The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 25, 1898, Image 7

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HOYML reception Tie fir at Bryao ky pfetraskiis. W N!S INTWUGKDBY The Covem®r And SP®ke Flu ently and Peacefully, Lincoln, Neb., Bee. 24. Col. *■ j Bivau returned to Lin coln yesterday afternoon and vaß last nitht tendered a ncep ,jon at t) e Oliver theater by tb . w,i n’' Bl metallic League. 'Hit-i.o se was crowded and tol.Ki'a leceived an ovation. He was introduced by Gov. Hold mb, who formally wel comed him home and compli niert°d him for his patriotism 'in tnlisting in the army. After thanking his neighbor* :for their cordial welcome and ‘complimenting the menders of Lis ng rm nt and Cel. Visquai", in whose < hai ehe left then ,he -justified his resignation as fol lows : “I had five months of peace in the army and resigned in order to take a part in a tight. 1 am as much interested in the people of the United States as I im i» the people of Cuba, and unless I am mistaken in judg ing, we are called upon to meet nisre important problems in th® United States just now than will confront our army in Cuba. “Some of these pt oblems were under discussion before hostili ties began ; others have been Jhrust upon us as a result of the war. Let me improve this, my first opportnaity to assure you that my zeal for the reforms ad vocated a few months ago has not in the least abated. Vital questions cannot be killed or buried, and we were dealing with vital questic ns when the call to arms resounded through the lai.d. ‘The American people have not accepted ths gold standard as final. It has wrought more injustice in our country during tbo last twenty-five years than Spain h«3 wrought ia all her colonies, and apposition to it *ill glow until the gold and sil Ver coinage of the constitution is iullv restored. The trusts wnich now flourish n delance ot law -tie 110 t, uluie maiciless than Weyler was, and the new trust—the paper money trust, SCROFULA It is Foul Biood's Advertise ment It is Soon Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Ye<, Scrofula, if anything, inn j bo eallet* of foul blood. It is ti. •courge of the world—offensive, painful stubborn and well r I •“•■durable. Outward applications do not cur®, t’>; **7 drive the difficulty to new rp-ur v ■mollients may palliate, they can;: •wish the evil. There ’> but on© str * a> out, and that is to eliminate it **nt from the blood. Thsr- i a ene remedy that can effect this * n( i it is the only one that, so far as V" °w, has almost invariably succeeded * Ten where the system has been poisoned w long years of taint and the ravages to repaired are tremendous. That remedy Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Read this: ’ My daughter was afflicted with im a “ re b'ood. There were running aoret o'er her body and they caused her w U,:h Bu ffering, We tried medicines that ere recommended an blood purifiers, U , '° u, d not esc that they did any good. r) rien d told me about Hood’s Sarsapa iein and 1 beßan Eivimj the girl this med f»etn lho resu,t was that she was pw -8h« h CUred ofter takin 8f n fGW bottles. 9 as ha I no symptoms of scrofula rea since that time.” Marietta M. South Middldboro, Mass. htJi par ilia pillc oct harmoniously Howl's which is seeking to obtain c®u trol ofall paper moaey of nation—i b ft greater menace te the country’s welfare than any foreign foe. “There are, hewever.two new questions which demand imme diate attention, because congress is asked to act upon them at once. The president recommends that the regular army be perman ently increased to 100,000 men. Ibis question must be met now or not at all.” laking up the subject ®f im perialism, Mr. Bryan said that the president has misinterpreted the sentiment of the people. They are opposed to giving the Philippines back to Spain, bat they have not as yet declared in favor of embarking upoa a co lonial policy. So great a change, he said, could not bo undertaken without more investigation aad deliberation than the people had yet given to the subject. The prineipal part of Mr. Bryan’s speech was devoted to the Phil ippine question. In this connection he referred j to President, McKinley’s inquiry, ‘‘Who will haul down the flag? ’ and replied : “Th® lag is a national em blem, and is obedient to the na tional will. It was made for the people, net the people for the lag. When the American people wart the flag raised they raise it; when they want it hauled down they haul it down. The flag was raised upon Canadian soil dur ing the war of 1112 and it was hauled down when peace was restored. ‘‘The lag was planned upon Chapultepec during the war with Mexico and it was hauled down when the war was over. I he moraing papers announced that Gen. Lie ordered the flag hauled down in Cuba yesterday because it was raised too soon. ‘‘The flag will be raised in Cuba again on the first of Jan uary, but the President declares in his message that it will be hauled down as soon as a sta ble government is established. Who will deny to the people the right te haul the flag down in the Philippines if they se desire, when a stable governm.nt is established there .* “Our flag stands for an indis soluble union of indestructable states. Every state is represent ed by a star and every territory sees in the constitution a star of hope that will some day take its place in the constellation. What is there in the flag to awaken the zeal or refleet the aspirations of vassal colonies which are to* good to be cast away, but not good eaaugh to be admitted to th® sisterhood of states? Shall w® keep the Phil ippines and amend our ting? Shall we add a new star—the blood star, Mars—to indicate that we have entered upon a career of conquest? Or shall we borrow the yellow, which in 1896 was the badge of gold and greed, and paint Saturn and hi. rings, to suggest a earpet-bag government with its schemes of spoliation? Or shall we adorn our flag with a milky way com posed os a multitude of «mor stars representing remote and insignificant dependencies/ «No- a thoweand time better toh.ul’dow. stripe. .»d .US.IIIUW »' a„ udepod.M republic th«u 10 surrender lhe doctrine. gir. glory to‘Old Gl.r»- the «.g our fetor. •» £ year. that “• * aa * • “ Hag es a reunited country today, le t itbe the Hag efour nattonin the years that are to come. " t iall t f the blood stripes of red toll that wa« shed to purchase . ber ii. stripe, of whit. prod«.n.| the pur. and hear.n bora P«r- C' ! »/ I i : Cl i RS I M : « i A ; R ’ ; j R i I i : 1 : N G! I ■T| ©I Ni el pose of a government which de rived its just powers from the consent of the governed. The mission of that flag’s to float, not over a comglotneration of commonwealths but over ‘The land of the free and the home of ( he brave,’ and to that mission it must remain ‘forever true— forever true.’ ’ ■~Col. Bryan’s ipeech was th only ime of length al the recep tion. EMBRACES judism Wife *f th* Po«t Kahn A«c«l»t» Th® Hebrew Faith Pari., Deo 24-Mme. Kthn * O s Gustav. Kaba. th. P®«‘. . MB been admitted to the yhnrch aad h.s al.® through » marriag. eer.mouy with b®r maband in acoordanee with th j.wi.h rite., wii formerly a Catholic, aad took this step r.eent ynent of the feehnf again.t h.r .u.oa«d' b people The caudle makes light the small boy’s P«r»«- > wwwww^wwwwwwwwww wwwww j THE GORY-ARR ING TON-GO. s PIH 1 FWK M IMF ISO > I jJJ IJ.LjJIi.II Uj JJirjjjj > | GURIY’S CORNER STILL THE PLACE. ’ | ffi mu MM OB m I s : I DO L s * w (f 1 Io Our Store Has Been Marked Down To Se;l. ■ s i I -L>ANO<~ : I ! S IF YOU WANT ONE YOU GAN GET IT! = £ : £ I | SEE OTTE?, TVTTTIDOW , ! CO. | I J H j E ? ! uu I Ot ii SANTA CLAUS’ OF A H AT for a holiday gift is a sensible ene . Especially when one of our handsome Derbys, Fedorae or Alpines have been crosen.We have them in the newest shapes colors aud nobby styles, and anyone who is fortunate enough to receive one will call it a “be».ut.” Come to W. H. Co, ker to trade and get your Xmas preaeuts. W. H. COKER, No. 11 Broad St. mi* 7//X\ : / ri Fashionable Capes, Wrap Fascinators, Gloves, Umbrellas, aud etc , will make a member of your family an Xmas gift that they will appreciate. We have some beauties in Capes, Fascinators, ere. The prices are the lowest and our quality is the best. N. B.—Don’t fail to come to* jtiy store to trade and get Xmas gift. W. H. COKER, No. 11 Broad St. . — — —i:«er Mwuducho Jtkllß® Pxiii Piite* Kiyuud rabnie*: unt fcives reiiut FOyfilUFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. JohnFton iHiHOiinces himself a candidate for the office cf Bailiff of the Rame District, and asks you 'o vote for him on election day. I announce inysolf as a candi date for bailiff of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the v >te of friends and others in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Geo. W. Beauford. To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, 1 desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff for this district and most res pectfully solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligations of the office. Very Respectfully, R. H. Copelan». thereby announce myself for Bailiff 919th District G. M. Floyd county, Ga. Elwctiou fint Saturday iu January, 1899, D, B. Bryan,