The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 3

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Knifing UverytliinG- A FOR THE NEXT TEN DAY. Jf' I s€€€€€«€€€€*«* \p ( <; J j GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOVS’ MACKINTOSHES: All new i ' *k 1 St y ,es an <l to be .old for LESS than COST FOR CASH! I B /I J UIt recc ’ ve d a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them V ▼ < re food and most desirable styles. We will sell the lot at one-half regular prices, > CAPES ANO JACKETS- tfr Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in all the Latest jK_A dßfej STYLES AND COLORS! These Beautiful .Goods just received and the entire lot •- W Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than original cest to manufacture. /SWaS C!TT Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can WX JU XafeW“"always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. ■ 1 I — —— —. „ .. I - - u ■ ■ ■ .» »■ . ■ » ■ 11 ■ ....... . » . ■ a . —— . ' , .... ....1 . ■»a ■■ ... .. .... - I .... . ■ .. . - ... .. - . . - ——— . u ■■ .... 1 V • Illi *• ■ " ~ " Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool andlcotton, you will find Burro "sj£jP tre at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the aaOw. very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. r"rP nH AT S! CHlLOfltlt’S CLOTHING. MEN'S SUITS. UNDERWEAR- | SHOES! We carry by far the-Knee pants 15c $5.00 Suite for $1,50i Undershirts Lso For me i, boys, ladie® largest and best line Child’s suite 65® $7.00 ‘‘ “ $3.50 * sOokind 250 and cnildren- We of Hats in Rome, and $2.00 “ “ SI.OO ss-00 ‘‘ “ $4.50 ‘‘sl GO wool 50c sdye you the very beet we can sell them at $3 00 “ ° $ 1.50 $ll.OO ‘‘ ‘ $5,50 Canton flannel quality for the the Hflfc less than other hoas- $4.50 “ “ $2 25 $15.00 “ * $7-70 drawers 180 very lowest price. □ Ivlovll es pay for them. Boys ss.ooß Xll wool pants 75© Heavy Cantxn flan Ladid* rood shoes 7Be Y."th7r. B .”‘“J", T in e s t .ts.» By «11 m.ans some - $7.50 “ $3.75 ss• OO " " tl.bO *el drawers Ssc Men’. “ “ SI.OO ?r’.?n7?n7’e s .n.™S ‘ h ‘" *n< »»» th * a ' “ slo■Qo‘,‘ $5-00 *5-OO “ “ sg.sO vorth sOc Th.y are >9 Ud lyther Nsw Fml! Styles in Stiff Seft ssq Hju en salt. It’s > wiae hsas O'IiMOMbEB B FWkUm m iiMK.n* TICKLED TO DEATH Pi’ sid&nt Ik-KNey lid i i Royal C!d Tims 8R HIS SOUTHERN TOUR. Reached Washington Enjoying Perfect Health. Washington, Dec. 21. — Th® presidential party, after an ab sents of several days in the south, arrived at the Pennsyl vania station over the Southern railway at 11 :80 o’clock yester day-morning exactly on schedule time. With the exception of Mrs. McKinley, who was slightly in disposed at Atlanta, every mem ber of the party has been in the best of health and all pronounc ed the trip most enjoyable and a splendid success in every way. Everywhere a stop was made the president was received with greetings and demonstration* of •n enthusiastic character and entire week there was not a dis turbing incident. The run from Columbia, S. 0., Was uneventful, and on ar rival here the splendid train of six Pullman care under the per sonal supervision of General Agent Brown, was run up th® Sixth street aiding, where lighted. The president- aad I Mrs. McKinley, were driv-n to ‘ the white house at once. I The last morning aboard the I presidential train was spent j chiefly in farewell visits paid upon each other by as embers ©f the party. The president receiv ed all his guests in his own ear. He expressed hie entire satisfac tion over the,‘trip In this seati ! ment every member of the cab- I inet aboard heartily coincided, while Gens. Wheeler »nd Shafter repeated the eulogistic expres sions already made in their pub lie speeches. The general impression pre vailed that the trip had cemented to a marvelous degree the good feeling between north and south and had brought into promin ence the excellent condition and capabilities of the aimy. The original object of the visit to celebrate the peace with Spain lost its significance directly after i the president’s memorable ut terances regarding the care of : confederate dead. i Secretary Alger expressed i himself as highly pleased with • the reception accorded the pre 1 - ; BUCKLIN’# ARNICA SALVE ! Th. b..t MIO f ">• " Orld for b-ui’M .0r.., ulc.r., i 8*1;,F.«r 80r.., 1 iChapped hand., Chilblain., iC.rn., » d »H Bki * ~r ’ I , n d po.iliMlr «»"• PllM or pay r.,uir.d. b 1- „ K i« p.rl«» Mli.f.M'«» »’ tnon.T r.fu.*.d- p.r box. For eala by Cu.ry A ) tjWi O - idential party at every point in the south and said what partic ularly impressed him was the absolute sincerity of the people in their welcome of the presi dent ; it was henest, straightfor. ward and such as might come only from a loyal, loving kins man. The secretary lost no opportu nity during the trip to look into the conditions among the United States troops quartered in the southern towns end cities the line of route. Generally speaking, he feund these condi tions admirable and the men in splendid condition. He was par ticularly gratified at the univer sal reports testifying to the ex cellent conduct of the soldiers. The leading citizens assured him at all points that the men w» re behaving like gentlemen aud’giving no cause for concern, but on the contrary were being welcomed to the homes of the people newspaper’s Blunder Ci eated a stir In Banking Cir ces at Springfield, Ohio. Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 21 An unfortunate blunder in a Cincinnati paper has created a sensation here. A special was incorrectly printed from Spring field, stating that ex-Benator Brice’s connection with the First National Bank had prevented ii from being wrecked by a dis honest official. The First National Bank her* is cni *f the solidest institutions u the state. «x>v. BnshneUis ip mident. NO KIGHT TO UGLIN ESS. Th* woman who is lov*ly in face, form and temper will al ways hav* friends, but on* who would be ettraetiv* must k*ep hsr health. If she is weak, sick ly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritabl*. If she has constipation *r kidney trou ble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complex ion. Electrie bitters is the best medicine in the world to regu late stomach, liver rnd kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50cla at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store. 2240 TtL Georgia wRiW Agricultural, *■ Illi College DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education ia the reach of all. A 8., 8.5., Normal and Business Maa’s courser. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cW mate; military discipline; good moral and .ueltgiouo influences. Cheapest board in the ‘State; abundance of country produce; expense? from |75 to *l5O a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under ths oonwol of the University. A college prepar atory class. Coeducation of sexes. The insti tutioafounded specially for students of limited —.if —« jf. A CUT PRICE DRUG STORE! All Patent Medicines Reduced in Price! All Toilet Articles reduced TO MEET Mu Competition Only When We Cut Every Custo mer get the Benefit. J. T. CROUCH & CO. <H. P. WOOTEN & BRO., 5 Successors to - 3* S -yv ROME PHARMACY. $ -'>l 30t Broad at. —Now Clark Building, 'tS We have bought the entire stock of the Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants la 2® the drug, and patent medicine lino. stock io complete and of the vary highest grade. Wo solicit a part of your patronage and shall on deaver to the boot of our ability Io please you at times. Wo should be phased to havo you call on a 35? Full lino of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a uoh things as are usually carried in a first-class dr So •tore. Cigars aud tob a coo. i Class loses us. S>