The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 20, 1898, Image 8

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* 1 w.wj < _■ . _2G. , • :— * ~ ~ ~—— —. —— _ ■■ • . Ll JIRYTHING AT C EOR CASH! f |£=£ WE ARE GOING OIL OF THE *->l CLOTHIR i<Es IUK SJi te— X ' 1 WILL SELL DU - E N PRE „ ; FOLK jgl a |.. tJ K ”I *W - * *f ®i!wW «r JCTF ■■SLi'..?- .LJ?Wf wSLv KtWh y ibkMwT » w» lafltyw — ..TOenrair ♦ r **- * A ‘ L7 • * r - ■ J WHEN WE SAY COST THAT 13 EX- WHAT WE MEAN; :> SALE Includes All ()ur CLOTH I NG, ■ I ' ’NISHING G( ) .• ■]d LLVrs L bjLGMLMBc t>N.a JO. ' ■ <UWW— r J BUSH » ( Being PUrstit-d by IhU fin Twa Biilnti i. I Yfll HELPLESS She Was a Wcmsn of His Owr Cark Eace, Albany, Ga., Dec. 20.—Th a white man of two counties— 1 Worth and Lee—are scouring the country in th* neighborhood of Philenaa, a small station on the Albany and Northern road, fourteen miles above Albany, in search of a brute whc coni mitre 1, about 9 o'clock last night, on > of the most revolting crimes th .1; has ever occured in this lection of the state. The determined m n who have set to work to ; pprehend the inhuman being who is the object of their seaicb are leaving ne stone unturned to run hi n te earth. Hounds a ■ on his track and the whole L'ighbor— hood is aroused. Last night, at the bov* stated hour, a burly negro, whose ap pearance shewed is at disguise, entered, unannounced, the house of J. S. Maruney, five miles north of Philema, and pre senting a shotgun at th breast of that man, co mm.tided hit wife to bind him hand and foot. Trembling for the life of her husband, she obeyed The negro then proceeded to search the bouse for booty, and secured S3O in cash from Maruney’s person. the defonsel -ss woman, who had, been fore i 1 to render her hus band and protector helpless, and committed ths most hideous crime which the mind can con ceive. H» then made his escape. < The negro who committed the dastardly deed is described as bein black, about five feet nine inches high, thirty-five years old, weariag a number nine slue, with scattering beard on his face. He wore a blue blouse and light brown shirt and he is believed to have had a compan ion outside the house. A negro named Jule Henc’er- 1 J son, against whom there is a i strong chain of circumstantial evidence, is in the hands of the people of Philema, and is being held to wait developments. The Martinovs are highly re spectable colored people and ' stand well in the community ' y I where they live. Several leading citizens of Lee ceunty have effered a re- 1 ward of SIOO for the arrest, with proof to convict, of the guilty party or parties , , , -MMP B ig Fire at Tifton, Ga. Savannah, Ga., Dee. 19.—Near ly the who e of the biuiuesß part of the town of Tifton, in the cen ter of the peach belt, whb burned last night, Au oil lamp m a boarding Louse explcdad. The wLisonic hall and t»:i stores were destroyed and a hotel and large 1 limber mid wns damaged . JUL-11 _R»" MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. The Limit* in Which Fireworks May be Exp’oded. All persons are hereby notii ed that the firing of fire crack ers, skyrockets and all other ex plosives are expressly forbidden Beginning at the Oostanauia river on the Western side of Fourth avenue to East third St. thence along the Northern side t of East Third street to the West ern side of Second avenue; thence along the Western side of Second avenu? to Etowah river; thence down the Etowah river to the Oostanaula river ; thence up the Oostsnaula river to beginning point The i o’ice of the city are in structed to strictly enforce with in said limits, the ordinance up on the subject of fie works. This December 19, 1898. John J. Sxay, Mavor Cit of Rome. WANTED TO LY.-ICH HIM Cubans Endeavored te Kdl an Ex Police Offic al. Havana, D-jc. 20.—The st 6 mv r (. .1 art lu.s &ai!el i< ■ Santander, Spain, with t < flic-re -nd 1 41) men. snd the ste-.m-r Charihon h s sailed lor Vsie c;«* Sp un, with sixty-thne idli •ers d eight hundred m- n. Crowds of peeple of the L-wei Im it Cirro, ths ev.teuat'-.d vu- - mb of Havana, invwd-ci the rasi d'-uc--* of the ex-polica official, oamed, with the iu'ention ot lynching him. Prim escaped. G her < fficial* v,rr ais-; threat*- sued with lynching. At Pueblo. Nuevo and other places, last night, m inown per sens fired e-rvoial st ots at the Spanish sentinels. Cuban forces h»v«' entered t t » vai uted towns of C . abazar a. d San in go ds Las Ve. a, ibis p.ov nice nd h. ve hoisted the Cub n flag. i; . *’ “ r * -- x J:/ • ■■ ; • J*--' ’--TiKcU ' - - ■ $ BSO v ft ind \ . K «’/ Sa TO Jr -?» ■ 1 « -.-a- t .7», , y. ;sa is Is ..V u. , v .,- S. .t t- . r. oi. < ) ft •* v | u fs■■■■*' a Bc’..-»dr,.'e in E.Teist Oct. tin, L, I WOB' •■!>. No. 2; N . i , No." 0 I No.TJ Ir- - - m nta r si i., ■'« -I '■■■-, ■ i Ar 5 n ~• .n . <> ■■ n. Vs -1 . I • . •' J* ■ U Jiaml : r- ' .. ’* 11 1 lall nj : ,i-i " 1 . ' O 1 * J .' ' . ", 7- EV ' ' ■ T 8( i -J.. .... ... 4 A>' ( . IJ I SIH’ 1 1 ■ • J ..... . J** —— —’ - ■ - WM.— / - . _ I-". -I - • I • ■ -.-in, ■ ' ■ . ill.. | Ari .' n I -J , i “ ml .4 1...... | T- .'I- ..i” -rlejPul' , i■ ’ :s,'nr Instwc. .; J'. • .» -. . ‘.tin-. •> ':k ■•-.’ iPs, oi. no •• .n; h . •'7 du ; ,-ui i h t r i'i ir\ i »*a,Pu’i n*n Sleeyu.'A-ifcvnU aril A’ . to sash •.3 and It. Loui .'s.i wiU.u 1: .e. Piilkim 1 . - • er >. ■ an’ a Cl.* re.-- ain i-s..r ant’ f o --I-•• . 1 T ulim.lo ;*er /.T.hmta it Eau.’' 1 1 >A. 1. <t N. 'iy. Ti-rdn * ■ -jure, '-i .- m -,vi h Q. A C fot’ • ''.:.s easriea 1 irou„ eondh 7 -i -a> ri- .ne. To he South ci 1 LJant. tot TH 111’ No. 1 y J ! No.l'l , N 0.7.1 'tv ’V- ' -r, ( 7777“ “ '• ■■■; ■ i A'<- 5 Jam:.......i “ <"■' ’ U : II : ,»;tr 4i. , l'(. ■-|! ’* S 7 Uam ..... *' • . 8 ;>pm| Ctfam »46am 7(®nni ArA tlUi ■ _ '■ ,'in 3.i 'iHO 3ba;.i b r rsi ‘ S . Ab- i r -> ■ . 11 '...sni 11 i .m 7,20 pm ‘ .. O I -u'. “ ->» 4 ; . ' £v a... n i 1 c:,> i.;' 7777 Ar Mri ii ispm.H lu. 725 pm “ A II 2."ptri 11 CSpiu “ Tbn: . ’.ie | fl3opm| " i ar. i' . -j - »im. i. . . h’T ■*777.7' I Ar XvAesa... iZOpm 825i»m Ar Übar.ei u I'' -am OGi-'jn | " ■ .. j .i. i 1 • ii. I I’■ Aili. . .-i- <i. ill ■• .. i : . ’77“ r wvi m. •' s'i-pssd ft’- '» I■ml 7 -n i-i 71 ,am! “ . v «' ' ■•n|ll .■■ ■ 11 .J. ; 7 •■' •* - p- .... • - - «• - j.rnin . ■ , A --. pp. . ■ .'-a Site• dt Na.-h* . **• <"• ' a and Atiautu to Ja.ikson- I - E T. urn I-. .. rf<*3 Palln.'i u S’cepor Bt. Loots j t>> Av -hi ■ i.nni.-e 1 .lilman s.< c: t j C.. .1 <. a.... .■. .. c. a:: .a < per. l ui- ~. IA • -ir> ,k p. m. l-’nlli.r, i e-p . K ixviiie Atlai .avia A. K. &N. By. Vor I tu. tlior ii * -. H.i.iou write to i H. F t ri. c. K. HARMAN, j T'afii'' 1 (lon. j js. Agt. I ' ' Was. ■l' •> I’LM AND Dili , f aud for a jelly geed time «ith fawiily or fiieuds, tl.tu N ncth int'Hike an open sorry for either Winter or Summer. Our stick of stylish carriages is iinrivalbd and our spider phaeton*, jnnx bouia, bwggies, traps, carts, v. r.g cnettes, cano] y top, r open ; ur reyd uro ik’ut eio*.y, comforta ■>!' uud be uf.i ul in - unsti uc— ;i in, trin in' ;vl fi . <h. Vi ts ■ k > repair u1 t v rhau.< ve’ ic/es; also eairy a big li»« •< ba less am hi i •. Rgmi: Ev« »y Ce, MOI eU t tre<t,Ro) (>'a. • iTt ~i i.n<k Vi in 1/ms, At s«ta. -■ ■■■■■^—igryyMiM— T ERR I L SPEED Wa: it r*s Vm CHLESS‘‘TWOF&RS’’wor the b and of 7 ERF! ILL SPEED, the renown* Coon Sk.:i” 3ta'o man of Floych The tel 1 o. r his o and has be. n unprecedented. Bui then W’arters newr put 1 orry cigar on the market- He it too ’ ’Sing an Ito ) hua :$!. fa very tigar it exact > what si cl i n :;d for jt> brand,, and the W*r ters cigars ire airs y übely the bstion ths mar ket. ixL 3Y Aid, CANDY ;-;7 ' . > -'.ATE ARTIC j« ' ’*■ •' ®<rvsVs /o ■ l<k " zsc 50c L'VER/, sale and feed stablest Offers th» •) i‘)!i . fillet Uvat, b«tcj •* aoces and most polit« and eourttouß drivß>’> The Lest stock es horses and srJe (d* 1 ? - - --1 .‘'•l' .'■ : <"*. ’P I x. W-■ ? ■ ; ‘i u' -