The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 5

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fie young woman to whom the f 0 |lv..4i>g parbgiaph from 'i he flouatzdule (I’a) Journal refeiß oanuot fail to appreciate the deli eaC \ with which the compliment ecJ) veye<l is wo’ded: The of the Houslz- (jalHgirlu are slender aud delicate ly tinted; tbei r iii are like *** md ih u y ari * without =in this or au v other § Their frowns are like gid th* if 128450 excite ! ! I of p], gtuie and a desire to m— — jlj, in . Re-id this closely and ja o (> i / its veracity. 000 I f i-ty g ’o the make-up of the ne xi .he New York World ►ays: “Senator Edward Murphy, Jr, the silent, w’ll be missed. Quiet, easy going, smooth, oily, a politician witha', he accomplished mere for his constituei is than many Senators who proclaim their doing? with a brass hand and an griny irumpet. Murphy is not the mao to aland on the housetop and announce in foghorn voice what he igrbou’todo. If he lack'd three votes of enough to pass a measure in which he was interested they were forthcoming.” 0 0 0 T1 e Spanish soldiers in Havana are terrible fellows when firing ins to cases and funeral processions. The Spanish complaint that in the recent war we would not fight as they expected ns to fight stems to have been well founded. If we had waited at Manila and Santiago for the Spaniaids to attack us in cases or hearses Spain would have been fighting yet. J . o'o 0 The New Yorke r arrested on a charge of lese maj a ste in Berlin for referring to the Kaiser as a “shsrpihead” pleads drunkenness «s hia defense, as “when sober he always speaks respectfully of the Emperor.” The prohibitionists should put a padlo.k on this man’s mouth, or his case may be used in proof of the virtues of drink, o o o A Kirkcaldy (Scotland) piper recently printed an account of an accident which befell two well known temperance men on their way home from a prohibition meeting, and facetiously stated that “fortunately both gentlemen were sober at the time.” This re mark made tbelKifctims of the ac cident indignant, and they dt k>-<nu. u a public apology from the editor. In th/tex.! i-sue of the p»p r appetired this notice: “AL-wbra. ai.d demand an apology for our having s'atrd that at the time of their accident they r » ■' JL-". """ One Large Scar is AM That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Goar to Leo! Upon Her —A Crand, Complete Cure by K sod’s sarsuparil<\ After Others Failed. “1 was taken with neuralgia hi mj head and eyes. Not tons alter this, a scrofula .“.ore appeared on my left cheek, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck aaid on tny right arm and one Jf my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked, so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at me and advised me to wear n bandage, but I feared this would irritate the‘sore and make it worse. So I Could Hot Hide tiio Soros. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which hud been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and ths neu ralgia hi my h-jad was better. In a few months the sores on myar ns and limbs all healed; those on my neck gradually di appeared and now they are e'.l gone. 1 have never had any symptom of scrofula since. One large scar on m.' right arm is all tlw sign that remains of my terrible affliction. The ncura'gla is also cured.” Mrs. J. m.llat-j Hampshire. Hood’s B iS. lottie best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pills ffiktUC Ito FAITH CURE ABOUT DYSPEPSIA They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indigestion Anyway Whether you Have Faith In Them or Not. I Mere faith will not digest your I food for you, will not givM you sn “Ppetite, wi’l not incr-ase your flesh and etrengtbi n your nerves and heart, but Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, be- they are composed o f the elements of digestion, they contain the juice, acids and pept< nes nec essary to th* digestion and assimi lation ot all wholesom* food. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if placed in a jar or bottle in water heated to 98 de grees, and they will do it much more effectively when takeu into the stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they will cr not. They invigorate the stomach, make pure blood And strong serves, in the only way that nature can do it, and that is, from plenty of whplescme food well d’gested. It is not what we eat, but nhat we digest that does us good. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by nearly all druggists at 50 cents f (? r full siz’d package, or by mail from the F. A. Stutat Co., Marshall, Mich. were both sober. We have pleas ure in withdrawing our observa tion. ” 0 0 0 It now transpires that C. K. Ra ; - mond, author of “George Mande ville’s Husband” and “The Open Question,” aid Miss Elizabeth Rubbins, the actress, whese re markable impersonation in the roles in Ibsen's plays won the ad miration of London audiences, are one and the same perseu. Who said a woman couldn’t keep a se cret? 000 President Diaz is by long odds the shrewdest ruler Mexico has ever had, and it may be supposed be knows what he is about in of fering free passage, tools, seeds, oxen snd land to such Spanish soldiers in Cuba as desire to settle jn his country, exacting in return only 20 percent, of their products until they own vheir laud, Never thwless to most people it looks like a dubious speculation. 000 Kmil Marx, a New York baehe lor. looked under his bed the other morning and found a wonsan there. She was a burglar, too, but there the analogy steps, for Mr. Marx neither seres used for help net locked his deor, but brandished a club and ordered the lady to eeme out. Then he reliev ed her of $34 worth of his cloth, a and turned her over to the police. She was Mrs. Pauline Bergman, ar d said she was robbing for her children because her husband re fused t® support her and them. 000 Paul Newman, ex-attorney-gen eral of Hawaii has been admitted to practice before the United Stat es »upieme court. He registered a> frero “the territory of Hawaii.” 000 Three places at least are known where green snow is found. One of these la near Mount, Hecla Ice land another fourteen miles east of the Obi, and the third near Quito, South 000 Capt. Sigsbee has a watch that has been submerged in salt water three limes. It went down in Japa nese w aters years ago, At Bahia Honda, in 1878 when a Spanish pilot grounded Capt. Sig.bee . vessel the Blake the watch hau another salt water bath, the vessel having been flooded to preven’ her pounding to pieces on th* recks. At Havana the timepiece went down with the Maine bn was recovered by a diver. When the war broke out and Capt. bee took command of the Bt. Pau lie wisely left this to ri«“ t thinking it indiscreet to again iu Cuban waters. o e o 1 uuiqw p»liU« •“bAßk’Y 1 1 3 ! i» lhe r,a,r *' |C| the csurmniGTeHul *0 i iriw iPWR ffl ti n r ii I *P s jJ J lilUjJjiJ Hyffl ±lUi,jiJj * g I turn's ntkn still tie puce. | |v| MHTW?FKHIB OR FOMI I ft * c * * A i Irl DOLL I is i I lo Our Store Has Been Marked Down To Soil. * gH I I M 4 -> AND S i in | * IF TOD WANT ONE YOU GAN GET IT! S * j S £T i 3 ‘ SEE OUR 'WXJSnDO'W I I PUREST-ABINGTON- CO. I IN i I 8 s 20 f * Court at Nashvil'e. Te»n Ibe Banner, of 'bat city says that the petition “probably has no | fqual in the country in the vay cf liability which is confin-d to the one item of alimony dues divorced wife, D was filed by | Gentry R Smith of Murfreeeboro , uho s'as forth that his liabilities are ssllO due Mrs L. A. Fitts, , f Enon College jgee Mrs. L. A., Smith,” Incidentally, as “nee”; means born, Mrs Fitts, who was born Mrs. Smith, must be a re markable woman. Fond M< t’.icr : t hree years ago I cave him a chain, and he’s worn it out; two years ago 1 gave him a diamond stud, and he lost it, and last year I got him a watch and he broke it. Now, what can I give that boy that will laet? Jeweler: Why not try diamond I earrings? Fond Mother: He couldat keep them. He pawned mine four years ago I—Jewelers’ Weekly. SANTA CLAUS’ CHOICE OF A HAP for a holiday gift is a sensible ene . Especially when ono of our handsome Derbys, Fedoras or Alpines have been croseu.Wo have them in the newest sbapes colors and nobby styles, and anyone who is fertunate to reeeivs oae will sail it a “boaut.” Csmo ts W. H. Co, ksr to trade and got ys«r Xsaao presents. W. H. COKER, Na. 11 Broad Bi. Fashionable Capes, Wrapsl Fascinators, Clovoe, Umbrellas,, and etc., will make a member of your family an Xmas gifki that they will appreciate. Wo havo some beauties in CapesJ Fascinators, etc. The prices aro ths lowest and our quality is tbo best. N. B.— Don’t fail to coms to <iy store to trade and gel your) Xaaaa gift. . W. H. COKER, No. 11 Broad it. aolWMwraa, MSOMM WeOStaa: mm T , FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. Jubnften announces bimeelt a canddat* for the office of Bailiff of the Rates District, and asks you 'o vote for biui ou election day. I announce mysolf as a candi date for bailift of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the vote of friends and other* in th* election on the first Sat urday in January. Gko. W. Biaufokd. * To my friends and th* voters of the Rome district, I desire to stat* that 1 am * candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff for this district and most res pectfully solicit your support. If I re-elected I pledge to do nay full duty on each and every oecasiod iin discharging th* obligation* of the office. Very Respectfully, R. H. Copklan*. Thereby aviioence myself for Bailiff 919th District G. M. Floyd county, Ga. E'eetiou first , Saturday in January, 1899, D, B. Bryan.