The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 7

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G ■> I I 4ft B ft II Ai flTaTn VanV OITFII fill OUfiIUTTCIfIT 1 I 111 IQ lOl'l'i |r- A WJL w®O ■ JML *asi s • ’ ’ '■ ' -—..- - —-■ —, , —e _, ' _ ",~ f ~ ’ I i -n -. x I Have Decided to go Out of the Milliuery Business. This is the First Time 1 Have Os. ed My Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock oi The Market and Will Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Everything Goes! -REMEMBER EVERYTHING GOESH- * wK "5 mA ' Jb wtk ’ ■ I /W fcj H W £|L EL gw B"C l"w ZB H“C rx Zw RrC f IB Lb IT Z-B il IB / A IB I P I A w kJ• vA 4B M w JL wX wJi d mwijo. hiisei o f Striegligf His Wife id iraiii OB IURNINI ARR BODY. Hacksred corps* was Found In a Closet. Chiogo, Dec. 20 —The po lice have secured evidence en which they charge Michael Emil Bollinger with the murder of hi» wife, whose body was found in a clothes closet at their home Friday night burned almost to a cinder. It is the theory of the po’iee that Bellinger, having become tired of his wife, strangled her to death Thursday night and coneealed the body in the house °*>til the following evening, when he sent the children away. Then, according to the police, "• set tire to the body. Ihe police have lerrned that °ti I hursday evening Rollinger left his home with a box con fining »n insurance certificate f r SSQ9 ou t] )o ]jf c o f M rg> Rol hager and papers involving a Bavarian estate to which the ea, l woman had fallen heir WISL..L .■■LXX*J_..l'.gl sinks near Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., Dec 20—The “Hamer of New York, Philadel phia and Norfolk railread line, I' 1 * ( r P 6 Charles, caught fire *S ain Sunday night in the dense °t *iid sank on a ledge of mud. Her keel liea at such an angle’ 1 lftt W HI be hard to save her, l ls thought. Ihe second fire ® &u gjit in the pilot house Ur ucd out most es the interior? of the boat. It is now feared that her beilers and eagines are damag ed, and th® plates and hull may be warped. This cannot be as certained, however, until au ex amination is made. BIG LOAN TO RUSSIA. Representative at st. Peters burg Makee Announeement St. Petersburg, Dec. 20.— An official agency here issued the following announcement: “The United States charge d’affaires, H. ID D. Pierce, communicated to the ministr}’ of finance a proposal by Mr. Ir vins, the representative of a group of financiers, to make a large loan to Russia. The decis ion of M. Dewitt, the finance minister, is not known. ■=.*" ?_ '/> -L-LUS? ONE TOLLGATE LESS. Raiders D*ms*lißhed one in a Kenfueky County. ! Lebanon, Ky., Dec. 20.—At I midnight Saturday. tollgate raiders cut down the Bradfords ville and Huntsville tollgate, leaving a notice: “Don t collect any more toll at this gate.” This is the only turnpike in the coun ty that has collected toll for twe weeks. The president of the road has asked for state guards. yt ~~ .--j ~ ■ BRYAN TO TAKE STUMP Will Speak in the West Against Expansion. Washington, Dec. 20.—C01. W. J. Bryan is to make a speech in the near future at Denver, Colo. He will go to his home at Lincoln, Neb., for a few days, and then proceed west. It is un derstood that in the Denver speech, he will more elaborately express himself against the ex-., Lansiou for the administration? I wold up / At Badnsriig was {hire, it is SlaimstL I PUGILIST GIT WOTjiFUL Once Flayed The Game on “Kid” M’Coy. New York, Dae 20 —The trial of Fayue Strahan Moore, the al leged wife of William A. E. Mo®r«, for eemplieity in a “badger” gv. mt* on Martin Mahon here last rfionth, begins today. Moore was eonviet ed of robbery last Friday. It the defense concludes to put Mra Moore or her husband on the stand, the prosecution will call the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Gaw, of Cleveland, to the e and, and Mrs. Gaw herself. Mrs. Gaw and her daughter have given the prose cution acceunts of Moore’s doings that will prove interesting i» brought out. The daughter of Mrs. Gaw, ac cording to her statemenb is Moore’s wife. She says she went to school with him in Cleveland. Later she lost sight of him, hut, on cerainj ro New York three years ago, Moore esme to live with them, The woman says that on the promise o! marriage she ac eo npauied Moore to London and H >-u to Cape Town, Africa. I'hey went to Sortsis, a water ing place wear there, and stopped at a hotel in wh*ch Barney Bar nato was living. Moore sheared >u introduction to the Diamond King and. according to the woman, proposed that she assist in a badged game en Barnato, He said they would get $30,000 in a few minutes. She refused and says Meere threatened to kill her, He the* deserted her and she got back to England oa money givsn her by strangers. She says Moore rejoined her in Leudon. Then, according to the wemen, followed another badger proposal, this time to be worked on Eid MeCoy, the pugilist, who was stopping at the earns hotel. She says Moore got MeCoy into the mem, but she refused to assist and McCoy, whe* he saw the game, , knoeked Moore out. It is said Moore has a brnkoa nose and a scar as memsetoeof his encounter with McCoy. The woman she then left Mo< re and returned to Cleveland with her mother. IS.LID. !L ■■'W.W—■— YOUNG GRANT PERHAPS May Be the Next S® at® Fr®m Washington, D. C . Dec ao. representative? es California i i both House eui Sen <•* era di r cussing the seusatu Dal light in the Senate, | The new Legislature stands 88 Republicans to 35 Democrats, with j 50 rcqaiied to elect. Ulyses 8. Grant, better known as “Buck”| Grant, son of Gen, Grant, is ferg tng to the front and there are' many who predict that he will succeed Senator White. Young Grant has been pr >min*-1 «nt in politics for years, and owes hie chant es to the fact thottweot his appouei.ts have become involved in charges of a distasteful nature the Southern Pacific Road being deep in the al leged seh«wie. ' M«!L - . " ■WWII WAS GIVEN SIX MON THS Artist Who Carrlcature® Em peror William's Tiip. Leip’ia, De It —Theodore Heine, the artist who caricatured, Eispeior William’s trip to the Molj’ land has bee* sentenced to six months imprisonment for so doing. •LIL..S* ~ l . '. i iwr TOAfN SNOWED UNDER Terrific Storm Bws»t Ovir Eeulharn Arizona Los Angeles, Cal., Dec 20. — Mails reaehed her* Saturday night front Globe Aiiz,, the the first f®ri several days, The delay was i®nsd oy the snowstorm which » was the most terrific for many a r day in Southern Arizona. Letters I received from Globe state that • seven feet of snow fell in that vici nity, completely blockading busi » uess portion es the town, *—L_'». CW. ".. ,■ STREET SARHELDUP B®ld Dead Os Highwaym®* At Tn]*do, Ohio. Tolede, O , Dec 20. —An electric st reel car filled with passengers was held up and th® conduct®r robbed and fatally shot about midnight Saturday by masked highwaymen. The hold-*p occur red about three miles from the central part of thecity M.chael Shepl »r and Fr-nk Be.’zer, each aged 18. are under arrest charged ; with the crime, The robbers eecur > ed S3O from thocendri etor. , WHAT CAUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and weak eyes. I thought my trouble was due to catarrh and I resorted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproving, and I hnv® had no severe attacks since I began fak ing this medicine. I cannot aay toomucli in its praise.” Indtama Cobb, Sunny Side, Ga. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy tw operate ; reliable, sure. 25c. DON CARLOS ILL Final Meeting of Carlists will be Hteld in Ven ce. London, Dec. 20.—The Rome correspondent of the Daily Mail says: Don Carlos, the Spanish pre tender. returned to Venice last week. His overwork has greatly aggravated his respiratory af fection. and he is obliged to keep his bed. A final meeting ofCar i list citizens is about tp bo held 1 n Venice. ’WDfILOUS” Graiam, to saij Qiiay Won’t Git JUstise. HAS FILED OSWIR Denying the Al'egac.'on Maele by the Defendants. Philadelphia, Dec. 20.—Dis trict Attorney Graham filed the answer of the Commonwt alth to the petition of United States Senator Quay, Einhard R. Quay and former State Treasurer Hay wood. The answer makes speci fic denial of the allegations ad vanced by the defendants, and especially concerning former Judge Gordon’s pa”t in the pro ceedings. Ihe assertion of Senator Quay and his co defendants that a fair trial cannot be obtained is termed scandalous and untruth ful. Arguments will be hea d Jan. 7. WHAT JOYFUL FEKLINg. With the exhilarating sensa r.f renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is un sn wn to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap subeti tutes sometimes offered but accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. .. i M, Henri Lavedan was taken and M. Zola was left in the election to the vacant seat in French Academy. This in stitution ceems to have fallen into the bands of smr.ll fry, and men of genius must re main on the outside.