The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 25, 1898, Image 4

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IUSTLER-C O' THE HUSTLL ‘ CM- ~H£ ROME COMMERCIAL Established. Us». r >. • U««< every levcniat except Saturday k SuudaV and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. 11 I’. < i ;[> b AZ - AUI K. Get that new leaf ready to turn. The Roman candle makes light the small boy’s puise. Many people !<•< ked upon the corn until it was shocking. Aguinaldo “wants to get paid off”—or a condition to that es- sect. Au editor has to know the ropes before he can run a noos paper. The latest is a peanut trust to control the crop of 2,600,000 bushels There’s no choice in 1 lie cor rect way to treat a baby. Give it milk. Many hat-bands are playing at the head of expansion this morning. —wroß-TTWM i i n» • If vou don’t want to be brought to book, why, turn over a new leaf JL!?- 1 ' 1,1 'XL W Speaking of Georgians, the la test report was —from the can ■cn cracker. Take the “t” out of i minor tals—and you are on the corns of the other gang. As a highway—Broad street— on the grade—has been a buy ' way for several days. The Hustler-Comme .ci a 1 j wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. There is such a thing as a family becoming hoggish—for office— don’t you think? The Savannah Press calls Mr. Stevens the manager of the hay seed bureau of Georgia. Hobson sailed away to the orient yesterday, after a smack ing eruise across the continent. An exchange announces that ths Cherry sisters have gone to Havana to avenge the. Maine. — The next session of the 1 msla ture may give the people an Australian ballot law—but will it? If Uncle Sam wants a three ring circus and first-class menag erie, let him give the Filipinos lecal self government. Pauline Hall proved herself a emooth ad arti-t in the art les® - ness of style in which sin utiliz ed the Hobson kissing expedi tion. Two heads may be better than one—tho’ there are mmy peo ple thia morning who think they have ail “illegnnt soofici cncy.” Among other thins, Uncle Sam has a pretty rt sp (-table “jimjam” record. It is ch.imed that in the United Stott s evert year 1,000 people die with delir ium tremens If England and Russia i ake » mutually satisfactory dial, L Mung Chang may find his occti- I patiou confined to holding onto hie yellow jacket, damming tin Yellow River and living within : «u inelastic income. I 4BSD2.UTEIY li>ure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVAI BAKINS POwnFR CO., NF* VOHK MB. s. clause toots his| HORN- i From the New York Sun.) I’m old Santa Claus I Yankee Doodle Ain’t in it with me; Nor the star sprangled banner, Nor the Fourth ®f July, Nor the American eagle, . Nor Jeremiah Simpson ! I’m the sockless St. Nicholas From Kris Kringleville ; But I’v® got em ; Hung up on every inantlep ; ece ; l From the spruce-gum cliffs of. Maine To the orange groves of Florida; From the storm-tossed shares of the Atlantic l’o where the tired Pacific Stretches its weary waves Along the golden sands And sinks to sleep ! , That’s why I’m sock less, 4nd I don't care who knows it! ! Do I, Ye rollicking kids, With curly heads And chubby heels And sparkling eyes And happy hearts? j Do I? Well, I should smile, 1 don’t. J /.nd you don’t either, Do you? Gee Whoa; Haw, there! You two-forty reindeer team! Don’t b • try in to go gown I'wo chimneys at once With one sie Hoad of Christmas goodies ! You can’t do it! ' I've g't enough for every ' Kid in this broad I Lahti of 1' reedoni, I Aud they’ll all get Something you bet! Ain’t I a corker? Hi, there Johnnie! Look out for Santy ! And Saliie and Kittie, And the lot of you. -hut those peeper® of yours While I load your stockings ! Golly, but this is fun ! Whoop la ! Christmas gift! Russia has ordered ten new destroyers for her Pacific squad ron, thus indicating that the Czar is determined to have uni versal peace, even if he has to .whip everybody to get it. X- • —r— ————r -y Moralists may - t " 'y prate, and doc t?' tors prose, and science shout from the house- Fz ' I' /2 \ top .' but jl L st I V- \ s? lo'ig as the t ’ ”• iZ'v" bird* sing and < the flowers bloom, and a m-C ’’ui'den's lips Ar _X are cherry red, again. And where, good men, is the harm if the kissers and kissees be healthy, and true love stands sponsor. Jt is only when ill health has blasted the sweet cleanliness of youth that death lurks upon its lips. The deadly germs of dread consumption are as harmless as June time butterflies to the young man or woman who it> thoroughly ch an, et and healthy in every fibei and tissue. The f mis o f Hisease only attack that which is ah. ady partly decayed. There is a great medicine that is<a sure and certain protection against all germs and a speedy cure for all germ diseases. It is Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It gives youthful zest to the appetite. It corrects all faults of the digestion. It I aids assimilation. It fills the blood with the vital, life-giving elements of the food. It builds sweet, clean, healthy tissues in every part of the body. It drives out all disease g, mis It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of bronchial, throat and lung affec- : tions if tak 11 in time. All good medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing "just us good. ’ ’ Mi Jos Hemlir n Dirblun, of 544 Josephine street, New Orleans writes: “I was ailing for some two yea,- suff, ring from dyspepsia, a ' tired feeling, and loss of energy and appetite, I tri ii one >ottle of Ur. Pierce’s Golden Medical iris .-ty and found great relief. I took twq pror botth -, ilot-i ji; all, anil one or two vials of tin ■ pellets when f jp good health again j reioiumend Dr Pierce s <!otd<iu Mtdi j Cal Di-coveiy 10 do all that it uclaimed to do.” A m in or woman who neglects ; constipation suffers from slow ffc \ poisoning Dr Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. One little "Pellet” is a gentle laxa- W tive, and two a mild cathartic. ■ I All medicine dealers sell them. * I No other pills are "just as good. ” UNHEALTHFUL HAVANA. With due allowance for exag geration, Havana may be truth fully pronounced a very dirty' and unhealtbful city. Consider ing its size and commercial iu>- portance, it is probably the dir tiest and most uns.nitary city in the Western Hemisphere. Capt. Davis, who was appoint ed by Gen. Greene some time ago to make a thorough inspec tion cf the city , has nearly com pleted his task and pronounces Havana the most unsanitary place, under existing con iitions, or. the Western side of the At lantic. Vienna, with a million and halt population, he says, aver ages onlv 25 deaths to the thou sand and it is called the pesthole of Europe, while Havana, with one-sixth as many people, shows a larger death rate in 11 months than Vienahasin 12. He esti mates that the deaths in Havana this year will outnumber those of Chicago, which is seven times as populous by 5,000, and will excesd the totals of Boston, St. Louis, San Francisco and Bal timore combined. These comparisons show the imperative necessity for subject ing Havana to the most rigor ous system of sanitation it is poeible to establish with tin means at hand The health of our troops, of the thousands of civilians flock ing to the c.ty for residence and investment, and the promotion of commercial ami agricultural enterprise in the aland, much of whose current will flow through its principal port, em phasizes the importance of cleaning, sewering ard disinfect ing according to the advanced methods practiced in leadiag cities of the United States. Gov, Candler is holding fast to every promise he made to th* people of Georgia in his cam paign. He emphatically declared ' that the atate tax rate should not be allowed to go higher, and he is eminently correct. ll* is will ing to us® the pruning knife on appropriations in order to keep the state out of confiscation. All true Georgians a : e with Cel. Candler.—Buchanan Banner- Messenger. It has long been a fad to name cigars after great men— generally aft r they are dead and cannot nnoke them, Illinois I has entered upon x new field and I the Billy Mason ham is the out- I put of a packing house with ! compliments to bestow. Let Wheeler’s friends ruin the busi ness of the canners by having it branded “Bailey Tongue. ” ' TM. 11 The Canadian government haa purchased 140 Esquimo dogs for shipment to the Klondike region where the eanmer will be used to carry the mHls. The animals were imported from Greenland and Labrador at a cost of .S3O e’.ch, and were selected for their superiority in speed training and weight. Temperance advocates find deep significance m the fact that the schooner Booze was wrecked on the bar off New York harbor in the recent storm. The sehooner was overloaded and the high rollers caused her to have a rocky time on the bar. 1 Doesn’t it seem a bit contra dictory in military terms Hiatit should nr an promotion for i» major g nrr ;1 to become a lieu tenant ge eral Indignant Mormons will prob ably answer the attack of Brig ham Y nog’s grandson by ask ing him where he would have © been but so polygamy. ■ ", | The Memphis • Commercial Appeal offers this definition of a democrat : “A democrat now seems to be an American citizen who'thinks as he darn pleases.” The negroes of Ohio will organ ize to prevent race troubles. They had better spend their time trying to get their people to go to work. Waycross Her ald. jrwww" Gen. Joe Whe.ler is not m the habit of advertising his val or through the medium of a string of medals on his breast. The other day a young woman of Washington said to him: “How is it you never wear any medals? You surely have some.’’ “No,” replied the general ; “I have not. 1 am no bicyclist, and 1 never made a century run in life. LITTLE IRONIES. To confess a fault is to more than half atone for it. A telepnene bell possesses no music if it is not for you. To look prosperous is one think, to f®el so quite another. The polonaise and the over lx irt have evidently come to May, White broadcloth is much used for bridesmaids’ gowns this season. When a w< m d> accuses a man of flattery she naiiif him to say seme more. Have you noticed how very pelite your servants are these days before Christmas? The man who is usually wrong never stops talking about it when he happens to be right. Why, oh, v*by, when we are s© dreadfully poor, do the shops displav such an array of bar g ( «i ns? The north pole is like a wom an’s pocket—we all knew where it should fee, but ao one can find it. In expressing himself to the voters the candidate should pre pay the freight if lie ex pects to g it there. Crystal buttons are all the rage, and the glaismrkers < f Venice expect to accumulate large fortunes lit supplying the demand. One factory up in Maine turns out 8,000,000 wood toeihpicks daily, but the old fashioned three tined fork is still holding its own in St. Lo uis. Annual Sales overC,®o'.,o»4> Kexes ff»R EILIOU3AND KXItVtGv *W*r.SXXS tueh a . ’f ind and Pica I* ths IHepuiah, R'dWlf jt'ul’nrsafter gnegla, I«id w>.e. Diiaiuusa, flrewslnwa, Fiwsi(*s» jM K«%t, •>' AppaUte. OaoHratM*. Tote 1 ' > or. Wao BXin, _Qvl<( QhUl*. ®k*- tsirb-d : . Jf*righ’-l«l Jf.-baai all Mart nil Tr-jutbliag TFIF. FI2ST DOSE WILL «IVI MLIIT IM TWEETT MIMTYIB. Krary lufferm will acknowledge lh«»i h« A WONDERFUL MEDICWE. -■ r,: i’n VvS-s FILI.®, taken Mdirart <■l. ■ icslyr- ■ >:■• TestialM t« tom plete health.. They premptly* t»b oTU.fUons er irr\s«larttie* *f Hi* *■.-« tem yr.*i a?wr« Melt BonHaeb*. j’ or , t Weak Stomach Impaired Dii;®at|en Disordered Liver IN MtN, WOMfcN e»ft «HIL®REN Roeohain’s Pill® ®r« • Without a Rival A»'d l.m tii® LARCE37 tfALI afuii.v Pnsvnt Medicine in thwMVoeld, 23c. at all Drug SLred. WIT AND HUMOR. “1 understand that Spain has taken a ii r m stand on the Cuban debt. ’ “IL w? ’ "She says if vv® don’t pay it nobody will.”— Puck. “I had a dreadful time with Fido all last week.” Why, wbui. w- s tho matter?” “(>h, he made himself (rightfully ill from eat ing seine Christmas candy we bought fur a ■ pour family.”— E-ooklyn Life. New Ferm of an Old Ques tion.— “So you wish to marry my daughter?” “Yea, sir” “Well, can you supp rt her in that, condition of idleness to which she has always been ac customed?”— ( h;c;>go Record. “ What did p u do u i.h your puzzle editor?” a-kidthe fiiend of the new magazine. “Dis charged him,” replied the edi tor.‘He couldn’t guess where his salary was to come from.” —Philadelphia North American. Not Discri mi nation.—“ M r. Scatterten prides himself on being strictly impartial.” “Yes, an-wt red the unamiable man, ‘1 once went hun’.mg with him. He didn’t seem te car® whether he hit the rabbit, the dog or one of his friends.” —Washington Star. t——— WVlll »l ■■ I I IM ■ 111 1— WHAT ('AUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and weak «yes. I thought my trouble was due to catarrh and 1 resorted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproving, and I have h*<d no st vere attacks since I began tak ing this medicine. I cannot tay too much in its praise.” Indiana Cobb, Sunny Sida, Ga. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate ; I reliable, sure 25c. y, j. i |ii , MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. The Limits in Which Fireworks May be Exp’oded. All persons are hereby notik ad that the firing of fire crack ers, skyrockets and all other ex plosives are expressly forbidden within the following limits : Beginuing at the Ojsta iau’ river on th* Western side of Fourth avenue to East third St, thence along the Northern si'K ol East Thud strpft to the West ern side of Second avenue; thence along the WoUrn side of Second avenue to Etowah river ; thence down the Eton ah river to the Oostauaula river ; thence up the Oostanaula river ■ to beg'uning point. Ibe | olice oi the citv ar® in structed to Grictly enforce with in eaid limits, the ordinance up on tht .'■ul of lie works. This December 19, 1898. J< ii n J. Seay, Mi) vor Ci* v of Rome. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX- U RSION RATES ha SO.R’Y. For Christmas holidays, the i Sei them railway will sell tick ets trom points on its lines to flints E st of the Me»«i»sippi anfi South of the Ohio and Poto mac rivers at rate of one and one third fare* for th* round trip. Tickets will be sold De* 12, 23, 24, 25 and 26, also Dec . BOtl’i, §lst aad Jun. 1.-. t, and 2nd with final limit to return Jan. 4th.1899. I his will give every one an excellent opportunity of spend ing Christmas holidays with (heir friends and relations. For further k in formation call on .Southern Railway Ticket 1 Agent. •a—M —’“T 7L J I Rlpans Tubiilftt cure aver troubles HOWS THIS? We offer One || u „ drei| f"r H„ y ....; (l.rteanno, !,,, " Hall’e Cntnrrh Cure. ’ F J. ( IIKIKY & Co , T„|, d We, the undent, e „. (l known F. J. Cl.ene, lvr',l,.)'’* 15 years, and beliey. |,i„, „ . tinancially able to carry onl „ obligation made bytl,ei r 6 West i Truax, W boi. M |, b „ a , gists, Toledo. O. Wald ing, Kin nan * M fcrvj Wholesale Druggists, Hall’s Catarrh Cure i 8 t ak tll i-Grnally, acting directly the blood and mucous surfa» eg or the system. Testimonialss* Bt freo. Price 75c per bottl*. S tld by all Druggists. Hull’s Family Pillg ar> , est b ’ Goke oheapsi- tha» Goal- Can be used in stoves tor heatingand cooking purposes. No smoke or scot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see HOME GAS C!0 I ~ y-y . V PNHISSIMiI CHDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANH a Xf Law Office 200, East Fireireet Bt, I CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Attorney at Law, Kvm.' Orcporaio Law Onlyr "W. J. NEEL Attorney at law Will practice in all scmu Special attention given to commercial line and the examication of laud titles. j Office in King building. Rome. Ua. W ALTER HARRIS, Attorney at law and J. P. Office everF. J. Kane & Co. ’s. L I PSCO M B V WILLI X (IMAM Commercial Lawyer*. Office in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, *a I ; M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OtHceKiag Building. Rome. < a. W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all eenits office, Masonic Terayle, koine, ®» J SANTA CR.WF D I*. Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Celleetiens specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome. •». . < -- - , , ..... - ~ —W MOSES RIGHT. HARFH.RHAMU.TBN WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. OiliceiNo. 14 Postoßice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY AT IAW- Ccllection a sptcial-y. Tio practice i» *ll •< ni ts. * »sonic Temple A n,, * ,t . •» .— t „ j, ju* DENTISTS. J. A. WiILLS, D. D. 5., Office 84C 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell * •*«> J. L PENNINGTON. D.D S..M » entiat- Office, AOS 1-8 Hroad street. Over Hanks Fwv uiture Co. ~ PHYSICIANS. _____ I O H.MKILrONMD Physician and Snrgeon Office, Mdlia! Building Rome, Ga. O ce •phone Ne. W- I_i B HAMMOND M a " Physician and Surgeon, Office In Medic* building. Residence, No. 403 West Hret ce ’pho.No •> TONSORAL PARLORS LEWIS BARRETT. The ‘Old Reliable.” operating tb« ( ’ 4 " u hotel Barber Shop, Invitee yontogive hi" trial, and promises to do the rest. Only*** * meD employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR. Hnnselfa skilled barber, eID,, ‘ ,y 9 tM vety best artists in his touaorai Btu< ’ |el , curry Building, opposite the Arnl ’* i \ou are made comfortable while yen' being done. PASTEUR FILTER The onb G’ tr ® Proof Filter in world. Makes -wat« pure and clear 9 sale by. The Hanson npplvLo . =