The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 29, 1898, Image 8

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SIX MYS SLMBBIR A T DA W For SANTA CLAUS Hl DHOO • _ 7 .... Chri.t— M ... Scrk. chiefs- The f:»as. stock in Rome. and i ie*. to elose out $2.00, now Cost or Below Qost At Cost 50 cents ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! dMB twwiM Bl - Caip®s, Jasadc«B'&» S£»B”EOE®! SI-IOEIS! Anything in Hie s ock at half price Superb selections. Late and stylish. Krippendorf t fiae Shoesto go. to elose out At coat. Make Santa Claus market at our Clothinr for n n and bovs. Fine i.r© Jackets-2 years old, so. or place complete. Buy no othir shoes Llothint >Ol i* a ana ooys. me oe to sieoa . Price now only SIOO. *' ' rut. . steok new goods but all at «r below This is giving goods away, but • l! * krippeadoi is . I hey aretne bssl C 3 St come and get them. fine shoes made. - t , - . - - I W - - - ———■ ■■!■■■■-" " - ■ ' ■ ■ - - „ .■■ ■» —.■. —■ —■ - r ■ - -. !- -L . --r. I —1 .. I>O S- * ■ “ We shall well nigh give goods away this week and ssall make it the greatest week in the history »f our business. Come to us for BARGAINS. BROTHERS & C( HAVANA ES’LESS. LUilaw is BireHing tlu Civil Centner. FIREONS mLRWEB And Crowds are Forbidden to Assemble on the Streets. t Havana, Dee. 28 —Fenor D* Gaßtro, the civil governor of Ha vana, acting in accord with gen eral Ludlow, las issued »* order forbidding any further firing ot fire •arms oi the exploding of fire-' oraekers in publie thoroughft r. a. He also prohibits the aejein of crowds in tho streets or parks after G 20 p. na., orders the > closiag of all places of entertain meal, ine’udiog the theafi rs and cales, at 11 p. m ; forbids peopb takiag part ia certain Afriem daaees, i» which the participants are dressed in devil costume, and forbids all maMifesiatiens which may produce conflicts between the Cubans and Spaniards, or be weu-w fipaaiards and Americans. Those who violate these orders are threaUaed with severe punisb aaeat. No attention whatever is paid to the order against the d iishurg.n. of firoeraekers, and pistole »r» fired ia the streets continuously. 1 tiree persons have bees killed anti twenty-nine wounded, among tV latter three w ihipii and two chil dren. lhe shooting uaa been lor ■- moot part indiscriminate, Ao •sneral Ladlew was stand ‘•K os the balcony wLthe hotel al dusk today watching the t(«na in tho plaza e waved a Cuban tag. Another cried out, “An la | oultl Au insult!” whereat the man who was waving the dag fired up- OB the objector. A Spanish com- p»ny that was retiring from Fort j Piitioipo was deliberately ires ( upon from a private residence Lieutenant Blunt, an American flßeer, who was escorting tho Spaniards, broke into the heiis*>, but tho oecupaato led to adjoin ing roofs. While Brigadier General Clous and Captain Hart were returning Irons tho paiaee today of an inter view with Captain General Cas tellanos they mot a mob of Cubans dairying flags and shooting. A minute or two later the crowd would have encountered a detachment ot Spanish troops. Tho situation called prompt, aa tien and Cap'am Hart leaped from the earriage, faced the mob aad ordered rv-rjb.dy to go hesse immediately. Major General Brooke has this evening formally taken command ®f the I 1 nit'el Statute fumes in Cu ba and has issued the necessary o ders. A detachment of American ar tillerymen was admitted to Ca bunas fortress today by reqaest oi Br gadier General Clouse, in order that the iaes might familia iz* themselves with th* sues mounted there, so as to be able *• sa ute the Spanish flag on January Ist. Regia w .s tvacuati-d by the Span® ierds and occupied by the Ameri e us today. A banner having on it a por trait of President MeKinley, painted by Armande Menoeol has been ®n view in a window in Obispo street, where it was cheer nd by crowds ot people. It will be a. at to the president by ropreaau t»> f iv.js of the Masonic ladgeo, who will meal torrght and arrange for a natrio ie densonstratio». A Fimm D i»plaY — Mr . B. F. A'ard tbo eity bill poster, has pretty well “oovered tho oily’’ with haudsaiae posters advertis ing the faasou* “Old Virginia Cheroots ” Waid is a bustler as well as a staeple-jaok with a na tional reputation. IvJzJ•£ ULI » U- Illinois has had another lynch iiig. It cannot be classed among the leathers outrages, o o o A certain wheel ma; ufauturer is testing the endnranc of his w heel by nrioane e r a heavy rider, who tips the beam at 567 and is 6 feet 1 1-2 iaebes high, and, he signifi cantly adds, is unmarried, but epen to engagement. o o o In the Spanish war tho United States oaptared fifty-six Spanish i ships, and loot none of their ow», 0 o o A hotel proprietor at Hot Springe has rjsployed a kiek hun ter whose business it is to mitg’e witn tho gueits, find out their pre - feroneoe, report to the office with out the knowledge ot the guest and give the manager a ehance to suggest a ohsnge and thereby win their gratitude. GOO There never was a time when «11 th* newspapers were filled with advertising a* within tho past two weeks. The instant work of the papers is at last being felt and merchants are fast rea izing that it >8 the beet way to reach the dear people. o o o The stages aad cabs of New York wil 1 soon bo a thing of the past, as they aro being rapidly displaced by 'he motoreyclos, and much faster time is bniug made. ooe The doctors of Passa’ac, K, J.,! nave decided that grip is trass- . milted by kissing, and have eol wusu'y warned their patients ag«.iaat it. The papers predict that kissing will become a lost art is that eity. o o o It is said that Thomas Nelson Page is a thorn in the H s'i to printers, He never g«ts tl.rough eorreetißg his proof sbeers .. ch time a revise is sent to U > he makes more changes in it the original proof. 000 Lord Kitchener’s punishment fur drunkenness among los sol ders is severe . He coanp 's the eulprit topnt on full inc hing equipment, which weighs a ut SO j p muds, and than inarch i «r six 1 hours carrying a bag of r t ini «auh hand. Drunkenness is i ipop n-ar in Geaeral Kitcheaer’» i-.iiny. 000 Christmas was first celebrated I in the year 98, but it was t->riy yesrs later before it was ofli ally adopitdasa Christian fe- vai;* nor was it until about tin- filth eentury that tbe day ot its > ile bration kecame permanent > ' xuq j on the 25th of December. Up to j that time it had Imn img ' rly ' observed at various times the year —in December, io Aprr and iu May, bat most fnquent y in January. MissGolor: Mr Downtuch, ! you are alway 8 say iag how loud | you are of foot ball ; but I n ver I remember seeing you play. Downtueh: No; I am thor- oughly coaviuced that I ana load of the game ; but I haven’t ‘ie courage of my conviotiuus, you see. Koston Transcript. LRHkr.'Ji ——— Th*? Richmond Timos rein, rks that “McKinley tossed a b it :et at the Confederate grave® and then drove around with I ker Washington. The Prei-idcnt plavs no favorites. He can tbt them all thio time.” T- -• —■ll i ■ ■ Mi., - ■■■■ > -o- • rMt‘ wftn yo< vr«|||Rr ron erntfav* th* . - s Knu , -gtoi.ecooHUt - d-Ta-BiQ, J rwr»r- a o the dwoiro fcr loharct v H-l'x. ’j> i •ut n*-rv ''uerllPU-eM, nico-., 'vX t lUe. nurlfieo >he BIqU, r p.‘ ** ■ t n>4. ■> you strong mwl • ci la health,®®* <w 'o’ • irk S'* ** - *<• TO k tew “ y-W 4b own driu - u / S w ' Aorus.l/ rt fl w ntly, pe’-j’.ot n< jib***' Uoax. <l, jciufUJy cure®, 3 t»< . \g »oa»»«»a«a to cur- . ot we refun ** y »W'<Bbmo4yCe. ‘ hlcago Hootroal. ft.v» «| D V I * I \ '* s <£)J y 'fl SS! I ■eiFi' boms, . I I 1 I-TV) I' 4 v I ■ iFlne Stationery and Storjl Books also Games for thi i Little Folk. I ! Mar A y Hawlinft &Co| Books & Stationery, 302 Brood S I - —■ - I iiognM S LITHIA s Watoß | \l/ BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, J For Sale at;Soda Founts of: e CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J- J r.Crouch and JervlsAWright- ip