The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 4

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rUSTLER-COiMEBCIA’ THE HUSTLER OF KGMtL EirtaHUhed, iM* -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Ekt* bl is lie *4 1M.,. U*«v every |«vsui»g »xe«pt Salwday. .Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. )),'<) /> to ■MX ..... ~~ Manila «nd Havana cigars arw bow domestic article*, When the Corset J rust bquttzes in it will be hers to stay. Se far the Don Carlon uprising hi■ little to show but frequent ad jearmrnt* «jry w M ’*• would rather kick the bucket to help m ; x white wash for Alger. Ha is a pocr man indeed who it aet a turkey gobler ou Thank • giving or Chiibimas. The New Year leaves that will last all summer will turn utxt fall—and not till then. Grippe is getting in its most •ffeetive woi k on the typos of the Hustler-Commercial force. The grip epidemic in New York and Cincinnati is makiiga lively Christmas market Dr quinine. x Chicago thieves have stolen 3, 500 lbs of belting. They will new try to steal a saw mill and a uam. I It is proposed by the presi-i dent and secretary of the navy te expend $60,900,000 fer new warships. With a miik trust, a bread trust and a eoffia trust, the poor man <» eaaght coming and going, rem&i k •? an exchange. ' .'.'V Santa Claus says he doesn’t envy Hobson—but everybody kaews that Old Santa is a terri ble—prevaricator. . ■MI .. 2' Ll- Old 189 k will depart Satur day night—but will not take hie close in the trunk of the* dead Chaistmas tree. ''T.’ Because of his efforts in their behalf the meat packers of the United States are going to name a ham after Senator Morgan. Agniualdo is noir said to be f«r peace. Uncle Sam must have been pouring coin into that “rat hole” of the Orient. Load the country’ to the muz zle ou cannen crackers and tin horns end set it ofi—and then talk about ‘‘peace on earth !” bmae Motor Ke. ly’s secret is said te have died *»ith him, a pub lie doubt will again arise as It w het her it ever lenlly lived with hies. [ H x -st— After these cynics with no romance in their souls have killed eff Santa Claus they may turn thtir attention to Mother Goose. lu his eyrie at Wulfert’s Roost with the expansion puzzle befoie him, David Bennett Hill seems to Le playing a game (J oelitaire. Whet’s in a name? Hobson’s I ueie loin s Cabin Company t» tenting Pennsylvania with a couple oi Little Evas and a pack of bloodhounds Before the end of the century Neptune will be a little more fa miliar with the statry fhg thai he is at the prosent moiaent.The growth of American shipping Royal jsr Pure Makes the (•sd mere delicieus and wholesame iwn MUMMU to., NtWretiK The Columbus Enquirer Suu does nt t like Gov. Candler’s appointment of Hon. Ed Bievui for special attorney for the State road, to succeed Attorney M i»- bish. We do not slander Mr. \Vimbish when we say ht is act a better lawyer than Mr. Brown. Gov. Candler’s appointment is first-classjn every respect and Mr. Brown’s administration of the affairs of his office will so demonstrate. It will be remem bered that the Columbus En quirer-Sun was bitterly opposed to the nomination of Governor Candler —though M necogee county went overwhelmingly for the rugged old man from Hall. Senator Chandler and Sena tor Tillman,the two ‘‘fire eaters” of the senate, are chums. They can casilv be found at the same * I table at luncheon, and ma iy times during the session Sen.?-* tor Chandler waist over to Sen-' ator Tillman’s seat and they sit together, laughing and talking. I J 111— I <Sov.-Elect Roosevelt, of New York, driven to desperation by the army of office-terk* rs by whoee he | is besieged, has iss-ued this notice: ; “No person, ne matter wh» he may be, need come to see me here after unless he has an appoint ment.” Kooev has become very independent since the aieetiou. Gov. Candler’s appointment of Hon Ed Br<w»,of Athens, 'io <L« ( IB «of special attorney i or tl t Slate road, meets the h; at ' c. i; mandation of all f-air i«i. d’d citizens who know the facts. The appointment is a good one. It ia wortny of ao’e that the Broker VVashingten type ©f negrae takes no part in the protest which some of thw race are Banking abo«t tneir treatment in the South Booker Washington and hit deoi ples have the respect and frie»d snip of the white peeple of tha South. • .1 "_?.L■STWBBWV" ‘‘They threaten to bar from ' Congress a member-elect from Utah who is alleged te have feui wives,” saye the Hiawxiiau U» zette, winch is only another pieof of hew a story grows in its travels, (voagiessman Rob erts has yet to hear freae Manila and Hongkong. - * ' WL Kill w / w Il ■< f eeding the Fire. The most powerful engine must stop if the fires are not fed. Man is the most won derful piece of machinery in the world, yes no matter how strong and well-made his bodily frame may be, if the fire of life within him is not constantly fed his limbs and niascleß become powerless and useless. The reason men become helpless and diseased is because the food they eat, which is the fuel of life, is not properly digested and appropriated by the stomach and nutritive organs. It is not completely transformed into the strength and wogkiug power w hit?h is to mau what steam is to the engine. That wonderful power-making “ Golden Medical Discovery.” invented by Dr. R V. Fierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo. N. ¥,, imbues- the human diges tive juices and blood making glands with capacity to extract abundant noutishmeut from the food. It builds up organic tissue, nerve fiber, hard muscular flesh and work ing force. It gives a man steam . What it did for Mr, F. ft Hughes, of Junction. Hunterdon Co.. M. J., is given in bis own words He writes: I received your kind letter, and in reply would say that mine was a bad case of kidney and liver trouble, and that six bottles of Dr Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery and four bottlesof little * Pellets ’ effected a complete cure. It is well known that almost every engineer is troubled more or less with kidney trouble esueci ally on onr fast express trains I run one mill drtd and forty four miles on these trains every day in the week, and have had no return of the trouble since taking the remedies, nearly tbrae speaking of Judge Lynch, for this year his record of convic tions is *Bl2l persons. Os these 18 were of the north, and all were men. Indie south the.e , I were 103 convictions and exec-j tions, 91 of them colored and 9 of theßa negro women. The record by states and terrteries is interesting—Alaska, 5; Ar kansas, 15; Mississippi, 12; Soath Carolina, 15; Indian Ter ritory, 3 ; Illinois, 1 ; Kansas, 1 ; Georgia, 9 ; New Mexico. 1; Missouri, 7 ; Alabama, 11 ; Ken tucky, 5; North Carolina, 4; Louisiana, 4; Tei-iMssse. fl; Texas, I;. Virginia, 4; West Virginia, 1; Marj land, 2, and Florida 1. But as there ar« two mere days iu the yeas these lig-j ures may be materially increas ed . Japan, with a population of 41,000,000, has 220 towns that have more than 100,000 inhabi tants. In 1886 the number of sueh towns was 118. Osaka has increased from 360,000 to 510,- 000 inhabitants in ten years. Yokohoma from 89,000 to 180, 000. Kobe from 80,000. Tokie has now a population of 1,300,- 000. Japan is the yankee ration of the east r.‘ '..twar— _.- I An Irishman who stands high in the favor of the Czar of Rus-* sia bears the Russianized name of Gen. O’Bi uts< heff, which is a corruption of that of O’Bryan, He is the chief of the general stal of the Russian army and eaeofthe trusted advisers of | ths czar, who Las loaded him , with honors and decorations You can’t down alaboring man. Judge John M. Baaiih, who assumed the circuit bench at Portland, Ind , recently, was at one time a section hand an the Panhandle road. While working at any kind of manual labor could ebtain he studied law, and before being elected circuit judge had a lucrative practice at the Jay conn tv bar, • i ..*V r'i JUST FOR A SVHIE. Customer: Look here! Ihe first time I used this cheap um brella 1 bought of you the black dye soaked out and dripped all iver me. Dealer : Mein frient, that was >ur how patent self detective I umbrella. If anyone should steal that, you’d know him by his clothes.—Tit-Bits. ‘‘The minister a ked me how 1 could defend the practice cf • kating on Sunday.” “What lid you say?” “I said it might thaw en Monday.”—Puck. “Papa, it speaks here of a burst of eonfidtnee. What doos it mean? ’ “Failure of a trusted bank,” growled the old gentleman,v bo •tad just been hit by that sort of • calamity.—Detroit Free Press. ■WRJ ■ - 11.. HUMI! James Lane, wu» died in Chicago the other day st the *ge of 101, was the oldest oiti zen es that cily. He was once a ' firm fiiend of Stephen A. Doug a«. He also lain claim to being he longaalLane without a tura. -R r: ~ A Mississippi man ha? struck ou plan whereby all the cotton ■lanters can get rich, it is tn have iornreoo is.aue fn o rations to the •gross He should .ac ude in ns bill a proviso that mules be furnished to all eropp is, suggests Hie AmnsißßW Herald. plenty of hoom at home. The New York World prop uuda 1 1 be fvllowing nut i-expafcrii ij preb leu : The population of the f oiled State* is about 7o,00'),000. The area is 8,602.990 square miles. We have, lUer-doro, a population wf only twenty porso< s to the square tui'e. England b<s about 540 and Belgium about )to the square utile. If eur oountry were a* denoslv populated as ti gland and Bel gium, its people »•. ould number nearly 300,000,000, oraboat s?vou i tbeir actual namber. Yet England and Belgium ere fairly comfortable oonatries to live in. With a population on'y one tweuty-aeveath as dense at theirs, have we not room enough within our own holders to grow for some centuries te eeuae, without seek i iag territorial expanaiei ? Two grandsons of President Polk will have seats in the next congress. Onu hails fiom Ken tucky and the other from Penn sylvania. ggJ.J I . 1 . . —... 1 1 Attempts are bting mnde to grow the olive, fig and camphor plains in the United Stites. N-ar ly bO,CCO yoiikg plants have Leon planted in various paits of the country. Having had a Napoleon the Great and a Napoleon the Little. France may new try a third Na poleon in the bepe of allaying her pre-eut wo«s by striking a happy media-a. I?.'!. 1 . ’ The Savanials Evening Jour nal Las suspei ded after a bright but brief career. It will not be I the last infant to bebuiied in I the Journalistic eemetery es i Georgia, The direater of the mint B<yt> that lhe l uits' S »t«u new holds more gold than Loh -ver been pos sessed by' any otluo- nation in the . histervof the werld. The sfinouut is $910,000,000. Experiments in ado wiih the motor carriages in Paris shew that one operated by eleetri ity cost» i 47 per cant, less to run than out drawn by a horse, and 32 cent less than a patroleuna motor. If all the money that has been burned up in fireworks in Roma in the past few days were in one pile it would make a sum quite large enough to finish up St. Peter’s new church build ing. Rev. Dr. W. D. Marshall,.of the M>lhi.d:st churoh, is the fatsst claimant to a safe trip to Thibet. He says he stayed there for eight months and converted several na tives. The Grand Llama received him aa an honoied guest, T- r- y-wt" bHppose the next Republican Presidential ticket is McKinley and Wheeler? Then, as a Dem ocratic ticket how would it do to have it read, Dewey find Lee? Deu’t apeak all at once, boys, exclaims the “St r Eyed God dess.” Annual Sala* over a a•• 0,080 C vxaa OR BILIOUS ANT> KIIVOUB »ISf"HU iun'; h® Win*! and Pa : u ia the Steas lek, V>;‘,diu<.M, Fulness after aiielfj, Mitiid ?*te, Dtaxlnuas. DrowUneae. Fiurhlaag J fl Mil, Less of Appullte, flwilt euffto. rtlote.'iea nn the Skin, Cold ChlllH, >!a tur'joJ Sleep. Frifc-litf'ji I)roa p 1* r l,i nil Servotw and Trent! Un < Soaw.ijnnd THE FIRST XhJB WILL CUTE AX IN TWENTY MINUTES. Bvejy Till ■ Hknawledae them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDIAE. PII.IJI, taken •d, will quickly renters Fema'or. plete heallA. Tiler promptly reiyi« n obstructions or irraflrulnrtttes of tlu* • s tem cure Ah k ikoafluei.u. y fcr( , WoAk Stomach Im paired Disordered Liver IN MKN, W«MEN felt CHIL»»£!U Beeeham’o Pills are Without a Rival Aa<l h«». th« LARGEST SALE •fiur Pataut Jloeilalna ia 2M-. at afl Dru« EASTERN EPIQRAMS. ! A wise man gets his wisdom . fronj those who have Bone. — Arabian. if the time does not suit you. suit yourself to the time. —Per- sian. i t hen Gods have fools mouths i it wot that they wight talk, • but eat. —Tnikish. A wom a a tongue is enly three inches long, but it can kill r a m»n aixJeet high.—Japan , ese. He that is without mercy may as well be buried in a rice tub with his month sewed up.—Chi nese. A mau of little learning ia i like the frog who, having never the oeean, thinks its well a gr«at sea.— Burna~se. Asa spoon tastes not of the flavor of the soup, so a fool in the company of the wise learns Both i ng. Burmese. From small profits and many expenses Come a whole life es conse quences. WIT ANB HUMOR. I “I Mudei stand that fflpaia has taken a firm stand oh the Cwban debt.” “How?” “She says if we don’t pay it nobody will.”- Puck. ‘‘l had a dreadful time with Fidu all last week.” Why, what was the matter?” ‘‘Oh, he made himself frightfully ill from eat ing seme Christmas eandy we bought for a poor family.”— Brooklyn Life. New Fer ia of an Old Ques tion.— “Bo you wish to marry my daughter?” “Yes, sir.” ell, can you support her m that condition of idleness tn whicle she has always been ae— •astoniud ?”—Chieago Record. “What did you do with your puxzle editor?” asked the friend ©fthe new magazine. “Dis charged him,” replied the edi tor. ‘ He couldn't guess a hero his salary was to come from.” —Philadelphia North American Not Discrimination.—“ Mr. Seatferien prides himself ou doing smelly impartial.” “Yes, answered the unamiable snail, ‘•I ©ace went hunting with him. He didn’t seem tc ear© whether he hit the rabbit, the Jog or one of his friends.”—Washington Star. WHAT CAUSED IT. “I have been a constant suf ferer from headaches and woak eyes. I thought my trouble was due to c. tarrh a»d I resorted to Hoed * Sarsaparilla. I was soon mproving, and I bare bed no «evei o . Hacks ninoo 1 began tak ing this medicine. I cannot say toe much in its praise.” Imbiama eti Sunny Side, «a. * Hood's Pills euro all liver ills. Basy to take, easy to operate ; reliable, sure. 25c. iiwr ■■ i.i ,i Lb CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX UR'HON RATES via’Y. For Christman holidays, the Southern railway will sell tiok oto from points on its linos to Best of the Moasiosippi' and South of the Ohio and P©to- ■ ma© rivers at rate of one and mo third fares for the round ’rip. Tickets will be sold Deo 12, 23, 24, 21 and 28, also Dec . 80th, tint and Jan. Ist, and Ind with final limit to return Jan. 4th, 1899. This will give every one an excellent opportunity of spond iog Christmas holidays with thsir friends and relations. For further information cal 1 on JSouthorn Railway Tiokot A gent. HOWS Tins? We Offer , 11-< ICMrjr d for any, M| Catarrh that cannot ba ai.a , Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. C«« Y t Co.; Tali, a a, the pinderei jn.d a,,’ known F. J. C1,.,,., fvrk ‘ loyaare, and beli.r. hi, „ ‘ financially ,bl. l 0 carry, Bl ‘ obligation made by ’ West A Truax, Whoioss. > ro , gists, Toledo, o. M aiding, Kinnan A M holesale Druggists, blsde | Hall’s Catarrh Curon tskti internally, acting direcly the blood and mucoar of the system. Testimni a ] 8M|< freo. Price 75s per bollo. j by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pill are a ost b •• Coke oheaptr that Coal- Can be ised i B stoves tor heaingand cooking purptses. smoke or soot Cleat and econoniitab For further pa-ticulan see ROME G-A8 Oft moffssiiiii tusi. ATTORNEYS. 1 we J. Brabham, I -* w O*ee jm, sail. First rae.KSt, CHAS W. UNEERWOOB Artersey at Law, Rem, 1 Oreperaio Oalyr "W. J. MEWL Attetaey at law. Will practice >■ allteßMF -paelal attention glv.u k», vwwm.nDul Jw as* She exatntoaMeu »f Una Uilw.. »Mce in King building. Berne, 6a. "W ALTEK HARRIS Aitarney at law anil. P. •*<■« ever F. A. Kaaa A Ca.*a. LIPSCOMB * WILLINBMAU Oaumerdal Lawyer*. • Maa la Armstreni sotel eaiHlng, Beat, Ba I —1 _ M S E'JJBANKS, Attorney at Jaw. OMaagiag Bull Mag. Rome, a a. W H INNIS, Atterney at Law Will Pnekiee tn all w«(s OMaa, Manure Temple, kaaaa, Ba J SANTA CRWF D U ALlatney at law, Kuaaa. Ma. Calin*naan epawl ally. Maaoem Temple. Rome, Be. HMM ' RIGHT. ■ ARPBB BAMU BM WRIGHT t HAMILTW Attoin Kvs at Litt. Office: No. 14 Po»lufficß Buiiditj! CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY at 1 AW- Ceileotien a Specially. N ill pint ti«* *• J Maaeela T»»i) In Xnr.rx, K»ae. taj —-e- I DENTISTS. * ■ J A. WILLS, D. D. S., I OMae SMI) 1-41 Brea*. > ever ceatrell * •** I J. L. PENNINGTON. D D I,M mntist- UMce, N» 16 Broa* street. Over ■**“ F,r l ■itnre Ce. __—• —■ PHYSICIANS. o HAMILTON 1 * D ' | Pkysloian an* Sargeea Bnllßlug Renee, Qa. ®« ce >M*»* ‘ ' If Zj F H AMMOND. M ® ■ Physician as* Burgees. 0«*« * h«ll*lsg. Residence, Ne. «• ’™‘ ne/eheVe » M TONSORAL LEWIS •ArtßE TT, 1 Tbe 01* Keliahle.” eperating t»» ■ hatel Bs'barShep, Invites yoa to l'" trial,and preaalsee to *• the rest. O* ■’ ■ Mtu employe* ae the ehairs. HOWELL C TAYLOR ■ ■imeelfa skills* earner. eropW rary cent artiste in hie tensor* 1 * t urry Betiding, eppoeita ’>* Ar "’ «,ri fl yeu are made eamfortahle whim T M being dene, PASTEUR The onb . G ‘ r S Proof Filter in . W world. Makes .fl pure and cle^ 1 J sale H^ ,aJ | I