The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 4

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LUSTLER-COMMERC[AI THE HUSTLER OF KCMt Established. <** e ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Establish*'!. IMS. !<«•• every levet-sp. ext’*» t Saturday (.Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, jl ) l J />>■ fc FN/fel R. Get ready to turn th..t new leaf. Pet Strahan kept a diary. Poor Pet! ■IJ-.-HBl-B’-J """" 0.1 Santa Claus has that tired feeling today. ■ ■ ji__„ i FT N< w Year’s ntxt, and then for .i pu I altogether for Rome. Many a Christmas hoin was blown in once too oittn —but not too soon. 1J I -11 w Change your mind as often as yuu will, but don t forget to mind your change. '1 he Augusta Chronicle sug gests that “Hobson kissed not wisely but too well. The man wuo wrote the “O.d Sleuth” sloiies i-cetd and his es tate pane * ui $563,01'0. Again Santa has come and gene, and still the tawny Etc wah r< mains undammed. a—L_. L'l ■- '4" Hl* ‘"-'ff- The Charleston constable ie b vigilant fallow. He seized the wines for 'he New England dinner. McKinley has planted the reed for som** great Ctorgia waLr*- melons ntx’ season. —Richmond Tines. —■—-wan— rn Hitchcock, who succeeds S< c.- retary Bliss, is also a million aire. M<Kinley has an eve for men of money. _ ■wmmgjE^gg— y Half of the Hustler-Commer cial compositors are at heme suffering with colds or serious illness in their families. The Celueabia State thinks that “littie old fighting Joe Wheeler is all right in other respects, but he lacks dignity dreadfully.” The income of the Prince of Wales frcai the public treasury aad front the Duchy of Cornwall atneunte to half a million dollars a year. -'■IM.-'" ■ The weather man tiied to Make amends and succeeded in serving the people of Georgia Most delightful Christina® weather. If the great excess of death? •ver births in Havana eon inuee long enough th*-probl im of re generating that place will he great ly si as pli fi ed. In anc'smt Greece a 'aw provid ed that if a mr.n divorcee bis w fe be eould not subsequent!v marry a woman joung?r thua hie dis carded pa'tnor. ’] he Chicago Evening Post sey*.; “We desire to 8» rve not ce that when the time for comes aiound Bgain we shr ■emit ate Dewey f.r anything b-- wa«ts,” I I —III ISI The regimental etnnduid ft r tbr Third Georgia was shipped bv mistake to Nmvinuj instead of t< Savannah . Then thy concluded' t® send the regiment to the coin, s , instead of bringit g the colors baek to the regiment. The decision of the German Court that to call the Kaiser “>< sheep's head” is a venial ot fsnse when c< minuted by n drunken man may lead to a great deal of inebriety in the Jarman Empire. Rjmcu KM Absoiajteiy Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL SAKINS POWDER OS., IflfcYOE* ( erporal Par ser, tx-Ceaim a* sieiier of Pensions bus mads the , *Hgg*Bti<’s that crippled ex-C<D federalea be adault'-d to the Nortb . am soldiers bavci. This Is a prac tical benevnlvuse, ansi an improve ment on the sentimental ieaem» mot datiou of President MoKislev to pay honor te the Cenfederate dead. At the Seuth helps to pay j whatever wmney is exj endtel by ihe Federal Uuvernmeat in the support of soldiers h®M«® th® pre t position has a basis of justice as well an of mercifal willingness to help extinguish ®v. ry remaining . ember es tbe sectionalisaa. — Philadelphia Record. Charley Garrard is a “chip off the old block,” says ex-Mayor , Sam King. Romans are proud of the plucky boy who faced eight negro robbers aud their • eight deawn revolvers. The fact that Mr. Garrard managed ' to i dr«\v hit own pistol and kill t\o of his assailants aud wound, two others and then make good his escape amid a shower of lend, saving his company’s money, shows him to be as fine a horse man as he is a marksman, and as level headed as he is brave. ■.j_. . .. Writing of the death of C©! Hamilton Fish Col. Reoseveh says: “Fish snd myself stood by the same fire drying our clothes after a heavy tropic raiw sterna the night before he w»‘ Killed, and 1 remember then as Aeta kel over the morrow'* ■ light, 1 said : ‘Well, Fish, wt i hat e all gi t to die some time; ' and, f-'er a'l, we cannot die tn a Letter way,’ and he ueddeb and said: “That is just hew I feel, Colonel and it is of the reasons that made me come.’ ” Lord Kitchener has aunouneed that he is going to let the world see one general who never wrote a book. Whereupon the Jachsck viile Tieaes-Übieu and Citizen rtmaiksas follows; “Thanks, but we bad ons before in Robert E. Loe, the man who thoght h>» deeds needed no help from bis tongue, The Englishman has only had sense enough to follow a good "xaujple,” A wise man takes a step ata time ; he establishes one foot be ; fore he takes up the other. — . Sanskrit. LXIJXI'b- . ,!LU«-L fWHHT Mankind need* Mr ; y, /T\ a herald, like the heralds of J - Vrf ✓ claim so that <LJB Tnay hear, the rklji vital importance of health. The aver age man of to-day thinks it beneath h’ s dignity to bother about his health until e /J/ it is gone. Even then (1/ /J he only takes measures Jh /1 to restore it in an in fl / different, contemptu- w J'xnff ou * s,llt °f wa ? JL Men cannot learn z) j- too soon that health J * s ’he most import- /jM .'Tfoji- ant life—in ,Z/i!g :! fact, is life. Without **7Vf? it the most brilliant f man will be a failure, jjp and the most robust man will rapidly be come a physical wreck. The man who neglects the little headaches, the loss of appetite and sleep, nervousness, hot flush ings, cold chilis, heavy head, lax muscles, and the multitude of bad feelings that are the heralds of approaching sickness and j disease, must pay a tremendous penally. I For men who suffer in this way there is I no medicine equal to Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It sharpens the ap | petite, corrects all disorders of the diges j tion, invigorate# the liver, makes the as similation of the food perfect, purifies the blood and enriches it with the life-giving ' elements that build new, healthy flesh, It : ia the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It etireg </ per cent, of all cases of con aumptfln and is the best of all known remedies for nervous troubles. Thousands have told, over their own signatures, the •tories of the wonders it has performed, Honest dealers will not urge a substitute for the sake of a little extra profit, Thomas Fletcher, of Clifton Htalfon, Fairfax Co.. Va., writes- "f suffered terrible tortuiea for ten years with ‘gastralgia' (pain in the Stomach; I then took six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which completely cured me." When the bowels are regular the body will feel good and the mind will be active. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. One little “Pellet” is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. They never gripe. All good dealers sell them and have uothiug else “just *s good.” , I UNHEALTHFUL HAVANA. »I With due allowance for exag- - geratiou, Havana may be truth- - i fully pronounced a very dirty ■ and unheilthfnl city. Consider r iug its size and fonauaercial im ’ portanoe, it is probably the dir ' i tieet and most unsanitary city in the Wtateru Hemisphere. Capt. Davis, who was appoint ed by Geu. Greene some time , ago t® make a thorough inspec tion cf the iity , has nearly com pleted his and pronounces Havana the most unsanitary } place, under existing conditions, or. the Western side of the At lantic. Vienna, with a million and halt population, he says, aver ages only 25 death® to the thou sand and it i® called the pesthole lof Europe, wliile, with one-sixth as many people, shows i a larger death rat® in 11 mon’h® than Vienahas In 12. He eeti iiiates that the deaths in Havana this year will outnumber those of Chicago, which is seven times as populous by 5,000, aud will exceed the total® of Boston, St, Louis, San Francisco and Bal- • timore combined. These comparisons show the imperative necessity for subject ing Havana to the most rigot ous system of sanitation it is posible te establish with the; means at hand. The health of our troops, of the thousand® of civilians fl >ek ing to the c.ty for residence and investment, and the promotion )f commercial and agricultural enterprise in the island, much of whose eurreut will flew through its principal port, em ! phasizee the importance of cleaning, sewering and disinfect ing according t*o the advanced methods practiced in leading cities of the United States. -i rji-- Temperance advocates find deep significance in the fact that the schooner Booze was wrecked on the bar off New York harbor in the recent storm. The sahooner was overloaded and the high rollers caused her to have a rockv time on the bar. eastern epigrams A wise inau his wisdom from those who have none.— Arabian. If the time does not suit you iuit yourself to the time. —Po- an. When Gods have fcols mouths it was not that they might tail , but eat. —Tnikish. A woman's tongue is -®nly three inches long, but it can kill a man sivjeet h gl».—Japan ese. He i ha! is without m< rcy t» a as well be bu ied in a jice tub with his mouth sewed up—( hi- Base. A man of little learning is like the frog who, having never | seen the ocean, thinks it? well a great seft. — - :S As a spoon not of the flavor of the soup, so a fool in the lompauyof the wise learn® nothing. Burmese. From small profits and man; expenses onia a whole life et conse quences. —Chinese. *■ m » Riyns Tatoalvs curs nausea. Pi-ENTY of aoom at home. The New York World prepc unds I ibe following flati-exuaesiou preo lem; The population of Ih® Vnitsd St ate® is about 7i,0()'),t00. The area i® 8 602 $l9O fqaare Miles. We have, therefore, a population of only twenty psrin. ® to the equar* mile. England has about MO end Belgium about 530 to the qua re mils If our conntry were as densely I opulnted a? England and Bel gium, its people w ould number marly 800,000,000, or about seven tiia«B the-r actual number. Yet England and Belgium sre fairly comfortsl>le coantries t«> live in. With a pspnlation on'y one tweoty-seveuth as’de neu a? theirs, have we net room enoegh w.thiu our own borders tc grow fur sewe centuries te eesp, without seek ing erritorial expe s ei ? Because Uncle Sam i® a warm member is ao reason why this country sheuld gs into the ex pansion business. ■■■ ■!■■■■_■ J_■■■ ■ ■l■ I, , How did that investigating committee ever g«t the impres sion that they could find out anything about the Santiago campaign from Shnftei? bupposs the next Republican Presidential ticket is McKinley and Wheeler? Then, as a Dem ocratic ticket bow would it do to have it read, Dewey aad Lee? Don’t speak all at once, boys, exciaims the “Star Eyed God dess.” “They threaten to bar from Congress a member elect from U ah who is alleged wives,” says the Hiaweiian Ga zette, which is only another pi oof of how a story grows in its travels. Rob. erts has yet tu Lear from Manila and Hongkonff It is said that Admiral Daw ey has sent a message to the President expressing confidence that Aguinaldo and his follow ers will eubmit to American rule without a resort to arms.lf the agents of that rule be such men as Dewey there will prob ably ba little trouble. It is told of the late •?». Gar cia that on a rough retd near Holguin he an 1 some t>f his troops overtook an old woman bearing co her head a heavy load of wood. Garcia diamount ed, and took the burden, ga u t it. to two of his soldier® ana pu. the woman on bis horee, which he ordered another of hi® men to lead. It has long been a fad to name cigars after great men— generally aft r they are dead and cannot »moke them, Illinois has entered upon n new' ti.dd ano the Billy Mason ham is the out put of a packing house with compliments to bestow. Let Wheeler’s friends ruin the busi ness of the canners by having it branded “Bailey Tongue, ” Annua. Sales over a .000,000 Coxoa "!R BILIOUS AND NESVOUB DISOBMHB - h ad Wind and Pa'nin the Stomach, • ljit' «s, Fulness after meals. Head . Drowsiness. Flushings if it, Ljss of Ar>petito, Oostiveuess, oiics on the Skin, Cold Chills. Dis ked Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil . ivoiis and Trembling Sensations r UE FI2ST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffere. vill acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDIC’NE. 'tKECH irrm PlLUS, taken asdlrect 1. .rill quickly r-store F..sales t« eom i -te healtlt. They promptly —>jy< n ...istructions er irregularities of t -.- t' - I and cure Nick tlwidiicbe. ■ Weak Stomp'’ hnpaired D Disord -• . 1H MEN, WOf'EU • Beecham’s t , i&> Without a I??/?.! A .'d LARGEST SALE any Patent Medu e. World. 25b. at all Drug Stores, WIT AND HUMOR. “I understand chat Spain has taken a firm stand on the Cuban debt.” “How?” -She say® if we don’t pay it nobody will.”— Puck. I “I had a dreadful time with I’ido all lust week.” Why, what w»t® the matter?” “Oh, he made himself frightfully ill from eat ing Mine Christmas candy we bought for a poor family.”— B"oo’:lyn Life. New Form of an Old Ques tion.— “So you with to marry my daughter?” “Yes, sir ” ‘Well, can you support her iu that condition of idleness to which she ha® always been ac customed?”—(T icago Record. “What did you do with your puzzle editor?” asked the friend es the new magazine. “Dis charged him,” replied the edi tor. “He couldn’t guess where his salary was to come from.” —Philadelphia North American. Not Discrimination.—“ Mr. Scatterten prides himself on being strictly impartial/’ “Yes, answered the unamiable man, ‘1 once with him. He didn’t seem tc care whether he hit the rabbit, the dog or one of his friends.”—Washington Star. ■p... , WHAT ('AUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and weak •yes. I thought my trouble was due te eatarrh and 1 resorted to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproving, and I have had ao severe attacks sinoe I began fak ing this medicine. I cannot say mo much iu its praise.” Indiana ! *at Sunny Side, CSa. Hood's Pills cure all liver ill®. Easy to take, easy te operate ; reliable, sure 25c. j 1 .1.1 umm «,j_ MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. The Limits in Which Fireworks May be Exp'oded. All persons are hereby notii ed that the firing of fire cratk ers, akyrotketa ai d all other ex plosives are expressly forbidden withiu the following limits ; P>eginuing at the Oostanau) river en the Weglera s-ide of Fourth avenue to East third St, li. «ce along tlie Northern side of East 1 hud strset (o ihe West urn side of Second aveaue; the i:ce along the Western side of Second avenue to Etowah rive; ; thence down the Etow ah river to the Oustanaula river ; thence up the Oustanaula river to beg nniiig point. The police of the city are in structed to strictly enforce with in said limit®, the ordinance up on the ci Are works. This December lb, 1898. John J. Sxay, MavorCityof Rome. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX U RSION RATES via SO. R’Y. For Christinas holidays, th* Southern railway will sell tick ets from po : nts on it® lines tv joints E st of th® Messissippi tnd S iiitb es the Ohiq and Poto mac river® at rat® of one and one third fares for the round trip. Tickets will be sold De® 22, 23, 24, 25 and 28, also Dec 30th, 31st and Jan. Ist, and Im with final limit to return Jan. 4th. 1899. This will give every one an excellent opportunity es span l ing Christina® holidays wit! their friends and relations. For further k information ca> on Southern Railway Tickn Agent ’■■■■■»" .. w. .. r-* Ripens TabulM cure uver trouble*. < HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred D tl lars Reward for any P a ßt J ’’ lbnt Cannot b « •med by Hall s Catarrh Cure. I'.J.CHK kEYACo .' (Tu|t(|o # \v e, the undersigned b known F. J. Oh.„ e , for’n,. years, and believe him te b financially able to carry out "bligation made by their firm West & Truax, Wholesale D ru , gists, Toledo. O. 5 ' Walding, Kinnan 4 Marvin Wholesale Druggists, • Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly u « e| the-bloodand mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. S B ]j by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pil] B are , est b Ul * _.A ___ . Ml Jl® .11 r.F°r k r.° h ? apei ' Coal* Can bo used in stoves tor heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars se “ , ?9^ LJS _ Ct a SCO PMFfSSIOIiI CJfiDj ATTORNEYS. J- Law Offlet JM, aaat First reel Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artoravy at Law, Kom.< Craporaio Onlyr "W. J. NSIL Attorney at law Will pracUce in all •curu Speelal attention given to commercial Sv and tne examination es laud titles. omoe in Klug bnlldlag. Rome, ©a. W .A.luTaz?, HARRIS, Attorney at law and J. P Oflca tvarF. J. Kan a & Co.’s. UIP9OOMB 4r WILLINttHAM <\<tanaercial Lawyara. Gfflca ta Armstrong bvial kuildiag. Rama, Wa M M HIUBANKS, Attaruay at law. GScaKlag Buildiag. ■one, <>». XV H XNNI9, Attorney at Law. Will Practice In all tuatw OSoa, Maaaaio Toop'o. k»ao>, Sa J SANTA CR.XATJT > l* Attorney at law, H.*o>e. Ga. Cellarti.u xpeelalty. Maaoula Temple. Rome. ®e. MOBF.B v RISHT. BaRFKR ■AMII.WN WRIGHT A HAMILIfiN Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postuftice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS ATTORNEY AT I AW- C< 1 lection a apeviaUy. Y ill praiuw i» *H ecut u. vasorie T»ni| la Aai’rx, •* •r* . .e ■ •. DENTISTS. 7. A? WILLS, D. D S ? □Bee S«: 1-8 Bread. * Over caatrell * .. —• J. L. PENNINGTON. D D 5 ,M ’ ENTIST- □ fflee. JO6 1-8 Broad street. Over Bask* F» r aiture Co. PHYSICIANS. O H AMILiTO N-, M D- PUyslolan and Surgeon Office, tulldlug Rome, Ga. O . ce ’pkene Ns. ■ F». HA-MMOKO- M O’ Physician and Surgeon, Office In uilldlng. Residence, No. West F! r,t ■a ’phoNo S TONSORAL PARLORS LEWIS BARRETT, rbe ‘Old Reliable.” operating the totel Barber Shep, invites youtogire rial, and promises to de the rest. Onlj • 11 ue» employed on the chairs . HOWELL C. TAYLOR. • ly Hiuite’fa ukillffd barber. ewplV« very best artists in his tonsoral 8 /‘ 1 ’ g,d urry Building, opposite *be Arm"'-* , ou are made comfortable while y u * icing done. PASTEUR FILTER o-he onb G-‘ r h* t ?r<oi Filter in tn ■ oriel. Makes wa‘ jure t ncl clear - aie by; The Haß*”