The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 3

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®e WishElur Rreinds -Sad Eustomers | * j* l Ml fl Ml A M 1 SliulaT JulIS I SAS I ;r ■?'- APPY KE W f| We Thank Them for | 13 their Interest in our $ U Behalf and if any of | | Them Have spent a | ® pait of their Principal I | we thank them for that i | also- . ■ * J. riVTTIMER PROSPSMS UN. Fil Reiteratiif Waps to e le DNJANUS NEXT. The 5 and 10 P«ent Reduc tion C»! a d. 18,000 employes ol L. & N., R. li.. will this yinjoy th* most pleasing hoi' season they have known fears, and certainly the mosiuant oi the past five, According to thejnise that if the earnings of t*bad war ranted it the remtiir • per cent of the 10 per deduction made in August. 18> (jU ld bs restored at the first he year, the employes will, ojiuary 1 begin te receive the 9 wages and salaries that world them before the dark days 891. The earnings of t )a d in the past few months 1 been such as to leave li tie that the premised restoratiwould be made. A reporter w form ed at the office ot th,neral manager of the read trthai the restoration would iade. I he L <t N. is acting n sect geod faith with its emj>s. Whea the reduetion first *aeunced in circulars Au- gust 7 and August 14, 1898, the men were promised that as soon as the earmags justified it the cut would be restored The re duction affected all, from* Presi dent Milton B bssith to tho humblest messenger. The em ployes acted with rare good muse, There was scarcely a grumble. They accepted the de crease as inevitable tied trusted vO the road to restore it as soon as possible. Early in 1198, the employes hopes that the restoration was but a matter of a short ime. The first definite state ment, however, wm that made by General Manager Metcalfe,at ■he meeting of the Engineers and Firemen's Brotherhood ho>d here 1- t February. Mr. Met calfe told them that part of the .eduction would be restored in J uly and the rest as aeen as pos sible. ft HAT JOTFHL FIILIM*. With ib* •xhil*r*tiug renewed hoi th and strength aad nUri el ckanlinm, whidh follows the nee of dyvep of Figa, >• UB " k«ewu le the few who have not pregreeted beyoed the eld-tuee medieiaoe and the eheap s»bs‘i tutea sometimes efered I ut MV«r • coopted by the weil-iuform.d. Utir the gssinin* aaanu aetarod by (he'Calilornia Fig Sy rep Co. Spring term at Romo Busi ness college begins Monday Jan 1 2nd, 1899. $lO 00 oft all com plete course scholarships to all pupils who will begin on open ing day. H- ®- Prin cipal- e DOUBLE DALLY HKKVTv'fe IO FLORIDA VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Thfl Ssntheru Ea (wayfin com unction with ’he Florida Central and Peninsular R, R., operates ■ two trains daily Rome to Jackson ville, Fla., b®th of which carry handsome Pu'ltaan Draft! i; Room Sleeping Care. Train leaving Raima 8 120 p m arrh'es .' Tson vi'le the next g at BUS a. m. This is a solid train nying Baggage and Express car, Bay Coaebee, aod Palltnan Drawing Room Sleeping Car through to Jacksonville without Tha ge. Train leaving Roma at 9. la a, m. arrives Jacksonville 9:o© p, in., same day, aad tarries elegant Pullman Sleeping Car through without Connection ir toad* at Jacksonville for ail points, in Florid* For further information call on J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Arrr atrong W tel. Telephone No 89. NO FAKE- BLIT 6OLID : FACI S. Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin >n actual cost sale to close out her large w n ter stock. Choice Ft its for ladies and children at prices that cannot be feund elsewhere Bets Hair Ornaments ano Bu. jkies,ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices pefore Buying in Millinery. NO RIGHT TO U<LIN ESS. Ths woman who is lovely in face, fens and temper will *1 ways have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her Le*lth. if she is weak, sick ly and all run dews, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has .constipation er kidney trou ble, her inipwre bleed ''ill cause pimples, blotehes, tki.i erup tions and a wretched complex ion. Kloetric bit'ere is the best ruedijine in the wcrld to regu kite stomach, live; Ind kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives streng nerve-', bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make * good looking, charming woman es a run down invalid. Only iOcls at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store. t 'ljs — s - taß - g — 3 —iJLJSJwa M4u Ff. a. * * A^ L FlDOS' Aomcultural, OtA. COUXGE fl Ka-Suitom*. 'F' M wo- ~ DAH LONEGA,jSIT A collaceeducation in the re: chef all. A.». .;.S., Tlormal and Bn«inee« M «’» mrw.. ■lood laboratories; Uea tUful, in» ijoralivg uiite; military discipline; freed jwwral aid < religious influences. board ia tk« State; abundance of country produce;exaaria** front $75 te sls® a year; beard in dorinitafiee er private families. Special lieeneo course for teocherb; full faculty of nine; all u>«er tbs central of the University. A cellofe proper atorv class, i ef sexes. Tbs insti tution feidnded specially for studentsof Hmiead means. Send for catalogue to the .Preside* Jos. S. Stbwart, A.M. A CUT PRICE PROG STORE! Al Patent Medicines Reduced in Price I All Toilet Articles REDUCED TO MEET feX- Competition Only When We Cut Every Custo mer get I he Benefit. J. T. CROUCH & CO. ig H, P. WOOTEN A BRO., J Sueaeesors te -S ROME PHARMACY. » Tag Bread st. —New Clark Building. ’ft's have bought the entire sleek es the ri *3* ... Fharasaey and are prepared »o supply yeur wants the drug, pi esceripiiou and paleat medioiae liae. N>ta sleet is co wpleie and es the very higliwt grade. W* sjkicit a part es year patronage a«d 'UW® dearer t > ’-he beet vs ai* t -»11 ■tr to please you » ti ess. We she ild be pUassl t) hare you e*H Full li’iv es dr«4g »ist’s «-mi Iriei, teilet artiel e<l # »hf 4« *» *”• <* If oarrisd ie a first-class d 'tm tere . Cigar* aad tob acee. 3S Ci ae teste as. -