The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 27, 1898, Image 7

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FflYfiß NOT FREE W BtbJliftfl lllals Uirl In Get lun Pusoi ’Hi JURY lI3AGRIED And She May Be Tried A rain In January. N«w Yolk. De« 27. Assistant District Attorney Molntyr* said (•day that Fayu* Strahan Moer< * n'd ba placed on trial again iu the (-rimin'*! branch of the an- • eonrt in the las’ of January. Th a lime she will be brought i. re Justice Foreman iaitwaU oi Recorder Goff. Mrs Moera’a lawyer, Abraham Levy, »ays: I shall mote, »n Thursday, for aitay of p’oeeednigs in the e»i« of Mocie and for a reduction of ball lor Mrs. M :<ore. 1 intend to have h<«r surrounding on New Y«ar»' Day mare eongeois 1 t han they are t-day, if possible. Members of th* jury claim that their discussi >n was i.ot stayed by sentimental cm t®r the woman on trial, but these ihat auu d not vote for conviction were of the opini‘ n that Mrs. Moore was bat an instrument iu her husband's hands, «nd they felt tb«t Ike sentence that mihgt ba giv. n her under a verdiet of guilty ess to sever® for her offense, Frank McGovern, leader of the jurors who voted fer acquittal, said: Ivo ed fer acqurtal because I believed in the innoeei ce of the aeeu«ed of tLe crime or mbb-ry in any degree whatever, I should like the fact to be made clear that it was tot because all the jurors believed in Mrs. Moor's guilt that we oh nee in with question# as to the penalties. I desire to say in behalf of myaolf and my asseciat* s that we near agreeing with the other juror# merely becaaae we, who would have sequined her thoaght that if robbery in the third degree brought with it a merely aotnlnal sentence of a fo* months in the eity prison, Mrs Moore would probably rather serv<* that than uod-rgo the ordeal of aaothor trial. The testimony of Martin Mahon and Detective Cass was not credited. The wnly wit ness in whom we had absolute faith was Detective CtisTsiMAS Eatjkn. —Tb® Gomez case i. preparing to do some tall iwedivß curing the ho'idaye, Mr. Gum z ha# reettred a big supply ot the best ganu that the sports* mat's gun can eomunand, and with fat oysters and plump turkeys he i* at vonr service. - - - . ' ■■ SCROFULA It is Foul Blood’s Aclvertiee ma nt But It is Soon Cured by Mecd’e Sarsaparilla. Yes, Scrofula, if anything, may bo calh'd the advertisement of foul blood. It is th» seourge of the world —offensive, painful, debikitating, stubborn and well r ;< ;h ■nondurable. Outward applications do not cure, they •nly drive the difficulty to new quarter’ Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one sure way out, and that is to eliminate Hi* taint from the blood. There ia one remedy that can effect this, and it la the only one that, so far as w» know, has almost invariably succeeded •ven where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy ia Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rend this: “My daughter was afflicted with im pure blood. There were running acres all over her body and they caused her ■such suffering. We tried medicares that were recommended aS blood purifiers, but eould not aee that they did any good. A friend told me abet;/ Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and I began giving the girl this nusd icine. Tho result was that she was per fectly cured after taking a few botU«*. She has had no symptom* gt scrofula •ares since that time.'* MaBiRTTA M. Mmith, South Middleboro, Mass. Hood’s %“». Is the best —in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Koon's; taico no substitute. Hood’s Pills ILOILO NKXTI I’iliiaiy Hi Natal Expedi tiii st Hu say. —-- TO TAKE THAT CITY. And Protect A m r can And Qth •r Interests Washington, Dec 27. The administration has take* steps Ao safeguard American interests in the city of Iloilo, on the island J the Philippines archipelago, and a military and naval eip< diliou is now on its way there from Manila. Cable advices were received here today from Gan. Otis, corn naaading the military farces in the Philippines, and Admiral Dewey, commanding the naval forces there, showing that they are acting in concert in the mat ter. Gen. Otis reported that he had dispatched two regiments and a battery of artillery to Iloi. Io on army transports, and Ad miral Dewey notified the navy department that the cruiser Baltimore had sailed from Ma nila for the came place. ItTs estimated that these of ficera are acting upon their own discretion in the matter and that no official advices have been received here to indicate that there is any unusual law lessness in Joilo. Several days ago it was re ported byway of Madrid that the Spanish forces in Iloilo had been attacked by the insurgents, and had driven them back with heavy losses, but this report lacks oflcial confirmation The United States expedition is more in the nature of a precau tion, but will take aotiue meas ures for the suppression of law lessness in case the condition of affairs rrquiro it. LOCH HAPPENINGS. Wanted To Rent— A five or six room heist ia the Seeeud or Third Wards. Address “X YZ” ears of Hustler-Oommercial, giv ing description and prise 2*t. Wholy Smokb I—That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on the market and the one that gives the moß t fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome mide brands. Is Your Ssalp Bad?—lf •« I® te Howall Tuylers parlor, in ths Carry buildiag on ieeond Avenue, sad let him ear® it by applying Taylor’s eelobrstod daadrnf ex- and hair regenerator. He will cure you every time. A F.m« Display.—Mr. B. J. Ward the eity bill poster, baa pretty well “oovared the eity” with handsome posters advertie i. e the famous “Old Virginia Cherjots ” Ward is a battler as well as a ateeple-jaek with a na tional reputation. Don’t Forget T«is.—Noth ing affords more pleasure than the cbildaen’s Santa Claus. We . have a manahieuta tfatock of nute, saucy I finits,eraßge» ) p ure candies and fire works, at p rices iuads to 11 them Llovd & IJxßper. fast. AprrMciatiom. —Dear Editor Mrs W J. Grißn «»nt appre- what Justie. this Irtabm.n andW.J. May «* for tl "“ fat turkor .»<• nacka she seat ua fora Chnft ■aas dinner. Our wishes are that she may li« long and always c a R Vi ts ' I JaA 3 / \ ; Rl ! Rl I : X J Ni 1 Tl I I N Cl I I KAN be able to send ths Firemen a Christmas dinner. J. W. May. Tillerman ; T. Fitzpatrick, H. £ L Driver. (’apt. Chas. H. Smith, Jr. — Capt. Chas. H. Smith, Jr. , a captain of one of the companies of the famous Third Engineers, ■ow encamped at Macon, arriv ed home today on a six day fur •lough. Capt. Smith states that his.e -mpauy will be ord- red to ' Cuba or to Manila within the next fortnight. A Tubkby Dinmkr —A numb-r of congenial sp ; ritß went out t Capt. J. B, L. Lumpkins sub u9; an borne tint atiernoon to par -icipatein a “Turkey dinner,” one of tuoee famcue feasts such as Mis. Lumpkin only knnwe how to prepare and »erve. Those who went will ever remember the dale a« “the” feast day oi this era in the hietory of their lives ■* c —x " rsse Successful Physicians. W. SaartUy nr— ,nl, l Dr. Halhawsx A 0* rs Atl-U. ba.. - kfe iriabu wad rw-sMrtabiy mis—fal i» LL-.-ZUt .kro.l. <rf was ««d wum. TkiJaMWhiw Sul. Owr readers if la ..*3 -c MMtiaU halt abould •artawV write !L*„. r»« wui *••<▼• ■ Me •< T** •»«•«■’ return a«B WMM WWW W I THE Cmi-ARBmGTMHie. I | w I W WWffl BillO 3 I Mil nW O L-lijS] -’i ICUBBY’S CORRIB STHAKEM. 1 al ■ •» S j ffl STILE, FASHIUN OR.FOHM S g '* | -SB O F efe- M * I DO L i i Io- Our Store Has Been Marked Down To Se;l. i' ‘ S | ANO 1 I IF YOU WANT ONE YOU GAN GET IT! | I | * ~~ I SEIKI OTTJR 'W'HSTKIO'W I CURRY.ABINGTON-CO. | * i » 1 B s f% * I w personal mention. Mr; W. T. Simms, es the Gate City is here today. Mr. Bam H-tiden left last night for Union Springs, Ala., on a visit Cspt. E. A, Haard, of Bass & Heard, left last night for Rock mart. Mr. James Lewis went to Rockmart Sunday night. He will return Thursday. Miss Lillian and her father, Capt - T H. Booze. Sr., es Cedar town, wore in 'he city today. Mr. F. H Booms, of Mexico, formerly of Cedartown and Rome, is autographed at ihs Aim'lrsng, All forms of scrofula, sores J boils, pimpltjs and eruptions, are quickly and permanently cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Lewis, ncccmpanied by her little granddaughter, Miss Lillie Mitchell, returned to the city last evening, after a pleas ant stay in Roekmait. Miss Suffurd, who for saverai ( dnys has been a member of Mies Reynold’s house party, in Eai-t Rome, has return d to her home in Cha tanooga. NOTICE. Dr, Tigusr, after th res or four years of ho««st effort, with close esoßOusy. denying hinaieif and family all luxuries and pleasure, to pay his honaat debts, hue failed to reach that coveted end at the end of 1891 Now offers his professional services to his cred'-> tors at hnlf price to the am he is due them. Every tne.aber of his individual family that needs the work, will be served if it takes lh*t to pay the d-bt, and these who have no family, that need any Dentistry will do him a favor by coming end making arrangements fur some friend that he can use to pay ibe debt. He also solicits a portion of th»- puolis patronage in ordsr to earn an honest living, Prices to suit the hard times, and thoas wishing his service. -A-MU.SiSM’T, !».- —J =■"—-'J . BaadMcUv Am Pain VlUa. xnyana Tabuies: ouc gives relief. FORJWIU FF Deputy Sheriff J. M, Johnston announces bimselt a cahßidat* for the office of Bailiff of the Ratne District, and aska you : o vote tor him on election day. I announce mysolf as a candi date for bailift of die 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the vote of friends and otheis in the election on the first Sat urday in January. < Geo. W. Beau ford. To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, 1 desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailifl for this district and most res pectfully solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligations oi the office \ ery Respectfully, R. H Copeland. Thereby announce* my sei l for Bailiff 919th District G. M. Ftoyu county, Ga. E :a rt.i<>n fir t. Saturday in January,lß99. ■ ' D, B. Bryan.