The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 3

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a ->i ’> V ' - •• A? > • ! he whole el Russia there a"f ’ i oulj 748 newspapers. O Q O As t-r a litigalii u lasting four- , teen year* the will disposing of a K g u rranciseo estate once worth $75000 has just been sustained j and litigation suspended b-cause/ eetate ba* ti exhausted in payi >g h'g* l f ieß< o o o Women’s organizations iußev oral State* have'met and resolved against Repn sentutive Roberts of V ah. His three wives are his dis qualification. Perhaps if thsse ZKilcus female* knew the mental align sh that th'S tuple aiiianee had cost him they would realize that the misguided man has suf fered enough o o o It is said that Cecil Rhodes onae med to impress his importance upon a 'ittle German clerk in the Government office at Johannes burgh, and met with signal fail ure. Rhodes, s«jsTba New York Tribune, had to stand in Une, ai d didn’t like i'. “Please attend to me at once,’’ he said, “I can’t wait.” “When your turn.cemes. niistm,” mumbltd the clerk. “Con found you, sir! Don’t you knew who I am? I’m Rhodes.” “Oh, yeq I kn«w that, but that doesn’t w< rry »»e.” was the unruffled re ply. “If you tv r»» in Cape Town I d have you discharged in a mm ute.” roar-d Mr. Rhodes. “Y<* I have heard that th<-y discharged people in Cape Town for doing their diry,” answered the ch rk, “but we xint in Cape Town, this is a Re[ üblic I” o o o The Anti-Scalping bid which has passed the House of R< pres.-n --tatives requires a 1 ! agent* p show proper authority for the tale of tickets restricts rahwc.y officials from supplying ticket? for sale to any utfivY than an hor izedigt-nts, and make* the re demption of u.iused oi pirtdj use i tide's cutnpn'sory. These require n.euts are supplemented by ade quate penalties for nci.xcompli auct. Tlie f.iilari of railroad of ficials ie redeem tickets is made a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and inprisonment. This bill is so framed as to meet the yi-ws of trxii>p<sriatu n companies and at th- H.:me time protect the tick«i --h Ide-. If it shall Hack coasid eram.n ,i. 'he Senate it will doubt- Ices b, me a law, . o o o At :h< m> * ii.g of the American I'tdeiath n of Labor in Kansas City tn Tuesday last a deogate fn m Boston intioduceii a measure * ■” rr '* r %‘ff.i & ~‘:1 1 > « Stomach, somethin-■•• ■ I dv■ < t-'i'brosh, and burning pain, distress nausea, dyspepsia, arc cured by H" 'o’' s irsa parilla. This it accomp'idie ■ bet ause ■with its WHnif,ml power us a blood purifier, Hood’s Sarsuparilh gently tones and strengthens the ac > .'.nd digestive organs, iiivigoiate -.lie i .■! . creates an aj tite, | '■ sleep, and raises the health nt. it cases of dyspepsia and inc'; i4l it seems to have a v igic touch.’' “For over 12 years I suliered from sour Stomach With severe pains across my shoulders, »mi great distress. 1 bad violent nuuse<i "meh would have me very weak and faint, difficult to get my breath. Thest spells came oftener and more severe. 1 did not receive any lasting benefit from Physicians, but found such Jrippy eiiectc from a trial of Hood’s SnrsipariUa. that I took several bottlesand mean to aiwayc Xeepit in the hov3g. I am now able to do all niy own work, Which for six years I have been unable c io. T>'y husband and son have also P-e grently bene fited by Hood’s Sam p. r • ■ for pains in the back, and after tn \ -a. 1 gladly recommend this grand . • * nedicine.” Mrs. Peter Buf..?y, Lee • *•, Mass. Lfe & *i no ' ■ 5 Sarsaparilla ■ Is the One True Blood Purifier. All 'Hood’s Pills jiku Heudui.Uu. 2uce.ita ' ft POPULAR MISTAKE I Regarding Remedies fcr Dytip epßla and inc igesticn. The n< tioi al disiase of Ameri- ; caas is iudig-stion or in tschron- ' ic form, dyspep a, ai d’ for th* I very reason that it is so common ! many Deople neg'ict taking proper I treatment for wln t they 'lousider : trifling stomach tr< übla, when as a mutter of lad, ii d geslion leys I the lounda ion for mnny incurable i diseases. No p rsi ns with a vig lorous, healthy -tomach will fall a victim to com um pt ion. Many kid ney d.seases and heart troubles , date their beginning from poor 1 digest'd , tl in, neivi us people are tea ly so because their s'omachs me out of gear; weary’, languid laded out women owe their condi tion io imperfect ii digestion. W hen nearly every person you meet is afflicted with weak diges tion it is not aurprisii g that near ly every secret patent medicin* on the market claims to be a cure for dyspepsia, as well a score of other troubles, when in fact, as Dr. Worthier says, there ib but one genuine dyspep’a cure which is perfectly safe and reliable, and moreover, this remedy is not a patent mecicine, but it is a scien tific combitation of pure pepsin (tree from animal mat er,) vegeta ble essences, fruit «alt« and bis muth. It is sold by druggists un der name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia lablets. No extravagant claims are made for them, but for i idi jestion er any stomach trouble, Stuart’s Dv?p«psia Tablets are fai ahead of any-remedy yet dweover ®d. Th*y a< t on the food eaten, no dieting is mcessary, simply eat all the wholesome food you want and (he»e tabl ts will dig. st it A cure results, because all the Steinach needs is a rest, which S uart’s Dyspepsia Tablets give by doing the work cf digestion. Druggists sell these tablets at 50cts. per package. Circulars and testimonials »ent free by addrsss- ii g F A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. * taking Congress to impose annual tax of 50 per cent on the total pro ducts of any firm or factory which *mpioy» women and children more than eight h mrs a day, >r employs 1 children under the age of four teen W1 ere abuses of the charac t r exist they can and shou d, be dealt with squarely by the State. It would 1 e an abuse of the 'ax ing power to begin 'o emyloy it as ' an instrumental ily for the correc tion of social wrongs. 000 , Adjutant Gen. Corbin, thinks that it will take 50,000 United Sta’es lold'ets to keep order in Cuba, ' 25,100 in the Philippines and 6000 in Porto RicO. From this we may ; infer that peace hath her soldier , noys no less a h st than war. , Humanitaiianitm in Cuba prom-, ises to be more costly than hege mony and proprietorship in the f Philippines ai d Porto Rico. 000 . The authorities of London have expended about $85,000,000 during ? the last twenty yea: sin widening . ab<-nt tour and a half miles ot the , public streets. 000 The czar’s latest fad is said to b* that cf papering out his special den with carcature* of himself. c He will have plenty of material to ( choose frem, h«i it g from both side* us the Atlantic. ] 000 The natives of Porto Rico make soap for washing purposes out of : the leaves and bulbs of plants. ' Their shaving soap is prepared I from cocoanut oil sod hom« made . (ye, and the process of shaving i involves the use of a coCoauut shell cup a donkey tail brash and a ( razor fashioned from a piece of ( broken glass. ; oo o ( In si eakii’g as a member of the Society Os National Christian ‘ CitU“D’hip Congressman Dmgley declared himself for expamion ' without reserve. This is very we , but when Dingley the 1 r “‘ H!’®| shall endeavor to al ’ vivendiwilb Dingle o siouist there will ” « r 11 -t. " > ■ I'--' . :C n'l i IGI OuRNE iME ei i ' Lt * j [ 1 V & ! ii t ?■ Are already beginning to tingle the blood and quick, >\/ ®n the pace. The bright smiles of dear friends; the - I S expectant faces of littlechildren;the crisp, cool wind all * I betoken the near approach of Cliristnias and the glad Christmastime. t “What shall I get?’’and “Where shalll get it?” ' * D are the paramount questions that confront the pro«- M pective purchaseral this time. ■ |— v 1? We submit the following for your inspection, peru= * 5 f\ T sa l ant ® consideration: l I «lIT SILVBKIshqKERS- brushes. ; ’XI I COMBS! sEM i MILITARY, I - |\l .. BRUSHES! IS Meerchaum Pipes ■ • CLOTHES, , - i MIRRORSIp B Q^Soid P er P s eS | HAT, HAIR, ! ‘Q. I Curling Tongs! |?& | TOOTH, ' ; KJ. Sewing lets! “ InaporteJ and Do- ■: NA || ■ mestic Cigars* < IN<iil1 N<iil Files! ’FACE*- * | iK Manicure Sets! < ® > w* Elegant, Useful! i ‘ • iwiawHwai A • CURRY- ra spontaneous combustion. N tGnal Christian Citizens <’i Cue Unit ,] States will pome fun lab r cd. ]HS LIFE WAS SAVED Mr. J E Lilly, pxn.iicn eii'zen of Hannabal, Mo , lately bn! a wonderful deliver.-i nc« from a frightfu 1 death. lute 1 - lin.. of it lie says: “I was ta ken with typhaid fever that ra» into Pneumonia. My lungs be-J •anie hardened. I was so weak I c uldn’t evn sit up in bed. N< fl ing helped me. 1 expeted u, < n die of consumption,when I ■< trd of Dr. King’s New Dxjj c very. One bottle gave great rtdn t. I continued to use it,and now am well and string. I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular siz es 50 cents and SI.OO. Trial bot tles free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every bcttle guar, anteed. '■ . • i ■ • • ' I * SANTA CLAUS’ choice of a hat ; for a holiday giii is a sensible one . Especially when one of our handsome Derbys, Fedorae or Alpines have l>ee» crosen.We , have them in the newest shapes colors and nobby styles, and anyone who is fortunate enough to receive one will call it a “beaut.” Come to W. 11. Co, ,ker to trade and get your Xmas presents. W. H. COKER, No. 11 Rroad St. Ar ■ jyy 5c iy>7/X\ /¥; - ■ Fashionable Capes, W raps Fascinators, Gloves, Umbrellas, and etc , will make a member of your family an Xmas. gift that they will appreciate. We have some beauties in Capes, Fascinators, ere. The p: ices are the lowest aird our quality is the beet. N. F> —Don’t fail to come to xiy stole to trade and get your Xmas gift. W. H. COKER, No. 11 Broad St. !. . .'wr m-T" v—T -M-iy- —V: Mauiaeba ba* 4et Miles' P«ia Lilli. liilJaus 1 abulca. ouu gflre*ixuarf. < < ' . : ' [r y w .; FOyfilUFF D.'pu’y Sheriff .J. M. Johnston mniouiices himseit a chik! dab* for •tiit* office of B.ii'ifi of the Ranis Dis riel, and asks y< u o vote lor him on election dwy. 1 announce mysolf as a candi date lor bailiff of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county., and request the v >te of friends and others ■in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Geo. W. Beauford. - To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, I desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff lor this district and most res pectfully solicit your support If re-eh cted I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligations oi the office. Very Respectfully, R. 11 CuI’ELAND. 4 ■ . I e" ebv announce my seif for Pai iff 919fh District G. M., Floyd county, Gn. K °ctmu first. Hot inlay i>: Jt’uua y, ,1899. ‘ D, B. Bkyan. * 1 1 -Ml