The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 2

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TOMUSm (I’ Twi Negri Refiineits iisiw it Ihcn IS fliE PROSRRI. Third North Carolina and * xth Vi rtinja. Washington, Djc. 29—-It if said at the war departs ent tha t •e cbaagc in plana as to the mustering out of troops will ba made as a result of the throat orirg o it’o »k in the Philip pines. The socretary of war has Hisle ac«in progress in designa ting the volunteer regiments to be mustered out, but no an ueuncewient will be made unti 1 tho list is completed. It is believed, however, tha: tho list will include tho Thirty first Michigan, now at Knox ville, Term ; the Second Tennes see, at Colembia, Tenn ; the Third Tennessee, at Aeniston, Ala; tho Third North Carolina (colored) at Macon, tta, the Sixth Virginia (colored) at Ma con. and the First West Virgin ia at Coin mbuo, Ga. Those regiments would een atitate a good part of the vol anteors :o be mustered out, for the entire num her will not run ▼ary high, owing to tho pur pose to fiist muster out the vol unteers at Maeila and reduce tho regulars down to the num ber contemplated by law when the war closed - ABMIRAu CERVeJRA’S SON. Cathode Priest inCharge of th* Young Man Nov Yerk Dec. 29.—-There arrived here yesterday a young ■an who i« said to boa ooh es Admiral Corvera, commander of the Spanish toot at Santiago. Ho was accompanied by Rev. John M. Cushing, a Pittsburg priest. According to the story told by tlov. Cushing, young Cervora is about twenty years of age, and was seat to Canada at the outbreak of the war and placed in his charge. Youii g Carvers, bo says, io a son by tho admi fral's first wife, and was sent to Canada because of estranemonts at homo. According to a further state ment of Rev. Cushing, be has boon assigned to duty in tho Philippine Islands and wants to properly dispose of. his charge, but has found his efforts hin dered through prejudice against tho descendant of ths noted ad miral. There is an air of mys tery at loast about the case. Tho boy’s companion will not allow him to talk, UIVILWAR INEVITABLE. Peruviana are Dntormlnosl up on a Bloody Strife- Lima, Peru, via Galveston, Doe. 28.—Advices from Bolivia say chat the aspect of affairs thoro is serious. Young mon be longing to the best society are joining either side. The banks have lost nearly all their olorks and civil war is inevitable. TtClll A COLD IM DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablota. All druggists refund 'bo money if it fails to emo. H« The ronnino has L B • O*«h tablet. j^ l ** ll * TabuUavurs torpid liver, , BM*oa TbbulM cure b«ao*4*« ****** *♦*♦*>* = (Mill j Within the next few days WilLmovß into my eltgant < •New Drug Store t 5 NEXT DOOR TO MT OLD STAND- ! Immediately upon moving into my store, I W will opow up a boantifal lino of . . t CHRISMTAS AND ♦ • HOLIDAY GOODS • Mjg alm. i All now and frosh. Don’t buy until you coo ig them. Uatil then I offer the public big rodeo- X lions on everything in my stock. . . Mk i ♦ PRICES THAT WILL SELL* It will boobeapor for mote offer you the foodo -W- ■# i st pries* i hat will soli thorn than to move thorn. \L »• * ; * Perfumeries and 2 | Toilet Articles! J * • * Romombor that this sale will not lasi long, aud advantage must bo taken of it at oneo Come to sot mo and lam sure that my prio W will induce you to buy . . • J fill prcsGrlptlons arc * M (.‘iCrtlliCwondfU. * 0 AEREVITT. I « mt Am "At -Mb "fliß Q T MAMBO*. MQRBIBgM./IMITM. £ ! THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. | S Plumbine; and Tinning. c § Engineers’ and machinists' c • supplies. Stoves, ranges and g Q tinware. Gas and electric fix* 1 O tures. INSURANCE feasoline g g stoves. Water meters. A g 335 Broad st. Phone'32’. 5 c—eaaaaeaaoa wemoaeeaea—j S HHHHHIHHWHHHHHHW K S £ S. M. Stark, I mH £ K IMS 1M SEmsm'S Tffll a— c •** S •p Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Av« ® **■ s ADVERTISE NOW! PU Lie SA LB OF LANDS. OBOROIA. FLOYD OOONTY. Who eae ou reh. 1 Vih IS9S Jan* ■ Yarbrough did oxeeutv mid de ' liver lo C M Scroggins, her prom* I l»sory ante due November 15 h ' 1191 for s2dn and tor the purpose of socuriog said note did execute aud deliver to said Scroggins a Mortgage on the land* hereafter wore fully doeeribed, *>a>d wort fsge providing that in the event <>f default of payment of said note or any part thereof whan due. said Scroggins is authorised to tell esid proper 'y at publie outcry at the I court houao in Floyd county, up on tho first Tuesday in any month to the highest bidder after adver tising the name ao now required by law in oaso of snonfl ’a sale, at which oalo said Senggins, hi* heirs, executor?, administrators or assigns shall have the right to purchase aaid property and to ■ ako and execute to the pu~chasor a dood conveying the said proper ty and apply the money arising from said sale to tho costa of sale and the indebtedness secured by said Mortgage Mow therefore said Mrs. Jano h Yarbrough having made default in the payment of said note whon duo I will under tho power of sale included in sard mortgage sell at public ontory at theeeu'it house in said eounty between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Jauuary 1898 to the highest bidder for cash lbw following real estate embraced in said mortgage. Laud lot No* 301 in the *2nd district aud Srd station cl Polk county oeorgia containing ISO acres, the proceeds of euoh sa’e to be applied as aforesaid. Th's Deo. let 1198. C M Senoeo.Nß, By hie attorney M. B. £nb>iaks. aDMINISTBATOM 1 SAL>. Agrooublo to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county wilt be sold before tho court house doer in tho city of Rome witkju the legal hours 01 sale on the Irsl Tuwaoay ih January 1899 to the highest bidder the following prop arty towit. — One hvnured and sixty acres of land more or less the same I eing .0 No. 15 iu the 22nd district and Mi<l section of F cyd county aa., 29 and 5 10’hs acres more er less in rhe 29nd disltifl and 3rd sec tion of If 1« yd coni.’v a 1 bfeing a fractional pvrl <•» land let No 82 s . 29 and 3 10 a i»f mor* er less in the 22nd disliict and 3rd section of Floyd county ns., being fractional part of land lot No 829 40 an ore or less in the "28 rd district and 3rd section ot Flovd county na being land lot No 527, 10 acres lift laud lot No. 14 in the 12nd district and 3rd ss?ti*n of .ntinty &a dosiribad as fol lowt =- Tm acres in Southwest corner of it'd lot thonco North 40 rads, menco East 40 reds.thonce South 40 rods, thence West 40 rods to beginning point. Also one mu a. Said property sold as the prop erty us Thomas Brannon, late of said county deceased. Terms t»f tale atth. W H Eumis, Administrator of tha estate of Thos.' Brannon, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALI, •BvRGIA FLOYD COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the c.urt of ordinary of said county and also by virtue of a decree of the Bii| eri r c urt es Floyd coun ty, will be Fbld bes ra the court house do. rof eaid county on the first Tursday in Februa-y 1899. during be legal hours of sa!e to •.he h gbest bidder, the RlLwing property, to wit : Part of lot No. (1) one in the Itoweh division of the city of Rome, Geoigia, situated on the corner of Broad street a.dsl fourth avenue, fronting on Broad street sixty four (64) feet moie or less ana ruuniug back same width towards East First street wns hundred and six (106) f et. Also lot Ne. (72) e-venty-two ia ths Mtowah division of th* City of R ms, Sa fronting on East First street sixty six (66) feet and runaipg back the same width one hundred and thirty two (132)feet. Also part es lot No. (73) eev enty-thr-e in the Erowah division of the oity of Rome, Os, fronting od last First street sixty-six (66) feet and beginning at the south* west corner wf lo« Ni . 72 Mid run ning back towards Broad street ninety (90) feet, thease at right angles across Said let 78 sixty s’.x (66) feet, thence eighty (80) feet to East First str et, thence along Bast First str et to the be ginning point. Alan an undivided one-balf in terest in the following real estate tow it: Ail that tract or pare 1 ..f 1j d ,-lusted lyii g sad being in tie rd district and 3rd section ol oyd eouptvCa., being that part a subdivided town lot out of lend lot No. (275) tw® hundred and seveuty'five described us fol lo*s; Fronting on Goidop street 'ighty-sf-von (87) feet and extend ing b ck a distance 1 f out hundred and eleviu sett, lying in the north east coiner of a tract of five acr«s bought by J. N. W right >n m J B. Sullivan in 1184, with dwelling house and other built thtreou. Also pm t of laud let No two hundred and eig) iv four in the 23rd district aud Srd sect ion of Floyd county. Ga., in th. Fitih * a rd of the 01 ty <. f Rome, frouting on Mamts street 64 fool more or less and running back 800 feet along the line between the proper ty b«Teiu described and Mrs E. A Chou vos, to the property ’ormerlv owned by the J. J. Cohen eal.ut«» thei ce along said Cohen line 48 feet, thence running back along the line between the property described and that owned by the E. R. Lumpkin estate 210 foot to a crock ai c ihenco 90 to tl e starting pou t on Maine street. Also a iraet of la..d iu Cothrauo boro, near Rome, known on tho map of Cot hrausboro as lots N s. 11, 52, 58. 54 and 55, all on tho ••st sida of the Southern railway, fron'ing the right of way of said railroad 581 feet, and rpusiing easteily from tbe north point of said tract 155 feet, thou o. soaib' J »rly 566 leot, £O6 feel te the south point of said treat of land wheie it joins >he right of way of huhl rallr- ad. The nsia being ih« property of Mrs Sarah A. Darlov, lets of said eobuty, dee«ass< ai.i'd i«r ths puiposeof paying l«g«oioa ant dells. Terms cash. Sam'l FunxHowion, administrator do bcoisnon with t he will annexsd, of tho estate of Mrs. Sarah A. Diilev. doCvssod WILD LAUD BALBI. HMD be seld before the eeurt bouse door in the city of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the fret Tuesday in Jsaaary, 1099,the fol* lowing described propertv tewit; All that tiact sir parcel of land te wit, Lot No £BB ceutaiaing 100 •ores and lot N* 816 eentaining 160 acre*. ell lying and being id the 22ud District and Srd lectio* of Floyd county Ga. Levied en by virtue nf » tax fi la issued lay V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1817 due said state and ceunty agan at B 11 Taylor as the proj ertv es the defendant. Also at the saaie time sad place that tract or parcel of land being known in the plat as lei No 78 in the Brd District and 4'h Bectieu of Fi*yd county Ge* r gia contain ing 40 aorb« more or leas. Levied • u by virtue of a tax fi fa i«sued by V T Sanford tax < « lector for tax 1197 iu favor of said state and county vs Silas F Smith as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and plnee all that treat or paiael of laud be ing lots Noe. TH, 124, 808 ai d SO* and 94 in tn? 1t h Distrie and 4th Sni.tiou *f Floyd a. uut> Qtiargia captaining 200 acres ravir* or Das. Levied on by virtue us a tax fi fa issued by V 1 Sanford tax colkcur for lax 1897 in tavor of state and esuuty vs Frank L Mi.ier as the property ul the de* fencant. •L P. McCoknell. Sheriff. ADM INI3TRAI OR’S BALE. CaeiGlA FI,SY* COUNTY. Agreeable to an rrder as the coart < f Ordinary will be sold be* fore the cturt hnrse door between the legal hoars of sale on thefi-si Tuesday in January 1899 the foK sowing described property:—A part ot lot No. G 6 in the Cothran and Chisholm addition te Rune Ga. , lying on the South aide of ull-y and treating on Gibson street 52 feet and runaing along suid alley Itlß feet as now enclossd. Resa-ving the use of well for the benefit es the two reman ing hous es *n said lot. Terms cash. 8 dd as the property of John J. Black, deceased. Bam’l Funkhouskb Administrator ofj. J. Black,Dec’d, LITTERAOF ADM IN] R1 RA- TION. aaoßatA floy» « umty. To all whom it any concern,Mis M. J. Morrison having in proper lores epp.ied to me for peraiawent letters ol administration os the -state of R, T. Mornsoa. late es said county, deceased. This is to uite all and singular the creditors aad next of kin of I. T. Morrison La he and appear at my office within the time allowed by l fcw nd show cause if any they use. why parmanant administra 1 ion h uld not ho granted to Mrs. M. J. MorrGon on f T. Morrison s estate Withee* my hand and of ficial signature this 7ih dty oi Nov. 1898. John F. Davis, O.dinary, WiiW 1 c inmil eneßeu,FLoY» couxt- k. .old beforth, , ■ house doorm the cil„ t Floyd county G* ml J-y to January l«y tL . , 1( B| Hi*- described prop,,. b '•i ot .latw and county x h f T 'V| by lb. l.x ell,. Ifll !o«ins nanied defen nt, W 'l>.i,r. ol .r r „|. ( ■ with impiuv*-nento l He .y Wi C. umv.ea., begin,* >t( u-i the North P W distant 350 feet E, .f, running tu.nee N lhtrl ' W One parallel with lr th sir M »■ aliel wnh Spring ssst lj| thenoe Southerly la hIJ , W with North sliest X) f*/ . Wl point on the Neuern )j B . fl Spring street, thee along the Northerhue , f S[) , W street 158 f„.t tu (ht „ p , i f beginning. L*vi on », t S property of Mrs. .J. p atton defoudant aud no m h.r .W aion under and byirtus es * 1 fa issued by Joi D U.or, J mer tax nolleetorjr t x favor of etale a»«<jou lH , f, r use of W T Chain lrauif* rres . ■ Also at the can time and pls«B all that tract or rrcel of | al) d ing aud boiEg iubo 4 q diitnol and 4in section »t Floyd a until •a., containing X) aoiaa and b«fl mg the last pari f lot Nos. and 295 and th Bast pan of thtH portion . f lot lying s ea;h ( a Coosa river audioing th* larti)2(« acres set apart ad apportioned ill A H Ware undr the will of hil father A • Wardecoaied as ibowl by survey and .ap made by J fl Darris on Deen her 1883 and ipfl proved by T WAloxandor arbitral tor to divide sid laud recurdadlfl book “F F" edmds pages ‘231fl 2AJ and 141, eid 200 acr»i iiuufl bounded on tin North by Coofl nyer aud Kasiby lots 281, 29fl and 817. on th S utb by the lufl between Srd aid 4;h diet riels andl on the west bjweot portion of aaidl lots Nos. 282 296 and 818 and bsl ing the same|rop»-rty ceuvsy»d byl J U Moore, eter ft', to W G Foststl and by W « fostwr He R L Fu tarl Levied on bjvirtue of a lax fi fil issued by V 1 San/ord tax uollicl tor for 1897 ia f*vor of W T Ciufl uey transform* vs R L Foster »s properly of me deftmUuL J P kIeCoNMKLL, Sharif. APPLICATION FOR I.KITIM OF ftFSMISSION. CHOReTA Flow IXOVNTY. Whereas 18. Kiunebrew,guar dian of John M. lidley, repre sents to thacour ia hie peiilie* duly tiled, that he has annamia tr red John M Bailey’***• that he han turned ever to aad ward alt ut hie es'ate. lij* ia to cite all persons eoucorsos, kindred and creditors, to »!>•• cause if any thoy eau, why a* l giu-diau should not b» 'li»* charged from hie guardian^ 1 ? and rtceivo Liters if disDaiaai®* on the first Monday in .'*■»»'/• 1899. Tms Oct. 7th 1898. JtwnP Davis Orche*" A D MINIBTR ATOR’S S AtK. Puisuanl town order of Js court of ordinary will be wl fore the court house door m city of Rome •* within the W hours of sale on the first. Pue-dM in January 1899 the foLo»m«» rcribed property towit Forty acres of land the • beinw in the b* llL eori<Ki«.>d l»‘ No - 165 det *nd 3rd e<et'©» FlojUldnty ua. 5 laijpjrty sold as P I erf I J Perkins I* - on futceised. l^ rm ‘ 0 earr th WHKnni’. Ad C Tn’rator es the estate .(« •u tc|j ins deceased. lOIVj” CL FOR DIVORCI- * U l°THfendant is hereby r«'l“ b| mally or by ‘ J r at the n.xt MP 4 Jdif.v be held iu and L» j fl r: on th. third Mo^y, o f uljaf “rxt, thw V nd .i tin" f,,f lie .fan the Plaintiff • P ‘ } f itl || | Ipr Divorc., •• > d|l ■ ij) s< id oourt wi.t P | to ice ahall appertain* g l&ll a-s.