The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 6

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_____ P EVERYTHING L ■ COST FC 1 CASH! Il *»» —r WE ARE G ' OUT OF THE I CLOT • ♦ ’X ■■ B ! 1R ; ESS! ANO WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE STOCK 1 /Hi fIMHMHI I ST W w W -51 - iffl V r < ' M Lai ‘"w MM W I JMMk ■ w jOw .Wsl. 1® Jl b nk ■■ ■ I - BHBRg ' ■ —— AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACT i' WHAT WE MEAN! THIS SflL& Includes 2\ 11 Oui'C LOTHING, j FURNISHING GOODSarfd HATS | Il J*. zlb.Gr ABT sCO &00. J * ■■' * ■ i Wx_ z * mil EEF.OH Ifiß Trek hilelit It i In stiahf IMiiVif. 1 » )NB 'THEM MKT BERTH After Burning Eight Squares to a Physicians Offica- Piqua, 0., Dec. 28. Prank Beckert, aged 35, an employee of the Cincinnati Corrugating Company, took carbolic acid by mistake at 4:30 a. in., supposing it to be wbieky. In great agony he raw eight squares to a physi cian's office, dropping dead at the gatp. A child was born to him yesterday. —— r abb ~ ryr-j— * bloodshed indued. Ex-Maycr and an Editor in Fiance Fight • Pari?, Dee. 28.— r lLe due) with sworde arising out of the Dreyfus affair between Max Regis, the anti Semite »x mayor of Algiers, and M. I’epi?, one M (lie editors of Les Droits d'Homme, which was stepi ed yesterday after numerous vigor ous encounters, owing to the swords of the combatants b< ing bent, was resumed today. After three hot encounters M. I’epic was severely wounded in the abdomen. Several ether duels growing of the Dreyfus controversy Mhr« thieatened. WUMWIE!" i H JI IJB (Set ready to turn that new leaf. IIIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J E. Lilly, * promin so citizen of Hannabal, Me-, lately j had a wonderful deliveiasce from a frightful death. Iu tel ling of it he eaysr “I was la kes with tvpheid fever that i xu into Pneumonia. My lungs b( - came hardened. I was se weak Ic< uldii’t even sit up in bed. . Nothing helped me. I expected to soon di- of consumption,when 1 heard of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it,and | now am well and streng. 1 can t say too much in it* praise.” This marvelous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the worlu for ad Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular siz es 50 cents and 4'1.00. Trial bot tles free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every bottle] guar an teed. X MAS AND HOLIDAYRATES The W. & A. R. R. will sell round trip tickets at reduced rates. Tickets to be sold to any point East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio and Foteinac rivers on Decern' er 22. 23, 24. 25 and 26; nbo December 30th and 31st, January Ist and 2nd w ith extreme limit Jan. 4, 1899. Call on C. E, Harmon, Gener .l Passenger Agt. Atlanta, Ga., or C. K. Ayer, P. A T. A., R one, G. L ILL J.JHJ.L Pixie nice F»b Salk.—Mrs. A. i O. Garrard, whose “at ceet »< quit hueineee sals’’ i* in progree? if. idres t» tell al! her eeun'a show also all h»r uprisfb’ stiow cae- s. She also offers for j t- neasetof old style aoahagauy ' cbairs. Cull and see these article*! in her niihnery store, in the, Slark built Lug. on Bread ot, , i ■ nm Ky HOLIDAY RSFuEC- T ’ G N S. i Will be yl-asa it if you buy here what I'u .itiu. you need for gifts. We b<tve <ni excellen line of Desks, E k Cases, Chi na closets, Pm h r Cabinets, Si ving Stands, Pic me s - and other handsome and du hie pieces suitable for pit nt- ion eithe - to yourself or s ,q ''lend. These geods re not the kind made up selely i »r the Holiday j trade, but are high grade, and tli® equal es anything ever sold by us. Os course our p ices will meet with your approval. Hhudy, Harvey & Co-, No, 337, Eioad St. Z ■ "Kr-JT-T — T?T- EMBRACES JUDISM Wife es the Poet Kahn Accfeipts The H ebrew Faith Paris, Dec 24 —Mme. Kahn j wife of Gustave K bn, the poet. , has bi on admitted to the Jewish church aid h?s &!»o through ' a marriage ceism .;y with be r ' husband in »cetn« . with the I Jewish rites, wn formerly u j C -tholic, and ■ - t!d<- - *ep resent- ■ 'iomt of the fei : " ;*gaiii3t hti -j , husband’s peop'e WHBia«Tirx>-.' -.aair— Pet Strahan kept a diary. Ipinr Pal. . » P* ANO Vhevvest. TGt < T g , _____ .Schedule in ETr -t Oct. 4>'h, 1 KOKj hboumd. | No. 2 1 S'... 4, No.T.J N 0.72 f7v \ - nuta 8 1 am, <i»tr.| 4.:. •'t.' ■ Ar 'n-ietta.. 90. a-, . tpial 5 4 ~;*u “ i <e . . ’ll 2.ani |. 45 ... 1- on 11 41a.1i I I'Aiaj 811 no.iL’a 1 14) : . 'AMO 3 , " hville . f.£a>n, c«m . “ ■ ils . 7 Sin ini Ev 1 ’ | 7JSp:n .bml • ’ /r ■’ ' ; Lv -11 .’ll.W | I 4l?U> .» 8-.-O. A -4 - jre i9O. . ■ ,i Lv N'T h.ilte .1 fSwpm.. ’ ... Ar rille . 2 <jMin !: 4' mi i7 05nm 4';s«':a| .. . mh4m • Stem ■ j Jack ille, Fla.. Atla •> andNK- i . con- Be • .ng with vestibule tr ~n for Ch ’. >. T. .n N<i. 4 carries, Pm -. .i Sleep.-. ■ '. usti and At!, ita to Nashville c id t. Lo i , ! . u>!i P . iper A aw Chat: I ./a, passmpe s >•< nain iti r: until I 7 ok-, a in. Pullman -pot- Ah' i a U | Kuoxvh a via A. K. &N. Uy. Ti ♦->o. 73 conne- ts ti r ycewi'hQ. AC. for < i i-a-.i. Tin- train eari-;..> - .„t eor. -h A anta to Rome. > 1 he Sot.’.! u Fa ■ . SOUTHS >UND. I No. 1 | No. J| No 78 L ■ vtlls . | 910a . .7 “ 'I.. .Qotaj 2uopm :> : a SK. ~1 “ Um a 4 11pm, 4 . m 71 .■• i “ R' ■" 4 2&imi 7 4i.a..i “ ' ta . 8411 pm H nn (4* ' ;n *r A a I 71'Opta 7 ~, Itloiu, mi I >tl< -a ..|7sUpm "4 e'-n Ar V.<j ua... 11 Ibpm 11 1, 720101. ... " 'ir oi;.. , 2 50am 1 1! ni,. I •' rille 8 404111 in. -n | Ev Vln >4... TSQfiiu, li, | 2-r . ‘ U 13pm U j i, 7 :.1) : ■ s., " •’ ' ’-.V ... • ■ j 32 11 (it; m chm- i'le ... ' rtll. . •’ Have ■-ily. 6_oi'am Kt'v >i.-i . | f.- !n ■ . HTiiipm' ’’ 7nm 8 W >¥.' ' tr itfuata.. 5 t'aml « 2a rl , r< i»r!e I) i , I “ •» lIQ I'ftai ,i ■ ..... ' .) • .* tar 'a . I 7 5'4-iui i..' 121> , . 3 •A- i K! '<nj4 ~ 4 I i ! i " 8 l#rt*i 7.■ n > 1.-.c.inl '• -t.m iSjtl-n.'!i im.ll ..Im „ J I *'k. ri 5 I. p: i . . Traiii No. I carries I nllmau 81ee,.c, . aah ▼ille, ( l.a tanooga »ud At Junta to J ml. sou ▼ifle, Fla. Traia No. SaarriasPulh i Sleeper St Louin . - - * 5 n<<k j < r r , & >a i ‘er « jelly g ed time wllh f* er fi ie nde, Ibcreier. et h H i T’ 4 X in* ;ike an open swrry f®r ei( her . 4 •* 'S Summer. OuriUck ? ? fVv vl •f » ylieb carriage, is unrivalh d x * WS uri ter spider phaeton*, \- e » V‘*\ bouU, baggies, ti &ps, carts, wrg 4 --•'* <n»Hes. eanepy ton, ■ repen sur rey* v lic it e «y, eenoferta- v bl ' Mid be jtirul in cornu, ue— , '.iee, trin.mi tp’ 'nd finish. We also repair nn ! overhaul vehicles; iKe cany i. big line es fat ha no»s ami lap iH ( Rome Cv«<jy Ge, Wo> iM Sreeil *tri t,Ror a Cn. t aitx.- ij n £ W iiru ms, At eels. ' lsr " r - ’'"r-— .jl. a_ z.'jibi in i ±«» ■■—i^grg— 8 TKIIR E.L SPEED War ier’s MA TCHLESS “TWOFERS” \AMar the b and of TERR ELL SPEED, th* renowaed ‘‘Coon Sk’n” Statesman of Floyck The sale of mis b and has be<n unorecedented. But then Fhooias Warters navar put a ?«rry cigar on ths market. He is to® tntef an jto j hunis . b very «i<ar is exact ly what si cl 4! n 'id for it > b-all in J 113 War t*rs c >ars ( i e abio’utely th? bM on tn) mar ket. r .° SALE 3Y ALL DEALERS. YY CANDY - /A 'CCATHARTIC 4 ■r' sialo . ■■ nPAIIOW .yr < ,Oc < _■> - _.. - - -Ti ■»■*•«*> . - JC-z—-■ 1 -lb 'i .i'.i ..!.. .wwMen— wju. L’VER/, SALE AND FEED STABL ES/ Offers tbs pablis the finest teams, b»t«w tj tea and naeot polite aad eewFleeies driv*»* The beat eteek es horuee and uav.leseu tele ce *