The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1898, Image 4

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V(DIS T£P r/XXi v The young woman to whom the I fwllewiug partgiaph from 'J he Houstzdak* (Pa ) Journal ref u ral cannot fail tu «ppreciata the deli cacy with which the compliment ccnveyed in worded: The [r[(T of the Hountz-' dale giria are slender and delica’e ly tinted; their i i i are like *** and th*y are without this or, inv other $ Their frowns are like | ff t and their 128450 exeite !!! of pleasure and a desire to m— thi-m. Read this • clesely and do not ? its veracity. o o o IM rri> <r t» the make-up of the next c 0.,..,, the New York World gays: “Senator Edward Murphy, Jr , the si ent, wll he missed. Quiet, easy going, smooth, oilv, a politician withal, he accomplished more for his coi stituei is than ■ many Senators who proclaim their doings with a brass hand and an ' ai my trumpet. Murphy is net the to stand on the housetop and announce in foghorn voice w hat he ’s shout to d». If he lacked three I votes of enough to pass a measure iu which he was interested they were forthcoming,” 000 T1 e Spanish soldiers iu Pavhta are terrible fellows w hen firing ins to cases and fuaeral processions The Spanish complaint that in the reeent war we would not fight ss < they expected as te right s*ems to have been well founded. It we had waited at Manila and Santiago for the Spaniards to attack us in cases : er hearses Spain would have been : fighting yet. 000 The New Yorker arrested on c charge of lese majeste in Berlin far referring to the Kaiser as : “aherpi’heaa” pleads druukente =! as his defense, a« “when sober fie always speaks respectfully of the Emperor.” The prohibitionists < should put a padlock on this . man’» mouth, or his ease may be i used iu preof of the virtues of I drink. i 000 I A Kirkcaldy (Scotland) paper recently printed an account of an accident which befell two well , known temperance men on their way home from a prohibition , meeting, and facetiously stated ( that “fortunately both gentlemen j were sober at the time.” This re- | mark made the vietims of the ac cident indignant. and they de ■seeded a public apology from the editor. In the next issue es the paper appeared this notice: “Messrs. and demand an apology for our having stated that at the time es their accident they J. f L ■ .. 1 _ ii. A Tumor Formed Finally It Broke Inwardly and Discharged Trouble Began With Dyjpeps • and Impure Blood Thorough Course of Hood’s Sarsa parilla Completely Cures. There is danger in impure blood Disease and suffering are snr.-)y com- < ing to those who neglect this a | ing symptom. Bead this: “Gilliam, Missouri. ( “ C. I. Hood & Co., Lowe It, M. .■«.: * “Gentlemen:—My troubles began will nervous headaches, which would last me for two or three days. The doctors pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, but 1 they could not do anything (or me, and t advised a change of location. At the age es 55 a tumor formed on rny spine, which ’ Was Very Painful 1 but did not rise or discharge. The doctor ( thought best to cue it out, but I objected. x It fiual’y broke and discharged a great ■ deal. The doctors said they could do H nothing tor it. Then the tumor began to 1 rise inwardly and discharge. 1 read much j about cures by Hood , thought I would try it. Before I had r finished taking one bottk ■. ich 1 relieved. I continued the n iof Hood’s v B*rsaparilla, and after taking 12 bottles I was entirely cured lve t agoodappe-?. life to Hood’s Sana pari Iln.' W. D. Fore 1; OOvU parilla 1 I?,#? b«*t--i« fiwt the One lie ) P|_ ;r jf ler Sold by al! druggets s \ f oi ’ Hood’s Pills o ’ J'l I’niom :u«'J with , NO FfilTH CURE ABOUT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS. They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indigestion Anyway Whether you Have Faith in Them or Not. Mere faith will not digest your ! food for you, will wot give yon uu appetite, wi l ) tot increLS? your ti-eb and strengthen you.’ nerves and heart, but Stuait’s Dyspepsia Tablets wdl do these things, be ei.use they are composed of the ■elements of digestion, t hey contain the juice, acids and pept. nes nec essary tw the digestion and assirni- I lation of all wholesumv food. Stuart’a Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if plseed in a jar or hottie i.i water heated to 9S de grees, and they will do it much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meals, whether yen have faith that they will er net. They in vigors tt. the stomach, make pure blood aud strong wei Veg, in ttis only way that nature can do it. and that is, from plenty of w olescuse food well digested. I is not what we eat, but what we digest that dews uh gOid. Ituart’s Dyapepsia Tablets are sold by nearly all dreggists at 50 jcents for full a zed package, or by mail from the F. A. Stu: at Co., Marshall, Mish. were both sober, We hare pleas ure in wi hdrawiag our ol serva ticn. ” 000 In ibe whole ol Russia there a-r only 743 newspapers. 000 As era litigatiow lasting four teen years the will disposing of a San rranciseo estate ones worth $74,000 has just been sustained and litigation suspended because 'he estate has been exhausted in paying legal f es. o o o Wonvn'o t rzaeizations iwsev ■jfal St.:e» have met and resolvec atan.- R< piesentative Roberts of u.ah. His three wives are his dis qualification. Perhaps if these zealous femair# knew the mental angu eh that th s tuple aiiiince had cost him they would realize that the misguided man has suf fered enough i 000 With true Western enthusiasm The Dodge City (Kan.) Republi can suggests that the geographical lines of cur common country be fixed thus: “ Bounded on the north by the aurora borealis,on the south by the procession of the equinoxes, n the east by the rising sun, and n the west by the Day of Judg ment.” 000 The earliest artillery known was a small piece devised .in 1330, first used in war by the Moors against Spain at Algeciras The English trosps at Crecy used a rough sort of artillery. 000 Paul Newman, ex-attorney gen eral of Hawaii has been admitted to practice before the United Stat es i-upieme court. He registered a? from “the territory of Wawaii.” 000 Three places at least are known where green enow is found. One of these is near Mount, Hecla Ice land another fourteen miles east of the Obi, and the third near Quito, South America. • oo Capt. Sigtbee has a watch that has been submerged in salt water t hree times. It went down in Japa nese waters years ago, At Bahia Honda, in 1878 whea a Spanish' pilot grounded Capt. Sigabee’a vessel the Blake the watch had another salt water bath, the vessel havlag been flooded to prevent her pounding to pieces on the recks. At Havana the timepiece went down with the Maine, but 1 was recovered by a diver. When the war broke eut and Capt. feigs bee took e uamand of the St. Paul he wisely left this watch at home thinking it indiscreet to riax it ! agsin in Cuban waters. o e o A uaiqie petitien iu bankruptey was rcceaHy filed in the Federal ? WWW r THE CIRRI-Al ON-CO. ? / T ''' ■ LARGE UNE! : ? P? " « g r M OF -* ■. MEDALS US I J D -1 AND " | hi PICTURES ,; N i AND ALL ARE POPULAR SUBJECTS! 3 7 ? JUST RECEIVED fflD OPENED UP j I F: I CBBBT*AMIW iCO. I °N i 3 Gx 2 gOl * « 9 it at Naehvil ®. fees Tb< ’ B n ier, of 'bat city eaya tbs' ' t petiti u “proba ly hai *«u eq iu the w cl ability which if canfln-d to th ..tie it< m of a mony duo a d reed wife, It was fiiad by Gt ry k Suiah of Murfreesboro i wl seta forth 'bat hi* liabilities ar .ssllO doe Mrs L A. Fitts,] cf .'non College nee Mra. L. A., 1 Si. it.h,” Incidental v, as “nee” m ana born, Mrs F >ta, who wee ' bi in Mr« Smith, m ist baa re» Hi: l able woman. Fund Mother :Thi ee yearn ago 1 gave him a chain, and lie’s worn it out; two 5 ears ago I < gave him a diamou I stud, and < he lost it, and last year 1 got 1 him a watch and he broke it. N v, what can I g ■ e that boy 1 th r will last? '; vreler: Why not try diamond ' ear ings? Fond Mother: He coulda’t i keep them. Hepawaed mile, | four years ago!—Jewelers’! Weekly. 1 XTA, SANTACLAUS’ CHOICE OF A HAT for a holiday gilt is a sensible • ii® . Especially when one rd our handsome Derbys, Fedome or Alpines have been crosen.We havs them in the newest shapes celors and nobby styles, and Anyone who is fortunate enough to reeeive on® will sail it a “beaut.” Cerna le W. H. Co, ker to trade and get your Xwiaa presents. W. H. COKER, Me. 11 Rroad St. •‘’■’■■lWMennmn.v 1' BUS mH r S?? 5 * J-*' re*' ♦ ■ ? v>r JIT 'lrf/■*/1// r) Fashionable Capes, Wraps Fascinators, Gloves, Umbrellas, and etc , will make * member of your family an Xmas gift e that they will appreciate. W® I have some beauties in Capes, » Fascinators, etc. The prices are a 1 the lowest and our quality is the . 1 best. I N. B —Don’t fail to com® to 1 aiy store to trade and get your j Xaias gift. ; W.H. COKER, No. 11 Broad St. ImU*U toM *•« MU*' Pula PUU. I ( «.>*••* t abs lea; gtvts: r-»- ”u • jwE~.r.~_iTj ojuit— si——— FOSJAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. Jubß^* 1 sonouncea himselt a candidil* 0 tha office of Bxiliff of the R« m ' District, and askh y<’U 0 vote ' him on election day. 1 announce myaolf as a candi dat® for bailiff of the 919tb '■ trict, Floyd county, and r,( l''*‘ the v »te of friends and otnei in th® election on the ti’’ Bt urday iu January. Geo. W. Beavfobd To my friends and the of the Rome district, I eslie . stat® that I am a candidate 0 re-election to the office of for this district and most pectfully solicit your aupp° r re-elected I pledge to do 11 duty on each and every oeof> 81( _ m discharging the oblig* l1 ® ’ of the office. Very Respect u . R. H Copei an»- Ihertbv announce my»*' f ' Paihff 919th Di-trict ' Floyd county, Ga. E *'d ,utl | Saturday iu aN . A