The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH year gs G. H. GARRARD, IffiiiEiij, ikcn Mi —— J “ ININCUMBS 2 OTHIRS- i rl viß«m»boy Faced by 8 p»»p»rate Netroes. y Ga , D?c. 27. o»‘i have been plying tueirlielli’h trade around here w ilhia t lie la »k f«w days, but it Rgg not been »'» 9a “.y work with them in a* I 9 ** l two ~as9e - The Atlantic, Valdosta, and Weattrn Railroad has a camp nearHaylow, ia Clinch county, about thirty miles from here. Saturday was pay day. The chid •ngiooer, Mr. C. R. Garrard,had come into town bo get the mon if to pay off the hands. He secured about a thousand dollars. It was generally known laoiig'the negroes that he would pay st!' Saturday night, but as the country is sparsely settled, and there are very few oegroes ia the lection where the road is aowbuilt, nobody thought of danger. The only oegroes are meh as are employed on ter pea tine farms or railroads, and although they belong to the worst class of North Carolina nsgrois, Mr. Garrard had ns thought of any attempt being stdi to rob him. He rede out of town en horse* buk, and his direction was to ward the Okefenokee swamp, although he wis some distance frsm it. II« was net aware that anybody was near, when sud dialy eight negroes rushed oat •f a thick clump of bushes and each leveled a pistol at hitu There was no mistaking their purpose. They demanded his Boney, and showed that they iitended to kill him if necossa -- “Give up your money and th*t— quick,” demanded ene b'g I'l *< k back. a* Mr. Girr .il gazed into tl>« ttiiuzle of a deadly pistol, *■> Ici nd almost feel the hot of Sevan others as they Beared his faee, he felt that he J* *T ljr '* the »•< Utk. I,r * f liac #:,t "biaatis», but a las au /l <;are a,d “kill with which it is •WteturM by scientific prseMsrf Cai iPORNii Fl* Sr»«T ail th</’ a Wfc Wl *h i ,u r' r * 6a up— tm, es pvarchasißf ths n>ui ß .a * ll * ,aal i«Bue«L.r. Ab th* k» t > Tru P *f Fi<x ik manufactured oih * AUlro, ‘ N lA Ft* BYEVP O». «*»<. Hf th *t faet will * •*»idin < the w»rthle*i toes i’’ * tt * llfao *” r ed by other par- K. r stand,n r *< th « Cau - Hl * "thvp Ce with the >«4i *hi»hL?* 1 11,” 1, a * d the satiafaeiMi fin* u ■J?" 1 ' 1 "* s J r up<»f Fi r # ‘»« Ut . * w J llf ’"" »f families, makes • f ti* JJiu'" c * m P B »y » ru*r«tr fcriaaj. ‘ i's remwiy- It to •» K aJt * all • u ’*r laMtires, Uw.u w. k ? the liw -to th»» * ut ifritatiaif er wteakea *tosmu i*’ d r,oeN »°t tripe ■•r *!• ** n <ie r ts pet it* teeneteial leu “*b*r the name •* I -ff*ORNIA FIG SYRMP &». ***tottL» ** N Fk * j " b *«v«. Ctal ’•lpwut/T the ROME HUSTLEH-COMMERCIAL woMt gxorcia, Tuesday evening, ducembbr. 27. isee. rdww Pio’ H u hen Uiurt'ii LTh Friuli Police MINH FORTBIAY Ths Dreyfus Deeieien Comoo Tomerrew. Lomita, Deo 27—T*e Pane o.,r* roope. cent of 1 he Daily Chn biolo says: ‘ It fe auerted that the Freunb police have icieod several boudlee of letters, whose oouteeto prove that a military plot is in thorough working order,” The Paris eorroepoadent of The Weekly San, of London, telegraph* ed his paper on Sender that ho had knowledge of a military ooup planned for today thengh ho gavo no detail of the plot. The Paris eorrocpoadont of The Sunday Special, of L mdoo, hint* ed at similar knowledge, adding that the court of cassation would give judgement against Drey Ins on Thursday, yielding to the gov* ernment’s plea of state necessity* MOW EMILE ZOLA FLED ■ Was Difficult For Hie Fsisndo To Maks I m Dfiukt. London. Doo. 27. —Tho Parte correspondent of The Timoo five* an interesting aceaant thio morn ing cf the way in which Emile Zola escaped to London after the sentence imposed upon him last July in the trial on the ohargo of l.bel, brought against him and M. Perroux, manegins editor of The Aurore by the eSeers of tho Estor hesy court martial Aeoerdu t to M, do Blowitz, M Z >la has lived a> various oouutn plaooo iu Baglaud quietly ever sinoo. It appears that hie Pans friends had the greatest difficulty Io persuade him to took refuge in England, the course they consider ed best for the interact of the Drsyfua revision, was in a daugeroae place. 8o he replied : | “Well, boys, you have the drop on me ; I suppose there is no use in my resisting your de mauds. ” “Well, hand out the money, and be— <uiek about it!' growled the leader of the gang. “All right, then,” said Mr. Gerrard, diplomatically, and he felt in his poeket as if to draw out a package Instead of tho money, he brought forth the pistol, ’’nd it came out belching lead. I’ho ring loader foil at tho urat shot, and the next shot knocked out another. Two more jchots were Ired by Mr. Garrard as his horse dashed away, with spurs goring him in the sides. Mr. Garrarfl was shet at »ev feral times by the nogroos, but ! they were so frustrated by his "sudden firing that they hepped about like monkeys, and hardly knew what they w*ro doing. Valdosta, Ga., Deo. 17.—An other tragedy of similar kind etcurred this morning before day at old Troapville, noarhere. A negro highwayman was shot dead by a negro mill hand whom the robber had to hold up. . The dead negro was Drought to tho eity and bis slayer, • hop pard Hudson, was lodged m prison, but wao released a little later when the facte of the kill ing were made known. H jv Th Hi •»m «•. i . 16 tshai BURiERKa mumr Shot to Bearh by a Negro Who Fa caped Coroner Bohl*pb?ch ■ Jim J«hnsi>t; »rd C cat I'b oi'o Ihiw, drove out *o t >• ferry todsy to invosi - . death of Dpo R«y»C*l*» • r by Albert ■lohmV'U on Saturday night. It seeme that J «l*M«<.'ia a- Rags* da'o were uro of a party I’ »b.*u twenty country negroes- o.t • were full of moan liquor who loft Rome on the Rome read tram Saturday afternoon f r tbeii homes near Freeman’s fe The negroes crossed the river a> Freeman’s, and, as many if them wore tenants on County Commio* sinter fmiloy Johneeu's planti * ties, a ma « team bad be, r brought to the ferry tonne them. Tho negro, Albert Johnson said to baa Tentift*»ee negro, rr an employee about Mr. u ttri *-» John sou's pleoe, being a feeder A etc. When the drunken crave reached the wagon th<y j ed in, pell-mell. This earned Dae whe was a Johnson tecant, to ei ter » protest which tween him and tho driver, Alber Johusou. Rtgodalo got out of the wagon at hie gale, and Johnson drove on te tho barn, secured a p ; stol and walked back to Ragsdale’s cabin. Ho called Ragsdale ssv r .' t:*e an<l finally that irdivieua' v nt into the yard telling Johnson t< go on away as he wanted no fuss with b-m Johnsen oh)t at lasadTo. a then tho latter drew nis k ,ib’ an advanced on Johnson v- ho fi -a ag*ln sinking Ragsdah about the left nipple. Ragsdale was a giant, hei y about 7 fl. tall and wearing a No. 1® shoo. When hit he stag gored, braced b.mssif, fh<-.: fill t*» his knees, rose again ai.d ten I like a stricken ox, never i > n» again. The above is the sto'y e» e* porl-d in Rome today aa been told by oyowitnoeaes of <b* murder. Albert Johnson is ah ut 10 year* of ago. while his victim was about 40. The murderer took to th* woods, making good his escape. Ragsdale bore the ropuUlioe f being a good, quiet, placable harmless negro, and was we lu toy all who knew In so. Tt CERE A COLD IN ©MA DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Q 11 n i' Tablets. All druggists ■tho money if it fails to ’ The ffanuiuo has L B. % or each tablot. BUCELIN’B AINICA » * LVF Tho boot salvo la the woi Id fur oate, bruieoo «lcera. Balt Rheum,Fever Bores, I otter, Chappod hando, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively curoo Filet or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give porfoot satisfaction 01 mousy rofuadtd. Frioo 25 cents per box. For »» lu b T Cu ’ rv Ar ’ npion Co __ _ p ' f Ittww < j i ”•*■*•**» . a ain— ll —n a m oia.*mmo—ammo*, u-’a, >.■; 144Jwui«oi«.u.romoMteumamBmimmmmumoomumm-amßaonmimmowNmßmmmmn«mmmp «ommnmmmmMmin«w<wnm moMmoamßsa«m ffi O MH ilUii rJi’J JuJUjj SHOW ffi msMi Everyday sued evening till Christmu* we will leave the greatest display of all New Holiday good* ever shown I iu Rome. We are the only houxe In IRome sending a baytr to the mar bets for Holiday goods only, and therefore, have the greatest display of uow and beautiful goods, especial ly for holiday trade. New Dolls, New Toys, Doll Car riages, Wagons, Qo Carts, Engines, Floe Wagons, Hook and Ladder Truok with horses and drivers, Horns, Masques, * Books, Games and ten thousand things to make your gift» giving easy. Come to the show and bring the little ones with you. The second floor of our Broad P Street .Store one I XGreat ExhibitoaZ I of all New Toys and Dolls, not a lot of old out-of-date, fall-to-pieces. cheap toy* of by-g one years—but the very best to be had in the great citygof New York, and [they are new and priced down. BESIDE TOYS ANDDOLLS WE HAVE NEW GLOVES NEWC APS Fust’s Kid in ths Just received and bast black and colors, priced down to sc I, a . ]ii i < \ rat great Jot of the ve y tottem newest and best in- HANDKERC 4IKFS fants’headwear. You ia all the dainty, snowy should see Jnem be seal op and embroid- fore they are picked er '«d edges, frem tha; cneap to the fine oned. ( oVer ’ LAHHAH AND SONS, 10 CENTS PER WEEK