The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 5

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- • _ . _ ' - / * ■ - ’ ' *•"’ lw— . . . r. •• ■—■ a.-- m .. i , OfW 11 IVO CT ITTflliftm A nr PTI a SjA fill I i übfltlbll I fclA A i/ll IU; A| For SANTA CLAUS r> 1 JL JL JL 3®o Dozen Christmas Handker- Graat stock of new Scarfs Bow= Beautiful assortment of fine ho chiefs. The finest-stock in Rome. and Ties tocloaeout ' « Ecry - Silk llo * ethatwere > ! »* and Cost or Below Qost At Cost j X °°’ sO cents ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! --W-? ® ®fl Anything in the steck at half price Superb selections. Late and stylish. Krippendorf’s fin: Sh<o go. to ciose out. At cost. Make Santa Claus market at our Clothing for men and boys. FineL stotk new gooes but all at or below This is giving goods away, but but Kri PP endorf ’* arc the bast cost. come and get them. fine shoes made. ■ ~~ ■ —» ■ ■ ■ w ----- ■ . VV e shaii well nigh give goods away this week and ssall make it the greateat weak in the history of our business. Come to us for BARGAINS. BA SS > l< CHERS &CO KISSER HOBSON Oullahs his Viy to the Pacific Slope.. HOLDS THE NKBORD H g Add.d Some 300 to His Loi £ List. K• t .«aa Cit y, Mo., I)«c . 20. — Lit uiri uut Richmond I’ Hobson, Uuiud States navy, was the cen tral figure in an oaculatcry carni-. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make *he mistake of taking remedies which B t best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greenccstle, Indiana, says: “For years I bay® suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un- X • able to take my food E& B 05 bundle myself in 'J any way; I was abso- lately helpie .1. Three boitl'-s . i t S.S. re- & lieved me so that I | V- • -to move \ z * n; before LJcffi**** long I could walk •*** across the room, and when I had finished one dor- n bottics was cured completely and am as well as ; ■ «ver. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy. S-S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, •■d any form of blood troubles. If yon nave a blood disease, take a blood medi (jwaiantcedpurely vegeta ‘able) is exclusively for the blood an< * 6 recommended for nothing else. I Jerces out the poison matter permanen We will •end to anyone •"'valuable *oek«. Address fe>J U? Swift Specific \ k A Jj-. Atlanta, J ‘ val at, the Coatea hotel this after noon that clearly overshadowed any of the kissing affairs in which the galknt Alabamian has figured since bis ieturn from more serious duties at Santiago. When Lieutenant Hobs.ui ar rived from Chicago at 2 o’clock this afternoon he was cheered by several hundred persons who had gathered at the railway station. A reception committee wailed with carriages and all along the route from the station to Ins hotel the Merrimac commander was rec g* nizad and cheered. The streets in the vicinty ot the hotel weie crowded. In ths corridor of the hotel, sup ported by ths local reception com mittee, Lieutenant Hobson re ceived and shook hands with stv ertl hundred men, Ibe more ex cit ug part of it came a few min utes later when the lnutenaut was et-corted to the parlor on the sec ond floor, where ever 400 women, young, old, handsome ano plain waited to greet the popular hero Most as them camo to be kissed and 267 ot them by actual count were not disappointed. Some cf the more maternal of them received a cordial handsbakv and were passed up the line, but younger element who showed t..t least inc’ination were embraced and kissed. Last night Lieut nai.t Hobson divided honors with Major General A. R. Chaffee, they being the guests of honor at the annual ban quet of the Kansas City Commer cial Cltb. General Chaffee, who has been in th* city fur several days, re -pond»d to the toast ‘‘J he Fifth Army Corps in Cuba.” Litutenmt hi. lson spoke to th<* toast “The American Navy. Alter the banquet Lieutenant Hobson departed lor Denver, en r u'e to San Francisco and Manila- All fsrnis of scrofula, fores boils, pimples and eruptions, are quickly and permanently cured by Heed’s Sarsaparilla. I Annual Sales overS,000,00? Cows - r’DE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORPSB.I such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, jitidin-As, Fnlneas after Haail- icbe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushiugs □1 He it, Loss of Appetite. Ceslivon at. Blotches on the Skin. C"!d Chills, Dfa- I turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! IN TWENTY MINUTES. Eveiy sufferer will acknowledge them t® be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. SWH ViJ’Ji S’ll.t.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to eona pl.-to health. . They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Nick lioadacbe. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IM MEM, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Eieecham’s Pills ar© Without a Rival AM haro tlio LAFCEST SALE <any P.jicnt .Ucrttvine iutiic WorltL 25c. at all Drug Stores, NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. «—■ ' - Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin arj actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere Beits, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get onces before buying in Millinery. aPI’LICAH N FOR HOME STEAD. GEUHGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Mrs. Mary Hum has applied .or exemption es personalty and ae.i ting apart and valtia ioo o n m<j a'ead nut ol the proparty o. A. H. Hunt, and I will paas upon the same at it) o clock am, on the. 4th day <1 January 1899, at my office. John P. Davis, Ordinary "BROOM GIRL,” Will le th Splsiiid Ittraß tii IT JVEUIN’S TOMIGHT. The Best Show of the Season for Rome After seyerai rather ordinary? shows it is a pleasure to know j that one is coining with the' stamp of metropolitan success. _ ‘‘The Broadway Girl,” to be seen at the opera house tonight, I enjoyed a run of 180 nights in j New York and has won the apj proval of press and public ev ! erywher* The Atlanta papers pronounced it a splendid aitrau-■ tion and such has been the Ver diet everywhere. * Pretty girls, clever comedians! and dazzling mechanical effects i all combine to inske the attrac-' lion tonight one long to be re-1 membered. You must not inis*l seeing Hiss Ruby Leoni, the queen of burlesque. Messrs; Watson and Wa'ford, as “the, German Embassadors” are a I great hit everywhere and the l c ever little skit “Robin Hood, Jr ,” never fails to bring down the house. “The Broadway Girl” is a farce full of funny things and will create a sensation among j amusement loving people in I Rome. The company has agreed to play to the new bouse prices and reserved seats aie now on sale at Trevitt’s at 75 cents each Dress circle seats unreserved at 50 cei ts and gallery 25 cents. Do not miss the real thing to night. BeULyIY GOODS: PICTtfgM! GIFT BOOIS, PHOTO PH RAM 81, F/IjSCY MINORS, Fine Stationery and Story | Books, also Games for the Little Folk. i Harry Rawlins &Oo nZ n Book# & Stationery, .502 Broad 5 WJfIMKfIHSNMtaaMBMUM/ WHUkr.avwrw-TXV- 'J. ’ ■ I I iithia * A 111 lull w I Wateß t IB BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, For Sale at Seda Founds of: > CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. F.Crouch and Jervis&vVright. ft