The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 23, 1898, Image 8

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SIX DAYS SLADfiDTEB ATD A W For SANTA CLAUS 2al JD.rl.ijij> 'I ' • _ I - - - - .ji i ' u ■■ * _ ■ _ '——————— - _ .... ~ 3«» Dozen Christmas Handker-' Great stock ©f new Scarfs, Bows . Beautiful assortment of fine ho chiefs. The finest stock in Rome. and Ties, to close out hose that were sl.s© and Cost or Below G ost At Cost cents . w ■ I. •» * * •• —..MW . »»> rn - rtr- ■ - -|‘-I--. - - - ■_ ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! ia» • ’* ’ s •» •'> "'?■■. ■ 1.• ..... . . • I •. *• * • ' ! r, ' IVIII_3_II\IERV. Csipes, Jlsa.csßec»-tss SHOES! SHOES! Anything; in the stsck at half price Superb selections. Late and stylish. Krippendorf's fine Shees to go. to ®l®se out. At cost. .Make Santa Claus market at our Clothing for men and boys. Fine ’* 0 Jackets-! years old, sold for p | ace comp lete. Buy no other shoes , , ~ , , s6.oe to sio.oe. Price now only SI.OO. J ® ,,ww stoek new goods bat all at or belew This is giving goods away, but but Krippendorfs’. They are the best cost. come and get them. fine shoes made. • " We shall well nigh give goods away this week and ssall make it the greatest week in the history of our e business. Come t® us for BARGAINS. ~ ’ 1 —l.fc . ... .1 . 1., ,<■.! 1 ■ - - -- . - *-T CO LEE REPRIMANDS “Priics’’ RiUieil Harrism, His fool Kijah.. “Ski GLORY” GOEMBDQWN Because it was net Right for Her re Wave Havana, Dec. 23. —Major Pus eel I Harrison, the provort marshal, who eu Tuesday raised the stars and stripes over Fort Amaros with out orders and in contraven tion es the premise of the United States evacuation commissioners that ue American flags should be raised in Havana nr its suburbs until January Ist, was tiday fur ■ ajly reprimanded by Major Gen eral Lee and instructed to lower the lag. Lieutenant Lee reported a tew hours later to headquarters that the fl#g had been lowered. Nevertheless, at the heur ot fil ing this dispateh, 4:30 p. m., it is still flying on a tall atefi' over the famous fart, plain!y visible from ths barber and city. Major General Lee, having re ceived a cable dispatch from Gen eral Alger saying that the secretary of war understood there were thousands of persons s arving in Havana and directing him to lecd them “without delay,” immedi ately oidertd Lieutenant Colonel Wood to distribute rations and to make systematic efforts to feed helpless, careiully avoiding waste. “ There are hundreds in Havana today who, though nor actually starving, are in a deplorable state of weakness and disease, the i-tfecis es ths rruel reconeentrado policy, m They need . hospital treatment ■ which is not always available. Much of the wrc iektdut-ss is due to the neglected condition of the tenements. Every day cr so the releif distributors come upon dead bodies terribly emaciated. The Cuban general, Raoul Aran go, with 600 horsemen, paraded in Jesus del Monte today and then marehed out again to camp. The United States transport Minuewaska, which left Savannah for Cuba on December 19th with the Forty-ainth lowa regiment, arrived here this afternoon. T«- day the Spanish transpoils Ciudad de Cadiz and Neustria sailed for Spain, the former with 1,286 men and officers, bound for Santander, and the latter with 1,033 aien for Cadiz . arrested for SELLING S THE TARS AND sTRIPNS General Greene Investigating An Outrage By Spaniards. I —— I’ ■ Bavaua, Dec 23.—Samuel L. Israel, of Naw York, a f w days ago opened a I'ttle store an Obispo street for selling American flags and jewelry. His wife last night, appealed lu tears to Ben. Greene saying that Israel had beej ar rested and that she could not find him. Gen. Greene s»nt Captaiu Mott to Captain GSeaeral Castellanos, asking that Israel be produced And sent to Gen . Greene. In an hour aide-de-camp of the Captain Gen eral brought the Man to the Hotel Irglaterra. had breu in the Friiza Prison. Israel says that ai 5 o'clock yesterday afternoosi a Spanish lieutenant entered his store, tore down the Hags and broke th* show case wi h his sword, La*er he sent three men, who arrested Israel. He was weli treated while a pri soner . General Greene has asked Cap tain Central Castellanos to inves tigate the matter. XMAS AND HOLIDAYRATES The W. &A. R. R. will sell round trip tickets at reduced rates. Tickets to be sold to any point East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio aud Potomac rivers on December 22, 23, 24, j 25 and 26; also December 80th and 31st, January Ist and 2nd with extreme linait Jan. 4, 1899. Cail on C. E. Harmon, Gener al Passenger Agt. Atlanta, Ga., er C. K. Ayer, P. A T. A , Rome, G. MORE FOREIGN ORDERS Russia Buys Rolling Steck for Her Railway. Moscow, Dec. 23, Thomas C S.nith, the American Consul here, has just received from the gev*ru i ment, to he forwarded to locomo tive ami ear builders in the United i States, a large order for new roll ing stoeK for the Russian railways. The order included passenger eeaches, lec-onaotives and air l brakes. Minister Reuter.skio-ld, the rep resentative of Sweden and No-way at St. Petersburg, has received from M. Bossanowieh. a govere tuent etnpleye in charge of the S.beiian station at Slatrust, in t* w Ural Mouataine, a beetle contain ing a brief message which purports to be from Professor Audre*. The message, which is scrawled in French, reads: “Bdioon —We pa«a the Ural Mountains. Andrea” Bossanowieh reports that th bottle was found in a snowdrift near Slatonst. SNOWSLIDE KILI.B SIX. Prospect^'s Swept to Death on Chiikoot Pass. Seattle, Wash. Dec. 23. News has just been received of a slide on the Chiikoot Pass, in which six people ware killed. Five bodies have been recov ered, as follows : Mrs. Darßng and two sons, of Lake Linder man; Johns, Juueru ; Har ry Shaw, Skaguay. ( The slide occurred Dec. 9. OLD GLORY • * Finis Dcfjaitli Ov»r Ft. , Atarcs. ACT 0F ItillHE MAN, Shot at the vVifeofa Washing ton Lawyer. ' " ' "" ■ ■■ Havana, Dee. 22, — Major Rus sell B. Harrison, with a detach ment of the First North Carolina R« girneut. yesterday, raised Old Glory over Ft. Atares, which is >» i full sight of the wrecked battle-i ship Maine. Two companies of the Second Illinois and two of the First North Carolina are doing guard duty. Cuban “Irreconeilabies” raised a disturbance and threatened to tear dm the statue i f the Queen Re-1 g-nt. Get eral Greene said that tbe siatue w. u!d tee taken down care fully and shipped to Spain. He will not tolerate any indignities. Yesterday Commander J®ni> W. Phillips Risde an official call upon Captain General Castellanos. Col onel Moulton and ex-Chief of Po- ! liee Met u lagh are busily examin ing candidates fer the Havana pc -I’ce force. Caetellanos has informed ®i-n --eral Greene that the evacuation of , Hatfciia Province will surely be completed by Jan 1. Mrs. Thomae J. Murray, wife of a Washitigtoi , D. C., lawyer, wap nearly kuLd yisterday by j c . ' sane man, who thought he was the victim of an imaginary wrung, T She was walking with her hus- ( band, when some one shot at ler from bi hind. Ihe bullet struck a coi et slay and savad'her life. The assailant escaped. HIUSjKY «WM: imi, , PifoTt PIR.W J i) Find Stationery and Story Book*, also Games for the ' Little Folk. Hory Bowlins &Co, Books be Stationery, 302 Broad 5 tlngraM 1 I lit j y i I Wateß | W BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, $ F* r Sale at Soda Founts of: M CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J- V j? T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright.