scent etamp atav aa-e rmir hfo AM totonre earredly pHvnfo. AODRUS. Washington Medical &€urgicat INSTITUTE. |»»-l Atoßtett BMC., AlkMSfo «• PERSONAL MENTION. Ben Watt*, the kiar.c’Bom*, < f Cave Sp'iDg, is m 'he city. Mi," L ly Mitel ell,» of Gadsden levisiiiug relatives m th* city. Mr. J A. Perdue, of Atlanta, i* a guest of the Armstrong. Hou John C. Foster, of Fos ter’s Mills, is in the city today. Mr. Altx Hamilton, the yom ? tod king of Etna, is in ths city Col I. E. bumnte, of Dallo", is in the city i< day attendiiq coil rt. Mr. St. Care Ifi.well was in Marietta yesterday attending court. Col. I > Dean spet t yesterd <\ in Atlanta atlei ding to legal bus ness. Col. Piiill G. Byrd returned last night from a quick business trip to Atlanta. Hon. W. H. Ennis returned fr>m a business tiip to Carters ville last night. Mr. E. L. Shelton is suffering with pin unionia, at his quarter* in the Armstrong, Mrs. C. C. Buss and son, Master Leland, have gone to Atlanta to spend the holidays. Warter’s “twofers’’ the fa mous ‘‘Terrell Speed” ci'/ars are gio v i g mor* popular each day All !*jms of scrofula , ‘<ui b ils, | imples and ciuptions, are quickly and ) ei'tnai ei.lL cured b) Hoc d's Sarsaparilla. Succees com*s to who •srs*v*r«. If you take Hood’s •Mi-saparilla faithfully and per sistently, you will surely be wenefitted. Miss L-nura Berry and Miss Annie Lester are due to arrive m New Yu k today. They will reach Rome the latter part of the week. A real good’ sweet juicy bam for 10c pcuud, you don’t get every day, but you will find them at Lloyd’*. Belter get one quick, or they’ll be goie. Dr. Rudicil, the genial gentle man and able legislator of Sum merville, came up from Atlanta last night and is a guest of his daughter, Mrt*. Judge W. M. Henry. The World Almanac and dt Encyclopedia dt for 1899 ATH) - Illustrated History of the Spanish- American War READY FOR SALE •< EVERYWHERE JANUARY kt, 1899. J Together with The Battle Calendar of the Republic. Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of the U. S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. PRICE 25 CENTS. Poetpald to any addreae. THE WORLD, Pulitxer Building;, NEW YORK. M IsV f ••>4-WO»»a MH * u rr «. nr I.f'jw.iMrt’ • .rcwn ’•> 1 r sii 11 ers ‘UMik.. <. ■M«m. aid- *« ,V, «owit«4i* t f <wm*. %% << w $ wm j I REMOVAL she Within the r ext few days Wiil.iTiOve into my elegant / *NewDnig Store* J NEXT DOOR TO My OLD STAND.! Immediately upon moving into my store I v i'l o; en up a beautiful line of . u PT' B7 f 3 n Ii TY -J Ci J..;/ ' / i' - * HOLIDAY GOODS’ * . i All new and fresh. Don t buy until you see C, them. Until then I offer the public big redue- ™ tio:.s on everything in my stock. . . * S PRICES THAT WILL SELL’ It will be ch aper for me to offer you the goods at prices ihat will sell them than to move them $ J Perfumeries and J 5 Toilet Articles! J 6 Remember that this sale will not last long, and advantage must be taken of it at once. . j&T Conic 1 to see me and I am sure that ray pri<* will induce you to buy . . . > ffii DiGSGriißlons arc 3 * Most Gareluim Go.; Domidtd. 3 ifiiTOirf.i ***♦*? —— F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH, j I THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. fe Plumbing and Tinning. j g Engineers’ and machinists I' supplies. Stoves, rangesand < g tinware. Gas and electric fix- i | (ures. INSURANCE gasoline stoves. Water meters. © 325 Broad st. Phone 32. CO©©©©©©©©©©©© * l-H ► X J f S. AI. Stark, | * fiX » m-w * K-4H k i Mi AUU OB JB'ii WLt : £ Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A- > "X z-X I WpseW