The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 6

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r • EVERYTHING AT COST FOR CASH! " : WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE . CLOTHING B WS mJ ESS X AND WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE STOCK Jarnff ® SSW Ejaß w» UMV JOL JL JL ■ • V. . —— AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN; THIS SALE Includes All Our CLOTHING, I•' I J I X ’NISH 1N( '. GCO L)S aqd H ATS , JL.Gr L ===^=z > BREEZY ITEMS : I t Wfittti «Ur Special ken- 1 Pin Sirrespoident, 1 I MUSI SOT YIN UNPICKED. Farmers Will Pick Cotton Du rin® th® Holidays ~ I London, Ga. 21. —Mr. J. W. 1 Caldwoll left last Sunday for bis home near Calhoun, where he will spend Christmas, returning the first of January. Mr. A. J. Carver returned yesterday from Lytle, Ga., where he has been at work for tho gov ernment. j The Armington Beauxite Co., has shut down until the first of next year, when it will open up with an increased force of hands. They expect to do a much larg er business than they have ever done before. Mr. George Bing spent last wook in London with his friend Mr. A. C. Wilkins, and return ed to bis homo at Pine Log Sun day . A. C. Wilkins leaves Satur-j day for Ohicamauga, where he will epend the holidays with his sister, Mr. E. E. Gilliam. Messers Will and Lin Fowler are spending this week in Reyn old’s bend, bird hunting. They report very good luck. Christmas is almost hire and] the people around and near London are not moro than one suppose a lot of them will spend all the holedays in the cotton, patch winding up the 1898 cot ton crop, and everybody near here will redeco the* cotton acreage considerably, one third at least. irn.r 1 ( Lectured The Force. —At noon today Aiderman D. B. Hamilton, chairman of the po lice committee met Chief Steele, Deputy Guice and the officers of the force at police headquar- I ters and behind closed doors | proceeded to give the force a I lecture upon the duties of the ■ officers. Blood Poison. I Contagious Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave.. Wash ington,D.C.,says: I was for a long w time under treat K. *, -, i ment of two of fe-. eJMJ L the best physi- IT ciaus of this city, \r-i. gg'. ry for a severe case p °f blood poison, « but my condition grew worse all /XKg , jspvs the while, not withstanding the that they \ /A# r'< charged me three aKw /I/ 'hundred dollars, /jr/ My mouth was SUed with eating sores; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of Clse disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life •f misery.” S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable') will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thediaease and it* treat- pKBy wailed free by Swift W. Specific Co,, aJTb a X GIRLS OJBGR’ ieitißse Nebsot Fir Kissing Them HE BISCRIi*>NATEP And SemeOfThi “Old Ores" Ar# Mat Kausai City, Mo., Dec. 21. —Now that it is al ov r. Lieutenant Hobson’s osculatory exhibition yesterday is causing a mild senea tic n. Many women have called up the newspapers and sent in cards, saying that the Lieutenant kissed them against their will. He is ac cused f placing both arms around them and giving the.manjempnat ic hug. It is also claimed that he was very discriminating and “pa»s.d up” those whose age and features d d not come up to his require* meuts. Several ministers have been in terviewed today and they all de nounce the kissing. Some go so far as to say that the Navy De* partment should interfere and put a stop to it, Chicago, Dec. 21.—Society people generally in all parts of Chicago, are commenting freely on Lieut. Hobson’s performance at the Auditorium after his lec tuie of Sunday night. “The Navy Department should r call him,” said Mrs. Charles M. Henrotin, ex President of tho National Association of Women’s Clubs. “1 think the government bad better make an example of the young man, aud put an end to the opportunities fer flippancy in the gfuise of a W a it it THE WEST. TO ARKANSAS TEXAS. Schedule in EiTect Oct. 4th, 1833. MOUTHBOUMb. No. 2 No. < N 0.70 N 0.72 tv .t'lau'a. . & ll'ara 8 304 SCpmj FBOpia Ar Ma-iette.. 9O.'km 9iflpin 54vpm 625 pa “ Rome 1125 am 745 pm .. “ Uni on. 11 41am 11 41{>ni 811'pm " Chnt'noogs 1 iOpui 100 am 9 35pm " Nashville . 0 55pm 6 40am “ Mernphis .. 7 3Cani 4 OUpm Ev Naihvllle I 720 nm 730 am Ar St I or.i«.. .iTVUm 782 nm , . tv ivasnviue > Alpini i ' Ar Chicago. 9<Laml 880 pm I tv Nashville . 7 3frpm| 7 30*m|.... Ar Louis ilto . 38Jam 1225 pm *' Cincinnati, 7 05>m: 405pni! Train No. 2 carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta and Nashville, con necting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Angusts and Atlanta to Nashville andftt. Louis through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta C 4 Chattanooga, passmgers remain In car until T o'clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t< Knoxville via A. K. * N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. 4 O. for Cincinnati. This train carries through Coach Atlanta to Rome. To the South and East. BOL'THBOVND. No. 1 j No. 3 | No.Bl j No. 78 tv Nashville 5 iuam loTUpm ~~ F7T777 " Chat’nooga 2 55pm 3 2u»m 5 55am.'””” “ Dalton . 4 11pm! 4 28am 711 am “ Rome -.. 4 25pm 745 am •• Marietta . 6 4.lpm 6 45amj 945 am 705 am Ar Atlanta... 750 pm 1 7 SOanii W 85am 8 Uoa.m Jjv Atlanta ..I 7 sUpm 760 am 4 05pin| Ar Macon. 11l 18pm 11 10am 7 Atpmi..... “ Tirion. . I 2 50am 3 05pm . “ Ja. k'nvlllel 8 45am 10 26pm n a tlanta ... 7 ftUpmi 7 soam ( 4 oSpm . .7..." Ar Macon 11 lupm 11 l*am 720 pm •• Albany... ,I 327pm’ 11 06pm i “ Thm'sville . I 6 30pmI •* Savannah. 1 BQllam 1 6 00pm’ jfv At lam a . 11 35pm I 7 sCami 3 U>>m ““ Ar Augusta... 5 li-.aml 120pml 8 25pm Ar Charleston 11 o.‘ami 800ppi . ... j “ £v Atlanta . Tsopm>l2 oOjq 12 (JOnf j Ar Athens JO2lp W , 818 pm 810 pm \ i •• 8 lopm 7 i.uml 7 Ifiani ... i •' Wash vton 10 SOpmlH Hlam'n 81am 'JU baw 1 ork. >sl ami 5 2Uptn S&prnl | Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga aud Atlanta to Jackson- | ViUe, Fla, I Train No. Bcarries Pullmnn Sleeper St Louis | ' Augusta withoftt Change Pullman Sleepei j i (.hattanooga to Atlanta open fur passengers j Chattanooga 8 o'clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A K. A N. Ry. F ur > further information write to • B F SMITH, Q. h HARMAN, I Traffic Manager. C4 on- p aas> A t *■ ’ " ■ ■ .■. liF STL* ANDCOMFO R T ~ »Md for a j#Uy goed time wiik f*Mily #r fri#ad«, tken if bctii iarr lik# aa epen , Bl . r j foi J Wiutar ®r Stiaamer. Our ft. ck ‘j •f styliali ®arriag#i is unrivalled and oar apid®r pl at tons, hum- xnffl bouts, Is aggies, traps, carls, wajj cn»tt#s, #au®py top, t r optn rrr reys *ra light, assy, <®mfc»ta bit* and ba in construe— 'ion, trimming* and finish. We rapair an! ov- ihau) vahieit*; al. o wury a big liar of M harness and lap irb•»;. I’omk Bt aar C®, iM)9 611 Bff* street,Ror e Ga. 1 aitfi hj r> <fc iliums, jlil l .TOeniLALT TERREL SPEED Warier'® MATCHLESS “TWOFIRS” the brand of TERR ILL SPEED, the renowMi ‘‘Coon Skin” Statesman of Floydi The •*!* of his brand has be?n unprecedented. But then Thomae Wartere niver put 1 sorry cigar on tha market. Ha ie too ent<»r prising and too honsbt. tevery eigar is exid ly what si claimed for its bra red, and the Jers cigarsjare absolutely the onion the ket. EOiMLE §7 Mil QEAI.BRSA CANDY M CATHARTIC 4 v® ■ aMto ' - T * CONSTffATKM L'VERZ, sale AND FEED STABLES-’' Offsrs thH public Inn, b<<3'> •? anew and moat polite and eaurleeaa driver* The best sleek of boreea and mules on »>!• <® stautly. v