The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 7

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ifEFSONAL MENTION. Iper" house tonight. per* bouse at popular priees. pera bouse at p pular pri ce tonight. 1 u . W. C. B'-yan is in the ■ci today. fl H. Pulton, of Atlanta, , «ity today. A Smith, es Uhattanoo* it, the city last night, jhas. Sanford, of Atlan tic city today. John D . Foster, of Fos ills, is in the city today. rJohu J. Seay is in today, looking after business. A’ma Marshall,of Rome, neat of?. MlB3 Bertie ny.—Dalton Citizen. i Mrs. T. Reynolds is in Rami Heading the german of thsClasene Club at the Arm otroiiLl)alton Citizen. Mrs. Stewart Mar shall, Koine, have been the guest o>r. and Mra. J. C. BiviHg—Daiton Citizen. Mi»a Ethel Weatherly, a w:» feme little lady frona Ikon, is in the city, a guest tattle Miss Marshall. Mr. 4 Mrs. H. B. Weath erly cariup from Rome Mon day anq-e the guests of Mr. aid Mri Watt Weatherly.— Dal ten <|zon. lEfrIFUL GO9DS- Mrs Stock to bo Cion Out at Auction. Mis. A.l Garrard, who for the past sb- days has been closing ou»r entire stock of millinery M order that she eould quikbusiness, requests the Hustlelomm^acial to state that she wiheve all goods on hand, incling ribbons, no tions, shap<»d millinery of every descrihn auctioned off to the highe|idder. The date this auction sale will be annoyed on tomorrow afternoon. The auotioyill afford a rare opportunity fthe lovers of the beautiful to lure rare bar gains n flowq ribbons, shapes and i at tern h*. M •«. Garranroposes to re tire tro.u busi * and will fait so soon as herlck can be auct loued off. Look out fothb announce-, ■teat of the datj said auction. MISS GOULEELPED H|M. ■ • av« School Schol.hip. Baltimore, D< 29.—During the war Matthei'outney Mau ry Sutton, who I enlisted in the Sixteenth (Jud States In fantry, was take!) with ty phoid and reraouo Miss Hel ea Gould’s hospi, at Woody Crest, on the lli>n river. While there MGould learn •d of his desire study law sad promised to o him. Last Wednesday Suite mother re ceived a letter frohe Univer •ity of New YorkJling her that Miss Gould 1 provided a l»w scholarship th for Maury Button. The letter explad that the auaount of money dgued will ®©ver the young mg tuition, • raid and books dug the time 11 * win be required stuey at institution. Miles would ratlkick the bucket than to helpx white wash for Alger. lOC*t HAPPENINGS. Ro m a Conoratulatku.— Rome ie to be congratulated upon the election of Capt. W. H. Steele as her chief of police. —Dalton Citizen. No Rkcordbr’s Cci kt—Ow ing to a dearth of business among law braaksrs, the servi ces of Recorder Eubanks were dispensed with tide foreneon. Wholy Smokkl—That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on the market and the one that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warbers’ Rome made brand*. Thk Q. T. Club.—As we go to preis the Q. T. Club is being most royally entertained at the hospitable home of Mre. Luke McDonald. The Q. T. Club is one of the most vigorous of Rome’s many social dabs. Christmas Eatino.—The Gemcz case is preparing to do some tall feeding daring ths holidays. Mr. Gum ?, has aesered a big supply of the best gama that the sports man’s gun can eommsud, and with fat oyster* and plump tarkeys he ie at your eerviae. Movino Today. Deputy Sheriff W. P. McLeod is moving his family and household effects from the jail residence to the McLeod cettage, his former home on Avenue B. in the Fourth ward today. Is Yem Scalp Bab?—lf so g© to Howell Taylor* parlor, in ths Curry building on leoend Avenue, and Ist him ears it by applying Tayler’s celebrated dandruff ex* torminater and heir regenerator. He will cure yon every time. Football.—Oa next Friday afternoon on the North Koine gridiron the Rome eleven will again meet the eleven of all-col lege-men, It will be remembered that the Rome team defeated the college men a few days ago, and the latter are not satisfied , henoe this game. Admission free, children half price. Don’t Foboet Tbis. —Noth- ing affords more pleasure than the childaen’s Santa Claus. \\ e have a naammeulh Wstock es nut«, fancy < fruits, oranges,pure candies and fire works, at prices made to sell them Lloyd k Harper. fast. “Oir John.”— Judge Mad dox is making th® nation a good congressman- Hi o services to the democratic party are valuable now. He will be found at the head es Georgias bril liant members next session. Mark that prediction.—Dalton Citizen. Conaseni Club Gmman At ths Armstrong tonight the Conasene Cotillon Club will en joy a brilliant german. Quite a number of oat of town society people are here to participate, and every indication points te the german on this occasion as being the social erent of the winter. Firr Last Nrear.—Last night, a little before nsidnigh’, a two room tenement, on West First near the Ga» house. esnght fire and was about d-e'royed. Ihe fire department did heroic work in mastering the blaze and saving the gas works from blowing up. The alarm worked beautifully, a 0 usual. The house was the property of Mr. M. F. Govan, and was cov ered by insurance. AN Bluwant Affai*.— Mrs.! C. 8. Sparks entertained at cards a most select gethering of Rome’s elite and the many vis iting society peeple last night at (jhe Armstrong. There were more than half a hundred pres- Tnt, and the affair was very C Y A N N ( • 0 taw swell. The refreshments served were as bounteous as dainty and tempting. Lost, a Pursb —Mrs. 0. R. Garrard reports the loss es her purse, containing about $3.00 an I a trunk key. Bhe lost the purse semewhere between Mrs. A. 0. Garrard’s store on Broad St. and residence on Main St. in Fifth ward. She is exceedingly anxious to recover the key the purse contained, and is peifeotly willing to let the money go. Baek From EubuPß—Mrs James McGuire arrived home from Europe at 7 :30 this morn ing. Mrs. McGuire reports a m Sv pleasant trip on the eonti nent and the ocean, while her 9 tay in Hamburg was made doubley delightful by the suc cessful operation on the eyes of her brother, Mr. C. A. Hanson. The famous specialist who treat ed Mr. Hanson restored the sight of one eyu and is treating the other now. Mrs McGuire says her brother will remain in Hamburg for about five months WMMWSMHrtIMIHHWM’WW* J J THE CIRRY-ARRINGTON-CO. « lIW MKOH Tffß I I 101 l lilWjJiiJ M * CHUY’S CIRKII STILL THE PLACE. | ANY STYLE, FASHION DR FORM i DOLL ! I | Io Our Store Has Been Marked Down To Sei g I “ > AND<~ * |IF YOU WANT ONE YOU GAN GET IT! | I * I SB3E OUR -WITTraOW I CUBRT-ARIlf ©TON-CO. * ! * it ■ « IM' |o O | IOME PRESS COMMENTS Cencornlnc tho Bunice Good rich Co. Which is Coming here The Bunie* Goodrich Co. whieb opeae a three nighl’e epgagement in Meme eommoßeiof this t'Vening, is probably tho beet oom pany of its kiad ever visiting Romo. Hero aro icrno press comments eoDeorsiuf Ibis attraction: Mies Eunice Goodrich io just abont concluding bor second on* gagemont in Sacramento, and the nnnoual success with whieb she bao boon rewarded stand without precedent in thio city.—Saere mento (Cal. ) 800. Tho danoiug by Bunion Good rich at tho Patereon Opora house, last sight, surpassed snything of the kind ovor sees in this part of tho country.—Booanaha (Mich.) Mirror. Miss Goodrich hao long been a favorite upon the Paeifie, though thio is her first visit to the sunny south, Romonabor prices aro 10, 20 and 80 cents. Ladies froo Thursday night under the usual conditions, floats now on sale at. Trevi IF: d rug store. , Tho company carries a complete outfit for illustrated oouks and dances. ».Foo oomething entirely new, “Vivoreopo.” This is ths on ly perfect moving picture machine* en tho road and show many new and up-tn-dete war views. •’■AB,” THE WRITER DEAD, Now York, Deo. 29.—Mrs. Is abel Mallon, the writer, better known as "Bab,” died at her hemo here this morning. The cause of her death was pneu monia, succeeding grip. It was tho penalty oho paid for ber pro fession. She had to face the elements in their most unfriendly mood, in order to meet professional engagements, whether obe felt woll or ill. Mrs. Mallon was born in Baltimore, S 9 years ago. Lo’b to her own devices, after her husband’s death, she took up the pen and earned her own living. She had many struggles and disappointment*. She be came widely known a» the wri ter of “Bab’? Babiblee.” FOR MIFF Deputy Sheriff J. If. Johnston announces himsslf a oondidalo for tho oflics of Bailiff of tho Ramo Diotriot, and asks you <o veto for him on election day. I announce mysolf as a oandi date for bailiff of fcbo filfiih dis trict, Floyd county, and request the vote of friends and others in tho election on tho first Sat urday in January. Gno. W. Boawfobo. To ny frionds and tho voters of tho Romo diskriot, I desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to tho office of Bailiff for thia district and moot res pectfully oolicit your support If ro-olectod I pledge to do my full duty on oach and every ocoaoioi? in discharging tho obligation© of the office. Very Respectfully, R. H. CoPBLAKB.' Thereby announce myself Vfcr Bailiff 019th Dutriet G. J’ Floyd county, Ga. Blootio* fiiot Saturday iu January, B, 1/Btpvaw.