The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1898, Image 2

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LOC»> HAPPENINGS. ' Wholy Sm<>kk !—'l hat is to •ay, that if you waul the best cigar on the market and the one that give* the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the W arters Boms made brands. If Yeva Sex' ? Bad? —If e° £' t*» Howell T»ylei• parlor, in tbs Carry be;ldiwg on Sseond Avenue and let him eere it by applyii'B Taylor's eelebrated dandruff ex terminator and hair regenerator. He will cure yoa ev«ry time. Rkc.BKRS Court.—ln Recorders court thia morning, hie Honor | Judge Kubanka tried and die p<-.»vd of the following cases, Jake Terry end Reb Lively, young vhifr* me i. $3 each for plain drunks S» lie Waleh a colored . awazen of “Beaver Slide $2,50 for kussiti a kullud koon. Large line of Medal lions a»d Pictures just received and opened ■ p today at Curry-Ar rington Co’s. All pop ular subjects. Finb New FbuitCakr. —A large line of delieioue new fruit. cake from one of the very best i houses in the country, just re cieved at Lloyd’s. Also a hand ee ra e lir o < ffa J < y aeiortfdcate all at most reasonable prices. Lectured The Force. —At noon today Aiderman 1). B. Hamilton, chairman of the po lice committee met Chief Steele, Deputy Guice and the oflkersi of the force at police headquar ters and behind closed doors proceeded to give the force a lecture upon the duties of the j officers. Don’t Forget Tris.—Noth ing affords more pleasure that the childaea’s Santa Claus. We I have a leammeutli ' ’tock of nuts, fancy fi nits,oranges,pure candies and fire dBRHV' works, at prices w made to sell them fasv. Lloyd & Harper. Quarlbb-Tkammkll. —La s t night, much to tbs surprise of •ven their most intimate friends, Miss Fannie Trammell and Mr. James Quarles, two very popu lar young people of North Rome,! were united in the holy bonds ot wedlock. The happy couple will continue to reside in the little city of North Rome. If you expect to have a sweP reception or an entertainment of any kind, you c&u get every thing needful and up to date ar I Llovd’s, and at prices no small dealer cMa afford. Large fancy i c«Ury, fancy new Nuts, cluster; Raisias, colorad Wax Candles •nd other nice things. Cottaok Nou Rent. — r lhe pretty cottage residence cf Mrs A. 0. Garrard, on Maine St., in the Fifth ward i» offered for reut by Mrs. Garrard. The cot-I tags has a splendid cistern, a good well and is also supplied with hydrant water. The garden is in excellent eonditic n and there is a stable oa the premises See Mrs. Sarrard. I Ann«once.— To Ike public that I baV» seAnred the services ot Williaae MeClollaw, an expert f>uey eaedy Maker, whe has beer far the past two years with thi •kreow faao«es oeady kitehee ir Atlas te. VTe are acw nnking dail;. all kiad of fiae tafias, eeeeiaut, •roams, aengate, etn. AU we ask i« a trial. We ?aa please yoe A. M. ANfeoaeM, 9m oke Protectors —Th« fir- , department baa secur d a half d'Zeuof Millers’ Suu-ke Protee tori, a splendid davi e fur th* protwetiou of firtmen who are ol tew forevd to eater a burnini j bedding and fight the fiania. while standing iu dense Vf-iumue iMmWW IK SICUJ.ESCE If SIHl? #F iUS la dee aul only to the originality and maapliaity of the combination, but alas t« the eei-e and ekill with which it ie ■tanwfaetHred by aeientifie preeeeoOS * known t* the California Fie SvaeT ('* enly, and we wish to impress upaa all the importance of purchasing* the true an«i original remedy. As the genuine ffyrup of Fif s is manufactured by the California Fie Sybup Co. j only, a know]edge of that fact will astaat one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing* of the Cali fornia Fie Sykuf Co. with the medi- ; cal prefeasion, and the satisfaction ! whieh the genuine Syrup of Figs has given ta million* of families, makes the name of the Uompimy a guaranty of tke excellence of it* remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it seta on the kidneys, liver a«d bowels without irritating or weaken ing taowi. and it does not gripe nor nawaoote. In order to get its benefteial effects, plea*.* remember the name of tae e»«*pany CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP Ct. SAN WItANMSCO, Cat. •eMWm.' vew r«SX A.v. lof smoke. Assis'aut Chief Haa soe says the six will be allotted to the various compauies as follows! Rainbow 2, Mountain City 2, No. 4 1 and the Hooka 1, Fixtures F»r Sale.—Mrs. A. , 0. Garrard, whose “at eost to , quit business sale” is in progress, desires to sell all her counter show casos, also all b<-r upright snow cas.-s. She also offers for i sale a set of old style maliogauy j chairs. Call and s»-e these articles in her miltoery itore, iu the Clark, on Br< ad St. Changed Scalds le. —The 'S u hern Railway instituted some impor'ant changes iu their schedule Sunday. The changes ■are upon th* 1 main liue between Chattanooga and Atlanta and points south. The arrival of trains here are as follows ; No 16 sobiih 9 :15. a. m. ; No. 14 south, 8 :20. p. m.; No. I south 1:44 a m ; No, 13 north, 7 :30 am.; No. 7 north. 10:20 a. in.; No. 15 north, 6:25 p. m. Nos. 14 and 13 are the fast vestibuled trains ' known as the “Cuban Fiver.” Reward Asked Fsf., — Mud.;' ; G, K. Green, and others, are te day oireulating a petition asking the mayer and council to offer a reward for the arrest of the iiigro who attempted to commit a felor ious outrage upon Mrs. Hardin,'he widow who resides in the Fifth account of which was printed in yesterday’s Hustler- I Commercial. The Gov«rnoi will I also be tc offer a reward for the arrest of this fiend. The blcod hound that (ollowed the negro so ' many miles Wednesday nig it aed which was fi ally lost by the pcses has returned :o the jail, Officers i Horry Wimpee fvels confident that} the negro was wounded by a' least one shot fiied at him as he escaped from the rsardoorof Mrs. Hardin’s cottage. You Don’t Want Ice—Now Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need j and want, and that is the beat i 'grate Coal on earth. We have; 1 opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave,, and can supply you with the Monte veila, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. ' Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our woid for i , you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. Cow Tkieves.— A few days ago Officers Jones and Johnssu detect* id a couple of strange negree# trying to sell a flow for a suapß ciously 1;w tgare. The usgrossf finding the offiaers wers watehiug them d-»»ertpd the eow ©n the ttreeis. but were soon apprshended. - i bey were locked ap and the cew l s«,ut to lbs city pobM<L A olese GISLB DJBCET Biittnit Hsifoi FirKiniig Tkti fll DISCRiff IMJTIP An* S«m. Os Th* -'Old Ok:***' Are Mad. Kansas City. Mo., De<». 21.— Now that it is a l ov r. Linnteeant Hobson's osculatory exhibition yesterday is oaesing a mild senra tion. Many women have ealled up the newspapers and sent iu oards, saying that the L-euteubiit kissed them against their will. He is ac cused , f placing both arms around ihrm and giving the man'emphat ie beg. It is also claimed that he was very ducriminating and “pa*ssd □p” ‘.hose whose age and ~features did not come up to his reqnire-* men *a. Several ministers have been in terviewed today and they all de nounee the kissing. Some go so far as ta say that the Navy De part ment should interfere and put a stop to it, Chicago, Dec. 21.—Society people generally in all parts of Chieago, are commentieg freely on Lieut. Hobeon’s performance at the Auditorium after his leo tn-e of Sunday night. “The Navy Department should r clll him,” said Mrs. Übarle* M. Hmrotiu, ex President of tho National Association of, Women’s Clubs. “I think the government bad better ngake an example of the young man, and put an end to the opportunities fer flippancy iu the gu’ss of a returned hero.” HOBSON SMOTHERED. With Kjs’E-. by Kansas City Girls. Kansas City, Mo , Deo 21. Lieut. Hobson was kissed to b standstill by the women of Kan sas City at the Coates Hous* i yesterday afternoon. The Chien < go record of 163 waa smashed to pieces. 416 Kansas City women and Pauline Hall, the actress “paying the penalty.” inveati get on weakam-d the usgrost . and I hey eubfe«atd to the thef' but did not know who uw-ied t. • bovine. Ths officers wrote te th Sheriff of Po’k county and seoi received orders to hold ths negroe* This forsnouh Mr. T J. Lit’l* * fi»ld, of Byrds Stslion, came ii ami icUnllti«d ibs animal as hie Th- Hhenff of Polk wrote that I e w. a'd be hare Ibis evening for t'n nagr- < s, MAYQR'B proclamation. The Linoite In Which Firework May be Exp’oded. All persons are hereby notil ed that the firing of fire crae) |ers, skyrockets and all other ex plosives are expressly forbidde within the following limits : Beginning at the O ista-iau river on the Western side <1 Fourth aveuue to East third St ' thence along the Northern aid of East Third street to the West orn side of Second aveeu thence along the W< stern eid of Second avenue to Etoival river; thence down the Ktewel river to the O tstanaula river thence up the Oostauauiu river to beginning point. ( The police of the city are in structed to strictly enforce with in said limits, the ordinance up on the subject of fire works. This December 19, IS9B. John J. Sbay, MavorCityof Rome. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Walter Griffin went to Car-' i tsrsville yi aterday iu tie interest I ot the Howttll oottou compsuy. Warter’s “twofers” the fa- mous “Terrel! Speed” cigars are gr<>wing imois papular each day Messis. Eugene Black end L. iM. Johnson attended the United ISiuies court in Atlautu yist-rday as witnesses. Mrs. M, T. Armstrong a..d MissZella Armstrong, of Obat tanooga, are the gussts of M is. J .' H Reynolds. All forms of scrofula, lores* j boils, pimples and etuptions. I are quickly and j:ermaneutly cured by Hocd’s Sa’saparilla. A real good’- sweet juicy ham fer 10c peund, you don’t get every day, but you will find them at Lloyd’s. Belter get one or they’ll be gone. rrecte’RS a cold in one . DAY Tuka Laxative Bretao Quiuin e Tabltts. All drwggists refuiae the money if it fails to euro. 23c Ibo ffenuine has L B. • sti each tablet. 24IENT STAMP! II | MH ■■*!■*« Wil! send a letter to a*y Foiut in Uijcle Stem's big / Somain. For this very reason, if you swe sick, jtedj tore o.- suffering, thd* ffP. «<rry trifling outlay xsj May Save Yoar lih! ~.*.,** write • >luiu i<t*. wtyes? Wta. it will take ju*t twa Mate ta «*rry it 8* She “Wiiib.ttH Mdlsii & tirgiui Htttvti. Atlffita, Cetrgia,” the tbn*a«« *>e(M*b»ta who fera* tSa M«J •f that luatitate are able ta give v«a »4vto* a*« by a**!! *s well a* if y„ 4 *n H « to toa »• the efty. This i» n« n»i*take. That are 4to ‘ j' e .'*7. d, y- ‘hay a«w hata yalasto •ffthe a4jafaia< tosta* ,f Am SaaSfJF at tnUac «w*y. th*i r «ir« ar* afa*ly w.»- tertn- r 1 "“MB,™ FHEEI ta tv«r Deformity of gw** ar Urnta Gab F»at. Sr. SMMI. woatio*. Catarrh ei Lta Rose, Theaal Lnag* Olomach or *»t ritol arr**, Liv»r. Kid . «to- »»d Sladdar liMblaa, K«rvuua Wa*a ««a*-w of Arthur mm er wwatM <B****« es the e«B*i pert* Aad every other boflily a Kictlea that tirtly trained aneaialUte alene oaa deal with wnt« treaty it eoeto you uothing If wt ua Jtar eaee w* ehall sev l you aaaatie* fcr 2i :1 ParSictoara. If yea, Xs e . rAOTr* 1 •**-«. wi That tlrsl 2-e«i>t stymy may eave yeur Mfc. aS *M*> sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medicil INSTITUTE. , *O-1 wurtdi Bldg.. Atlanta, as ! - z.ljl. r-y— — : The World Almanac and cst Encyclopedia for 1899 3=.- n—!B» Illustrated History of the Spanish- American War > jt jl jt jS Jk jS jfc jS J, •? READY FOR SALE jg EVERYWHERE *< J JANUARY Ist, 1899. J > J-jf'Jk jfk jk jt Together with The Battle Calendar of the Republic* Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of ths U. S. Navy. i THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. PRICE 25 CENTS. Postpaid to any addfsaa. THE WORLD, Pulftsar Buildtnf, NEW YORK. - • r W® <<**■#*<s* j I SALE ; Within the r ext few d<ys Will move into my elegant t New Brog Store I J NEXT DOOR TO MY OLD STAND- J Iminndintely upon moving into my su r? I £ v ill o] f-ii up a beautiful line of . ( * CBMSHTAS AND j t HOLIDAY GOODS All new and fresh. Don t buy until you »ts them. Until then I offer the public big redue tio::s on everything in my stock. | PRICES THAT WILL SELU It will be ch- aper for me to offer you the goods at prices ihut will sell (hem than to move them * J Perfumeries and J J Toilet Articles! <j I ' Remember that this sale will not last long, and advantage must be taken of it at once. Come to see me and 1 am sure that my price w will in luce you to buy . . ’ * tMli prcscriDiloMG < * Most CarGiullij GoiiiDOimdcd. * •: GITOITf.i * _jl_ r -l ■ - i ' - jp j/ej p F. HANSON. NORRIS N. BMITI. j I THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. ■ f f Plumbing and Tinning. ' Engineers’ and machinists supplies. Stoves; rangesand i g tinw are. Gas and electric fix- i G tures. INSURANCE’ gasoline g stoves. Water meters. i £ 325 Broad st Phone 32. x 1 m nniinniHnwmmittfflflj M 5 i t S. Al. Stark, | S LMHfc m GBCT.miM HILOB ; ? 1 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A\ e I d ’ x > *1 > A* I ii • i fiiiiiH liiiiii AWrioow