The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1898, Image 7

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GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! ■* ■ - ~ ~ . 111 ~y " ■■v ■■■ ■ ii ■■ i uni ■ ■■■■ - - -i, -i - - l -» . j...- - I Have Decided to go Out of the Milliuery Business. This is the First Time I Have Offered ly Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock on lhe Market and Wil! Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Everything Goes! ->REMEMBER EVE MRS. GARRARD. BREEZY ITEMS frilln by ibr Sptslsl Lib hi Cirrupidtut, HUgii IQTTIR UIiPIGKKD. Fa-mere Will Pck Cotton Du. rii'Ctha Holidays. London, Qa 21 —Mr. J. W. Caldwell leffc last Sunday for hie home near Calhoun, where he will spend Christinas, returning the first of January. Mr. A. J. Carver returned yesterday from Lytle, Ga., where he has been at work for the gev •rnsseut. ✓ The Armington Beauxite Co., hae shut down until ths first of Uext year, when it will open up with an increased force of hands, expect to do a much larg er business than they have ever done before. Mr. George Biijg spent last week tn London with his friend Mr. A. C. Wilkins, aed return ed to his homo at Pine L >g Sun day . A. C. Wilkins leaves Satur day for Ohlcamauga, where be will spend the holidays with his ei »t«r, Mr. E. E. Gilliam. Messers Will and Liu Fowler spending this week in Reyn old’s bend, bird hunting. They report very good luck. Christmas is almost h?re and “ ,s people around and near London are not more than one half done picking cotton, and I •appose a lot es them will spend •11 the holidays in the cotton. P*tch winding up the 1898 cot-- erop, and everybody i®» r here will reduce the oottea acreage considerably, one third at least. «!'■<» ■gjiin’u , HIS LIFI WAS SAVED. Mr. J E. Lilly, a proEsinen sitiaen of Haanabal, Mu , lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightfu’ death. In tol ling of it he says: “I was ta ken with typhoid fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be (jaiii* hardened. I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped mo. I expected to sooi die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Die* eovery. Ono bottle gave great relief. I eontlnued to use it,and now am woll and strong. I can’t say too much in ite praise.” This marvelous medi cine is tbo snroet and spiekoot cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular eie os 50 cents and $1 •€. Trial bot tles free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every guar antoed. 60 MILLIONS Will Bo VotOd to Build Nbw Ships. Washington, Dee. 21 •I he gen- eral opinion here is that Congress will provide liberally for the building of eew ships for the navy riixty millions of dollars, it is ex pected, will be voted, as Congress man and Senators generally realize, that the navel eetablishment most he well eared for if the expansion policy of the Government is fol lowed out. as now seems probable. It is proposed to distribute th* money among 15 vessels, three oi which will be seagoing sheathed and coppered battleships cf 18,- 500 toes *o have a speed above 18 knots if possible; three sheathed armored erasers of about 12,000 tons, and at least 22 knot* spesc; tbree sheathed and eeppered pr else ted cruisers of COOO tone, er»d six *beath«d and jsoppered cruisers es 25CK* tone. 1 Some opposition to this immense ! pragrsne semes from ship-builders. Their plants, it is said, are not large on, ugh to accommodate the entire construction SAMPSON LEAVES HAVANA. j Sails For New York and Will Take Two WsekU Re->t Washington, D-c 21 The navy d-prtrtmeut is advixeJ of t h o leading of Admiral Sampson ot | his fligfbip, the New York C'm- I nriodore Philip, on the T»xas, will Ibe the commanding oiler <f th* I Ame>'Can naval forces at Havana, ay virtue of hie sonority, but Ad wiral Sampson retains his ,'ona i maad of the entire north Atlante i station . It is his purpose upon arriving in the United S ates to rpst for two weeks, the first 'itne he will have had the opportunity for a [year and a half. WHAT CAUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and weak eyes. I thought my trouble was due to catarrh and I resorted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon inproving, and I have had no severe attacks since I began tak ing this medicine. I cannot say too much in its praise.” Indiana Cobb, Sunny Side, Ga. Hood's cure all liver ilia. Easy to take, easy te operate ; I roliable, sure. 25c. JBLL-IJLIIMM J_ I ■« TERESA GOING TO PIECES Advices 3ay Tho Vessel Has Broken in T we. New York, Dee 21. —According tj mail advices Nassan, N. P., the straaded cruiser Maria Teresa has broken in two jnet aft of the after funnel. The forward part io fart on the reef, but ths after part hao >lid« into the upper water, where lit lies completely submerged evW at lew water The weather kas been very bois terous aa< the wreck io rapidly breaking to pieces under the blows of the tremendous serf that at times swallows it oat of sight. 10b a. WL i 1| Iff yr p 1 * 3 iff ' "S.' ' Iff HOLIDAY RIFLCC TIONS. Will bo pleasant if you buy here whet Furniture you need for gifts. We have an exoellen line of Deeks, Book Cases, Chi na closets, Parlor Cabinets, Sha ving Stands, Pie aree and other handsome and durable pieeoe suitable for preeentatiba either to yourself or sobs friend. Those goods are net the kind made up eelely for the holiday traia, but are high grade, aad the equal of anything oyer weld by us. Os course our prices will meet with your approval. Rhudy, Harvey & Co-, Mo. 387, Broad St. X MAS AND HOLIDAYRATES The W. & A. R. R. will sell round trip tickets at reduced rales. Tickets to be sold to any point East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio and Potomac rivers on December 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26; also December 30th and 31st, January Ist and 2nd with extreme limit Jan. 4, 1899. Cail on C. E. Harmon, Gener al Passenger Agt. Atlanta, Ga., lor 0. K. Ayer, P. A T. A.? Rome r (j. ' i | Beware of Imitations MHH t>UNC4M!» MX* XWRI n* von*. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX- U RBION RATES via SO.R’Y. JFor Christmas holidays, the Southern railway will sell tick ets from points on its lines to points E-st of the Messissippi and South of the Ohio and Poto mac rivers at rate of one and one third fares for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Dee. 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, also Dec . 30th, 31st and Jan. Ist, and 2nd with final limit to return Jan. 4tb. 1899. This will give every one an excellent opportunity of spend ing Christmas holidays with their friends and relations. For further call on Railway Ticket Agent. WBWHEK? .. DON CARLOS ILL Final Meeting of Cadlsts will be Maid In Ven ce. London, Dec. 20. —'The Rome correspondent of the Daily Mail says: Don Carlos, the Spanish pre tender. returned to Venice last week. His overwork has greatly aggravated his respiratory af fection and he is obliged to keep his bed. A final meeting of Car list citiaoas is about to be held i V eai ce. "SGAfIDnLOUS" lyl Trlh.a to log Qtfiy Won’t Get Jdstise. HAS r'ILED ANSWER Denying the Al'egaHon Made by the Defendants Philadelphia, Dec. 20. Dis trict Attorney Graham filed the answer of the Commonwealth to the petition of United States Senator Quay, Rifhard R. Quay and former State Treasurer Hay wood. The answer makes speci fic denial of the allegations ad vanced by the defendants, and especially concerning former Judge Gordon’s pa r t in the pro ceedings. The assertion of Senator Quay and his co-defendants that a fair trial cannot be obtained is termed scandalous and untruth ful. Arguments will be heard Jan. 7. WHAT JOY FUL FKELINu. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health aud strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the me of Syrup of Fige, is un known to the few who have uot progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap subeti-« tutee sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine manufactured by he California Fig Svrnp Ce. M . Henri Lavedan was taken and M. Zola was left in the election to the vacant seat in French Academy. This in stitution seems to have fallen into the bands of small fry, and men of genius must re main on the outside.