The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 5

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l iIJIIBTRATOR'S sale, Ur tr and by virtue of an or j*rc the court of ordiuary of loyoounty 11 I .rihrm of eaid coart 18M will uio before the tr “ rl bo ' ,M luor i tbo first Tuesd ' in Jana ■» >99 io Ro a,e Georgia bo l*O> tour ‘ of •* l *’ f6r .. id for distributee among ** ■! at law of M. Dwinell, the aod P« r,onai P ro P' t il.— -fwuouaea and lots situated ou upper road between X pi arty «f T. G. Watters and ! j T. >ore, th® lata baip < a P ar * ihJraot of land purchased by Alin a Smith from the adminia tr*lor William R. Smith, do tledKach lot fronting on Bread . rl »t U *aet add running beak afuui m width towards the It •«»h isr two hundred and ten (JlO/ t. the houses being two ( j; it« houiea. containing seven (7)roi» The said housesand 'L. «ibe S' paratoly sold and . r , itn er-d as follows: that ad y.iri r G Waiters No. 918. thimdin.g J. T. Moore No. *940. 1 Also st tract of land, the same being It of land lot No. two bundre nd forty-six (246) in the third [i] section of Floyd coue knolts the whole of lot No. foubn [ 14] aud <he south •half of Nu. fifteen [IS] in the ‘plan of io lots mads bv William >A Mcor r William R. Smith, 'th. wholonteiuing one and a '’half [1 ] acres of land and laewn Morrell place, and said tra< f land containing two houses a will be sold as a whole. i Also t tract of land in the Ootbranh Chisolm addition to ‘ihs city (Rome known as the ‘south half lot Na. eighteen [IS] fronting iy [so] feet on Moss btreet anannivg baok of uni ‘Vorna wh one hundred and twenty 1[125] feet, according U the stly made by George Wadeworf civil engineer, the perns hag a dwelling house Jhereon. 1 | Alec thH 8] houses and lots and oi e *rax lot to be separates ■ly seld an lots Nos. nine teen [l9] I twenty | 20] in the Cothran ] Chisbo m addition to Meme (|tho earns being a pert of !at|umb»r two hundred end forty-.! [?46] m the 38rd district anil section of Floyd bounty asirvsyed by George Wadswortliap and plat filed in uffioe of thXrk of the superior enure of Fi county the whole codtaimngtee quarters [3 4s] of an acr»»|mmeuoing on the North sidlof Broad street between Roitreet and the extet sion of according to the said mapuse and lot num ber on* 89 Lis tract being de scribed so ows .—Fronting on Boss street ty-tbree [4B] feot ■and runnuijsk to Broad street one hundrecd twenty [l2()]foot •ore or less < Hoose and number iwe •€' of this tracking described a* follows, Fro; r un Rose street ferty-a-ven | feet and runu ing back >o Bro: .»et one hundred end fifteen j feet more or ■loee. i. '••• and* number three ?8 of tin- <ract i>g Uecciibod as follow*, Fropl<>u Ro>B street was hundred fire feet more or ;loss. Also vacant adjoining lot No. 28 frontlines street 106 ft being in V sh Also the foing unimproved tract of land it —Twelve and seven eighths 7-Bs] acres more or loss, of larsjt ot and from •be fiouthwwattner of lot of land number » hundred and thirty five [23b the 23rd dis •riot and 3rd k>n of origins ly Cherokee now id county Ga., of tho followiiiape and bound aries towit, lining at the Southwest oori»f said lot of land and runn thence along •he original liwereof North ton [lo] Chains tosked corner on tho r.ght. thenorth forty-five degrees East s6] chains and eighty 180] lim a pine corner, ' thenee Norih e(-one [3l] de , gross East six chains and twenty [2o] in to a hickory oorner, theucojib seven [7] degrees West fan [l4] chsine and eigbty-two links to the ■original Ims old lot of land, ,ithoncetWost original /dine eight [B] ci and eleven * ]ll ] links to thinning corner. Also that tree laud in the 23rd district and section of .< Floyd county Glying in the i Northeast cornseud lot num > 'bor two buudrecd thirty-five * J236] containing»ty*three[!lß] ■> acres and whichther with six [6] acres heretofold the Wa ter commission othe city of I Romo io known o Fort Jack- * sod property. Ale* that tractand in tbs Cothran and Cbie addition to to city of Romo wn. as lots •©bars twwnty-,21] twenty- I •two [22] Iweniy-three [2B] aud twenty-four [24] twenty- five 125] i rc7i t ' , 7i*'? ao<l lwe oty-»«V0L [97] all (routing on the As t side of Broad These are all fractional parts of lot* o. « -e3C . ing with twenty -seven [>V] which joius other property M Dwi uell's and extends the loft side of Broad street to the oerfor ate line of the city of Beno, the same being all of said tote above named lying on the West side of Broad street. Also tho follow ng tract of land m the county of Fioyd near the oity of Rome it being a part of the plat known as ttto Waiter R Weister place deed'd by said Webster to L. D. Barwell by Burwell to Rauauoi Magaois, Doe. • let 1868. Tho Webster lot io de scribed as followo, Goaaioueiug at a black oak oorner oa a hue of a part of she J H. Lumpkin lot and runuing North aleng said line one hundred and twenty five [ll©] yards, thence Beat one hundred and tweuty-flvo[ 125] yards,thence South »ne hundred and twenty five [l24] yards to line of tho piece ot said lot sold to Dr. Jordaa Reese thenob along said lino to tho beginning oorner, also ineluding a strip fifteen et pi wide at the Northeast corner along the East ern side of said plat. All of thia plat is included in this tract of land sxcopting one and a half acres of the Western part thereof sold prior to February lb9t to Green Ray colored. Also that tract of land in the upper part of the ony of Romo Ga., in what is known as “Mutton Hollow” eoamenciug at an alley between said property and the property of Mrs J.H. Lumpkin where said alley intersects East Boundary street and ruining in a Northwesterly direction along said East Bouudary Direct oas hendrod and four [lo4]f«at more or less to the property otJ A Bale thence id a north easterly diroeiion two buu sired and seventy seven (277) foot moro or loss a let g the lino of said B-lo’s and J. T. Warlick's lots to Brooks street one huadred . sad twenty-nine (121) feet ■ore or loss, to said alley, tLouco down said alloy two hnadred aad twenty fear (224) feet mure or less Io the original starting point on East Boundary street, all is ihotweaty third (2lrd) district and third (I) section of Floyd coanty, Geor gia. Also that tract of land in tho town of Forestville, Floyd county. Georgia, being lot number one handred and five (105) with dwel ling houses and improvements thereon fronting on tho Kingston read two hundred and ton (210) feet more or loss and runniag back the same width throe hundred (300) foot more or loos, same being the lot bought by Ayer and Mc- Doaald from J. B. Hine. Also four hundred aad fifty (459) shares of tho capital stock of the Rwund Mountaia Coal sad Iron Company of tho par voice of ono hundred dollars (1100) • aab - e u All sold as tho property of M. Dwinoll, deceased. Lm'l Fvj»khol'Oib. ) Admiais- A. Owinbll j trstoro Os the estate of M. Dwinoll, dec. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION CBORGIA, FLt YD To all Whom it may coaeern ; 0 M. Alexander having in. proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Henrietta Alexander, late of said county, deceased. This Is to cite al! and singular the creditors ai d next kin of HonnOt- U Alexander to bo and appear at my office within the time allowed bv law and show canoe, if any they .an, why permanent ad “‘“‘ atr ‘- tl on should not bo granted to G. M Alexander on Henrietta A10x ....t.. wl.w -y b*„d ..J .i 6 ..»tur, Ibi. 3'b <Uy 1 888 - ZA U , Johm P. Pavia. LETTERS OF ADM [NISI RA TION. okoxoia vl tb oountt. To all whom it may coneern James E. Bey having in proper for- applied to me for permanent of.dmim.trat.ou on the date of Major Maa said ouuntv deceased. Ibis ifito <ite all and • i . D « u ‘ ar M th * .nd next of kin of M.J M a iw pl to be and appear at mjoflSco with in tno timo a!l< wed by la . ■ show cause if any ' o;, y hntild pprmaneol administration ,b ° not be granted to James 1. Ivey on Major Maxwell s estate- Vi X. «, »..ui . O d turo this 4th dav of Dee. 1898. Join P- Davis, Ordinary- ftiM- A HMFF' SALES fOlMffl l» •lonia Floyd county bsforo the court heaso doer in the city of Rv-a, Floyd Co. Ga. between ibe l<*gal hoars of sale, on the first Tiieedey ia January 1199 the following described property to wit: That tract or paraol of land be ginning at tho Northeast corner cf fifeat Seventh avtuuo and West First street in tho OostaueiHa di vision us the city of Roust in said state and county and running along West First street • dioiauco of 16 feet, thence in a Northerly direction in a line parallelled with •oventh avenue a distance us 96ft to the South hue of lot of Mrs. Eetbenuo Baumgartner, thence in a Westerly direction along the Bsuangartoor line 86 feet to Bev- • L-tb avenue, thence in a Southerly direction along Seventh avenue •fi feet to the starting point. Also No. 104, Seventh avenue described so follows: Coanmencing on Bast side of Seventh avenue 75 feet •outh of tbo corner of Seventh avwuuo and North Boundary street running thence in an Easterly di rection parallel with North Boun. dary street a distai co of T 5 leek, thouoo at right angles Southerly a distance es 20 feet, thouoo at right angles Easterly a distance of 4ifi to Mro. S. Chidsoy’o 101, thence at right angles Southerly a distance us *2 foot tc C Baumgartner's lot, thonee at right angleo WooUrly a distaneo of 120 f»ot to Seventh Avenue, thence along Seventh avs oiiue 52 foot to the staiting point, all of said described proper ty being parts of lots 58 end 63 iu said Ostanaula division of th* city of Roms Georgia. Levied ou by virtue of afi fa issued from Fioyd eity court in favor of the Exchange Bank of Rome Georgia against Mrs. Mattie M Under wood as the property of the f.r dant, Also at the same time end piece tho following described property towit: Lying and being in the Fiftn ward of the city of Rom*, county of Floyd, state of Georgia beginning at tho Southwest corner of Foreet and Main street, the co W eat along the Sou h side ot For est street Its feet to a li foot al loy, thence South along the last side of eaid alley 11 feet, thence East 185 feet to Main street ti enee North along the Wootsido us Main otreet 81 feet to tho point of be ginning. Levied on by virtu-i f a fl fa issued fro— Fluyd superior court iu favor cf tho Interstate Building and Loan Aosociafion vs Sa'lietJ Green as tha property of the defendant. Also at the sums ti—e and p'too all that tract or parcel of laud ly ing and boiag in the Fourth ward of tho citv of Romo Floyd county Ga., in block “B” dooerib d as follows: Commencing at Weak First street (formerly Center St.) at the corner of Lancastei’s lot and running thence in a Westerly direction along WeetFirst. St, 50lt thence back tho same width 152 ft to satisfy afl fa in favor of th# Nashville Burial Caso Co.,egainst W, 8 Richards and W. 8. Lens doH on tbs above described prop erty of W. 3, Richards, he being in possession at date of levy Also at the same time end place that tract ar parcel of laud ying and being in the 28rd district end 3rd Section of Floyd couuty Ga . known as part of lots 2v 3 end 2<)4 therein; begianiug at a point <n tbo Weet side of tho Summerville road 215 feet North of the center of the tract of the Rome and De catur railroad, thence West a ong a line of plank fence as now built 1320 feet, thence at right an gles Southerly 838 feet more or leas to said railroad right of way. thence Easterly along stid right of way to the Summerville rued, thence Northerly along said Bam tnerville road to beginning point *xoepti11g a lot 50XIfO foot off tho Northwest corner of the tract to a churcb. ’ Also that tract in the Foarih ward in tho city of Rome Ga .. known as all of let No. 87 in Block “B” in Mitchi Il’s survey of Dssota oonvoyod by 0. F, McCra ry to Seaborn Wright by deed dat ed May 1893 excepting that part oonve’od by said Wright t> Lan tern. Levied ou by virtue of a fi f s ieeued from Floyd Superior art iu favor R mo Mutual Loan * »eoclation against J. D . O’Bryan aa tho property of the defendant. Ale" »t the same timo and place she lite of E. G. Harbour iu tho folk r>i’’k proyerty . fl acres off of lot Nu. 681, let ?<o e!2, lot No. 531 aureo off of lot No. 634 all in tbo Ifltb district and4th section of Floyd county Ga. Lev ied on by virtue of two fifas issued from tbo juetice ovurt of the 1458 d district G. M. Both iu saver es W, H. Coker 4» Co, against E G Harbor as the property of tbo de fendant . Lovy made cy R H Cope land L C. Also at tho itme timo and place lot of land No. 120 in the 25th district aad 3rd section of Floyd conuty Ga., containing 160 acres more or loss,Levied on by virtue of a fl fa issued fro* Fioyd city court in favor of Carno A Gilreath against Lon Gilreath as tho prop erty of tho defendant Also at tho same timo and plaeo 8 acroe nfi of let No 631, 10l No 582 lot No 5St. • j acroe off m let No 684 all in tho 16th diatri t and 4th section of Fiovd county Ga. Lev ied on by virtue of a juetice court fi fa isened fro* the juetice coart of the 1458 dietrict Q M in taver of K E Forbes sgainst E G H»r bcuras thi' property of the de fendant, Also at the seme time and place the following trade or paicol of and aituated lying and being in tho 4th distaict and 4m section of Floyd couaty oeorgia being tho whole of laud lota Noe 210 and 211 tbo Bast half of 222 aud all of lot 223 on tho Woot side of the Bur nette Ferry road uoxl to and ad joining lot No 222, tbo mas being all of tho hi me place, except land lot No 187 and part of lots 288 and 258 in tbo 4lb district and 4 h section of said couuty, lying k«>- kweeu tho farm road and lands of D H Shelton, more particularly (io’eribed as follow*: Commencing al tho ford of Botch creek and running Southwool 38 8 4 dogreeo and 18 chains, thence South 9 de groes. West 38 chains tn a poplar irse on the could spring brunch, tbenco down said branch to Coosa river, thence up tho said river to D. H. Shelton laud lino lo Beech ereek, thence down said treok t< tbs begun ling point. Levied on by virtue of a justice court fl fa issued from tho justice court of tho 919 dietrict e M in favor of W. B Beyoiegol against J H Bolnean J D Turner and W T tho property of J D Turner ono of tho defoodants. Also at tho limo time and p’aeo ono undivided ono half interest in the following: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 6th district ana 4th section of Floyd county ua., known in tho pion ot said district as No 164 containing 160 acres mors or leso. being tho eaua« deeded to J M Smith and WN Horton bv W A Knowles, executor of Klay H Knowles, deceased, on Nov. 2nd 1898, recorded on“c«G” of deed P, 90. Levied on tvirus of a fi fa issued from Floyd Superior c art iu favor of Chas H. Hartohorre for use of officers of Floyd superi or court against John M Bmitb, aa tie property es tho defeudsr.t. Ako at the same timo and place one bay mate mule about 10 years old, 1 ono-hore* dray aud barnasa. Levied on by virtue of afl fa is sued from Floyd Superior court in favor of Frank M. Utt against Pa'ton flash Door and Building Co., as ths property of the defend: ant. Ako st ths sb me timo and place ono residence lot with improve ments therein in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome F’oyd county aud date of ea , said lot fronting en Maine 800 feet running back the same width 300 feet and bounded on tho North aud East by Lytle property, on tho West by Rupee property, on 'he South by Main street, and being tho same on Oct. Ist 1890 owned and occu pied by said defendant with a spe cial lien as of date of Oct 1, 1890 Levibd on by virtue of a fifa iosuoff from Floyd superior court in fa vor of tho trustees of Ripon Col lege, Ripon, Wisconsin, agaiaat Jessie C. Lytle as tho property of the defendant. Also at tho same time and place cne residence lot with improve ments thereon, being oily lot No. 104 in North Rotno, Floyd county ea., fronting on corner of Broad street, 30 foot aud runuing baok same width 90 feel along Third Stj being one block from tho Romo A Decatur railroad depot. Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from Floyd superior court iu favor of Mies C A Blakeman against W M B idgee, as tho property of the de fendant. Ako at the same time and place the following described property mentioned in this mortgage, me bay horse mule named Mike about 7 y ars old, one bay horse naulo named Polo about 10 years old, one bsy horse mule named Dave about 10 years old, one mouse colored mare mule nanod Mina about 7 years old Loved on by virtue ora mort gage fi fa issued from Floyd eity court in favor of R. D. Van Dyke against T. C Ayer, agent, as the property of tho defendant, Also at the same tinso and place all that tract or parcel at laad situated lying and being in th» village formerly knrwn as South Rome new Fifth ward of tho city of Rome being the southeast ba f lest fit toon feet sold to Marauds Daniel on tbo south side kn -wn and bounded as follows, from ins Pennington avonue uno hundred feet and running baok ai right angles one huudrod fifty iewt. bounded on the south by street known as Cooes street,on the ’B est by the propelty of Miranda Dan iels and containing 1-6 of an acre with al) the irnpn veaianta tbo.e on ix being the same property deeded to the defends n o bv J D. Tumor the 2kt day ot May 1892. deeds recorded in the clerks office of Floyd superior oourt bonk “TT”dosd pegs 198. L-vied on by virtue of a fl fa issued from tbo justice court of the 919th dis trict G. M. in taxor of Jan. J Black transferee vs. James Rich ardson, Thes. Rieliarheon «nd Warren Richardson, as the prop erty of tho defendants. Levy made by R, H. Copeland, L. C. Ako at ths same time aud place, »ns undivided fourth in'erept in City lot No. 48 ia the Etowah Di vision of the oily of R«mo Floyd Okunty Ga. and be:t.g ob the coi ner us Femth av«uuw aud East Third stioet aud frontiog 182 feet more or lesson Fourth avenue, be ing tbo property deeded to Mrs. H. b, A. Word by Mrs. Elia H. Marphey on the 2OIL day ot July 18v5, also a one ui.div.ded twentieth interest iu lets if laml Nua. 238. 287 A 283 all in t» fourth district and 4lh sect on < f originally Cherokee now F'oyd County (7a. except 2A acres of 1< t Nn. 237 which was hereiofoiee< n voyod to Dr. L. B. Burkman aad which is fully described ia bis deed and if which his grantees are now ia possessioa, the above de scribed property containing in all 4; • acres more or loss with all and singular ths improvements there unto pertaining. Levied on by virtae if an attachment fi fa is sued from Floyd eity cnirt in fa vor of L-vy, Dr»yfus Co. vs. Mrs. N. L. Johnson, as tho property of tho defendant, Also at tho same time and place 40 buehols of corn more or less in crib on the place and in pustssion of H. T. Pratt. Levied on by vir turo of fl fa issued from Floyd city Court iu favor of W. H Cukor A Co, sg-sinet W. H. Mahan and W. M Goss, as the property of tho defei dauto. Also at the same time and place. •no dark bay mare named Mary about 7 ye«rs o’el, one bay hors* named John about 9 years old one arge black mnt named Gocrge about 8 yearo old, one largo light bay male named Jaok about 5 years old, ens medium eize light Lay • ale named Henry about I years old, one medium size lighi bay mn'e named Jane about 10 years old. Levied on by virture of a marts*!’ ® a kaned from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Bates Kingsborry A Co. against G. G. Burkhalter as the properly of the defendant. ' Ako at the same time and place oao black horse mule-named Jack about 14 bauds higa and tan yearo old, one mouse colored mare mule abont 15 hands high e x years old named Ida, one dark bay mare about 14 hands high 10 years old named Minnie. Also one colt abucit 1| years old, ono mulo coll about 6 noentbs old. Aso one two-hors*) wagon about half worn, alee 1 cotton planter. 2 one-herse plow stocka, 1 doablefooted plow etcoke, 1 one horoe turner, two Beta of pow gear, 75 bushels of corn more or loss, 1200 bundles of fodder more or less in crib, five acres cotton in flald. 40 bush els cotton seed more or less, ako tho entire 1-2 interest in 12 acres of cotton in field, ako 28 bushels of corn in tho erop of A E Soo’t, ako 86 bushels of corn and 1 2 interest in four acres of Cotton in field, l-4th interest 500 pounds of seed more or ifise in the crop of E McCollum. Levied on by virtue es a mortgagofik issued fronoFioyd eitycjurt in favor of M G Danehoo transferree against U G Brannon aa the property of the defendant. Ako at the same time and plac* all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, Ga , and particularly described a* land lots Nos. 300 and 301 in the 12 1. d district and 3rd sec ion ol Floyd county, Ga . less 20 acres deeded off es lot 801 to Mrs. Fan ny Stamey leaving 300 aor* s in ail, property pointed out in oaid mort gage fl fa and in possession of thi defendant. Levied on by virtue o a mortgage fl fa icsued from Floyo superior court in favor of R D VanDykeagaiuot-T. th< property of the defendant. Ako at the same time and place on the following efo«aribed real es tata towit, an undivided j interest in lot es laud No. 164 iu the sth district£and 4th section of Floyd eonnty Ga., contaiaiug 160 scree • oic or Ip-s, property pointed out by plaintiiY’e attorney. Levied ou by virtue of afi fa issued from (he Justice court of the 949 h dis trict G. M. in favor < f Montgom ery & Co., against John M . Smith and Jas. M. Smith, as the proper tv ot John M. Saiith, one of the defendants. Ako at the same time and p ass the following real etiaie sitaatofl in said county towr: CO acres of land moro or less •ff us North side cf lot No 207 lying and being on West side of Alabsma road in 22. dci stnet ami 3rd section of sa dor uuty, eaid property bring in pißsesoian <>f Flora Shifiet and beieg levied on as the property of W. A Shoies defendant iu fl fa propetty pointed cut by defend ant. Written a tic* waived by tho Deft .Levied ou by virtue of a jas tieecourlfi fa i«eu»d from the jus ioe couit ot the 1504 h district G. M. in favor if Simpson Grocer Co , ve W . A. Shorvs ss the prop erty es the defendant. Low made by J. A . Jones, legal collector. Ako at the same time and place two certain tracts or parcels of land in the 22nd disiriet and 3rd section of Fioyd c >unty Ga., as the property es the defendant Jas. W. Mitchell, the sunie being 80 acre* off of the East p rt, of lot No. 59, ui.d 40 acret, iff the West wide of raid 1 >t. Both divided from lh« ot.hur part of the kt by a straight line running North and South and both toge her con ain ing 12G acrue. The firat uarcid is iht> p ace whereon the defendant revidud the first of'March 188 J. Deed inadti and recorded in the Clerk's < ffico for the purpose of levy ai d sale Levied on by vir tue of a fifa issued from F oyd superior court in favor of Everett C Learned vs. Jas. W. Mi'chMl a> the property of the drfSndant. J. F McCoanoli, Sheriff, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. as r«ia flotd County. To all whom it may concern A. M. Antognoii having io proper form applied to me tor permanent letter* vs administration on the estate jt Stephen Jones, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and ■iiigular the creditors and nex o' kin of Stephen Joon to he and appear at my office within the time al'owed by law ond show causa if any th> y can why permanent administration should not be granted to A. M . Antogno'i or some other fit «' d proper person on Stephen Jon**’ estate. Witness ny hand and vffi oial signature this sth Jday cf Dte. 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. •BoaSlA FL3YD CjUNTY. To all whom it may coneera J. P, Ballenger and P M. fitory.Jr., having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Mrs. J. A- Bagwell, late of said county deceased This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. J. A. Bagwell to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent administration should not he granted te P, M. Story Jr., on Mrs. J. A. Bagwell’s estate Witness my hand and offi cia signature this sih day of Dec. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA. TION. GXORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may •< ncern. Hugh B Kyle having in proper form applied to aae for permanent letters of administraten on the estate of S. H Kyle late of said county deceased. This is to cite *ll and singular the creditors and next of km of S. 11. Kyle to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law snd show cams if any they can why perma uont administration should not be granted to H. B. Kyle or some >ther fit and proper person on 8. H. Kyle's estate Witness my Land and official signature this oth day of Dec 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. SBOROIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern, Bamuel Funkhouser admimstraror ■le bonis non, with will annax -d,of Mrs Sarah A Dailsy, deceatd las in due form applied to the indersigned for le*ve to sell tne ands belonging to the estate of i«aid deceased and said applies*ion vili he heard on the first Mot. ' iy n January next. This 6lh daj <jf Jec-omcer 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary.