The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 6

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■k ■ ■m < *-‘T‘ M* w <-«* ■ ■*< ■» ft m ■ ■■ ■ JlhMi -JLJk AJFiiflhjßh ■« v W*A /y S SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT TEN DAY? $• fSL ','\ ' p* GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: All new Ji'.Y I ] Stales and to be sold for LESS than COST FOR CASH! i; ’ W ~—■ I LI: /V ...fC Juit received a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them VVvlVval'O are good and moat desirable styles. We will sell the lot e-foalf regular price* CAPES AND JACKETS- STI Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in all the 1 atcst ? <Tg; ; STYLES colors; Jg/jt ; These Beautiful Goods just received and the entire lot - C Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than original cost ’ - r ' 4#*- X • to manufacture. ' WT’ Satins, Velvets, R bbons, GL ver, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can MAJ AT. ; find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and cotton, you w ill find ho ere at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. • X •/» AOTR9UBLE.O3 O •* Mrl Stetson Hats Have Brains Fra Them Y*«, there are brains in Stets** Hats —brains in making them si.d brains in wearing them. New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats on sale. It’s a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat. StUH I LEI }lis Fianic? Throws Him luer at Last. SHI AID HER DUTY And Stood Bravely by Him Through Two Trying Ordeals. Woodbury, N, J., Dec. 19, —D i» all over between Miss Mabel Neilson and her fiancee, Eli Shaw. The latter has been dismis- d fr m ths house, and the Neilson family has again been united. This step has been under consid eration for some time <>n the purl of Mias Neilsen, but it vas not until last evening that dt finite ac tion was taken, when Mr, Shaw called tor the lust time, Miss Neilson reluctant.y stat'd this evening that she wcu.d “mt beheld up to scorn any longer." and that whatever rnav b- th at tacaieut between lie two h said that she b»!i-ved it wae tor thu best for each. “I have lelt all along, or at least since thi last tiial, that I could never marry El , but you cannot imagine what a t.T k it has be«n for me to tell him so,” she continued, “but I undo up my miud to ao it, and 1 h. vt ' she further stated that rhe lias hot bvfin influe net d by hi i “mutt - «r, sister or brother, but J I:a u kuov.n all aloi g how some i h m HITS! Wee riy by far the* '.a -nd best lint sf 11.. t j in Rom®, and ’we can sell them at' ess than other lions-f es pay for them. By «1J means com® • •• th iii'-nds all through this orded of the two trials, and now 1 te-i that 1 have dt ne everything that is honorable; have shielded him, al though my former friends have said some hr-rsh things about him in my presence, but I now feel that 1 have done my duty.” When Mr. Shaw Cal ed last even ing he was given the usual greet ing and the evening passed as i pleasantly as many others, appar ently’ although Eii told Mi s Neil son later in the evening he h..d a premonition that something was wrong. Miss Mabel said the mat ter was talked over from all po’nts and thut Eii did not urge that the engagement continue. “We parted as fiiends,” she said ■ “and 1 expect we will always be such. Eli thanked me f< r what I had done f< r him, and 1 believe it came from bis he,>rt,” Mr. Snyder, Miss Neilson’s brothi r-in-law, was 1< ath to talk on th j matter, but finally' stated that he with his wife fell that it • would be a mis'ake for Miss Mabel jto marry Eli under the circum stances, but that they had no in- • fluence ever Mabel. As to whether Miss Mabel be ’: lieves Eli guilty or innocent she 1 i would not say. She only remarked i> . _ : BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE J’ 1 The best saly* in th* world J I ,for cuts, biuies* sore*, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, j Chapped hands, Chilblains, | Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, i and positively cures Piles or no ■ pay required. It is guaranteed Ito give perfect satisfaction oi ■ money refunded. Price 25 cents CHILDREN’S Knee sants 15c Child's suite 65e $2.00“ " SI.OO SS OO“ “ $1.50- >4.50 “ “ &2-S5 ■E >s ; ;s.ooSi4<u $ .50 " ■' 0 - $ : 00 “ I" «** KUTTmFn that she ihr do..e w but th' be lev d to p her dutv. I - RUSSIA’S ARTILLERY i Replacing -With Rapid-Firing Sinai.-Calibre Guns. i Wathing'on, Dec. 19—The Russen C xernmen'. recently con-1 * traded a loan of ij'55,512,CW) in France to be used in replacing her artillery with rapid-firing small calhbre io ,s, according to adviCis sent t> De St.tie D partment by Consul t-i neral Holloway at St. Petersbi.rg. He says further tl at ti c ' tria b by exp' rt- have been uded, and report i» said t, he in lav. r of I the mai.ul i ture of a gun ■ tnbrac I ing the b st p lints of a numbrt tested. A.» G,OCO guns wih be re quirt <1 within the next two nd Russ . .i l not be ;•! to inai ufael: ;e that i umber, con tracts will be made with foreig firms to furnish the rema ; nd< r. —“M ■ ! Beware < C Imitations j The i ««'»?s> g ■ ■** Worcestershire, t i ’! ? OHW DJNCAn'O SONS, AGAMT* JfW VOPg, ■ I i r'W^Nr' ”BT- - ■•s^r r M—H i—li i o’B SUITS. i S".OC foi 50- '57.00 V “■ AS.SO i $9-00 $4.50 ■lsn,od“ ‘ .?5,50 $15.00“ ■ $7.70 All wool jianks 75# Eia.oo" “ 5 0: no right to ess. I ) 'l’he wonpui who is lovely in face, form and temper will ;.] ways have friends, but cue who would be attractive must keep I her health. Jf she is weak, sick ly and all run down, she will be ' nervous and irritable. If she has c.mstipation or kidney tron-* ble, her impure blood will cause 1 pimples, blotches, skin erup—’ tions and a wretched complex ion. Electric billets is the best medicine in the world to regu late stomach, liver rnd kidneys and to purify the blood. Itgtvcs strong nerve-, bright eves, ; j smooth, velv-ty skin, rich com-“ iplexion. It v. ill make a good looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50cls ' at Curry-Atringtoii Co’s dru;', store. ‘ IT •»- ——■—M——■—l ■—■ 11. . , ~ <t | Jfc- . ... Xp M<i» Builoinc. C OM ' ’ Ji.'", , ,-' v ■' .•_ 1 ' DA JLOHEGA, GA. A c >ll ire cdii< '»;‘oti in tin*reach < f ah. A.IL, 1 ILS.. Norina! and Business Man’s c<»nr-- ( --, [ G<h lalh/fsl.>«•]<■■ ; healthful, invigvrritiiig <* m’V : niHitrirv diuipiitie; rood nn-nil'a:-:d reli .oils influences. Cheapest board in th j ’ <(t c °nniry produce;rxnrusnc . from s7.< 10 £l.- > a year; board in doriintorief l I or privatefaimli . Special license toi,r.-.c for • tea -hen.; fad faculty of nhic; all iiath r th ! f't'y Mfr. > 1 ltir» I I,’ i. ■ \ —.ll. UNDERWEAR. Undershirts 15c 50c k id 25c ‘‘ $ 1 .00 ocl 50c Canton flannel dr 6 wars 18 c Heavy Cant-n fl n nel drawei > : 5o worthy 50c A CUT 1 DRUG ME! 11 Patent Mlcines Reduced in Price I All Toilet Articles REDUC D TO MEET Competition Only When V e Cut Every Custo mer the Benefit. (OUCH & CO - * »a»w I. JW I * W JH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., J izl Successors to ROME PHARMACY- J 3t)9 Broad st.—New Clark Building. Z W * bars bought the entire stock of tbs ’-si h’ ,ann , cy and art prepared to supply your wan \ , ) 1 " J *'' iei ‘h’lig, piescription and patent medicine line. nI ; Km stock is comp ate and of the very higheei y W» solicit s pstrt of your patronage and shal * ’ X d°avor to the ’>«st n f our ability to please yob •* mi times. We ,1J bs plea* >d t > have you call <L iji full line l. f druggist’s eundries, toilet a-tic'•* * J fca u<’h things fu sre u . tally carried in a fi.'<t clam y “"S* 3 c " ! ’ Cigars and tab a eco. ■ ' 2 ■■■ w* 8 Couw» to see us. ■•' ‘ ' I I SHOES! For me a, toys, ladies -m d cnilcl re n • Wi iye you the very t eat quality for the thi very lowest price. Ladidi good shoes 7S« Men’* “ “ SI.OC Tli c y a.r ® * o’, idleh ?i