Newspaper Page Text
third year.
■Ail w mw
Sheriff Bryant of Chattooga
A rrested
Aentln r Cliatteogan Fined for a Like
Oflf Mce. Mary Willie, the Darktown
telle in the Kooler.
Ilare’e a pretty howdy do!
Sbeiiffßill Bryant of Chattooga
conuty locked up in the Catecombs
of Rente sweetly sleeping off the
effect of an e .rly Jag.
And Chattooga, why Chattooga
is minus a sheriff all on account
fa Rome policeman doing his
This- morning police officer Ale"£-
anon a end it abiolutelj net asarjo
foarrept Sheriff Bry inf, of Chattooga,
and to lock him up. Sheriff Bryant
was mt! is city and was trying t o
ravigate Broad .Street with a dqck
load of ' Chffin varnish"—the
was too much for him.
He was not in a fit condition to be
tried before the Recorder at the 10
( clo< k matinee and his case w as con
timed until 3 o'clock this afternoon.
At ths performance this morninc
another Cliattcogan was tried foi
druukeness, and fined $5. His name <
was Stoe He was arrested st night i
on the new Court House corner where I
; & was squalling like a i
bud on the war path.
Die only other case w it s one fer- t
uent Miss Mary Willie, a well known c
belle and leader of the "Darktown t
It stems from the
Mis# Willie had supped too much L
• u m , a id while her rich African
thami agn« mu ---
blocd was running riot in her Ama- tl
zonian bosom, she so far forgot her
standing in ‘ Darktown sasiety” that
she insulin! Mrs • Mattie St ace J nee,
Mrs- John Collins-who had removed . t
Miss Willie was fined $lO or 20
ilavi in the city stockade. Curtain. (
Des Moines, la , January 16.—a
The legislature today took \
lion on the United States senft^’ UCVJß *
John H Gear,the republican . '
t ji in vile
candidate, was nom n> , I'
.on and ex
senate bv Senator ®a; . w „.
‘ „ Tj db’e name w?s
Governor Horace r , . « n »
, , . . .non on bebalt ol
placed m nomr
, , ,y Senator Harper,
the democrat? J
. • ■ , ,nvention of the senate
' will be held tomorrow to
and non , , f ..r
the vote, winch make#
canva” T
p ß ied Stat*” senator from lowa
A "Woman Phisheb With her n .
Daughters. ,
Baiboursville, Ky., J» D - I*’’- fa '
astrons fir® occurred at Milla, 1
village about sixteen miles
plate, in Harlan County, n l"}) ire e
break this morning, in Q f
persons perished and a g re
buildings were consnni#'} gi(Jence
Se reui-
i near
its were
i oldest
but fo r
veut.< en
ipied a
ith no
o come
set tax
or and
>f com
> “>> >
St. Louis, Jau. 15, —Traces of
R. C. Miller, financial reporter »f
Xenia Ledge. K. of P , Xenia, 0.,
, who disappeared recently with a
portion of the order's fui d-, has
been fouißf in tins city, ana today
the police were put at work on the
case. The clue comes frem Xenia
in the shape of a postal card mail
ed Jiere Jan. 12 by Miller to his
card stated khat the
writer, while at Bucyrus, 0 , was
attacked by three men, who struck
him on the head and threw him
into a freight car unconscious,and
took from him his pocketbook
containing all his money. The
'postal - concluded with a pitiful
appeal in behalf of his family.
a “smarty” tells you that
s aluiTnnum is the lightest of metals
refer him to magnesium, a metal
one third lighter, and yet much
denser and stronger.
The German mother says that
should she by accident loose the
heel of her shoe, one of her chil
dren will die before the ▼ear is
out, while should a French lady
J \
meet with such an accident to her
high-heeled slippers disappoint
ment in love is shure to follow.
-> AN hen an old wa'nut tree twenty
three feet in circu nfcrence was
cut down at Flatbush, L. I ffaq "
the other day a four-fo«t hole was
a <e d currant
for three .years, and >
bought, sapped the life fr
ree’s heart. coa ßt near
Tbs Long s‘ l ' a f#w places on ,
Southampton Quly (
th* Collforo’ Uuited states wher( . .
pcints m ie fi9hing 1S carried on ,
Bh ° r ?u V iBnsßS 8 nsBS was once a consider- i
Jonson the Californ- co * Bt
iud the ruins es exf‘-‘ ,,v '’ u ‘
. - ......section with the
ingsu6 ed in co (to
tlB • U l*ints. TlTe whole vales of
.. p I W I
, fisheries on the Long
the wna □ j
t # ] an d‘ ioaßt h*’ never exceeded a
, , aousand dollars in any year
f a long time past.
United States naval officers ire,
(U :he whole, better paid than
-hfr British bretheru of the sea
’ b » the latter have certain per
' isitee, amounting sometime# to
yveral hundred pounds per year.
,nd these perquisites are the envy
of our officers. If the reogauiz
ation of the pay table were not
so tieklish a matter, almost, every
officer of the uavy would be glad
of the chauce to ask that perquisite
to cover the cost of entertaining
foreign dignitaries be made part of
the new table. \
There is something solemnly
funny in owe duty of the I nited
States Sfct’nt at the Primbylov Is
lands. It is to ba present r u every
occasion when Baals are killed by
th# employes of the company
licensed to take 7,500 skins a
year. The agent sees the killing
done, and coumsthe skins as they
are delivered to the ship that
brings them to San Francisco.
The killing is a cold-blooded and
almost revolting performance,
since it is ordinarily done by banc
and the victims are often v#ry
For sale —My 6 room house
situated on Fourth Avenue be
tween East Third and bourth
streets. Will sell cheap and, on
easy terms. For further paijjcu
sale Ayply to L. Morel Rome, Ga.
Second-hand type writing Rem
mington Machine, Address
1-17-ts Hustles of Rombi
It \\ iii n.j Mayor JohjY I),
f Moore,
f ■
i Ot Ak’e man, They are Clever aid
Conservative,Practical and Patrie
ic and They Will Serve the City
loe municipal campaign has open
ed up, and there is to be a fight it
will not be long until the report of
musketry will reverbriate along the
Th* first ticket to enter the Hold is
one headed by John D Moore fcr
Mr Moore’ is too well [and favora
bly known, and has bet n too closely
connected with Rome's business in
erests for many years, to need ani
introduction .rom us or anyone else
He Lias been put in the field by a
call from all interests and men of
every class. He is a safe man and
yet he is an ■ aggressive man. He isj
a true gentleman and holds the hon
or and esteem of every honest man
with whom he has ever come in coi.—
t id.
In the make up of, this ticke 4 , 1
which Air. Moore heads, the best
interests of each of the wards have
been considered. For instance in the
First Ward Air. AB. AlcArver, one
>f Rome’s most successful merchants
and a level headed business man will
enter the field.
Every body knows Bud AlcArver
J. i\bei, OH.B vccJ 1— •
mean# that the people will make his
lection sure. Will Neel is not only
t representative for Rome but has
represented the entire city and
county in the Legislative halls of his
State-He is a leading Attorney of
the Rome Bar and ib his hands the
interests of the Second Ward and of
the citv can not suffer
lu the Third Ward Henry Stoff
ragaa. one of the cleverest men in
>be seven cities has been put on
he ticket. Henry Stoffragan is a
large property owner and a suc
cessful business man and his in
terest are the interest of the city.
In the Fourth Ward who is more
popular and more to be relied on
than solid, common sense, Walter (
Harris, the genial, impartial Jus
tice of the Peace of th® Rom# Dis
tnot. ~ „ ,
In the Fifth Ward, T. F. McCa.- I
frey, the standing Democrat and c
' wide awak<\ practical old council- (
• or who bad the backbone of his ,
convictions, when he so ably rep -
resented the Fifth \\ ard last year.
This ticket is on® of peculiar 1
strength, and is about aa represen ] ,
r rativ® a body of men as the city <
1 can afford. The ticket is offered j
? rhe people, and when the majority
> nave said by thier ballot that it
I is the choice of Rome th#u will
iha affairs of the city be in th# I
best of keeping.
f ‘
? Flouhishrmg And Fkof Jamw D
r Gwaltney Elected
The Rome n ight school continues
“ t o grow and flourish even as th®
? .rreen bay tree.
” There‘are now about <0 junls
1 an ! prospects of more “a jipin .
i. At a meeting of the bpard of Dus
] tees late yestercay afternoon Prof
James B Gwaltney was elected as a
'■ teacher and will take charge of one.
1 in the night school at once.
f " -■ ""
I make a specialty of fine watch
and jewelry repairing and if you
e will give me a trial I will guaran
' tee vou satisfaction in work and
a nriees-B. F, Roark, Davis’ old
a H ,
Inglbside Rbtrbat—For Disease
of Women. Sientihc treatment and
sure# guaranteed. Elegant apar
ments for ladiea before and aKer
i- jonfinemeut. Adress the Resident
Phy.iciau 71-72 Baxter Court,
Naahvili®. Tenn.
The entire stock of A. B. McArver & Co is now on
the market at New York Cost. This is no fake
sale, everything goes and for spot Cash.
Gents Furnishing goods ,f
J “Scarfs AHose Suspenders Collars I
"and Cuffs Fiue Shirts Flanel |i
Y ’Shirts Cotton Shirts Uuder Shirts
J “Over Shirts Overalls aud Jackets f
.. “Rubber Coats, £
" Good Line of Hats Good Line $
t of trunks Ladies Hose Misses f,
. Hose Childrens Hose. Ladies ♦[
* Under vests y
| “Handkerchiefs Gloves Shawls £
Scarfs Cloaks Jackets Gossimers t
& Misses Goesimers Misses Corsets $
$ Ladies Corsets Boys white waists, ♦'
i Spool Silk Spool Cottou. I'
| Mens Fine Shoes Good Shoes
4 Boys Good Shoes Cheap Shoe s
$ ‘ Rubbr Shoes Mens Rubber Shoes $
Chattanooga, Tenn., January 16. —
(Special) A shocking fatality eccured i
at 1:30 o’clock pm. today on the i
Union railway, better known as the ]
belt line, which encircles th# city. ,
Josepu AV ' Black, a beard ass 1 < uth (
of twenty and a riw switchman, who ,
was getting points on the business,
was shaken from the rear of a flat car ,
loaded with clay for the Aloutague
pipe works, and imstantly crashed to
death beneath th® back truck of the
Every bouo protecting the chest
was ground into the vital part® of
th# body and out of the great gap
ing cavity th® heart and lungs
protruded. Death was instantane
ous and at the inquest a verdict of
death from his own care.esßnes®
was rendered,but the railroad com
pany i® held blame—worthy becaase
Black, who was not on actual duty
had not been warned of the ears
by th# #mploy#s, The dead man
leaves a widowed mother without
Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 16.- (Spe
cial.) Robert A. Sexton was brought
here from Smith County today to be
jailed for #af® keeping. Sexten killed
Ed. Turner, near Caitkage, sometime
ago and was in jail at Carthage. The
jail was net a partieularly strong one,
and Sheriff J. B. Lambertson found
out just in time that Sqxton had, with
an improvised sawjfct through all
1 the iron fastening tWt held him in
bondage and would in another hour
r have been free. He was given away
‘ by one of the trustees who had been
’ in the plot to escape.
Bland Says the Seckbtary Has
no Authority t# I?bue Bonds, p
Washington January 16, The 1
geaate finance committee held a ‘
meeting h#re today and had Sec- '
retary Carlisle’s letter suggesting''
a bill for an issue of bonds, under 1
consideration. The c»mo. ft®.'
adjourned, however, without tak
ing any action, with the under
standing that the meeting would '
be hold very soon far the further
consideration of the question,
Representative Bland says Sec
retary Carlisle’s letter urging an
immediate issue of bonds, raises
the bond issue very sharply as
against the pending Bland bill
to ooiu the seigniorage,
‘Tt is a plain propasitien te run
this government on bonds, and in
my locality it would damu any ad
ministration for all time te come,
if executed. I do not think the
secretary has the power to issue
bonds under the present law.
Representative Bailey's resolu
tion introduced yesterday, to re
strict ths secretary's power to is
sue bonds, went to the judiciary
committee, and it is supposed will
be reported favorably :
Pensacola, Fla., January 16.
The man killed on the dummy line
last night was identified to day as
Charles Reed, of Battery A. Third
artillery, stationed at Fort Barran
cas. who had come here iu citizen’s
i clothing on a short leave. He had
• just been paid off for two months anc
r it is thought that he was murdered
i and robbed and his body laid on the
J Dry goods. Dress goode. White $
| goods Silk warp Henrietta All wall I
| cashmire Half wall cashmire All |
wool dress, flanel B'ack Sateens t
■ Cohered Sateens Check Nainsooks f
< Check Lawns Plain white Lawns $
< India Lawns Whits and cream J
1 ’ nuH Hamburg Edgings. India ’
• Limn Torchon I
& Lacss Ribbons Table Lineus Towls I
J Dress Linings Red and white flan- f
el \\ hit e and Red Spreads Jeans Ft
J Sheeting Pillow Casing ±
* Black Domestic Drillings, Sheet—
| mg Shirting, Callicoe, Buttons t
1 and thread. Blankets and Com- !
J forts. I
t Ladies Shoes Fine Shoes Good J
■| Shoes Cheap Shoes. S
I Misces Shoes. Childrens Shoes f
It is a well known fact that the ge
erality of mankind had much rath« t
laugh than cry, and the large audi
ences that are everywhere attracted
by that mirth provoking comedy,
‘‘Skipped by the Light of the Moon,’
prove conclusively that theatre goer 8
of the present time desire to be amus
ed .
On Monday next this famous muii- 1 •
cal skit, in a re—constueted form, wil
be presented at the Opera Hous® and
it is needless to say that the house is
likely to ba crowded for “Skipped” i 8
funny from the ground up, and is full
of bright new songs, specialties and
catchy music which have been intro
duced fur the present season’s tour.
Trenton, N. J. Jan,, 16. —Governor
erts this morning sent the long look"
ed-for opinion of Atteruey Geneiaf
Stockton on the legislative muddle to
both houses ®f the legislature. The
opinion is an exhaustive one, and is
in favor of the democratic as against
the republican members, declaring
that the senate is a continous body,
and that a newly elected member ha 8
not th# right of organization and is
not a member by virtue of taking the
oath of office, b the r c>gni i >e
of the old member#, wild legally con
stitute the body possasing power to
act on the credenti#ls of all new mem
ber# .
All persons having watches or
jewelry in need of repairs, if you
will bring it to me, I will do it in
the very best of workmanship and
1 as reaseuable as you can get At
1 done anywhere and every piece of
work guaranteed to give satisfac
ti#n or money refunded. B. F.
Roark, Davis’ old stand 317 Broad
Street. •»