The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 12, 1894, Image 4

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Breif Litlto BreilMs, Translated from onr Reporter* Note Book. Mr. Pryor E. Willianm of Bri«r field Ala., in in th« city. And is seriously thinking of locating in Rome, the many friends of his interesting family hope that he may decide to become dub of our citizens. Another shipment of that fa mouß World’s Fair Tea just re ceived at Lloyd’s. It gives univer sal satisfaction, and price is below all competition. Small uucauvassed hams, Break* fast and country bacon and pure leaf lard, all at shert prefit prises at Lloyd’s Medel Grocery. ()avis Angel Cake Flour 25a at Lloyd’s genuine N. Y. buckwheat flour, the best, DEATH OF MRS MORROW. Last aight at 10 o’clock, Mrs. An nie Morrow, as the Fifth Ward, after a long and painful illness, quietly breathed her last. Mr. Morrow with his wife and two children moved to Rome from Car tersville about three weeks ago. At that time Mrs. Morrow was suffering with the grippe. Before she recover ed from the grippe she was attacked with menengetis and last night the end came. The remains were carried to Car tersville on the 2:50 train over the Rome Road this afternoon. They will be entered this afternoon. HILL CITY CADETS ATTEN TION. You are hereby ordered to be and appear at your armory at 8 o’clock tonight for business mast ing and drill. By order of Phil. G, Byrd. C’apt. Howard Jack,Sect’y. A POOR SUBSTITUTE for a well-known rnedi cine pays more protit to jk, a dealer, when he Holin it. That's the reason he JjU annoys you with hia ’V c^a ‘ ll ' **■ “ j ,Lst H 4 gja good." And that is on* QI reason why everv wo ■■ luan w ho warts Doctor ■Mtovtew i©• fierce’s Favorite I’re- jK'feHk Inscription should go to a I l®ra/i<d>l* dealer. ftVary woman does V|l ™want it, if she’s suffer W, p* | Ing from any ailment ' ’ peculiar to her sox. If she’s “run-down," or delicate, she needs it just as much. It s a special tonic, that builds .or up; a legitimate medicine, that corrects and cure?. For ewarv " female complaint" and weakness, it is tfte only nemedy so safe and certain that It can be (yuar<inf<«d. If it doesn’t benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money hack. What else, can be “ just as good " for you ! A long advertisement is unnecessary to convince you that you need Dr. Rage’s Reme dy for your Catarrh. Its makers oiler |k»UQ lor a case they cannot cure. Wanted :—A position ub teacher, by a young man. Address X. Y. Z, Hustlet office. For sale —My 6 room house ituated on Fourth Avenut be ween East Third and Fourth streets. Will sell cheap aud on ‘’asy terms. For further particu cale Ayply to L. Morel Rome, Ga. Wanted: —A position as sales man, book-keeper or bill clerk in a wholesale or 'etail grocery busi ness, by a man with 15 years ex perience in Southern Kentucky Sood references. Address A. A care this office. 1-ltf, WHERE! Groceries are kept cheap. Th? people will certainly buy and that is a fact at L.G.Todd’s. LOOK HERE. Self rising buckwheat 1 l-2pkloc Fresh Tenn. Buckwbert per lb. 5c Fresh Cranberries per qt. 10c. Large Fat mackerel 10c. Picket Tripe per lb. 10c. Shredded Codfish per pu. 10c. Fancy Prunes per lb 12 l-2c Currants per lb. 6 l-4c. The above price# are in keepirg with our entire stock both staple aud fancy, our stock is new and resh give us a call and see for yourselves, at Mitchells old stand as u 5-.,.,. don«.G TE & COUNTY 8 ‘ TAXES ought to * MAD O » gallant # un p a j c | taxes for !? ey are being put in frOs of Sheriff for who faction D»moj no> j B’aCk. T-C’ time to * A KLUSTER OF . BULL’S EYE SHOTS. Jack Davis has just return from atrip through Bartow and Polk count es and reports the sale of three Pianos and four Organs. Mr. Davis represents E. E, Forbs ifc Co, ooaducting a branch house in this city. H* is a hustler from taw, aud a heavy weight at that. Mr. Walter Hoadden Ulis me that he expects the Curry buildUg will bo ready for oeupaacy by the first of next moath. The elevators have arrived ard are being put in to-day. The plasterers are also at work finishing up their part of the contract, and the furaitur* and furnishings will soon arrive and be put ia place. This will be ane es the haadsoaeet drug houses in the South and a fitting home for the Curry business. ♦ ♦ * * The effort to secure signers to the “Evans Club’’ is being made, but B ome of the statements of parties solicting the names are misleading. For instance a man is approached> and the canvasser knows that the, .’canvassed’ is a warm friend to Capt. M. A. Nevin and Mr. John Black. He •pensup by saying that these gentle men will head the “Evans Club” wher the truth es the business is, that only o'ie of them is or will be a member of •he ' Club.’’ * • C’apt .Nevin says he dont want to be mixed up in politics but that he is a warm personal friend, and great ad rmrer of Gen. Evans and that he s willing to serve as president of tin t Hub. ” Mr. Black was approached twice on yesterday by the canvasser of the “Club” but refused to go into it. The majarity of the best democrats in Rome, look on the “Evans Club’ as showing that the boomers are un easy about bolding their strength. This ia the first "candidates” club foraged in Rome since the John B Gordon “Club. •’ Many Gordon men now oppose Evans. ♦ * ♦ Mr. Walton Elliott ia now con nected with the Rome Business University and is teaching tele graphy in that institution. Walton is a self made boy and though handicapped by misfortune#, in early life, he will succeed, “Mark that prediction.” * * ♦ Mr. Frank J. Kane ia the “smil iageet” man in the city today There i# a bouncing boy at hie heme in the First Ward. The lit tle fellow will be doubtly dear to the proud parents tor several rea sons. It will be remembered tha Mr. and Mrs. Kane lost two sweet little children about a year ago, by boarlet fever. The little ones died within a week of each other and the happy home was left dosolate One year to a day from the death of tbe’r last child, a son ie born unto them, and th; jngh the clouds of the gloom of last year the glori ous sunshine of today promising happinas# for the future beams along Lifee rugged pathway. *♦* Broad Street Bridge is begin ning to need some repairs very badly. Why not have the bolts tightened up and put a new coat es paint on it? Respectfully re fured to the Board of County Commissioners. * » * I karned teday for the first time of Dr. J. S. Lawrenpe’s last ven ture. It was about two weeks ago when he led a pretty young Chica go widdow, and two children to the altar Dr. Lawrence has hun dreds of friends in this city who wish him and tie new family “mity well,” **• Mrs J. W. Turner Jr. was the recipient of a $5,000 check thin morning which was the payment oi a policy held by her late, la mented husband, in the Kentucky Mutual. * » • Judge John P. Davis requests me to Vay that the blanks for Con federate widdows pensions, have irrri ft I and are in the Ordinary s • slice, Widdows who have drawn pensions before will find blanks ■eady -aud if there are any wid- dr ws of old Confederates, who have I not yet applied they will also find • blanks and should file applicatioi B at one®. * r x- * * I was standing in frant of the Hill City Bakery this morning chatting with Mr. Charley B«y --• iegle and Mr. John Guioa. I noticed a red headed negro woman pas# down the street. Her wool wa« ■“done up” sorter horse tail faehioii down h°r back, aud was of a firey vermillion hus, “I remarked the phenomenon. When Mr. Beysiegle exclamed “now leok for a pair of grey mules.” We did no, aud near Second Avenue was thiAe two mule teams, while Bear West & Griffin# was a one mule dray—seven grey mules. Thea John Quite looked up the street and saw another, but the red wool female passed on down the street »*♦ Deputy Sheriff Dallas Turner says he is like many of the mer chants these hard times. If be can get “cost” he is satisfied. Only one case came up in Re corders Cenrt today. Qfficer Horry Wimpee arrested a mute man named Higefield, last nigh and run him in. He was “drunk as a biled owl.” This morning he was represented by Col. Mark Eubanks •vao acted as interpreter and de fender. Col. Eubanks is very pro ficient m about three languages, English, ‘ P >rfunaed” aud “signs.” His client was given five minutes to amputate himself from Rome He amputated. A JUMP FOR LIBERTY. A Negro While on Trial for Murder Leaps From the Courtroom Window, Americus. Ga., January 11th. — An exciting episode occurred in the superior courtroom late this afternoon during the trial of a ne gro, Henry Collier, for murder. The state had spoken in the prosecution and of the negroe’s two attorneys, Colonel J. F. Wat on was in the midst of his speech when the prisoner asked permis sion to retire. Accompanied by a bailiff, he went to a room back of the court room and sprung from the window to the ground, three stories below I'he bailiff rushed back to thi courtroom and gave the alarm and instantly the sheriff and his depu ties, accompanied by everybody present but the judge and the jury, rushed pell-mell from the room aud started in pursuit. Outside they were joined by the police and the gathering crowd, and after a few mirutes chase the fleeing prisoner, who had taken refuge under a house, was caught and brought back. He was badly bruised by the jump he bad taken and winded by the race and think ing that the crowd was about to Ivnch him, be begged piteour ■ mercy. He was removed to jail the jury looked up fer the night nnd the finishing of the trial was postponed until tomorrow after noon, A FLORIDA WEDDING The deputy clerk in the mar riage bureau at Jacksonville was very, very busy, Without looking up from his work he khew there was a colored couple looking •round timidly near the door and occasionally peering at the desk where he sat writing. This lasted for about half an hcur, when becoming annoyed, he suddenly leaped up and demanded Well, well, want to get married; why did’ut you say so? They grinned at each other and grinned at the clerk. Then he man falteaed; “Ye as, sir.” “Got a license?” “Ya-as, sir.” “Got any money?’. “Yk-as, sir.” “How much?” “Two dollars.” “Band it here.” He slowly, almost painfully ctuuted out $2 in chicken money, The clerk grabbed it. “Join right hands,’’ he said Then faster than a thunder i j'i >wer can patter on a tin mos he > I jat led off ths following: ' “By vitchsf thortisf State of Flondin me vsetedinow deelaio you man and wife.Gitowder beret” 1 and th«y went, still grinning. Next day while ths bridogrooMi was laying trM k fur the new eleo tric car line, lu-ard to say : “Mr. Ch*rle Vereist is de smart est white man in Jacksonville — marry vou in a mi nit! Golly ! I speeks to g°t him to marry me ev ery time.’—From The Florida Hustler. If AC la MT? Ci r’; S. ' . wvauu k <•; ’ i'. tew ;u-,-. ...a :..a. a <rWSY fa-i «... SyflOMrit. ... tv fffrgtajrta* » u. v. J.- < rmrj h x'bmj ■i ‘vaBWBwB-’.'XADAiMJ. w, K a-iM-M. iruc urtpct aaiat Bnawiai'* tu •nt nunat etu«t, ».<»•«> **r a * theOMWtPowerful Md P«o«trttu>f J4iuat«mter ■» or Beut In exlateaoa. !>**• *1 me tee., tea. «*e 4te joHßfoirs owtwrM MediMte# mm! ToUM. The Oreat Mln ««r« X 4 Faoa Beaut Mat. LaSiee vill ted a e *ee delieate an* hl*My perfume* Telle* Seep e» the marhet It Le afceoHitelV pare. Mthe* tee ' thin aoft aad velvety aad rwtorea tee tert ee-n plexlon, it * texery for tee Mth fer hrtsßAe. - it rtaye KeUu eieeeMe th* x«l» aed u.una**< tee growth at hair. ?rtee»«. Foraaloh* D. W. Curry, druggist Fits, dizziness, hysteria, wake- - fulness, bad dreams and softening of the brain quickly cured by Magnetic Nervine. Sold by D. W. Curry Druggist. Inflamed itching, burning,crus ‘ ty and scaly skin and scalps of in fants, soothed and cure-i by John son’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D W. Curry Druggist. • Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, lame back, i: quickly relieves pain If you have sour stomach and feel bilious, and yi nr head aches take a Japanese Liver Pellet, n .vill ru.ieve you. Sl id bv D Vv Curry jJruge'St STARKE the MERCHANT TAILOB h a dsome Line of FALL PATTERNS JU STI in. ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE. CALL ON S.M.STAKkE ARMSTROUG BL-.CK mi isii-TTrnni -1 iii#g nriiiieiiimi i PZ" v •■‘V fti J CJ’C'J’p ©?1l HML Ltdbld ’T A>. TRAnr MAUK. 4- iililtty first rti Alwayt. - ■ The Bradford Drug Co. has ex clusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Rome, Ga. From the • factory of Kellam & Moore, the only complete optical plant in the South, Atlanta, Ga. CAV'TIOV.—If r. dzaloy offers W- I*. DouglsbM shoes at r, rvalue* 4 prict, or nays he has tbrim wiihoui nanir stamped on bottom, put hi mi down at» a fraud. W. L. Douglas S 3 SHOE thVworld. W. 1,. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad. vertised than any other make.. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas’ name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. 1.. Doutrlas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full lin* of i-oods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, nr. J we believe vou can save money bv bovine ail y. r footwear of the dealer advertised bcllw. C.’? ilp.-iie free upon anplication. Address, ■ • - x ' ’ Sold bv CANTRELL & OWENS 40 B-oad Si ref* 4 -. Rcmk a. H Ell W and Whiskey Habits Pl S cured at home witb- H n ■f”’ H ■ ■ gKa put pain. Book of pa.-, t'l lb 3 R ” sen: f«EE F ley.m.D. V,i.uehallE, ri-FOR THE NEW YEAR - If you want something nice, stylish, and th keeping with the times, come and see us. We have the goods to suit the times, forgood times, hard times, and all other kind of times. We have all the latest designs in Jewelry whether in p’ire Gold. Sterling silver, or the reliable qualities of Rolled Gold. A fewiwords to you about eur large and eare fully selected stock. Whiph is complete, and Includes al! the latest styles from reliable stan dard makers- Are have ne ‘'shelf reom” or Bankrat goods eur stock is all Bright andJNew and everything right up te date, We invite you to come and inspect our oto6k whether you wish to buy or not< we take just as much pleasure in showing you our goodft whether you purchae or net as if you bought every article that we showed you. * <We have just received a fresh lot of Huyler &Tenny’s candies whjch is putupinl-2 to 5 pound.boxes remember the little folks and the young folks and the old folks like Tine can dies. Hammack Lucas 4 Co,, •"■"■■■■■■■■BMBirMßßMM. ... . BT-—< tju ~n ~r I■ IB || M mI—I IJ ,IBMH LB—uai_U- - We Mean Business Cal! snd get our Prices Before Buying we are Selling, SASH DOORS and RLINDS. FLOORING, CKILIIS G MOULDIN b B and BRACKETS AT BOTTOM PRICES. ALEXANDER & HUME til! We Can Sell You The Best And give you what you buy at the lowest prices YARD AT PATTONS SHOP. Orders left at Hunt A/ Huffaker's in the 4th, ward, and with Frank Woodruff at 18 Armstrong building will ; receive prompt attention. Best Grade of Blacksmith Coal kept in Stock. PATTON & JOHNSON. NEW CENTRAL I IOTEIT SC* MANAGEMENT IB FBJISHMS N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. RENOVATED THROUGHOUT AvLL MODEBN' IMRHOVEMEN'iS ELECTRIC BELLS ELECTRIC LICHTS. TheßeunaVista REMOBEMB BENOVATED AM) THE ONLY SI.OO, A DAY HOTEL IN THE CITY Table supplied with the best the market a fords polite and attentive servants, -1 A.TES,transiant §I.OO, Speeial Rat-- y tie w eek m.-rth. • . - AIRS.S.E .VICK. c PROPRIETRESS Corner 6th Avenue and Broad Street Rome