The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 21, 1894, Image 1

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IHE HUSTLER .OF ROME THIRD year. iffl’i! W- Hon.WY Atkinson in ne City yesterday. MET BY HUNDREDS W.OI hat * r ke Ci ' 7 pf Rome and Hoy* County, Toubk Democracy and the old Vatesana,. r.Py To jethor Ou Friday night, at 7 o’clock, u \ W Y Atkinson of thecoun of Coweta, arrived in the city. Mr Atkinsons friends were ex nec iDgbimto arrive later in the fit and wt e counting on seeing h Yesterday forenoon however, Sad not been at the Armstrong w a few rn.uut-, uun ill «-«». k"o«» that be in !h« cny .nd in half an hour, large numbers ot his admirers were dropping in to see him, ~ , i Scores of democrats call’d on him before bed time, and were much pleased to find bun in such high spirits. _ , Yesterday morning at an esil> I hour Mr Atkinson began to receive I his friends again. He was in the lobby of tne Aim- I strong and as the mon ing advanced I the lists grew and by the noon houi I hundreds of democrats, from every I walk in life. lad called to meet the I lighting democrats candidate—the I candidate of the democracy of the ■ state outside of Atlanta and tne next ■ Governor of Georgia. Mr. Atkinson met many 7 old ■veterans, and by them were assured ■of their support. For every < ne, he ■had a pleasant word and by hi? [easy manner and dignified and ■deferential style* he made a most [favorable impression upon all who [met him for the first time. He spent the day in the city and ■left on the 7 o’clock train last ■night, for his home at Newnan, L When asked by the Hustler of ■Rome reporter what he thought of ■the outlook, be replied that the ■campaign had only opened, but ■hat he was most confident of the ■esults, j I Mr. Atkinson has a record in the Begislature and in the services of his which stands without spot or ■lemish He is young and vet not too to be well informed in all the '. - ■ covein nene. He is W 8 ami active, fearless an 1 eloquent. |Ble is well able to succci afully de- himself against any charge that V.v be prefi re l How well he can ■efend his party is a matter of his- Mn. ■Wn leaving. Mr. Atkinson ro- ec that he waß delighted ■ J . * hospitality he had re- 1 ' " UK >l ■-J city, tie was , a b-re when he can e ■ mer' 1 16 IHt bp " M '’ ,nure tbau KdL acqUtt,nta,lCQ ’ to the fHar ' of Banner c un promises tor tarn to R nne ■ \ hfe ’ lear futnr- and when ho meH ,hH bo * s all(1 «•? thH,iluJ P :1 'g". And ,„ r b “ .] l, ’ r ' sh ,WH that he them since the of P^' 11P IP '" ! ll “' ‘ fur Geor g |a IW, A. RHUDY, jurnitureand Undertaking, Carpets and Matting, | CORWER- 337, BROADST. ROME GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORMNG JANUARY. 21. 1894. i mt ui The Aged Grandmother Goes to the Lunatic Asylum. WILLIE AT THE ALMS HOUSE Antfthe Stalwait »•■ «n«i Father, a High Flyer, Writes tn Friends in Thia City Asking far Money and Says "Hire my Reupeets to Mother. Mrs. Eliza Goodwin has been Bent to the State Asylum for the insane. Her little grandson, Willie Goodwin, is at the Alms house be ing cared for. And Mrs. Goodwin’s son, Air. Will A. Goodwin, father of lit le Willie, is abroad in the world. The above paragraphs tells the gist of a most pitiable story, so 1 far as they relate to the aged and imbecile woman, and the bright little boy. With the sou and fath er, Will A Goodwin why thuts dif ferent. Will A. Goodwin, will bn re membered as the handsome hole! clerk who was employed at the I Armstrong. lie came here fr m A tian tn, hav iug been a clerk at the Kimball house. He made many friends here and finally brought his moth er and little boy to Rome. Then the hotel changed mat - agement and he lost his position and went away. It is not known what luck he bad elsewhere, more than this, a few days ago a citizen of this city received a letter from him asking fora loan of $lO, and saying : “give my respects to moth er. The aged mother after weeks <>f neglect has been picked up in a helpless condition both bodily and mentally, and with the little grand son had been finally s*nt to the county Alme house, After some time she had been tried by a jury under orders from the ordinary, and been adjudged a luna tic Friday night she was placed in the care of Mr W H Hawthorn, the coal man, and carried to * the asylum at Milledgeville. Little Willie, the 9 year old boy. is still at the Alms house, aa I w.ll have to be kept there until some one petitions the Ordinary, who after due process will, or can, bind him out The case is a most pitible one, and many good men in the city are very indignant over the heartless desertion of the sob and father, and could he be reached pemon d violence might be done him. The Pianofort Lecture, Recital which will be given at the Conserv atory of Mucic on Friday eve ning January 26th at 8 o’clock by Edward Baxter of Boston, will b-‘ ’he greatest musical treat offered to the Romans since January 26’h 1891 when Win H. Sherwood gave a Recital at the Institution, those who heard him have not forgotten the enjoyment they’ received. In Mr. Perry they offer a Recital that will not fall short of the hightest expectation and we hope they will receive such encourage ment as to enable them to bring more fine Artists to Rome. Give us a graduated income we will pay its tax. i wwr t hats tl e news From Sunriur ville. IN THE RECEIVERSHIP CASE Os the liorne Electric Street Car Cn. A days tight ends in a ceutinneace us the ease to next Saturday. f Summerville, Ga,, Jan. 20 (Spe . cial,) . In the receivership case of Rom* ’ Electric Street Car to. “Leg ip worse, Dr. Lawrence therefme un able to be here—afraid if becomes will loose leg. Attorneys greatly mortified. Case had to be contin ued until next Saturday’’ Yours Comprehensively. ' Hustler, Those who went up to Summer ville yesterday to attend the hearing of the case, were Messrs Dean & Smith, Judge Branham. R. A, Denny, Jack King, Elbert McGhee and J L. Camp Mr. Harper Hamilton also spent tbe day in Summerville on legal Business. SHE WEARS BOY’S CLOTHES. A FEMALE TRAMP GOING TO SEE IHX MITCHELL-CORBETT FIGHT. Waycross, Ga., January 20. — ;Sptcial.) —Lucy Smith, a white wo man tramp, dressed in men’s clothet ’ was put in jail here last night, charged with vagrancy. She said she had no home, was fiom Chicago, and has been on the road three years. Lucy is twenty-nine, and has a boyish look. She came from Savan nih yesterday on a freight train, and said she was on her way to Jackson ville to see the Corbett Mitchell fight. While waiting for the train last night she begged for something to eat and was promptly locked up. This morning she was given a :icket to Jacksonville and left for that city. Lucy attracted crowds at the depot yesterday. Yesterdav a carload of children, I under the care of one of the many I charitable societies in New York city, passed through Waycross, eu route to St. Augustine. It was learned that the children were homeless and were to be given homes in St. Augustine The ages of the children ranged from three to twelve years, and they were dressed neatly and appeared to be happy. The South Georgia C moderates’ Association convened at the court house in this city today at 10 o’clock. President J. L. Sweat Hamilton icted as secretary. Capt James Knox Sr., presided, and Captain M . T. Hamilton acted as secretary. Captain fames Knox was electn I president and W. D. Hamilton secretary. TbS | ittendance was small and after an hour’s session the association ad journed until the second Saturday in February Rev. P. C- Fletcher will conduct an intereating meeting for boys at the JY. M C. A . this afternoon at 3o clock the first two boys will be the subject. Goes> WE JkJRE •T’ORCED TO SELL OTJT.&- NEW YORK COST DRY GOODS. Dress Goods. White Silk Wrap Henriettas All Wool Cashmeres, Half Wool Cashmeres AU wool Flannels. Black SaHens. Col ored Sattens. Check Nainsooks. Check Lawns- Plain White Lawns. India Lawns. White and Cream Midis Hamburg Edg ing. Indialined Em broderies. Torchon Laces. Ribbons- Ta ble Linens, Table Damask and Nap- SI lOES. Men’s Fine Shoes, ; Good Shoes! Boys’ Good Shoes, Be ys’ cheap Shoos Boy’s Rubber Shoes. I A B.McARVER&Co. FIGHTING MOONSHINERS. , THEY RELEASE TWO PRISONERS AND FIRE ON THE REVENUE OFFICERS. 1 Raleigh, N. C., January 19. —F. M. Simmons, revenue collector, was asked today if he credited the report that Vance will continue to light bis confirmation. Simmons replied he d’J not '.nJ that he could . uotbeLiv Vance would in anyway obstrir.-t it a .er the assurances he balgixen many of his friends, particularly Collector Carter. Collector Siminons had a spe cial report today bom Deputy l Collector W. F. Gibson, at the Rear 'umber br'dge,Robeson couii-j ’y, where Gibson and posse made; i raid. They found an illicit still ( lad just been moved but captured ! he twoowners. These were place! in charge of two of the posse. Suddenly twelve armed men appeared aud forced the release of the prisoners. Gibson aud his posse, including a deputy sheriff were then ambushed and fired up on. Seven shots struik Gibson, iiis injuries are not serious. SHOES. Mens’ Cheap f h ics ILcdies* Rubber Shoes. Ladies’ Shoes- Ladies’ Fine Shoes Ladies’ Good Shoes/ COST S2kE E, i PUBLIC SCHOOL TFA( 111 RS Some Annoi nci mlnis By The County I ScHOi L CoMY.I3SIi.-M RS. I desire to say first al', that the teachere will be paid for five nr nths , of the present year on the salary pay I ancthis amcui t will be paid quar terly— hat ie five k u'o--k w.ll be paid fo.’ <n th 31; t of M lit weeks on the 30th of June, five wests on the 31st of 1 ecen.b r. TLe coun. tv board of education his <0 c de! I i that each teacher can, if it n.its bi patrons, teach the five months conse cutively; begin ling to r ckon the tin e from the first day of January; or I divide the termat I h own option, s > as to tea di tbe five months* term I by the first of December. The board has also d cided that the public school* of the county, outside of thesuburbs < t the city of Rome, shall not be nearer to each other than two miles. So teachers who have not a read) contracted for sci>o,>l , must iu-ro by take no’ice, aud govern ’li'iii j kins. Towels. Red and White Flannels. Dress L'ning. White Bed Spread .Jeans. 10-4 Sheeting 5-4 PilloA/ Casingbleach ed Domestics. Drill ings, Sheetings Shirt ingsCalicos Buttons. Thread Blanketsand Comfors. GENTS’ FUSNISH ING GOODS Scarfs. Half Hose. Suspenders Collars and Cuffs Fine Shirts Flannel sh rtscotton shirts. Undershirts Overshirts. Overalls 10 CENTS A WEEK. and Jackets. Rub ber Coats Good line of Hals-Good line of Ladies’ and Misses* Hose. Children’s Hose. Ladies’ Hand kerchief- Ladies’ Undervests. Ladies Gloves Shawls scarfs Cloaks Jackete. Gos samers. Misses’ Gos samers. Misses’ Cor sets. Ladies Corsets, etc. Boys’ Shirt Waists, Spool Silk. Spool Cotton, SHOES. Ladies Cheap Shoes 1 Misses’ Shoes Childrens Shoes Chiidrens’ Rubber / selves accordingly. The board has further decided that as all payments must be made on the salary plan, that dc school will be recognized here dfter, as a public school, with a less average attendance than fif teen pupils for the whole five months, I desi re to stale also, that I will be m my office until the first of February for the purpose of con tracting with Lachers for the present year. I desire to see every teacher, who has not already con tracted before that time; for after that time for at least six weeks I will be visiting the scnools. dw-lt W. M. Bridges, C. S. C.. French Tansy Wafers. Ladies will find the wafers just what they need, and can be depend ed upon ever , time to give relief. Safe aud sure. Can be sent by mail sealed securely. Price $2.00 per box. Emer son Ihu ■ Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sak by 1 ieese A "Whitehead.