The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 22, 1898, Image 7

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S 0 . i w -wmiy —iNVMMBKXT'IWiMBBBrWOMFVVIW •v“n*tV4F« ->■> w♦ • —— —■ - r --.. m— yt h l EsTl •• ’ »* A k i SUwV *'■.<*• ' „■ ™iiiiiwißMiimi(ii«.- i jßi bSk L .' «L3rw'WMM» ; ®< i w raMbs BO niIW-<* -• fl fl - fl H w L® ■H f ™ Rja llm■ L f 111 1 J Ig’ fel I’l n '1 rll bIU l|| l-U’ sos h ■ - ii ■ .I ■ iw rxcih^i■ OK fl 11 ' ■■ i « ' W jIIIHL B ’■ ~" —— - - ■ T*"" "**""■■■■ I I Have Decided to go Out of the Millinery Business. This is the First Time I Have Offared My Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. 1 Now Throw the Entire Stock on Ihe Market and Will Proceed to Close it|Out at Once-Everything Goes! f WETT—“. >"'. . " 1 ■ ■.. i ^ — —:*iw ->REMBMBBR EVERYTHING GOBS<- I fl B fl v-A VS la fl ■ I B Hlb ■> /j TAX wMe M XXA A£aJL IJL/e ■M Ml p■ Ik JMfflMteflES-CS?wr- —J" . ■■ -.■ ..[H JJUU?" '-7 1 ■ ■ W—g"—g—T"»" .-•■ : . —.. Kill BUSIER / .. 50,000 liir? Ti’«B|s itt if Service moctiop to rm Mk ' g His Du: pla n In {ho Phlllßp’nas »uh I'geo 1 -, Dc. 22 The Cifciiiot today di:.-. u».»cd the in •tructiouH to be sent to Gen. Otie St Manila, which will be pi :nul fsted there as a proclamation by the president. ■lheae instructions are similar ’ u i®P *rt to those sent to iur cf- at Santiago upon the occu« pstisn of that city by the iunted Slates troops. Thsy assure the Filipinos that ' cited States assumes control the Philippine island in a spirit ®f peaee and friendship, and that R " civil rights and privileges that they have hitherto enjoyed w® ild b* continued, and that it ie the Purpose of this government to re* ,**'* in all passible ways the un* Jtist burdens they have borne, and tor the co-operation of all €®»d citizens in maintaining order 10 the end that peace and prosper' "J may be restored. far as is practicable all nffi ctent civil officers will be retained 'he official positions they now °* ca Py, and fair and impartial Justice wi'l be administered to all. 1 has been decided n Ito give ut the text of the instructions to •n. Otis till abeut the time of f) # e r a,rr ‘ T *f “t Manila, which will • a esonth hence. The ins ruct -1 a «e make temparary arrnage nta f or c Oa6 ting trade euah as he cabinet decided that exis- J ooudi tlWBa justified a further uctiojj of the military forces of 1 (he United States, and the secre ary of war was instructed to ar- I range for the immediate muster i out of 50,000 volunteers. Nothin g definite ha« bean de cidtd by >he war departuaant as to the regiments which will be ie cluded in the 50,060 volunteers te ba mueterrd out. If is said, how • ver, thut they will be distributed as rquitiihly ms possible among the k v; ral rtali s ai d m a get oral way ttiH first regiments mustered in will be t»p first te go out. ■’ '. .•snNMMMMfaMRSR' DETEC TIV ES HOUNDED HIM Ex-Convict Commits Suicide 3e c au33Qf Detectives. St. Louis, Dec. 22 —David Shea, an ex-convict, deliberats ly committed suicide today in a rooming house by shooting himself in the head. In a pathetic letter left by Shea, and addressed to the edit- 1 or of The Post-Dispatch, be says 'he was driven to death by a private detective agency as a result of being hounded by the agency. Shea declares he was unable to obtain work to sustain him self honestly, and iie decided to die. QUEEN APPEALS TO POPE Writes To Don Carlos Asking Him To Ston Agitation. London, De. 22 .-The Rome correspandent of 1 be Daily Chien icle says: “In response to another appeal from the queen regent of Spain th# pope has confidentially writ ten to Don Carlos asking him to stop the Carlist agitation. Tt CVRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brenao Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails toeure. Joe. The genuine has L B. <. on,, eaeh tablet. 4,000 COFFINS / Haw Btfi Irhni iiij Th ••uerimest. liriOriNKROBKAD Tg be Bi ought Home for Eu l ’al ac Once I Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 22 Rush orders for 4,000 coffins have been given by the war de partment to a casket company of this city. With 4,000 rough boxes they must be made and delivered is New York within 30 days. From there the burial cases will be sent to Cuba, Porto Rico and all the state military camps and posts where United States soldiers are buried. The bodies will be disinterred, plared in the coflins and brought home. Bodies not claimed by rela tives or friends will be reinter red in national cemeteries. Each coffin will be zinc lined and air tight, to prevent contagion. They are to be finished in oak or mahogany. All will be lined with satin. WHAT JOYFUL FEBLINu. With the exhilarating sens, of r-newed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows th# use of Syrup of Figs, is un known te the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the chwap substi tutes sometimes offered 1 ut never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Ce. at low water The weather has been very bois terous aa«i the wreck is rapidly i breaking t > pieces under the blows .of the tremendous surf that at 'u«n«s swallows it our. of sight. I >- ' * A 1- j to- Bo T ■' '■ I, t> j i r~^^lS- -I// I HOLIDAY REFLEC TIONS. Will be nleasant if you buy here what Furniture you need for gifts. We have an excolleu line of Desks, Book Cases, Chi na closets, Parlor Cabinets, Sha ving Stands, Pictures and other handsome and durable pieces suitable for presentation either to yourself or some friend. These goods are not the kind i made up solely for the Holiday trade, but are high grade, and the equal of anything eyer sold by us. Os course our prices will meet with your approval. Rhudy. Harvey & Co-, Mo. 337, Broad St. XMAS AND HOLIDAYRATES The W. & A. R. R. will sell round trip tickets at reduced rates. Tickets to be sold to any point Eastof the Mississippiand South of the Ohio and Potomac rivers on December 22, 23, 24, 2 5 and 2G; also December 30th ' and 31st, January Ist and 2nd ‘ with extreme limit Jan. 4, 1899. Cad on C. E. Harmon, Gener al Passenger Agt. Atlanta, Ga.,| or C. K. Ayer, P. A T. A.,j Rome, G. | Beware of Imitations L I \}Seestershirc ’SjUG’t. i I ’Mbw.l ■.. iuj jjiwmrowjiw*’'"" ■ ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. Chectaw Indian Nation Wants Damages. i Kausnp City, Mo., Dec. 22. The Choctaw Indian Nation is plaintiff in a. suit for $100,( 00, filed in the Circu t Court, against the Kansas Citv, I’itrebnrg and Gulf Railroad Company, the Arkansas Construction Company and the CentYrtl Coal and Coke Company. The suit is to recover royalties on railroad ties and lumber pro cured by the Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad from the Choctaw for eds. S. Snarrier, who brings the suit, was appointed by the Choc taw Council in October »f la>! year te collect those royalties as agant for the nation. The amount of timber used by this railroad is approximated by the agent at SIOO,OOO worth. ’ACCIDENTALLY shot Mr Thomas Kennedy Wound ed In Th® Calf Os Th® Leg VThile handling a pittol at his h?m« near t»«n «n Tuesday, Mr. Thomas Ksnaedy. a yming man about nin*t»* 3 n years old, aecid-n* tally shot himse f through the leg below the knee Lr. W, C Griffin wa» sent for and found that the ball sntsred tha call of the leg just below the knee and ranging down passed be- tween the two bouts of the leg and was tut out just above thn ankle. When, taken but lhe bullet, which was a thirty-tight calibrt, was perfectly flat and as bright mb ; u silver dollar, Mr. Kennedy was . resting very wII v esterday and his friends hope for his sp-edy reeov- rv. ,C«>rOTsv'l 'e Couri.nt VW inn Changed ScnLDcr.E.—The Southern Railway instituted some important changes in their schedule Sunday. The changes art upon ths main line between Chattanooga and Atlanta and points soulli. The arrival of trains here are as follows : No 16 south 9 :L). a. ra. ; No. 14 south, 8:20. p. m.; No. 8 south 1:44 a, in. ; No, 13 north, 7 :30 a. m. ; No. 7 north, 10:20 a. m.; No. 15 north, 6:25 p, m. Nos. 14 and 13 are the fast vestibuled trains known as the “Cuban Fiver.” NO FAKE— BUT 3OLIDJFACTS. Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Belts, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Millinery. BUCMLMN’B ARNICA SALVE Th# b#st salve ia the world fur cuts, biuiesa soraa, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Cerna, aid all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect aatisfaetion or woney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar* ngton Co.