The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 3

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SIY WifliwF im~nTirrf »1A Hal i dll AU UHL i M r|" If M Vj\l For SANTA CL AU A I O/AljLj \ . 3@« Dozen Christmas Handkcr- Great gtovk of new Scarfs Bows Beautiful assortment of fine ho chiefs. The finest stock in Rome. and Ties, to dose out" <* ry - Si,k ho#e that wcrc *’’* and j 2.00, now Cost or Below Cost At Cost RO cents '■K.# * " ,l - ’ -—— ■» '* - ■ . . —■— «»■■■, M I M I ,| ... ■» »■..... I »»—a ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST: • IWfi-i-IFMEiIV’, CaipsMS, CEfiOES! SHOES! Anything in the steck at half price Superb selections. Late and stylish. fine Siwes to go. to dose out. At cost. Make Santa Claus market at our Clothing for men and boys. Fine Jackets*? yeais old, sold for p| ace complete. Buy no oilier shoes , , . . , ii so,oe to Jio.oe. Price now only Si.ooJ J stocK new goods but au at or below This is giving goods away, but * rul Krippendorfs’. they are the best cost. come and get them. fine made. I We shall well nigh give goods away this week and ssall make it the greatest week in the history of our business. Come ie us for BARGAINS. t . ' - I. WBb ‘W’W <r f ffe-L O..JF - dbiE irtl ON NSW YOR Df Oii Sliry Goes Into tlie Cu ban Breezes OLUm TO E r'IRED As ho Spaniard Comes Down anti Yankee Goes up. * Hava ra, Dae. 24. —At the j rint nieetit.gof the Unitid S utes and tpanieh military con.uiiet-ionftrr today die programme wae finally agreed upon f<rthe. exchange of fl gs on January Is*, at noon. Jubt before 12 o’clock tlie Amer ican war vessel* will fire a salute twen ly-c re gui s in honor of the Spanish flag. Prom; tlv at 12 o’clock the Spanish flags on the various pub ic buildings will be lowered, and in.ui.d at ly then li - ter the stare tod stripes will It hoisted over El Mono tnd the public builon gs of (he city, while Sprriish aitiilfcriets at Cub aides fortress will sa utt the Amer ican fl ig with ivvvntj'-ouo gnus, Spanish warsh’ps in the harbor participating in the ea’ute. At the sumo hour the Spanish troops, if any then lemaiu in the Clt y, will be paraded in barracks and will render proper salute to the the Ameiican forces passing. Just before noon the American and Spanish commissioners, ( en -Bral Jiminez Caalillat oh, the Spanish capta.ii and the Ameri can ranking ofiicer in Cuba, Major General John R. he ar rives in time, and otherwise Major •aneral Lee, will assemble al the palace. 4 he Spanish commissioners v ill then torw and surrtud r the gov tmrntnt to the United Siaiws I ■commissi >n-rs, who will iiwmedi- ’ ■at-dv turn it over to the America* 'g. neral commending. After this' the various functionaries will re main a while to receive those who inav wish to poy their respects to the incoming authorities. It was agreed at tha jwint meet-1 ing that the Spanish troops re maining in Cuba after January Ist should he considered iu the light of foreign troops in a friendly country, and tu be accorded the privileges usually granted under inierna'ii nal law. Matanzae and Cienfu gos will doubtless be the only places where Spanish tr -ops will remain after January Ist, ai d Cienluegos wdi be evacuated last. The Spanish ei«k iu the hospital will remain uudtr the safeguard of the Ameri can flag, the Spanish authorities providing medicines and attend ance with food, repatriating them 1 and on recovery. Gens. Wade, Butler and Clous accompanied by their aides were i received it the palace today with full mli ary honors. The Spanish trutnpfe < blew a flare and th* police g ids s luted. The same iceremon’e- marked the reCr. meet [of the American officers. Ihe Eighth and Tenth regular infantry regiments occupied the forts at Ei V-dado today, but there are iio Aineri' an hags in sight- she Spanish transport Darm -Bi<irit sai ed today tor Cadiz with 2,727 officers and men. About 8,- 000 troops have embarked this week for Spain; some 8,000 others are left in Havana, it is estimated that there are 15.000 Spanish sol diers at Mat iuzas and there are about 80,COO Spanish troops in Cienfucgos. she widow and daughter of gen eral Cahxto Garcia have been left in poverty and patriotic societies are o< ntributibg to their relief. . Some Cubans entered the resi dence of the Marquis de Pinar del Rio in the Cerro suburb of Ha- Vlll .’ a yesterday and compelled .him to cry “Vive Cubra Libre ’] he ma'quis who is one of the ~~ "T : —r I tio'.iii-t men in the isiai d ai . .> a. noted fa mily complained t tap ' tain G eu Castellanos and u '.d® on the subjee* was sent the Aa* ir paan evacuation. The marques d« P aar del R;o aad other prominent Syaaiards are determined to Gave Cuba, their friends say, “unb-s* the Unit* « States is a strong govern ment a: d hey are as -tirnd ample protemies.” The United States transport Florida arrived at Mulanzas y»a terday. The United States flag wax for mally noisted st Cardenas yester day by Li»wtebuet G. R . Ryburn, of file El? Lt la reculsrs. 10 HUTH CURE Amr STUART'S »Y«R£ASIA TABLETS. They Cure Stomach Troubles and indigestion Any way Wnethevycu Have Faith in Them or Not. Mere faith will net digest yoar food for yes, will sot give yol an appetite, wi'l net inertasa yoer fl >h and etresjthe* veer n*rv*» and he .ft, bat Stuart’* Dyspep»i* Tablets Will do.these thing*, oanse th<y are eonpuard of the l»n a.its el digestioe, 1 hay so*tain the juiee, aside and peptones aae ossiiiy to th- direction end aesimi intion of ail wholsßome food. Staai t’e Dyspepsia Tablets will digest feed if plated i* ajvr or bottle iu water hsated to tl Je greer, sad they will «!• it rni.ak mere efieeliveiv when taken :nte the efooiaab a!t»r Bisr-ls, wheti sr yaa have faith that Hey will er uol . They invigorate the »te* b « kw pure blood i.nd strong e. in che only way that nature flan do it, and that 18, fro« ploutj. of w olescwe to* d well digested. I is not w hat we eat, but what we digest that does >e goon. Htwari’s Dyspepsia Tablet* re sold by nearly all drujf.ists at >0 cents for full sized package, mail from the F. StvTJt -c., Marshall, Mieh. ■ BOTKIN ML « I ’ Tit Hit Dfihiiiaiit Admits iiifiniacy » , '■ ■« ■ —1 ■ • -—— t BUTBEMIES THE KUFIDLR • The Case Goes Over Until Tuesday Morning. Ban Francisco, Dec 94.—Tho trial of Mrs. Cordel-n. Botkin i-; i nearing an end The tl feiifie con - ■ eluded its case toda . tlio test!- I i niouy of the accused woman. I 1 Mrs. Botkin made specidc de-[ 1 nials of all tho charges brought I egauist her. She contradicted | j tl.-e testimony of every witness' ( l that lias appeared for the prose (! c tion and the cui. Is ner tlly . were op the points in ► tho case. i She swore th .1 s’.c did not! • buy the candy emit Mrs. Luu ' ■ ring, or the h;>m kerchii 1' which I was en< losed for Mrs. Dunning’s | ' little girl. She admitted intima-[ cy wi;li John P. Dunning, and I <1 to the jur; tl at she had tiied to prevail ui on him many | tin t s to return to iris family, . | Cress examination brought jout a> hast one very important • act against the accu’i d. She , admitted being at the ftijy d-• i pot on the day that the poisoned ’ candy was mailed at the ferry pcstofii'ie. Three other unitnper ’ taut witnesses were introduced by the defense. , The court tutu adjourned until Tuesday, when the prosf i-ution will prtfe-eut testimonv in ’! rebuttal. |g»MD/lY 4WDI: " JC: H 4i i i Fl<Tt<lS! •in mu, mn PiR« 7 MK, RNCYJdUIIII Fine .Stationery and Story Books, also Games for the Little Folk. Barry Rawlins AOo b A Stationery, 302 Broad > .ws’amui -■ i wiiiBBMMMWTMMWWrwrwMBMMw iflngraß ' $ ! LI Till ! | WatelU BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, T- A F®r Sale at Soda Founts of: 4 CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. *