The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 23, 1898, Image 6

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EVERYTHING AT COST FOR CASH! 1 ui ; WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE f BVSIMESSI AND WILL SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK [ AT COST! ■■nuy AsaaKssflHQ S 5r S3 AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN; [ THIS SALE I deludes All Our CLOTH I NG,' [ Fll K’NISHING GOODS ai|d HA S F J A GAMMON &OO.J . ..1.. ■■■■■■—i ,i.■ ■—■■■■■■ ... ,! ■. —— __ yTA 1 IL X - - ■ l ■l ■ ■ ■■ ■ —— !■■■■■ ■■■■ —■ ■ 11 HI ■■ I ■>—■ teaaaa«MMB ,m> 1 “ ■■"■'■■■■ ———————— , . f MID THREAT lailsd Atari al U.S. Sok- Vaasilry. pikF A MILLION BOLLIIU Might b a Stolen by Criminals if Baring Enough. Cincinnati, Dec. 23.— A ni mar curreat in the Government Building yesterday was to the effect that Treasury agents bed received warning of a proposed organized raid on the subtrers ury. Subtreasuier Bosworth was at the office in the morning only long enough to pest a rigid or der excluding all persons from the office except employes and express messengers. Clerks refused to give any in formation except that the order was the result of a fear that an organized rush might be made on the cash. Gold, silver and paper to the value of half a million dollars is exposed in the office during business hours. It would be an easy matter for 1(1 or 20 deter mined robbers to get away with half a million dollars any day. This is the first time such measures have been taken at the subtreasury. Subtrtasurer Bosworth stated that he posted the order on or ders received by him from Washington. He denied that h® feared any raid, but ; Ided that it would be very easy for strang- U»_to get into the money rooms SLIPPED INTO A THRESHER Eg' mar’s Bey Had Leg* Slash ed By M*ving Knives. Allentown, Dee 23.—Stanley Aru»r, Bg®d 6 was watching men thrashing grain in hie fath*r»’ barn yesterday when just as the horse power bad been stopped temporarily, hot while the thrssh • r was still in nietion the boy slipped from th® pile of straw an which he was sitting into the hop per t lsa l carried wheat into the machine, Hie legs were caught in the thresher . His rabbar boots nor® torn to pieces and his lags ware lacerated in a bornbl® sisßitr up to the kspes. Had the accident happened while the thresher was in full operation there ia no doubt th® bey would hav® been großud to piea®s. II HIS LIFI WAI SAVED. Mr. J K L’dly, a prominin citizen of Haanaba), Mo , lately had a wanderful deliverance from a frightfu’ death. Im tol ling of it tie say*: “I was ta ken with typhaid fever that ra* into Pneumonia. My hugs be came hardened. I was a* weak I couldn’t even sit up in bad. Nothing helped *a*. I expeetsd to soo* die of consumption, when 1 heard of Dr. King’a New DiaJ covery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it,and now am well and str*ng. 1 can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular six es 50 cents and $1 10. Trial bot tles free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every bottle, guar anteed. HS m STICK - _____ ' Ba»’t Scare Btkiism if r Tks Trask. REPUBLISI]f CAUCUS It; Was him to n Was in Retard ’ t& The Legislature - Charleston, W. V., Dec. 23, — Gov. Atkinson returned today from a conference of prominent i West Virginia republicans in. Washington. Nearly all the wet! known men of th® party iu this : state were there, The governor i was seen by a reporter as Im stepped from the train. “Did they scare you off seimtorial track?” was a*ked. “ W® did not discuss the stua torial question,” rep/ied the governor. “ The object of our meeting was < to map out a plan of action re-‘ gardiug the legislature. We co.i-j eluded unanimously to hold our majority. Ihe legislature is re publican, and we shall fight for our rights. The policy will be to meet every emergency. You can say to the people of West Vir ginia that I am in the senatorial race to stay and no euv eau c<»ax, scam or force me off the ’track. Nearly all th* men at our con ference in Washington are* jny friends. ] expect there vriW he squally times tins \f inter, before« the legislature is organized, Gait I we republicans *tajid to >eth<r l and contend bitterly for W.££.R.a THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS 2 TEXAS. Schudul® in Effect Oct. 4th, 18-18. WiIIiiHBOUNB. lie. 3 I No. 4 No.TO | N 0.79 I Tsr~~A tlnatn 4 I?sm $ S fiinrj Ar J'ariHt*.. V 16pm sfopm 6 36pu “ R<rfu® .... 11 26a.m 746 pm *' Belton 11 41am 11 41pm $ 16pm ** • .'ha»»oog» i'Opui 1 (X*ra 9foi»u “ Kaahrjlle . < Mpm 6 40am *• Mamphii .. T WAy] 4 80pm |l«v N«®hvthTTJ 36pm I 7 SOanai . At St l.nniy... 7 TOtml 732t>-n’ ~ fv' xv •icnvu'ic | I d'lpmi < ajn.ui. ...... . Ai. gpmi ....... .._ I Lv Naehrili* .) 7 Spur 7 2&*m Ar Louigville .1 i 6«un 12 25pm “ Cincinnati.| 706 am 4 06pm . Train No. it chfHm Pullman Sleeper between Jtu xnonvillo, Fla., Atlanta and Nauh villa, eon jaoA‘i>< with veaUbula train for Chicago. Tri is No. 4 carriaa, Ptillman Sleeper Xugn«t| ami M laxaia u> Nashville and St. Louis througk wiftiO'U ebaaita. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta <4 Chatta_vVt*. pase/ngere remain in eat until J e’olock a. tn Pullman Site-par Atlanta t 4 Xumvilla-ria A. X. A N. Ry. 'frtan N 0,70 connect® at Beyee with Q. 6C. £*- Clineinnaii. Thia train oarrm threugg «ca h Atlanta io Hemt. To the South and East. •oUTitr-oran- ■ Me. 1 | No. S N 0.91 N 0.78 tv NaslhVe f l&m 16 l6pm ....... Chat’A vt*’ Sbbpm 6 20om 6 66am •• palt-ie* . 411 pm 4 »axn 7 Warn “ kom*... .. 4Npa 7 4lani “ Marietta A iflptn 6 46am 4 46am 705 am Ar Atlaia® , . 7 **Fia' 7 Stain 10 86dm H UUata Uv ’Atlanta - * tSOani 4 BJpm Ar Manon... » Irllijiial 11 10am 7 20pn> •• Ttflon. . .5 Sißpm “ Jaofc'pvftM f.v Arlanta . -\{ tounj 4 (bpm1......5 A»' Macon Warn 7 TOpm .. . “ Albany ]v | 8 27pniill OSjim " “ Thm'iivillo i , .i fiSOpnil “ Savannah .' 6 OOrtm' gOOp* f?r Atlanta . [fllkpmi TjOaipl f ' At Augutrta.-- 6 Item, 1 JOpai 8 26pm Ar Charlea’on I’tXjum tOOpm ‘ 4 Col urn bin . lf> (warn 110 iih> m| x Lv Atlanta" I 7 supnilT6 uOm 12 OOtn * Ar Athens |lo?lpm> 2 19pm. 2 16pm ’’ " i&rhnmnc... fl 14r>m i'iinm 716 am “ Wash gtonUO BOpmjll 31am 11 81am ” ** York .1 5 6o<in i u 28pm 6 2bpm ... . * Titas* No. 1 carries Pullman Bleeper Nasir ▼Ule, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville, FA Train No. Scarries Pullman Sleeper St Lon’s ♦o Augusta without change Pullman S)eej>er Cl-.aKamxjsfa to Atlanta open for passengeii Chattanooga 9 o'clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Xuoxvilla to Atlanta via A. K. A N. Uy. fur further information write to B. f SMITH, C. K. HARMAN, RF W’VLI AND COM FO RT •ad f*r a jelly g*od time f faaiily *r fii®*d*, ibt i« it i *vh IF * ’I ia* iik* mb *p*n «Biry for *ithtr WißHr.r Our *t< *k k *f ilylisb «arriag*i i* unrivalltd *. and ear ipidar pkaators, ruaa- .*.’-i,. bank*, bagfi*a,tiapa, earn, wag- cnottes, ean®py top, t ropenjur reys ire lirbt easy, c*ruforti - ’L Meant] b®.ittti(iil in conshßC C* lion, trimmings and finish. W* also repair an 1 overhaul v*h ; eles; al*a tarry a big liae * f *• bar ties* and la p ichca. Rbm« Lbmt Cb, HOI stre< t.Ron.e Ga. Paitf h u j.n £ TT jli t> m», AqaaH. TERREL SPEED Warier’c MATCHLESS “TWOFERS” the brand as TERR ILL 3PEED» the renowMd ‘‘Coon Skin” Statesman of Floych The of his biand hat bein unprecedented. But then ThoYkat Wartert never put * sorry cigar on ths market. Hsisto® en^ r priskig and too homtt. te very eigar i« exact’ ly what si claimed for its brarwdL and the War ters cigars]are atmoluteely tha Dial on the mar kfe t - - f ° SALE gY ALL -* -~IT ” **” - cam 2, - V CATHARTIC A RSrs T-.r® Ya /y> rj CURE Cub& I’gATIOM i\vt‘ *• L'VERY, SALE AND FEED *TA*UES'- Offers the public shi fiust teanai, bhw <v atices and most polite aud courteous driven The best stock of borues and mules on atlc