The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 4

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IDSTLER-COMMERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF AOMi Eatabiiahed. IBW. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Edablihhetl. 1*95. Uwa« »WT evruibg. except Satuiday. .Sunday aud weekly. PHIL <i. BYRD. I li'Wt »» BIANAGIsR. In Victoria, Australia, school children art carried free on the street cars. The Sun calls Carl Schurz “the Hying Dutchman of Amer ican Politics.” -T-■ .« t-~ It is said that Russia is no longer'our irisnd. If Russia can stand it —why we can. Gen Wesley Merritt says in an interview thxt the hilipincs will peacefully accept American sovereignty. Hobson kissed over 400 Kan sas City girls during one evening. Hobson is a brave man and owns a tough kisser. tb— w ■ < i’* Southern Journals almost unanimously resent Mr. Bailey’s attack upon lien. Wheeler. Ihe gentleman from Texas had bet ter ring off. ai'.-jB . Mr. Choate says if we are to have a great navy to defend our commerce ws should have a great commerce to defend. Mr. Choate is an intelligent pig. Mr. Bryan’s position with reference to the Philippines is meeting with commendation from many sources, without ref erence to geographical lines. Gen. Ferguson, commanding the department of Alabama ot the United Confederate Veter ans, has formally commended the president’s Atlanta speech. ■ I* . ..L_L Governer-elect Roosevelt is said to be preparing his first annual message. 1 t is beiag •waited with a great deal of in terest by tbe politicians of New Y*rk. Blanco must have overlooked a good many tilings in his hur ry to leave Havana. Since his departure it is noticed that pro fessional thieves over there have made a number of rich hauls. Gen. Otis says the Filipinos want nothing but pay for their services. If they are to be al lowed to fix the value of their own usefulness we might give them the Philipines and still owe them money. ■Jl'.'.'JL”-. J. 1 """ “The fine Italian hand” of tbe sugar trust will so shape leg islation and the administration that the tax on reined sugars from the Philippines will be practically prohibitory, while the raw article will be allowed to come to their refineiies free. It is a wonder, when Samp son pitched into Shatter about hie la» k of veracity and general ship, that the latter did not re tort, “I was only r four miles away from the battle 1 won, while you were nine from tbe one you claim to have won.’ Gen. Shafter’s long suit is not so much repartee as it is gout. Senator alien, of Nebraska, is an inveterate smoker of sto gie*. He never lights a cigar, but always has a waistcoat pock et full of long slender stogies, and dispenses them to his smo king clientele. The senator is very generous with his tobacco. Senator Mason facetiously calls it prodigal generosity without extravigance. ROVAI BAKING Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome RO Ml BAKINfI RQWQ6R CO., RE* YORK Gen. Merritt come.s four most welcome bits of informa tion in a very few words. He says that tin re is no truth in the reported breakdown of Ad miral Dewey s health ; that the Germans acted a “little queer” without doing any harm; that the climate of the Philippine! is delightful and that the volun teer soldiers are all right. War and other correspondents are referred to the terse efficacy of this report. The Japanese government i professes to be pleased with the ( advent of the United States as an Oriental Power. The Japs will watch with the greatest in terest the development of the Yankee policy in tbe manage ment of the multi-savagery of the Philippine archipelago; they have a similar little task of their own in subduing Formosa to the uses «f a broader civiliza tion. So far it has probably cost two dollars to produce every dollar of gold tha; has been sent out j from the Klondike region in Alaska; but the quest continues: unabated. In the course of years the mines nany be made to yield a protit to the hardy explorers ; but the gold hunting industry is one of the most uncertain and disastrous in the whole range of human undertakings. Co’. W. J Bryan thinks the st tiding army is la’ - ge enough for ] r. ctical purposes, but says the present volunteer force will be held in the army a» hostages until an army bill can be passed He declares that the citizen army volunteered for the war and no longer, and now that it’s over, they should be discharged. It is the fad new among the swell society wotnea to equip the bath room with scales so the weight can be taken with each bath. Scale manufacturers are finishing these scales in the lieest style and they are really ww«s of art, wiites a fin de siecle editor who may or »ay not know'. Senator Kyle, of South Dako ta, who, pending his cauvess, was a strong anti-expansionist, * ' **■ \ xLL * n ’■w 3* WWw/ ■/ A r °bust, manly ply/* J eon and a cooing vjw* 1 baby-girl nestling iu ,■?/. ' h er bosom what zZ J more can any wotu- anly woman ask ? 4% ■ ' a |, oou that U—Heaven intended should be granted to every woman. Thousands fail of this because they have neglected to look after their health in a womanly way. The health of a woman’s babies is dependent upon her own health during the period of prospective maternity The prospective mother cannot be too par ticular about her physical condition. If she suffers from local weakness, nervous ness or loss of vigor and virility, her chib dren will be weak, puny and sickly. Dr. Pieroe’s Favorite Prescription is tne only unfailing cure for all weakness and disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the brunt of maternity. It makes these organs •Ifong. healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic, fl makes the prospective mother strong nnd cheerful, ft robs maternity of its perils. It insures a baby constitution ally strong. It is tbe invention of an emi nent and skillful specialist, who has had thirty years’ training in this particulai branch, during which time he ana his staff of physicians have prescribed for many thousands of women Medicines dealers sell it and an hune.t dealer will not urge upon you an inferior substitute merely for the little added profit he may make thereon. “I am the mother of a nice baby four aud a half months old." writes Mrs. J B. Clough, (Boa 203.) of Lisbon, Grafton Co N. H " I cannot give too much praise to Dr. Pierce's Favorite I Prescription." Dr. Pierce’i* Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Obstipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you eure the disease. One “Pellet” is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar tic Druggists sell them, and nothing Is “just as rood,” - after a visit to the white house has become a rank imperialist. Oh, this pat ronage ; how pow erful is its effect ! gt'-l" - ' - " A distinguished physician says appendicitis is eaused in many Americans by sitting with their legs crossed; while the fact that any such disease ever , existed is doubted by some. Somehow this talk about placing ex Ccnfederates on the national pension roll brings to mind the old fable of 40 acres and a mule The former is just about as tangible and as likely to be realized as the latter.—Co lumbus Enquirer-Sun. The queen regunt of Spain some time ago decorated the president of France with the order of the Goldwii Fieece. Re cently he was presented with a bill of 8,000 francs for the same and had it to pay. Would it be a permiasibls pun to say she fleeced him going and coming? ( __i . '■fai The Springfield Republican says that so far as the Philip pines are concerned the digging of the Nicaraguan canal will not improve the stiategic posi tion of the United States a par ticle because the distance from New York to Manila by the Suez canal is something like 125 miles shorter than it would be by the Nicaragua canal. Lard and Lady Aberdeen sig nal iz d their departure from Canada by circulating a fare well literary souvenir among the host of friends they had made during their residence at Ottawa. It consisted of a beau tiful reprint of the introduction that Lady Aberdeen contributed to the Canadian summer annual entitled * Our Lady of the Sun shine,” the retort to Rudyard Kipling’s “Our Lady of tbe Su 'we.” Then m a loose sheet were the words “Good-bye.” the autograph signatures of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, and the date, Nov. 12, 1898. WISE AND OTHERWISE. Cervera’s fl ,et was a Fourth of July souvenir, and now the pi acs treaty is on its way as a Christmas present —Nsw York Tribune. Charlie (age six, on hearing song by celebrated bass) —“Fa- ther, did be make all that noiie mi purpose?” Uoselesf. Judging by their recent num bvi’is, the magazines will uot be ready t« sign the pease treat) for several months yet.—-Balti more News. Os song birds the nightingale is ut.questionably the sweetest But the com mon or garden hen is the one that pleases us m >st with its lay.—Roseleaf. Tbe journey which G n Sher man made through Georgia is nothing to the triumphal swath now being cut through that state by Maj >r General Joseph Wheeler —Chicago Record. "V" ■» 1 T- About twenty tilled people,! says tbe London Mail, have come into an alliance of mutual hispitality to spend the coming 1 Christmas iu town. It is an ex-1 periment. Dinners, balls and the . playhouses are to contribute! • acli in its turn to the suocsss oi this unique, perhaps saving experience. SOUTHERN PRESS OPINIONS ■ < «M It is estimated th si, there are st least IJO different dialects spoktn in th" Pailippiu* islands. A legis lative body with a representative J fri.'ui eaiu of lhess would make up i inlsiksliug debating society. — | MewtgoO'ery Advertiser The add wear her now prevalent ever the south will preveut the •otton grower* from gathering the ualanue ot their crop. It is al most certain that not less than 100 GOO bales will go to waste in tbe fields here in Arkansas. —Lit- tle Rock Democrat. The war deoarttaaiit does net i . | learn by exper enev, ns matter I hew costly it may have boon. Kuovving that the signing es a penes treaty would ninke aecs»«a ry the immediate sending ot more soldiers to Manila, the wili|comes from Ihe department that the ns* ossity has arisen, but it is net prepared aed cannot be in two weaks to emibark three or four thous-'iid troops at New Yoik Delay is the department’s motto. Mobile Register. Torture on the w .sei did not beaom« extinct with the passing of the Inquisition. In New York last uia[ht thare canoe to a slose six days of lecture to a number ol bioycis riders who have been try iug te e-e which could ride the most milws with the least sleep and rest in seventy-two hours Prize fighting is no more eruel than this ’ s*'cal!ed sport, still the six days’ bicycle race ht<6 the sanction ot the law, —Savannah News ! The fact that Senator Gray, j though rad’Caßy opposed to au j nexalim or imperialism feels bound to vote for ratification of ihe tr.iaty taking oyer to ourselves Porto Rioo nnd tbe Philippine island, because he is oue of the signers of thv trea y as a member of th* peace •□■amission ehows that Mr Hoar is wise in his •ay aud g-n«ration in holding that sen tiers shonid « t ba appointed on eommissiems.— BLlimund Dis patch. JJ J. !—SE It is to ba hoped the oeld stor age p ants to be establiehed in Cuba by Armour, Swift, Sir Fhornas Lipton aud others will serve to chill the ardor of the riot ous Cubans and Spaniards who are now seeking to emulate the South Carolina and Illinois methods. Michael ODornell, who has already served in Sing Sing Prissn ■ early eleven years oi a 30 years’ sentence for burglary may be paf>- ’doned aud released because h ; a brother. James, has confessed on hi» deathbed that he was the guil* ty man. Michael knew this during all t,he time of hia imprisouineuf, but sa : d noth’ng boe use he ex pected Janus to die soon of eon bu n pt ion. , 2' LLJ. 1 W Mr. J. Edward Addieks finds it easier to get married than to break inr® the Senate. The distinguish ed Blue Hon has just entered up on his third hemiym >on, but he is s ill several degrees removed from Washington. More than 200 municipalities in Engiand, Scotland and Ire lauc’ now own the municipal gas works. Annual Gales over 6 •flit UILXOTS All) ULIiVGiiX >lSoE>2ia as Wind and Pain in the Stomevh, iUdiu«aa. Fulueaa after meals. Boail > lie, Dizrineae, Drowsiness. Flushings >! Hist, L?ss of Appoiito, Coativansso. If lof •.•':*•« on tho Skin. Q'ld Chills. Di»- tirbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all iv.-rvi.iin and Trembling Ba must lens. THE MEAT ®OSE WILL GIVE REMEI IK TWEITT MIJIFTBS. Every eufferei Till i.eknewiedge them te be A V/ONDERFUL MEDIAE. SliMiaAn'B PIIA.S, t kan asdireet »d, trill quickly r- storo lomnlcs to com plete huulth, They piewiptly remove ebslruetlone«r Irregularities of the e;s tum and cuv« Hirk Headaebe. Fui a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pilis ar© without a Kival And h«T« th* LARGEST SALS »f a»r PaaMt* Medlelwe in UagWetEA, IS a. at afi Btng Storwr CURRENT TOPICS. : Corncob pipes are made b\ the car load is Missouri aid soil • for 25 to 27 cents per bushel. 1 The industry is also an impor ' , taut one in Indiana, and one factory at Brightwood turns out between 40 GO to 5000 a day-. j A new Robinson Crusoe has been found. The man, according to a Peruvian telegram, was ( found on one «f the desert Gala ptgos islands.He had not spoken to or even seen a human being for fourteen years, and his body is covered with a thi< k hair ! ! I He has lived on wild bird?, shell fish aud water. The man must have u sens;.lienal story to un fold.—Rio d© J*neir>' News. • Most people will be surprised to learn that the majority of flowers have no perfume what ever. An Austrian chemist, who has been making researches into ths subject, declared that out of 4110 rarities known and culti vated in Europe, scarcely 400 have any odor; and of these nearly fifty have an odor, which is, if anything, disagreeable. WHAT CAUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and weak eyes. I thought my trouble was due to catarrh and I resbrted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproviug, and I have had no severe attacks since I began tak ing this medicine. 1 cannot say too much in its praise.” Indiana C®bb, Sunny Side, Ca. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy te operate ; reliable, sure. 25c. MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. The Limits In Which Fireworks May be Exp'ccled. All persons are hereby not iß ed that tbe firing of fire craek ers, skyrockets and all other ex plosives are expressly forbidden within the following limits : Beginning at the Oostanaul river on the Western side of Fourth avenue to East third St. thence along the Northern side of East Third street to the Wcm orn side-of Second avenin ; thence ak>ug the Western side of Second avenue to F'ow. b river; thence down tbe Etowah river to the Ooatanaula river; thence up the Oo«tanaula river to beginning point. Ihe police of the city are in structed to strictly enforce with in said limits, the ordinance up on the subject ot fire works. This December 19, 1898. Jc mn J. Shay, Mayor Git}- of Rome. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX- U RSI ON RATES via SO.R’Y, For Christmas holidays, the Southern railway will sell tick ets Irom points on its lines to points E st of the Messissippi and South of the Ohio and Poto mac rivers at rate of one and one third fares for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Dee. 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, also Dec 30th, 31st and Jan. Ist, and 2nd with final limit to return Jan. 4th, 1899. 1 his will give every one an excellent opportunity of spend ing Christmas holidays with their friends and relations. lor further k information call on Railway Ticket Agent. ~~.■ ■ - Large line of Medal lions and Pictures just received and opened up today at Curry-Ar rington Co’s. All pop ular subjects. HOW’S THIS? We oir M . One Hundred Doi j i Jars Reward for atlv T'atarrh that cannot be cured i° f Hall’s Catarrh (Jure by , F.J. CHK-. K Y & C„.',T.. lcdOio 1 We, the undersigned u k-now„ E. J. ci,„ne, k ro ,' n , e t ( ..years and beiieye l, im J . t «We to carry oul ' • obl .guuon made by ll> eir6rn , West* Truax, Wholesale Dr J gists, Toledo. O. ‘ g | : tn'?" g i’ n il,nan * Ma ' vi " W holesale Druggists, I’oledo • Hall’s Catarrh Cure i 8 tak J , " Iternl > ll y. directly u „„. tbe blood and mucou, , U rf a L freo. Price 75c per bottle. Soldi by all Druggists. I Hall’s Family Pifl ß are J est b ’] c °ke olieppei- thanl > Coal- Can be used in| ; stoves for heatingandl cooking purposes. Nol • smoke or soot. Clean! and economical. Fori further particulars! see.. HOME G-AS Col mitssimjl ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, Kast. First reel Bt, _ ■ CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, K< lßg . Croporaio Law Onlyr J W, J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocunJl Special attention given to commercial tiH aud the examicalion cf land titles. Bl office in King building, Rome, Ga. a ■W ALiTHIR. HARRIS I Attorney at law and J. P Office orer F Kane & Co. ’s. LIHSCOMB Ar .WILLI NUH AM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Armstrong hotel building, Rome, UM M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. < tfficeKiag Buildiag. Rome, ba. ■W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law. Will Practice in all office, Maaomo Temple, home, Ga I J SANTA CR.WF 3’. I I Attorney’ at law. Rome. Ga. Colle Hens I | apeeielty. j® Masoulc Temple Rome, Go. • MOSES « RIGHT. HARPER HAMU.TtIM WRIGHT & HAMILwB Attorneys at Law. I Office: No. 14 Postuilice Buildinß CHARLES E* DAVIS I ATTORNEY AT LAW- Collection a specially. W ill practice la Masonic Temple ex, DENTISTS. M J. A. WILLS, D. D.S.’B onire --Mt. 1-2 Broad . » Over Cantrell S J. I. PENNINGTON. I) D S„M M ENTIST' B Office. A!5 1-U Broad street. Over Hanks mture Co. . PHYSICIANS. | j O HAMILiTON. M D ’ B . Physician and Surgeon Office. Buildlug Koine. Ua. Oi> ce 'phone No. • ~81 l I_> F>. U D'JB Physician and Surgeon, Office in building. Residence, No. 403 West Fn ce 'nhoNo (J TONSORAL PARLOR® LEWIS BARRETT, B The Old Reliable.” operating the hotel Barber Shop, invites you to give > uial .and promises to do the rest. Oulj • 1 men employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, B Himself a skilled barber, ' ,n, l ,lo F s “ lk W very best artists in liia tonsoral 81111 ,0 ’ Curry Building, opposite the Aru,! *' ran^ or k >ou are made comfortable while y |,ur HH being done. PASTEUR FILTER I The onb G sc 1 r h > Proof Filter in I world. Makes Ava B pure and cle r J ■ sale by The Hanso’B upplvoo I