The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 5

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A,, < utfit consisting of a “uig gef ■' 4 mulfc a wagon tumb led dowu «60 foot embankment a t Athens a few nights ago. The wß gon was shattered to pieces whi'e the mule and “nigger” -es caped nuhuit. The .Morning News exp ains this miraculous escape truin death, by suggesting that the “ngg'* r ” f e " on * IIB bead, and the mu le on the “uigg< r” and things thsi'* are K 0 ot ber means by which i r could hi v * occurred, o o o 'Jbe New Orleans States admin* k't r>- tlii a Iri adside to the hero of di. of the Merrmac: o\Vii p Li t<l. Hobson of the navy sunk iht collier Merrimac in ibe channel of Santiago he made him aellfahero in the estimation of his countrymen, but he is now mskii g a j->ckass of himself by holding public receptions and al lowing crowdsof sil'y young wom an to embrace and kiss him. ” o o o Mrs Jaublo z— -‘Got all your ahcpp'ng dene?” Mrs. Baigeus— “Mostcfit. T bought a carpet sweeper for my daughter, a nice mor-mat for Willie to wipe his feet on and a ton of Oval for my hmband. Now, I’ve got to buy a sealskin saCque, a bonnet and a pbir of diamond earrings for my husband to give me,” o o o Joseph Jeffjrscn' when asked the other day why he never brought his dog “Schneider” upon the stage in “Rip Van Winkle” re pie 1: “The public could not pay me a h “her compliment than to want to »•-« a dog it has only heard of. It shows iut rest in me But I dislike realism in art and realism a live nr d w ith a tail to wag at the wrong time would be embarrassii g . Gold the mirror up to nature. If you like; but don’t hold nature up. Give us a reflection of the thing, but not the ceneretw thing itself. o o e Conflicting stories come from Havana. Th- New York Herald’s eorresp ndent writes warning visi ters not to c ime unless they have made previous arrangements for rooms and board The New York Tribune’s man writes that Havana is lonesome,” and that the depart ure of the Spanish has killed busi ness activity, The one says many houses nr° vacant, the others says I fun ished rooms in prill* i ci| I “•-eets are b rd to get at $35 p» r moi, h. The one talks about th de-etted appearance of the r“«i>l-uce portion of the city, the other says all ig life and activity. o o o Every Georgian should raise his head in pride whwn the name of 1 Allan D. Candler is called. Brave. 1 honest, true—determined to da I r.ght regardless of public opinion . He says cut the pensions to those who need it —right, but un- L popular; cut the school fund top the ability of the people to pay —n right, but unpopular. With such a grand old.hero al the helm 11 o ship _-f State can weather any storm. —Hale’s Banner-Weekly. o o o Charles Phu] Auguste C uvillier, ‘ "ho has just died, was the Del* | monico of Paris. Hie cat* ring ex-1 1 toi)d» d to all the rojtil families <i | ! Europe, and many of th- m srnl ,| wreaths and other fL ral tributes ’ to the funeral. He was seventy ( jears old. o o o It has I e n decided to establish in connection with th# Midlana 1 nivt rsity, Birmingham, England, » R school of brewing, Th»-re will , he a chair for a Professor of Bre* ii*g, and the (randi-g will be of the fu lest, both tor aaaltsters ano brewers. A special brewery labela tory will be established' contiguous' •o the University buildings. o o o Warter’s “twofers” the fa-' ■sous “Terrel! Speed” cigars are growing more papular aach day * * ** **« < w & $ **** * • HENDVAL SALE i \A/‘}i h,n r ext few days vvl -Lmove into my eltgant : « New Drug Store* * NEXT DOOR TO MY OLD STAND-1 "Upl' Immediately upon moving into my score, I • "ill open up a beautiful line of . . . * CHRISMTAS AND ! * - HOLIDAY GOODS I All new and fresh. Don’t buy until you wee 0 them. Until then I offer the publie big redne tious on everything iu my atock. . . I PRICES THAT WILL SELL • It a ill be cheaper for me to offer you the go-ue T” ( > at prices ill at will sell them than to move thrift. J Perfumeries and ? I Toilet Articlesl J * , * Remember that this sale will net last long, and advantage must be taken of it at once Come to see me and lam sure that my pric will induce you to buy . . % Nil prescrlDVonsare * * M (iiCarelullyGompouiKlfd. * i UT REVITT. I # H**#*W*HW * r— —-1 g F MANSON. MORRIS,#..SMITH. W | THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. 1 Plumbing and Tinning. £ x Engineers’ and machinists’ e | supplies. Stoves, rangesand 2 G tinware. Gas and electric fix- J £ lures. INSURANCE "gasoline g x stoves. Water meters. a | 325 Broad st. Phone 32. 5 c ©ea©o©««©©<h©® a©©©a©©©©aaa| —hbWIWBO’W— -5* ***’ = S. Al. Stark, £ il® m mMim M s -'JW r Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Xv i & * iHHHHHiHH HiiHi iS rrmlff ——wwe m U L""l_ - IlM—■ —■ ADVERT'S ENOW! PU LIO SALS OF LANDS. •KSKOIA. FLBYD «OVNIY. Whereas en Feb. 19th IMS Jaue B Yarbrough did execute and de liver to C M Soreggina, her pn-as isaory nets dwe N< vember loth 1191 for|2Co aud tor the purpose of securing said note did execute and deliver to said Scroggins a mortgage on the lands hereafter ! mor# fully daaeribed, said mort gage providing that in the event of default ot paymvat of said not* or any part thereof when due. said Scroggins is au<h >rized to sell said pioger yat public uutc-y at th* coart house in Floyd ooauty. up on the first Tussdsy in any month to the highest bidder after adver tising the same as low required by law m case of sheriff’s sale, at which salo said Scroggins, his heirs, executor#, administrators or assigns shall have the right to purohaeo said property and to make and execute to the pu ebaswr a deed conveying the Raid pr< pet ty and apply the money arising from said sale to the custe of sale and the indebtedness secured by said mortgage Now therefore said Mrs. Jai e k Yarbrough having made default in the pavmout of said note when duo I will undsr the powsr of sale included in said mortgage sell at public outcry at the court house iu said county betwosn th* legal hours of sale on tho hrst Tuesdav in January to tbo highest. bidder for cash the fallowing rea< estate embraced iu said mortgage, Land lot Ne* 301 in the 22nd district and 3rd section ct Polk scanty Georgia eontainiog 100 acres, the proceeds of eneh sale to t-e spplind as aforesaid. Thio Dec. Ist 1198. C M Sciogg ns. By his attorney M. B. Eubanks. ADMINISTRATOR ! SALI. Agrssubla to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold before the court bonse door in the city cf Rome within the legal hours 01 sale <ll the iiet Tueaday iu January 1899 to the highe»t bidder the following prop erty towit.— One hunured aud sixty acres of land mere or less the caste being lot No 15 in the 22nd distiict and 3rd section of F utd c- uuty oa., 29 and 5 lOihs acres more or less in the,22nd distiict and 3rd sec tion of Floyd county ea being a fractional part of laud lot No lee* in tbe 22nd district and Bid •oction hf Floyd county •»,, being fractional part of land lot No 829 40 Baore or less in the 23r0 district end 3rd section ot Flovd cennty ea being Jana lot No 127, 10 acres rft land lot No. 14 in th* 22nd district and 3rd section of Floyd >euuty Ga described aa fol lows: T/B acrea in Southwest corner es se-.d lot thence North 40 roda. 1 ‘oence Eaat 40 rods.tbence South 40 rode, thence Weat 40 rods to beginning point. Aho one ina e. Said property sold as the prop erty of Thomaa Brennoa, late of said ceuoty deceased. Terms of tale cash. W H EtfNia, Administrator of tbe estate of Thos. Brannen, deceased . «au_ .'. " ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, eB-JRGtA. FLOYD COUNTY. Bv virtue of an order of tht c.urt es oidinary if said county and also by virtue of a decree of the Superi r court f Floyd coun ty, will be sold bes re the court boas# do<.r of said county on th* flrat Tuesday in February 1899. during 'be leg'*' hours of salo to 'he h ghest bidder, the fclUwing p-operty. towit : Part of lot No.(1) one in the Itowsh division of the city of Rome, Geoigia. situated on the corner of Broad street a u d Fourth avenue, fronting on Broad atre* t sixty four (64) feet more or less ana running back same width toward# East Fuat atroei one hundred ini six (106) feet, Al c c lot N*». (72) seventy-two ia the Etowah d vision of th* City of R me, Ga f.onting on Eaat First atreet sixty six (66) feet ard runningback the aam* width our hundred and thirty two (132)feet Also part of lot No. (73) sev enty-three in the Etowah division of the city of Rome, Ga, fronting on Eaat First afreet sixty-six (66) feet and b- ginniug at the south w'at corner of lot N 72 and run ning back towards Broad street ninety (90) feet, thauee st right angles across said let 73 sixu six (66) feet, thence eighty (80) feet to East First str-et, thenc along Hast First atr>et to tbe be ginaing point, Also an undivided one-ball iu tereat in the follow ug real estub towit: Ail that tract or paic lof Ir.r d tituated lying and being iu the 13rd district and 3rd aection co Bloyd countyC'a., beiug thal pan f a subdivided town lot out of land lot No. (275) two hundred aud seventy-live described »• fol- Iowa; Fronting on Goidon street -ighty-eovon (87) foot and extend ing hick a dis fane* c f one bund r«d and eleven sett, lying in the north east corner of a tract of five acres bough’ by J. N. Wright from J . B. Sullivan in 1884, with dwelling house aod othoi impruvemeuie built lhereoß. Also pait. of laud lot No. (284) two hundred and eighty four in the 28rd district and 3rd section ol Floyd county. Ga., in th» Fifth ward ot thnoity ts Rome, fronting on Maino street 64 feel more or loss and running back 300 feet along the line between <h* proper ly herein described aud Mrs F. A Chosvrs, to the property formerly owned by tho J. J. Cohen estate, thence along said Cohan line 48 feet, thence running back along the line between tho property h rein described and that owned by tho E. E . Lumpkin estate 210 feat to e crook and thence 90 foet to tbG starting point on Maine street Also a irsctofla.jd in C >thrans boro, near Rcai«>, known on the map of ’ethransboro as lota N s. cl, 52. 58, 54 and 55, all on ttw east aide ot tbs Southern railway, fron’itn, tho right of w»y of said railroad 581 feet, and rm nine easterly from toe nor h point sa-d tract 155 fee’, th*n » south • rly 5C6 feet, tbei ce tO6 feet t< the south point of said tract of land where It joins the right ot way of said railo ad. Tho feme being ths pr perty of ’■ rs. Sarah A, Dailey, lain of s-rd county, deceased Su’d for th*- purpoee of pay tig kgaoiea ano deb’s. Terms cash. Sam L FUMKfIuUsIR. admiiiiatrator da bi sis non with the will annexed, of the estate ol Mrs. Sarah A, Driley. deceaeKi WILD LAND SALES. Will be sold befere the court house door in the city of Rom*. Floyd cDunty Georgia, between the lexal hours of sale on the tiret Tuesday in January, L'99.the fol lowing described property tcwii All that tract or pircel of land to wit.Lot No 333 containing 100 acres and lot No 816 containing 160 acres, all lying and being in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. Levied «n by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 due said *tate aud ceunty against B H Taylor as the property of the defendant. Also at tbs same 'ime ar.d place that tract or parcel of land known in the plat a& l -t No 78 in the Brd District and 4 h Sec’ion of Floyd county Georgia contain ing 40 acres more or less. L«vi«d on by virtue of a tax fl fa issued by V P Sanford tax collector for JS97 in favor < f said state and county vs Silas F Smith as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place all that traet or parcel of land be ing lots Nos. 718, 124, 808 and 805 and 94 in- the Ifth District and 4th Section of Floyd scanty Georgia containing 200 acres more or less. Levied on bv virtue of a tex fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 in favor of stats and county vs Frank L MiJer as the property »t ths de fendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. ADMINISI Rai OH’S SALE. CBORGHA FLOY* COUNTY. Agreeable to au order es the court of Ordinary will be sold be fore the court house door between 'he legal hours of sal* «u tbefiiai Tuesday in January 1899 the fol lowing described property: —A part, of lot No. 56 in the Cothran and Chisholm addition to Rome Ga., lying on the South side of a!Ly aud fronting on Gibson street 52 feet and running along said ailey 103 feet as now enclos-d. Reserving the us« of we! 1 for the benefit of the two leaiau-iug hous eg on said lot. Terms cash. Sold us the property of John J. Black, deceased. Sam’l Funkhouser Acmiuistrator ot J. J. Black, Dec"d, LETTERS OF * D ‘UNIR r RA- . TION. UEORHIA FLOYD C UNTY . To all whettn it may concern, Mrs M. J. Morrison having n proper orm applied to mw for pematteui letters of administration on th> estate of E. T. said county, deceased. This is to e>te ail and th ce< !'• i» and next of kin of E. T. hlorris' n to be and appear at cut &-.*> •vitnin the time allowed by law tnd show cause if anv t e.ia. why permanent aiinriiiatia.'’ ji ■ hould not b* g •• < M r .V. J. Morrison on E T. Memson’s es’ate Witmc.-S my baud aud ot deial signature this 7:h d. y et Nov. 1898. John P. Davis, Oidicary, TW!I j Tai sales r ar Jan 1899. OBURBIA,FLOYD COUNTY, Wil! be sold before the court bouse door in the city of R >me Fieyd county Ga., between tho legwl hours of sale >n the Istl’uee dnv in January 1899, the follows ing described property bv v>tu of atate and county tax fi la* le aned by the tex cellecior of Fieyd eeun'y Ga., and against tbe fol lowing named defendants. Ail ihat tract or parcel of land with improvements lying aud being in the town of East Rome iu Floyd oountv.GS., beginning at a point on tbe North side'of.Spring street distant 350 feet East oi North Si, running thence Northerly in a line parallel with North street 300 feet, thence Easterly in a line par allel with Spring street 158 seek. thence Southerly in a line parallel with North street 800 feet to a point on the Northern line of Spring street, thence Westerly ah ng the Northern line of Spring 3 reel 158 feet to the point • f begini'iiig. L i ved on a's the property of Mrs. L .J, Patton the defendant and now in h»-r possess cion ui dor and by virtue es a tax fl fa i»su d by J .Un D Moore for mer ti.x collector for t x 1896 m favor o' state and county for the use of W T Chenev trangfwrree. Also at th* same time and place all that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the 4 h district and 4tn section of Floyd c uuty oa., containing 200 acres and be ing the la.-t part cf lot Nos. 318 and 295 and the East par’ of the portion ■ f lot 282 lying Sou h of Coosa river and being the farm 200 acres set apait and apportioned io A’ H Waie under the will of his tatber A o Ware deceased as shown by survey and map made by J C Harris on December 1883 and ap proved by T W Alexander arbitra tor to divice said land recorded in hook “F F” efdisds pages 239, 24 ) and 241, »ai<! 200 acres being bounded < n the North by (Joosa rr er and E ist by lots 281, 296 •nd 817. on the S uth by ‘.be line between 3rd and 4.b districts and on the we#t hyweet poriien ot said lots Nos. 282 295 and 318 and be ing tLe same property conveyed by J C Moore, sher IT, to W G Foster and by W g Foster to R L Foster. Lev ed on by virtue of a laxfi fa issued by V 1 Sanford tax Mfldlec tor for 1897 in favor of W T vhej n'y irauslerren vs R L Foster as property of the defendant. J P Mc JoNNBLL. Sheriff. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. •XOMeiA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas J S . Kinnebrew guar dian of John M. Bailey, repre sents to the conr. in his petitioa duly filed, that he has ariminie t»red John M. Bailev’a cats'# and that be has turned over t« eaid ward all of hie patate. Thia is to cite all persons concerned, kindred ano creditors, to show cause if any they can, why eaid gua diar. should not be dis charged from his guardianship and receive letter* of dismission on the first Monday in January, 1199. This Oct. 7th 1898. J 'WN P Davis Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Ptiieuanl tc an order of the court of ordinary will be sold be fore tbe court house door in the city of Rome oa wi'hiu the legal hours of sale on th# first Tuesday in January 1899 the follow inir de scribed property towif F’ort-y acres es land the bub» being 40 acres in the Southwest corner of laud lot No. 165 in toe 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county oa. Said property sold aa th* prop erty of E J Parkinilvi o. m c junty deceased. T.-run of sal pash. W H Ennis, Administrator of the estate ol E J Perkins deceased. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Walter Mize ) No. 29. Libel far vs ’ divorce. Iu Floyd Mary Mize ) Superior court state of Georgia, January term, 1899 »’o Marv Mize— The defendant is hereby requir ed personally or by attorney to be and appear at the ntxt Sup u rior court to bs held in and for eaid coanty, on the third Monday in January next, then aud there to anewer the Plaintiff’s petition for Libel for Divorcs it» d< fiuit thereof s. id court will proceed as to justic-i jhail appertain. Wit_es« th# Honorable W. M. H-nrv. judge of said court, hie i4'h day ot Nov. mber, 1898. W.m E. Bbysik§kl. Clerk of Cut