The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 2

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fU Ur A B WI?RV'I'TTTIO’iI AT fifiST “PfitJ f*A 1 £<*/ sW or : 1 JbXJLuo «JT :. k/’ X wJaW Wdbe '-jJEX! XT : WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE '-'■ . -Z->, r • CL-O : 'iTlMilßm EE KJ SBKFhIEZf X ANO WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE STOCK £GBk OSES' * $ (BBtfffi' ’ : ‘ 'tiKBR MWkßw» > » viWajßßi. -I*l <b ■■■ ■ -«■ If ■» H wL jB Ol S m * •M’ ®S HB Bw*' MB ■ - • <9 <j - - . « AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EIACTLJ WHAT WE MEAN! THIS §flL& Includes All Our CI.O3'HING, FI. J R NI.S HIN ( t G()01JS arjd H ATS J. A. G- AMMON *OOd - ■- "' " ' —■■■-—„ HIS FHTHEB S SOK Wusi m Said es Yeilny Jesse Jar;. IIS TRIfILFOR ROBBERY. Kansas City’s Bast People Be lieve Him Innocent. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 26. — The trial of Jesse James’ who is charged with complicity ia the blowing up and robbery of a Missouri Pacific train near Leeds, on the night of Sept. 26, will be cal ed on Monday, Janu ary 2. The jury which will hear the evidence in the case is now be ing drawn. - Special Judge Shackelford, of Boonville, Mo., will president the trial. The indications are that this will be one -of the most interest ing trials ever held heie. The fact that the young man is a •on of the faneous Jesse Janies, Missouri’s most noted bandit, will draw great interest in his trial. Since he v»as arrested on suspi cion cf btii g implicated in the blowing up of the Jesse James has been at hit little cigar stand in the County Conrt*toupe build'i g •Aery day. He has eaid all along that he ie innocent and that h* will prove it in court. There are many of the beat known people in Kansas City Who believe young James to be InuMent. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J E Lilly, a premia «n citizen of Hannabal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance , frum a frightfu 1 death. In tel ling of it tie says: “I was ta ken with typhoid fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be came hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in had. Nothing he'pod me. I expects • to soon die of consumption, when 1 heard of Dr. King’s New Die* ©no bottle gave great I relief, I continued to use it,and 1 now am well and string. I can’t say too much in it« praise.” This marvelous medi- 1 cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for a'l Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular six es 50'Cents snd 10. Trial bot , ties free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every bottle* guar ; anteed. XMAS AND HOLIDAYRATES The W. A A. R. R. will sell 1 roand trip tickets at reduced rates. Tickets to be sold to any point East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio and Fototaac rivers on Deoember 28, 23, 24. 25 ai d 26; also December 30th and 31st, January Ist and 2nd with extreme limit Jan. 4, 1199. Cad on C. I£. Harmon, Gener al Passenger Agt. Atlanta, Ga., or C. K. Ayer, P. A T. A., Rome, G. Fixiwats Fa* Sals. —Mrs A O, Garrard, whose '‘at cost to quit business sale” ia in progress desire* to sell all her ceuoer shew eases, nlso all her upright show easos. She also often* for sale a set of old style mahogany chairs. Call and s».e these articles -Xu HITn <7 fit- c » " v 3 <-«! \ ■> * >??'.« <2t»d. ’v -* *. F7 r ■ ■ , 41 i 4 .wO. EaWSra i <Xpp<..V HOLIDAY RS'FLEC TIONS. Will bo ole sant if you buy j I horo wlytl Furniture you dh-' for gifts. We have mu excellen fine of Desks, Book Cases, Chi na elossta, Parlor Cabinets, 4>i»a ving Stands, Pictures aad other handsome and durable pieces suitable for presentation eithe to yourself or s tuo fri nd. These goods are not the kind made up selely for the Ho’idu; trade, but are high grade, and the equal of anything ever sold by us. Os course our prioes v ill meet with your approval. Khudy, Harvey & Cc. Mo. 387, Bioad St. W.A ■" t'W—W '' ■■■"—r-T J?TT EMBRACES JUDISM Wife of the Poet Kahn Acceiots The Hebrew Faith Paris, Deo 24 —Mme. Kahu wife of Gast ive Kahn, the pout, has been admitted to the Jewish church aid has nite gone through a marriage ceremony with her husband iu aeeoidsnee with th Jewish rites. „w»a formerly a ! Catholic, aud look this step resent ment of the feeling against her huehand'a people rr - n w «cwnr i ■ f. P* . AND THE WES r. TG ARKANSAS . TEXAS. Schedule in Effect Oc-<‘. 4th; 18.'3. »OR-.HBOnKD. No. 2 ' No. 4 N 0.70 ' N 0.73 ' f7v .4 Haute . i 1..5T11 .3 4 5'1,! Ojipis ir Jfa-iett*.. 9(K am V Iflj.m 5 4., fl B ’ue . Jl 25am . 745 »iu< . “ 1-al'on 11 Cent 1141 > Hlflpm . .i... Ohat’noog* IflOppa 1041a » 9«>si&n ........ mhville . esspm ■ Uiuphi* .. T Mam ] 4 pa Ev torr.-'ilu ftii-Jm . I •'* ‘ ! ~ . wm.j' . . 77" ■. I ' A itm, J_9 o.l*m| «».. -,N | u . 75>>-nnl 7ij w • • ~,7.' A ■ - ■ 2 k.:*m . ! . j. ■ ; jr 4 1 OSmsl 40Bpni | .... Cui.Tin ~ > ■ ’5. ee„ Jr kmnviHe, Fie., aud Naihvfl'j, neo ina with veeKbnle train for Ohio lip,. Train No. 4 • erriee, PuiUnrv ilMper AugoMt r. j<l At'anta t > Nashville and t. Louis through r ithout c-rfjxe. Pnilwau Sleeper Atlant* u C .-.tU.ioutfa, uasejnKore re- mtn ar until i ■>'■ ~>.-k a. m. Pullman gj .per a uuta t« Knoxville via A. X A N. Ry. Train No. 70 eonneote at Bo -e with Q. A C. for OiuolunaU. This train carries liiroujh eorioh Atlantn te Rome. To the South and East. sovTßßortrm ' No. 1 I Ne. 5 N 0.91 N 0.7» Lv |‘9 i&un io'i'&i ... '7— ‘ i. Sat'noo.a 2Kpm S 2>;r ?i 5 56bi i' ■ 4>tpm 4 2--:.. 7or • • 4»®r.iu . 7 4ian; . . .Vta . S43T>m fl 4?n 9 4baru ■ • sam A'l-a ' " 41 '’ . TMpaV 7 ikia; lOJiuerr .am V.‘; ' lianni 'fßjpmiT'BK 4 <56 m> Ar .r-O'-.m. li 13pnj.ll Wt# <An.pil '• Ttf’on.. ; SflOaraJ ff<Y>r,,-,- | 7 uviJle! M 4Se»n;iO2.; u. ~ f.v Atlanta... TKlpmi 7 o.j- , r 4 (fcpm7“ Ar So .n u 18pm,11 1i.a... :;v,m ' ' ’ .. A l ' ”’- v I p «f>'- o»Pn’ “ yayanxiah , 1 SOhtw flOOjm’ f 5 iTtEpz. i'&ua-.. * Ar Aucnahi...' 1 L>.n> 1?< ■ s 2*,.„ Ar ChS'.Asron Jl Ol'sm Si. JC"; Cc iufnlrla .10 Jnprr lJ •. Lv Atla ,te . 77*paj 12 (X'r 12 3<to“~ Ar Arnens 'lOlMpn, 2 1-j -J J Ifljm, .. v jh j! o ? c ~ : item ;. a,h gton to 30pm jj si„.,,n i itl n J ' 5 s^m^9ji: L . 6&pm 77” 1 j No. 1 mrrit, PulUian SieeiAr nTa vi s, ' -.attain> U(t a Mu d Atlanta to vi'.e. Fia. 'j ain No. Scarries Pullman S-' •’jar 5t T.onis t< August* without change Pullman Sleeper C. " L-.anooga to Atlanta open for passenger* Cluiitanoog* Bu’olock p. m. *’ulhnan Simper Kn , iville te Atlant* via A. K. ft N. Uy. For further info, .nrlon write to Rife I’.LJb IF J> t Cli 1(R I’ ' »vi for a j»i< | td ij-.ih ri b /“ . i ssily or frit' ihtit is roti Y j itr/like au ®p« n g ß rry for either 'fX >\ - J ®r £. Qp- slock *' ** ' , ■ V <‘ e.r-r . :<g <<-. qwr spidp • Ji'ietcu’. mu -i- f r ‘- • • e-, Chi Wh ;• ’ A . ■ c u Ueh , oan n |n, •»•, <r(• ’ user- 4 . ; iH )- . , nre lirf i( .. y> (Oni ‘ or t ß \\ ahd bt-.u‘ i in ccus iuc iioj, Irimmiu >d finish-. We k’ repair ;n. ,<rhau’ vehhvs; ako carry?, big inf 9l h.. lass and la, ;■I . ~ Rom.’-: INc ’-'Y Co, 5509 ill I ,M 3 Hi t,Ron eG; z itj . . i i.r> J. Wn j lAMis, A cuts. 7 - ■.— —T— — - JJ L. LMW‘ •TERREL, SPEKD Warier 3 MA TCHLESS “T - the brand TERR iLL SPEED, the renowM “C ?on Sk ; Statesman of Floyck "The st » o his tear has berm unprecadenteci. But the Thomas Warters never put • so. ry cigar .1 the market. He is too ent* . pHsfnganJ oo honjst. bvery cisar is eXJC ly what si cT J ned so- its brand, an i the Wa ’ te , c : gars 3 a'oso’utel/the bistoo tn 3 m ket. FO \LE 3Y ALL - ~~ ■' 111 IM CA/W I rAT 4_ k'*W"' hY’a />in Xr- > ; ujKsriPATioN I ioc ' n l t 2K 50c "< . ' I? I • L'VERY, AND FEED STABLES' | Offers 111 public thi fi mt team, ■ ances a J most polite and courteous dm* ■ The bet cock of horoefc and mules on ® I