The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1898, Image 6

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timmi mi! THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, 1890. '•‘HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. I*s. ]»u<*d tvery evening, except Satuiday. t Sunday anu werkiy. PHIL G. BYRD, 11 i'll 1 b1) 5:/NAGI R "i- ■? ■ Th® chief is g< ne, all hail the chief’ ■ Bl The days of the calender are numbered. Lets trade Luetgert to France for Dreyfus. Gt vernor Lee, of Havana, don’t S' nt.d half bad. ■■ fig. 1 1 '.I — Speaking of war, the current year has been a p«ach. ■■■ R ’THWF Build the canal and let the kick be drafted as mules. J——— IL- Ji The auctioneer is a cheerful sort of a more-bid fellow. The man with lon** whiskers never wear* a diaieot d stud. ■ ——- Joe Wheeler is alright, even if ha is a “wholesale endorser.’’ Chief Steele, we greet you! Maj’ your shadow never grow less. Aggie stands ready to sell out to us at the same price we paid Spain. About th® only “change” in sight is that servad by Jupited Pluviua. Don't wound your neighbor’s self love,and he will forgive yoi j all else. Georgia ships cattle to Texas, now let’s begin shipping Logs te Chicago. Even in this day and genera tion, many people are broken on the wheel. Brass knocks are now classed with concealed weapons when worn eoncealed. Naval Constructor Washing ton Lee Capps is some pump kins his own self. L®t Cuban schools be opened and English teachers be put itt • very one of them. Hobson has kissed the Amer ican girl, God bless her, clear across the continent. Now watch Capt. W. 11. Steele make Rome the best Chief of police of them all. If the editor's purse were as long as his face he would be the only millionaire in t»wn. Spain is rapidly going out of the island business, and retiring from the real estate market. •*!■■■■» WTTT With the death of Keely, the mate of bis motor was plucked out of the eyes of his stockhold ers. I’alking about cold weather, Romans have cut no seating with their sharp weather eyes this season. The season when we al! try to mike a minimum of money cov er a maximum of good will is upon us once more. Georgia school teachers could Spend a part of their “S months vacation” very profitably in teaching young white Cubans khowtospeak the language of Ftk® people of the greatest nation on earth. . *■. •*- I I m— w > ■' • ■ ! ' • ■ ■■ ■ " ■ ——— ..... - . - b ■' M I !■ - ■ ■■■ II ■ - - - ■ - —■ - »U .■ i Row. fcX & Absolutely I>ure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YOLK People who piumptly “slosl - cd o ! ®r” because of’McKinley’s cheap bid for populaiity in the South ;.re be’ng reminded that Confederate Veterans are fully able to care for the graves of their fallen brave. If McKinley is sincere, let him go the “whole hog” and say’ put living Con feds on the pension rolls of the federal government. Mr. Han. na’s man only went halfway— and scarcely that. Private Moore, of Maine, bugged a Savannah lady and was sentenced to 12 months. Pri vate Moore should be promptly shot for ung.Jlantry if he begs I pardon. Having been to Savan nah, we are of the opinion that Private Moore is a man of as much daring as he is of splendid judgement. The lady he em braced will doubtless remember the Maine, Moore. The co«t of keeping the whole 6f Europe on a military and naval looting is considerably over one billion dchais. The most recent statistical tables show the cost to Russia to be over $255,000,000; Great Britain $190,000,000: France $185,000, 000 Mud Germany $130,000,000 T s all nations were as indiffer ent to the growth or decline of their shipping in the foreign tride as the United States are, then our humiliating position ■on :h i s u is might bit laid to the | 1 > >r of th j people themselves ibu’ individual effort cannot equal national effort. ._il! '4' The Georg a legislature has taken a fall out of the yellow dog, and the dog came off victo rious. But the mangy cui should not bark too soon. The Tennessee solons meet in a cou ple of weeks.—Bristol Tribune. W l IW I IT Japanese rice paper- is now being used as a substitute for rubber making hot water bott : s and ice bags and are said to be much superior as they are more durable aud equally as flexible and besides are much cheaper. This talk about th® Federal - government caring for Confed • erate graves, sounds consoling to the 4 cent cotton farmers of the South who Sind themselves tax®d millions of dollars annuU -1 ly to pay Federal pensioners. WMI■—■MMWiVT We are told that the peace ; treaty covers HOO typewritten ? pages, probably the longest doc ument of its kind in the world’s history. It must have been die -1 tated by G. Cleveland and Bill ’ McKinley. The Spaniards assert that Americans blew up the Main®, 1 which proves that they handle the truth as recklessly as they do human life. An " assassin is always a liar.—Dublin Courier. , !gt L L ABOUT CATARRH. It a caused by cold* or suc cession •!' wolds, combined with , impure bkod. its symptoms ar® j aikt i» the head, diseaarj® from the nos®, ringing noises in th® ®iirs. It it cured by flood's Sarsaparilla which | urikas and enrich®® th® blood, soothss and rebuilds th® tissues aad r®liev®s ’ all th® disagreeable sensations. 1 | J Heed’s Fills cure all liver ills. Mailed for 25c. C. I. Hood A ! Co., Lowell, Mass. Stanley’ Broth, is are miking the. Dublin Courier cue of tin very b’ightfst weeklies in tlx state. Prohibitic nints have gainer more Georgia counties tliai they have lost, curing '.he ysai just ending. -f .T’RU. JUR. The little girl who takes phys ical culture will Aatid a better chance at, the bargain counters of the future. If an “open door” will let a little Christianity into the Phil ippines, then let the door emitter j be unhing* d. Congress will lake a roces for the holidays i bis will add to the metriuess of the occasion for the masses. The Rome police have cap tur J enough die sed turkey and shelled hen-fruit to feed the force f®r two weeks. Many millions Lave been add ed to tie Vanderbilt and Gould coffers through the recent rise in the railroad st > ks. "'i—" 11 >■ r The Cheerful Idiot observes that wheii you hear a man talk ing of life as a lottery, you have a man who drew a blank. If Cuba and Poflo Rica a>e t<> be Americanized, why an aimy of our school tear he > should he enlisted lor the inva sion. -•-- ■■ If it was real!\ “Hemphill’s Jubilee,” why I? mnpdiill must be about as big as a mountain'— and Atlanta needs more such individuals.’ The Americans take posses sion of Cuba on J..ruirv Ist- On that day the last Spaniard will fade from the she res of the de voted island. —T-T3 T-- HC The millionaii es are again emigrating to their earthly—and to most of them their only— Paradise, Jtkyll I land. Truly the war is over. There are four Smiths in the pr< sent house arid will be five in the nex’. There are always more Smiths in Congress than in the pi nitentia. v.. The girl who hus the chande lier with her mist’, toe is a most correct high kicker—for— though th® mistd comes high we are bound toe have. it. D’it can b} sub antiati’d that there are an- ab i' it ;nee of dux aud fish in the Ph ippims, why you can saGly bank on Cleve land turning expa; -ionist. j Albert Edward -ayshe is sor ■ ry, but that he re Ily can’t come across next summer, she Good Lord con tint;-a to re main her the yai.kee pigs most kind ly- ■■ill ■ —J. Notice comes fr«m Madrid that Spain will publish the full text of the peace tr aty in a rid book. A blue book would be more appropriate -—Times Ln l ion. ' . ! | i The Southern Railway em-i ployets will ieceiv< an advance lof ten per cent in wages. W? j congratulate tiic read and its . employees—let the good work g® on. | FROM OTHER SANCTUMS, It must bn rather emburrass ' ing to a I't ill politician t-> have I i bis wiv's get to debaua x over ! which ol'them made him the . mau he is today. Washington Post. Mr. Carnegie manifestly be lieves that the country should •tny at home and attend to its infant industries. ludianapo 'i s News Admiral von Diederich will never consider 'That the Philip fine door is open until Dewey gets out of the’ way.—Nashville American. Everyone occasionally yields Io the temptation tn give m.ore than he can afford in order to be known as a lovely character, —Atchison Globe. i There is absolutely nothing .to restrain young Mr. Bailey ■ from organizing a party com pps»d of une individual.— De troit Journal. Candidates for the post of I. . 1 j minister to Spain will now be gin to cumber the front porch w ith their overshoes. Pittsburg ' I im s. United States senate’s were once above suspicion, but a few of the latter day on®s will be in luck if they can keep out of the penitentiary.—Columbus En q lirer Sun. Gen. Calixto Garcia, who died in Washington yesterday, was probably the most honest and zealous of the Cuban i isur gent leaders—Memphis Scimi tar. It is nearly time fur the legis lators to leturn to their homes and -h >w their constituents Low they have saved the state. ■ —Vah.l .sta Ti mes ’ The count)} sbtuld own a I kennel of fine blood hounds. A i pack of well trained dogs would ■ ' be a sate insurance policy against i much of tiie crime now commit ted with impunity. That attempted outrage in i the Fifth ward, on Monday i n ght should warn every wom -an to keep a revolver in the house and shoot every intruder j o‘n short notice. i = __ ) ; There are a number of clauses and a few Santas mentiomd in ? the treaty of peace,but search as she may, Spain can’t discover a Santa Claus in the wlioled* g e g r, ieshel ang. 1 There’s no denying it, the . football players and athletic la des have had the best of -the bargain counter rush for holiday goods. Don’t powder—wax t strong! Mary’s lamb, once the butt o( 1 j so many jokes, now being lull grown, lleasy and rambunctious, accounts for “why” the joker t would pass the butter . < I Is it true that “his enemies J aro mad because Col. Bryan re. I'u e 1 to hie himself to ths jun gles of Cuba to do police duty?” —Savannah Press. i “11 she’ am!” ' —■ ■ I ■■ ■ll —— S’JPPOSEDTO BE FUNNY. ‘■ \\ heit be'est thee gwine, .large ?” ‘ Baint gwiue nowhere ! Ij “But thee must Le gwine I somewhere !” “, Oi bain' ! O. be coinin’ ’■back! ’ —New York Journal, I Miss Brown; Wind foah’s - L ze Jackson puttin’ on sich airs? ' Miss Juhnsing;’t yo’ 'done heerd dat her ’lashuns was descende hum dem Fillypee-s wliut Mais Dewey done captur ed ?—•Philadelphia North Amer ican, Mrs. Hviubus : 1 wish I knew ■vhat to get my hnnband for btistmiiH this year I ® doesn't smoki ; I haven't heard li m mention any’ books that, he wants and there is po-itivelv .mdhing 1 can ibi.k of thui would be likely to just catch Lis ' fi rev Mi's. Wa Isleigli : WLy not bin him a nice diamond stick pin? You could always find u-e for that you know.—Cleveland Leader. They were watching the pret I' v krE “She sei ms t > be very disconsolate,’ 1 suggested qGRiA-; “She i?,” replied “Why?” ’■ * “Oh, Jack < ff. red to bet ab x of candy ag i> st a ki-s uith her on something or oilier and she look him up ” “Ami lost?” “No; she won. ’ —Chicago Post. RESTORING THE OLD SCALE The action of the S Hitherto Railway Company in ordering a restoration of ti.e <ld scale oi age.- is a gratifying incident of the tim s. , In achy so largely macte“-'ttp of those who make their living in conne tion with railroad work, the interest of that class h ecom®s an absorbing one. When raihoad wages are cut d wn the effect is felt at oac® all over the city. The Constitu ion is gratified to learn that 'he -outhern railway is in a condition to order a restoration ol wages. The effect of this is not to be measured so much by the amount of the raise as by the inspiration it will give the men to feel that they are once again on the ascending scale . 6ood wage- to empl >yeo is one of the strongest frimud. iio'is of a city’s prosi'erity. All that ’they get keeps in circulation— to the Laudloid, to the bu chef to the grocer and to the cloth ier ;so that w hen WAges are raised it is something the good effect of which is by uo means confined to those who are tht beneficiaries, but g- es’ out t® have its influense in the general building up of better conditions. The employees of the So , R’v Co., in this city are an excellent class of men, high to i.d, imlus trious and worthy, just such ; men as m ke up an irrisistible citizenry; and we n joice in iheir good fortune.—Constitu Don. — The public | R- 'WS ’ schools teach al- most every known ' L ; branch of study ■ ... / but the one most l - > ’’ / fi' important branch MBt’ fix i d_, of all. What does UKSt; .J - it profit your son <5 /' \ / fi- if b" has an intel- \ ‘ led like a Newton, Wt \ /-and is mentally an ■ \ fi 1L fi Admiral Crichton, ’ a Y if he hus a weak 'fi A N V/Z” ——— R’hl puny body vsj Nfi'rii ‘ in '’ not ‘he re \7 il j I motest idea of / *'l I haw to care for I I I fl his health? A p. U ” b,)v should be / V / I x tauifht from the I J f \\ start that his K-/I J health is his most . L , - x , precious endow- ment. Without health, all the talent all the genius, and all the ambition in the world are worthless. A boy should be taught that success in anv walk of life that happiness, and life itself, are dependent Upon his care of his health. W lii'ti a man feels that he is losing his health and vigor, when his cheeks no ling er glow, his step is no longer elastic and the sparkle of health is no longer in his eyes, he should work less, rest more and resort to the right remedy to restore his bodily vigor. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medieaf Discovery is a natural nu*diciut a setentjf-. ic medicine, It no violence to nature? It winks with and not against nature fi promotes the natural processes of secretion and excretion. ft imparts vitality and power to the whole svstem. It gives plumpness and color to the cheeks, sparkip. to the eyes, steadiness to the nerves strength to the muscles and the animation of health to the whole body. It makes the appetite keen and hearty. It is the great blood-maker, flesh builder and nervr -tonic ami restorative. Medicine deal/.ra sell it and have absolutely rndhiug else “just as good, ’ “1 was i.micted with pimples and bolls, and running sores on face and neck," writer' Robert P bsq , of No. 615 Gslloway Ave., Colum bus, Ohio. "I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets,’ and was cured." Constipation is the commonest beginning and first cause of many serious diseasesand It should always be treated with Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets used in connection with the Discovery. ’ These are the most perfect natural laxatives and permanently cure. - - '. . ■ JL r® *®. <• _•*<,-> * Vrovvnir u h HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Doi pars Reward for hnv ( btarrh that cennot beared I flail’s Cabinh Cure. by J. ('HF’.’EY & Co , T.,kd. We, the undersign, d Y ’ ‘ known F ’ J - fur tl, e la * 15 years, and believe ])i m e financially able to carry out g*. obligation made by theirHrr® West <t Truax, Wholesal® Dru* gists, Toledo. O. *’ Walding, Kinnan <t Mi <rvi» W holesale Druggists, I’oledo. •. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken . internally, acung directly upo* the blood and mucous of the system. Testimonials BMt freo. Price 75c pfr buttle. Sold by all Druggists. HFa,l)ll y p ilh aie th® * than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No or soot. Clean and economica l . For furihAr particulars see ROME GAS CO ■•I I w ~ PMffSSIMIL tlMi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, Kant First reel Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artorney at Law, Crcporaion I .aw Onlyr 'W. J. NEBL Attorney at law. Will practice in all acurts. Special attention given to commercial Mw and the examication cf laud title*. office In Klug building. Rome. Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Offl< e ever F. J. Kane & Co. 's. l’\ ’’ <Sr WILLIN UH AM Commercial Lawyers. i Ifficein Armstrong hotel kmitdisg, Rome, Ua M B EJCJJ3ANKS, Attorney at law. OtiiceKlng Bulldisg. Rome, i.a.. 1 '' '1 — .J W K. ENNIS, Attorney at Ltw Will Practice in all cohiU office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Sa - —— —— — T SANTA. CR.WF* -> t . Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Cellectieas specialty. Masonic Temple Rome, So. 4OBES RIGHT. HARPER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON • I Attop.neys at Law. Office:No 14 Posiulfice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS ATTORNEY AT I AW- C'Ueetion a specially. W ill piuitiee ia all ecu its. >!; sonic T< uiple R<me,BU ■ —. Jl,. S-SJU.'g DENTISTS. J. A? WiLLSTD- D. 5., Office 340 1-2 Broad. < Over caatrell & ®* , ‘ , J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S.,M 0 ENTIBT' Office, .«)6 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fat future Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILrO IST M D. Physician and Surgeon office, Medltnl Building Rome, Ga. O. ce 'phone No. W. s ' ’ ——• lu F*. HAMMONO. M. D-' Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medic® building. Residence, No. 403 West First at ce ’phoNo a TONS ORAL PARLORS LEWIS BARRETT. Ti e 'O Id Kt liable.” oparatiug the Ceatr hotel Barber Shop, Invites yyutocive hi® rial, and promise* to do the rest. Only men employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employs oaly t>» very best artists in hia tonsoral studio, in t • Lurry Building, opposite the Armstrang. •’ you are made comfortable While your work i being done. '■'L - PASTEUR FILTERS "Hie enh G-fcrm Pre of Filter in th* Mskes water pure and ,cfe.r -for sale by The Hansofl upplvCo