The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 23, 1898, Image 2

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IB sAb »IWl«B?;sß'.;V'ie' W" I'lll IB lIHIT ■■ll ~1 II - Wgt 4 Ik : * a BSS jfl BiMh al h tlW B i B’Wl 118 *|" I IL" Ul | UUI Ui DUullluuu* W J&. WhfA. JW .1 Have Decided to go Out of the Milliuery Business. This is the First Time I Have Offered |y Stock at Cost, or at Closing '.Out to Quit Business Figures. 1 Now Throw the Entire Stock on The Market and Will Proceed to Close at Once-Everytiiing Goes! EVERYTHING GOES<- ■ BM BE??? 'JB llh lOi Ssl / ISM sD| / V -U\JL.JLwkJ© vl jl^.A.wL. wxtLjLwl/i PROSPEROUS I. J N I Filll Ristgiatiiu if Wages to Bt Hiio ON JANUARY NEXT. The 5 an«l IO Percent Reduc tion Canceled. LouisvillejKy., Dec. 23.—The 18,000 employes of the L. & N , ft. R.. will this year enjoy the most pleasing holiday season they have known for years, and certainly the most plea-ant of the past five. According to the promise that if the earnings of the road war ranted it the remaining 5 per cent of the 10 per cent reduction made in Auguet. 1892, would bo restored at the first of the year the employes will, on Janmry 1 begin to receive the same wages and salaries that were paid them before the dark days of 1893 The earnings of the road in the past few months have been sueh as to leave little doubt that the premised restorati >n would be made.A reporter was inform cd at the office of the general manager of the read tiday that the restoration would be made. Th. L. & N. is acting in perfect jfMd faith with its employes. Wien the reduetion was fir-t ••nounred in circulars of Au gust 7 and August 14, 1893, he men were promised that as soon as the earnings justified it the cut would be restored The r - affected all, from Pivsi Milton H. fcunith to the Stablest messenger. The em ployes acted with rare good • n??r-’-“'SB»""HeeeeM>eßDrMßei I sense. There was scarcely a grumble. They accepted the de jcrease a« inevitable aad trusted to the road to restore it as soon as possible. Early in 1898, the employes had hopes that the restoration, was but a matter of a short time. Tua first detilite state ment, however, was that made j by General Manager Metcalfe,at [the meeting of the Engineers’ and firemen’s Brotherhood held here last February. Mr. Met calfe told them that part of the reduction would be restored in July and the rest as seen as pos sible. SPANKED HIM |N CQURT An Unusual Sentence t® Cure a Bey of Stealing. New York, Dec. 23.—Police ] Justice Nevin, of Jersey City, erdered the mother of 12 year j old zilbert Truggett, of 211 Griffith street, Jersey City, to give him a whipping today in court with a strap for stealing several cans of succotash from a grocer. The mother obeyed and car riel out !he sentence, much to the delight of the usual crowd of court loafers. BUOKLKN’S ARNICA SALVE The b*st salve in Ib. world far cuts, biuiess sorts,, Salt Rh*«m,F*v*r Sor*s, T*tt*r, Chapped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cur** Piles or ne pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaeti.n oi money refujdsd. Prioe 25 e*uts per box. For salu by Curry Ar ngton Co. . U -■WEL"—- Successful Physicians. heartily reoomiranrf Dr. U&thaway k. C< t ‘JSvi Browd St., Atlanta, €ta., at being per L-«tiy renabia runi reinarkably avacMafu) in the y«el»iunr of ohrouin man and woman, '■'•y sure when otkara fail. Oar reader* if in ■.ped of medical help should •ertalnlf write tbaan eminent doatorn and you wUJ.renoivn a free W expert opinion of your caae v by return tean wik 9UIRp«K. | LOC*I MPPENIKGS. Wanted To Rent -A five or ; six room h«tm in the Second or Third Wards Address ‘ X Y Z” ear* of Hostler-Commercial, giy . ing description and price 2**. j Judge Reese—Gov. Candler has appointed Hon J. H H as Judge of th>- Rome City Court. Judge te»O« was lecently a candi date for Superior Court judgi - ship of the R«me Circuit. A« Cedartown Hears It.— Pink Shrepbire, Rome's high-fly ing Chief of police, fans disappears ed, and it is rumored that another man’s wife has gene off wi'h him, Capt. W. H Steele has brew elect ed to succeed him as Chief Standard. Whc-ly SmvKE !—That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on the market and the one that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of t-he Warters’ Rome mr tde brands. Is Y«wp SeALP Bab? —If so te How.H Tsylers parlor, in the Curry fiaildiag on Seoood A venue, and jet him eure it by applying Taylor’s e*lebf*ud dandruff ex torm:nator hair reg*»*rat«r He will ours you every time. Fine New Fruit Cake. —A large lina es delicious new fruit caka from ©n« of the very best houses in th* country, just ra cieved at Lloyd’s. Also a hai d- SfciKe lit* cf fa j <y sttcHtd cat* all at most reasonable price*. Chp.u-tmas KatiKO. —Th* Gem»z case is preparing te Ho seme tall f ediug aariag the bo idnye. Mr. Gobi z has .erared a big supply of the best gam* that the sports uiaa'e gua ean *omw>*nd. nod with fat oyster* and plun.p turkey* h* is at your sarviee. Home hr*m Texas —On Last night M. Thomas J. Kul-aak #, *f Montague, Texas, arrived in the ci'y, the gueat of his brother, Reorder M. I.Eubanks, Thia Kaoruiagf the young Texan went down to his «ld home at Cave Spring to visit his father’s family, , Mr. Eubanks w ill remain in Floyd county nttil January 15ils, when he will return ta his heme in hie alopted Sate. flu is highly yl-a-ed with 'i exaa and Texans. No Rec rder’s Cowrr—The i services of Recorder M. B. Eu banks weie i ot in demand this i forenoon, though a few arrests '■have Loen made this afternoon , md there rill be a matinee be fort his hoiicr tomorrow fore noon. Fix Special Officer^. —Chief Stee'e this morniag had Record er M B. E ibanks to swear in the following citizens to act as special police until after the holiday festivities: Hurace Copeland, Clarence Todd, Joe Sweeney, J. E. Mullen, Dick Dempsey and “Bud” Taylor. Judge Maddox. —Judge Johu W. Maddox arrived home from Washington this morning and will spend the h.lidays with his family, the Congressman from the •rvaiath looks to be enj tying perfeet health and is i i fine shape for doing valiant service for democracy and iha people during the present 'eason i,f Congress. Judge Mad dox will take his family to wash I agtrn al'er the holidays A M.cktm Offc-b. — Recent '<-v*Mt*hav» •nly eonfirrued the cairn advanced by many people I hat R ‘tue needs a mounted pc- I lioeman. Owing to th* territory embraced in the eity limits, it is imposaibia for Rome’e splendid 1 >rc« ic prateet the eitz-ms in •meh of th* resident pvrti.'p By al mean* an i fiicsr ahauld be Etude a cpeeial polieemau for duty in resident portion ot the eity. Reyn li>'« l»t:< eptuin —Per hups thb rtliost brilliant rocial • vent of lb* season will be the Reynolds reception this even iug at the palatial and hospita ble home of Mr. and Mis. J. H. Reynolds, in East Rome. Many guests have arrived from otb r cities, and th-se, with the socle ty people of Rome, will enjoy an evening so pleasant that not one who attends v ill t ver forget. If you expect to 1 ave i swell i reception or an cntertainmei. t of i any kind, yau ct.n get every thing needful and up to date at i Lloyd’s, and at prices no small dealer caw afford. Liigs fant' celery, fancy now Nut< clqslei Raisins, colored Wax Cans!.*? \ and olutr nice ihiiigs. Knt mw:d Lasi' Night. —At a I meeting of the Houk & Ltdder Co., last night Assistant Fire 1 Chief, F. ll..nsoii. was imaui- 1 tnously endorsed for re election. This is a deserved compliment ,to an efficii nt and intrepid fire- i I fighter. Mr. Hanson will, of course be endorstd by his I own company, No. 2, and in all probability by No. 1 and No. 4. The prospects are that Mr. A. M. Word will be elected chief and Mr. Hanson re-elected first assistant, without opposition. Fixtures For Salk. M-s. A O, Garrard, whose “at cost to ! quit busHiess sale’' ie in progress, desires to sell all her con* er show casc-s, also all h<.r upright show caß's She also offers for sale a set of old style mahogany chairs. Call and see these articles in her milmery store, in the Clark 1, on Bread St, You Don’t Want Ice —N ow Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need and want, and that is the best grat* coal on earth. We hav* opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Montc v ila, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly deliver, d. 'Pry a ton ot our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. SB HOLIDAY REFLEC TIONS. Will be uloasant if you buy h re what Furniture you lor gifts. We have an excelled line of Desks, Book Cases, Chi na closets, Parlor Cabinets, Sha ving Stands, Pictures and other handsome and durable pieces t tillable for presentation either' to yourself or sotu* friend. These goads are not the kind made up s »lely for the Holiday trade, but ar* high grade, the equal of anything ever sold by ns. Os course our prices will ine«t with your approval. Khudy, Harvey & Co-, Mo. *B7, Bioad St- NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere- Be ts, Hair Ornaments ana Buckles,ail to go at cost to c ose thern out. Don’t fail to cal and get prices pe>°’ e buying in Millinery.