The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 1

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htlNl H_Y. .UjME GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING, D6CEM6SR. 22. 1813. JPIRQ GEORGIA 111 Filiow its Flat li Neihitas. sf|lT ON BY MIBTAKI, |lit th* R«S'm«nt is Under Or ders t° Go W* ' Dec. 22.—Ad- jutno UvU.ral Corbin stated tu jog that orders hnd been issued f o r ch* immediate transporta tion of the Third Georgia regi #eil» to its station at Nuevitas, (Juba. Before he left Atlanta, Secre tary Alg« r telegraphed the war department that auch an order should be iasued at once, and it vill not bi many days now be fore Col. Berner and his men laud on Caban soil. Gen. Cor bin told Congressman Adamson today that the formal order has been issued. The congressman from the fourth went to the war depart ment primarily to see to it that the Third Georgia was furnish ed a regimental lag. As soon as he sair the aanouneement in the newspapers that the Geor gia reg.meat wao the only one of those reviewed by the presi dent which did n >t luvo a regi mental Hag, he went to the <f he* of the quartermaster gener al to iaveatigate. Ho was informed that such a lag had been sent from depart meat headquarters at Philadel phia, but by a mistake, it had bo»n shipped to Nuevitas, to which place the regiment had boon assigned. As soon as Ho learned this, Judge Adamson called on the adjutant general to suggest that it would be much better to send the regiment on to join the flag than to have the flag shipped back to the regi ment. Tneu it was that he was in f< rated that the orders had baen issue i. B neo must h ive overlooked a good inanv things in his hur ry to leave Havana. Since his departure it is noticed that pro session al thieves over there have made a number of rich hauls. _ ImihwW !■ HCBUffICE W SYRUP IF FKS >* Sae wnly t* the originality a*fi smjdieUy *f th® oambißation, but als® t* W»e «a>-« and skill with which it is ■**«feetared by scientific preeeese? k**Wß tw the CALIFORNIA Fl® 81'11!’*’ «•- oaly. and we wish t® impress up»» *ll the importance of purchaser the tree «®fi original remedy. As the <***iae Syrup of Figs is manufactured * v the California Fio Syruf Co. «* l r. a knowledge of thet fact will aaafeit mu* in avoiding the worthleeo tmitaaimis maaufaetured by other par - - The hijfU stt»n<iajf of the Cat.j f»i*aia Fie firaer Co. with the medi •*' prefwaaion, tutd the satisfaction '"•’•h bhe Syrup of Figs has «t»eo to millions 'families, makes * e aame of the Company a guaranty • f the oxeellsnco of its remedy. It is mr in advance of nil other laxatives, » s it acta on the kidneys, liver aod yowels withent irritating or weaken *em, and it does »<>t gripe «®r **us«mto. In order to get it* beneficial please remember the aame • ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CB. ’ • rw ’tl.LV. wew YOKE. /• <• THE ROME HUSTL RE-COMMERCIAL YANKEE ENGINES Fwtnll iiiiisii Licns tiuss Ordtnl fOR ENGLISH RRILNIY. The Baldwins will Bujld ten of Them. Philadelphia, Deo. 22. —The American locomotives. whioh have been introduced into nearly every caun’ry of the globa in which railroads are in existence, have ju«t achieved another re markable victory in tnat th.»y have practically beaten down the last and strongeat barriar that has ob structed its way. England was tha last to ac knowledge American supremacy bo far as locomotive buildiog is con cerned, but the Great Midlaad Railway, one of ths greatest rail way, uorporations in the world, aas just broken away from Engs lish tradittens and placed an order with American builders for twenty freight locomotives. Os these twenty locomotive* ten will be built by the Baldwin Loco motive Works, of this city, and the othera ay the Schenectady Lo comotive Works, oi Sheuectady, N. Y. Tht looomctiies will le ot American design, known as th* freight engines, and the contract with the Baiduins calls for thei completion and shipment by th latter part of February or the be ginning if March, 1809 Considering the great prejudice that has always heretofore existed in England against foreign loco inotivwc, the orders just plioed in this country by the Midland were received with groat surprise. It practically marks the first in troduction of the American en gine upon English railways. It is still more gratifying from the act that the advance first came from the Great Midland railway oftic’als, Speaking of ths order just re ceived t meober of the Baldwin Locomotive irm said: “It is a must extraordinary piece of busi ness, and a very radical depar.ure from ad English Methods. Such an order has never liefore been given, and m fact there is only one Amen can loepmoti’e—that which we built early thia year now running in England, “Why the ordsr for the engines was given to American builders 1 can, of course, only conjecture, but there ere several reasons which presents them‘elves. Tobe gie with, the American eegine has ae enviable reputation for merit, and our English friends have had a chance to jadg« it by the loco mo tive we sent to Devon. Ihen, ofeeuree, the condition of ih» English engine building trade, owing »,• the strike, mast be taken into eohsidaration. Without a doubt, however, the kieudhim.s between the two countr »», whieh sprung up during the war with Spain was a potent factor, she Midland Company wanted the en gin«s. Ttify knew Americans oould build them, and thiAing that this was a good chance te snow their friendliness to this country they ordered them. Whether or not they will continue to buy American engines is a prob lem for the future to solve.” Tt Cfll A COLD IM ONE DAY Take Laxative Be— > T.b1.1.. AH <U"W«“ I,( "” u„ m.n.y.l The ffenuiu* ha* L B. < eaeh tt-svs; 1,1 Victoria, Australia, seboul children are carried free on the 1 tpeet cars. HO3BOM S GHCIS-; 4 Says Ouiliiion u Restlli i Pati'iitism. GHLUfIT LIKUYEHNT Says he Desires to Bear all The Censure. Dt nv <r, Col., Dec. 22 Lit u> Hobson arrived her , yesterday morning on his way to thePaci fit coast. After a reception at the Brown Palace hotel h i visile the schools, being received en thusiastically everywhere. '1 be Sons of the Revolution enter tained him at luncheon. At 3 o’clock a reception wa given in the rotuwda of the Brown Palace hotel, attended by not less than 2,000 people. There was no kissing, The com mittee having the afl’air iu charge had decided that thif* feature of Lieut. Hobson’s re ception in the east should be omitted here, and the gallant officer heartily second'd tHf decision. Arrangements were made to prevent the success ol any attempts by enfcbcuuastit dtnasals, but they were unaer essary. Though more than a thousand women were present to greet Hobson, not one efft red to kiss him At 5 o’clock he delivered hi.- lecture at the Tabor open house, and at 6 :45 boarded the 1 Union Pacific train for San Francisco. z When asked about recent newspaper criticisms of lr kiss ing experiences, Lieut llobsoi said: “All I have to say abcut mj trip is that it was one grand triumph of enthusiasm. Every where I was greeted with en thusiasm which only the Ameri can people can display. 1 cer tainly did not expect it —in fact, my plans originally were to go straight through to Ban Fran cisco witheut stopping. “In regard to these criticisms of my actions, I h ive nothing to deny or nothing to take back [ wish to say, however, that I desire to bear all the responsi bility. Nc one else must be blamed. I recognized purely tin patriotic enthusiasm of those women and girls in kissing them. Understand me, that Ido not wish them to be charged with any wrong. Most of them were school girls. 7 hey were in a frame of mind that was piompted by purely patriotic motives I saw and recognized their patriotism purely and sim ply, just like any other man ii mv position would have done. That is all there is to it.” explosion ’near Maine- □ne Killed And Three Hurt Oh The Clyde Liner, Havana, D c 22.—While tin '. nierican Bi««r»iship Fan'ta of it' \V. P. Clyde it Co,, line war passing yesterday near the wreck jf the United States battloshii Maine, the main-afeeam pipes an< some of its cennectioua exploded A'exander Ge«r, lb« ebgrnw was killed outright; and Aaaiataut. Engineer Tolon Wileey, Machinist 1 Pater Waleh and Fireman William Green wars injured. All the in jured, who are iu the Reina Msr cedei hospital, ar - doing well to day. The Fanita w«a en route from Punta Rueu*, Fla., wi’h a cargo of kettles, E Ea ¥ 1W ■1 u se-coaar ON TUISJ4Y Everyday nairf evening till Chrifttno will have the greatest display es all New HelLday foods ever shown h in Rome. We are the only house In | Reme seeding a buyer te the mar- | hets for Holiday foods only, and therefore, have the greatest display I of uew and beautiful goods, especial | !y for heliday trade. I New Dolls, New Toys, Doll €ar- riafes, Wagons, Go Carts, Engines, Fiire Wagons, Hookaad LadderTruek P with horses and drivers, Horns, jB Masques, Books, Games and ten thousand things to make your gift jiving easy. Come to the show and bring the little ones with you. W The second floor of our Broad ■ Street Store one I \fireat Exhibitor/ U »f all New Toys and Dolls, not a lot of | old out-of-date, fali=to=pieces. cheap | toys of by-f'one years—but the very I best t® be had in the great I New York, and Ithey are new and | priced down. . I BESIDE TOYS AND DOLLS WE HAVE NEW GLOVES NEW CAPS’s Kid in the I Just re.eived «nd ba»t black and «o!ors,‘ priced down to ••11, a and prices downtl great lot of the ve y bo . h ) n newest and best fin- HANDKtRC -lIKFS fawts’headwear. You iw all the dainty.’noyvy should s««;them be — seal op and embroid- f ore they Bare picked A eriad edges, from the, cneup t? tha fine one>. • LIIIAM AND SOWS. IO CINTS PER WcEK