The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 21, 1894, Image 3

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COAL. The L»est Blacksmith Coal the best Coal for grates and stoves Call on- J. A. George, Telephone 29. H.CWOOD. TINNER AND SHEET IRON WORKER Tin Roofing a speciality, all kinds of Tin and sheet Iron Repairing neatly cheaply and promptly done. Estimates on large or small obs made. Shop at, 410 Broad Street. liinsft G. H. BAWLING 31 8 BROAD ST. Just Opened tae fllfO Saving House west Cleanest II | \ e ers get their pretiestand best of U IUI , , ZT fflass crockery all the cheapest Isl A . . . rr . 1 111 !■ china and Tinware line ot Toys ever 1 I I \ seen in this city. 11l 1 FanCy Goods u0 ’ They are all fresh UULLUj lions and novelties aid new we can of all kinds at the Please you. j| Q Novelty Store” U uj 5& 10C GOODS a specialty "TcENTS T" YEAR. ’ theromecourier. Tne best weekly news paper ever published in Doyd County. I . ’ ou a friend in the far "West who would appre- I good thing? >end tilc ROME COURIER. It '° ll d ivlative in tl.e bkak North you would in- IdUCC' to . J I 1 llll ° S C )untr y? Se id the ROME l‘Cro vtl - V loved one or acquaintance in tn e jI Sori i 11 y° u w °uld induce to come South? hen I ROME COURIER. I THE r ome couriers I Subset ' eSS lan a cen t a weeK | yourfrjervt once ’ or 'send us the address of t conv‘ . an d le * us send him a sample F py * Address, THE ROME COURIER. ROME GA. I EQUAL TO THE OCCASION. I He was a inibl younj* fellow, and as his sweetheart imagined, without much force of character, as he kept putting the “ask papa’ day off indifi nately. So the joung woman prompt ed him to be sure he was right and then go ahead. You see, papa has a gieat deal of bluff and bluster, but when you come right down to it he is perfectly safe. Only you must show him that you have plenty of courage—real grit. That’s what he likes. “Alright. Suppose you ask him to step in now. I may as well get my hand in if that is the way works. ’’ “But, dearest, he is awful big and strong, you know ” Oh! if it comes to personal violence I will defend myself with the furni ture. Trot him in. “ And you wont let him put you off? “N it abit.” Then I’ll tell him you want to sea him. There were two chances of es cape for the young man—one byway of the door, the other by the window but he did not avail himself of ei ther • When the father strode into the room with his Lest knock down-and drag-out air the youth rose indiffer ently to meet him. “Well, well what’s all this about? I understand you want to see me . Well, look at me now and be quick about, growled the father H,in cant say as you are much to bok at, Mr . I merely 7 wished to mention to you that Miss Clara has engaged herself to me with my con sent, and I propose to fill my paut of the contract to the letter Idiot! idiot! My daughter Take care, old man. Call mo as rtiany names as you please, but refer to my future wife with proper re pect. Get out of this house, you Certainly. As soon as my wife that is to be can conveniently pack up her belongings we will go. “Why, you impudent” Oh keep cool; keep cool. I could hold you out of the window with one baud and cal! for the police with the other. I was champion hitter and slugger at college. Look at that muscle, aud he clinched a No. 7 hand into a formidable fist. ‘T never was so” “Nor I. Call it quits.;! want your daughter, and I don’t care a conti nental for your money or your blessing. We can begin the world without either, just as the other fools have done . This is business Sir, business. The father felt his own head to see if he was going to have an apo plectic fit, then answered grimly : “Alright; I like your style, I should have said yes anyway if you had given me time, but you took me by surprise. I may say I wa s n evei so surprised in my life. ” Nor I, assented the lover as he sunk almost fainting into a chair, but I'm a business man, and dont you forget it. T dont stand any foolish ness either in live or war, and he wiped the cold perspiration off his forehead with a nervous hsnd. He had won the day and the girl too. I If you have any kind of repairs 1 you want done on your watches, clocks and jewelry carry it to B. F. Roark, Davis’ old stand and you will get it done in the very best of workmanship, aud all work guaranteed. The best remedy in the world for diarrhoea and other summer com plaints is Reese’s diarrhoea cordial atisfaction given or money refunded Reese & Whitehead. i Call on Ben Wright for good j stenographic work. Office with Judg Meyerhardt in new court hous <, , amuii r icwsiiiibmi The persistent cough which usually ' follows an attack of the grippe can be | permanently cured by takiner Cham- i berlain’s Cough Remedy, W. A. Me j Guire of Me Kay, Ohio, says: “La , Grippe left me with a severe cough, After using several different medi cines without relief, I tried Chamber a ’s Cough Remedy, which effected i a per manent cure, I have also found £ it to be without an equal for children i whetr troubled with colds or croup. I 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by ( Lowry Bros Druggist, < CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST. First Church: Cor. 3rd Ave., and East 2nd Stie.;t. Rev. Joel T. Gibson Pastor. by Rev TFPierce at 11 a. in. and 7P. M. tomorrow. Prayer meeting, in Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. Sunday School, Sunday at 930 A. M o’clock. Henry Harvey Supt. Strangers cordially invited to attend these services. Second Church: West 2nd Street between Ave. A- wd 4ve. 13 Rev, G. W. Duvall, Pastor. Services, Cbii ducted by the Pastor today at the usual hour. Prayer meeting Wednes day evening. Epworth League this afternoon at'3 o’clock. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. B. Hill Supt. Third Church: Main Street near Bluff. Rev. W. S. Stevens Pastor preaching at 11 a. in. aud 7 p.m. By the pastor, Prayer meetifig Wed nesday evening. Sunday School this morning at 9:30 o’clock, T. J. Reece Supt. Claes meeting this afternoon at 3:30 o,clock. Pansy Chapel.- Bth Ave. near East 3rd Street Sunday School this morn ng at 9:30 o'clock .Junius George Supt. Preaching at 11 A M by O, L, Millican, Everybody invited to attend. North Rome: Church St. Be tween Kingston and Calhoun Ave nue. Rev. J. A. Sewell pastor.] r ach ing morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday School this morn mg at the usual hour.|T. B.Broach Supt. West Rome, Chapel, Sunday School today at the usual hour. E. F. Smith Supt. East Rome, Preaching at Wyatts Chapel today at 11 a. m. and7 p.m by Rev Wm Murdoch. Sunday Schools as usual Prayer meeting Wednesday eve ning. BAPTIST. First Church : Corner 4th Ave nue aud East Ist street. Rev. R.- B. Ileadden, D. D. pastor. Services 1 tod-iy as usuai. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. W. I. Neal, Supt. North Rome: Upper Broad St. Rev J. J. Hunt, pastor. Sunday School at 9: 30 a, m. o’clock, J. J. Reece Supt. Second Church :Corner sih Ave. and Mulberry Street. Rev. H. C. Gilbert pastor, Preaching at 11 a m.and 7 p. m. by tho pastor. Pray er meeting Wednesday evening. Sunday School this morning J A. Glover Supt. PRESBYTERIAN First Church Cor. 3rd Ave. and Esat Ist Stre | pn a h ng| n ’u< e by the pastor, Rev G T Goetchins at Ham and 7pm today. Sunday School at 9: 30 a in C E McLin Supt. Prayer meeting 'Wednesday evening. Secord Church: Rev W Lee 11-T red pastor, iservice as usual. Sunday Schoo’, conducted by the bupt G H Miller. MISCELLANEOUS Y.M C A Nobles hal 1 , service for men only at 3:30 o’clock this at Boys service at 2;30 o’ clock. Strangers stopping in the city cordially invited to attend these services. THERE'S DISC OM KO RT, fpain and gripgig, v.’iiii the usual pills. Take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, and there’s noth ing of the kind. You regulate the dose accord ing to your needs —one little Pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective, three for a cathartic — but it’s all jierfectly easy and natural. And the ( Leip that comes iu this way, lasts. These tiny, sugar-coated granules are the ( smallest in size and the easiest to take. They absolutely and permanently cure Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Bilious , Headache, Dizziness, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and , I bowels. | For the worst cases of chronic Catarrh, for < Catarrhal Headache, impaired taste, smell, or hearing, and all the troubles that follow Catarrh, tnere’s nothing so prompt to relieve | and so certain to cure, as Dr. Sage's Catarrh . Remedy. Its proprietors offer SSOO reward for any case of Catarrh which they cannot ’ cure. ( Wanted: —A position as sales man, book-keeper or bill cler' r in , a wholesale or retail grocery btei- . ness, by a man with 15 vears ex perience in Southern Kentucky ! Good references. Address A. A, * care this office. 1-ltf f THE CAMPAIGN IN CLARKE. The gubernatorial campaign in Clarke county is starting off brisk ly and at an early date. The friends of both General Ivans and Mr. Atkinson are working with a will, and the former have organized themselves into ‘ The Evans Club of Clarke Cnuuty.” While some are making idle hoasts’as to what they intend doing with Mr. Atkin sou so far as this county is con cerned, the friends of that gentle man are sitting steady in ths boat and will he heard from at the prop er fc time. That General Evans should have strength here is no surprise. He lived here three years and «as as good a preacher as he is today. But it will be somewhat of a surprise to hia enthusiastic friends when they wake one of these fine mornings and find that the county h-'s gone for Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson is the most thorough ly fitted man for the place and , he is the man that the people of Clarke county will cast their vote for.—Athens Banner. Window glass and putty of all ordinary sizes, at extra-ordiuary low prices at Reese & Whitehead’s, 327 Broad St. The large furniture establishment of W A Rhudy, since its removal to the Kincaid corner has kept all hands busy arranging the mammoth stock so as to exhibit it to prospect ive purchosers to the best advantage. By hard woi k things are now in shape and anyone and everyone de siring to purchase anything in the furniture, or carpet line would do well to call on W A Rhudy and see his immense stock Jof all kinds of furniture he has from which you can select and see how very reasonable 1 and cheap his prices are. 1 \\ Ais one of the cleverest men ii* all this land an other lands and what I he say’s about his goods you can swtar to and he will treat you fair and at every time If you wish to look at a handsome stock of furniture, carpets, mattings, rugs and window shades just call at ( the Kincaid coiner W. A. Rhudy 01 one of his polite and accomodating men will show you through the stock. O ler for anything in the underfak . ing aid eml aiming line will receive ti 6 best m l nrnmnh st attention. Dur ng t’l) epidemic of lagiippe Charmberiain’s Cough Remedy took the lead here and was much better liked thau other cough medicine.“ H. M. Bangs, druggist, Chatsworth, 111. The grip is much the same as a very severe cold aud requires preci sely the sauu treatment. This Reme dy is piompt and effectual and will prevent any tendency of the disease toward pneumonia. For sale by— Lowry Bros Druggists. Ladle*. lair Dressing Mrs. Sitton, is now ready to wash hair aud, dress the hair for any occa t ion, cut f 'e .rl the bangs, also treat the face, or in other words make ladies bea tiful in two weeks. Cal' No 1 .UL Ave Eae* R'une Ga r■'***§ MAGNETIC OSL ys Internal and ■ Care.- UHEtm aTiSit. Nlll't; '. a OXA. Lame Buck. S|xruins, Un i-. -•A'-fc. J# , Swelling.-, stiff tOLIC-. I'S inrt:.rl>>. CholAru VL’UJS&u :»•’»». Croup.Uipthcria, Sore Thro.' faycUDACHF, as it by magic. HE HORSE BRAND. .lemoFt Powerful and Penetrating I Juiment for Ala - / Beabt in exibtence. Large tl size 7tic., GDc, trizo 4(>c JOHNSON’S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and Toilet. The Great SUin Cure mu ! race Beautifler. Lndies will fin Itt e rao-: delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Soap on I tho market. It is absolutely pure. Makes the km soft and velvety and restores the lost COT> i Dlexion; is n luxury for tho Bath for fnfant... It alays itching cleanses the scalp un i D-otnol i the growth of hair. i*rioalSc. For eale tv D. W. Curry, druggist - Fitts dizziness, hysteria, wake fulness, bad dreams and softening of the brain quickly cured by Magnetic Nervine. Sold by D. W. Curry Druggist. f Inflamed Aching, burning, crus 1 ty and scaly skin and scalps of in fante, soothed and cured by John son’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D- W. Curry Druggist. j Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, lame back, it quickly relieves pain 11 f If you have sour stomach and u feel bilious, and yt ur head aches t take a Japanese Liver Pellet, n ‘ will ru.ifve you. Scid by D W Curry iJrugp'st r - -e For sale —My 6 room house n situated on Fourth Avenue be tween East Third aud Fourth I" streets. Will sell cheap and on 0 easy terms. For further particu- 1 sale Ayply to L. Morel Rome, Ga i PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DENTISTS. | A. WILLS— Dentist— JOB l r 2 Broad d.rett J B over Cantrell and Owenn stere. ATTORNEYS. MAX MEYERHARDT? - Attorney at Law. Office up stairs in new Court House in rear of Superior Court Room, JAMES H NEVIN —Attorney at Law OtU/ Horerty II al poito.diii cor.ior grd Avenue CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD—Attorney at tww Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. REECE <S DENNY—Attorneys at law. Offifc iu Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. WW. VANDIVER—Attorney and Coop B eellor at Law—Rome, Ga. WH. ENNIS-Jno. W. STARLING-Ennl ■ £ Starling. Attorney* at Law, Masimi, Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23. WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Offioeio Masonic Temple, Rome, Georgia. felXfiitf W 8 M HENRY, W. J. B J. NEAL—M’Heur,, Nunnally Neal- Attorueye-at-atLa w, office over Halt Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Rome, Ga PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. HOWARD E. FicLTUN-Phvaiciau andlbi geon-Office ever Hammack Lucas Co’* drug store. Khtraneo »u Broad street. A office day and night. Telephone «2. DH.RAIfSUTt— Physician and Surgeon. o Office at residence eu avenue A, Fourt. ward. Ll’- HAM.MGND—Physician and Surgeon- B Offers hie | sofesaional services to the tm< pie of and surrounding count? Office at Cronch and Watson's drug store. 2i< Broad street. Dr. WYbTLbS F-Office at C. A. Trevltt drug store. Xo. 331 Broad street. Telephon 110. residence. No. 21 DR- C. F. GR» FIN-Physician and Burgin —Office n«w Masonic building. Reeidenee 300 4th av„aue. \ LL 1 SlO H Sfl u '"' Whif >key Habltr. 59 Mb tfegj 3 a cuied iu home with rS El ME ■ SH 0 " 1 of P ar - fii SS S ■VW in titulars sent FttEE ELSaMMMMMMB B.M.WOOLLEY,M.D Atumtn, fia. Office 10414 Whitehall SV CAU'i . . 0.. .a W. T. ' liu’iiflA.i £>hoeti n.t u lodnct-tl price, or say he has them without name stamped 0.. bottom, put i&im duivu as a fraud. e W. L. Douglas S 3 SHOE TH B £ E WORLD. W. Is. DOUGLAS Shoes arc stylish, easy fr p ting, and give LcUc*' s; faction at the prices ad b vertised than any other make. Try one pair an be convinced. The stamping of \v. L. Douglab' ' name and price on the bottom, v. hich guarantee ; p their value, saves thousands of dollars annuall 4 tj tho-.e who weir them. Dealers who push th Side of W. L. Dnu ’les Shoes gain customers, which Mp; fn f.e les on their full lin ’ of'foo l. 1 hey cm : r-1 to f ell :t a less profit, I and v j believe wi cm ive morn v 1-v buyingai* yr r I r• ( advertised briow. C J ■ ’•*)«• • • •»;> •• yXdd-«’cs, W. J, hOUG- ' ’ ‘cton.nT-.SN CANTRELL & OWENS STARKE THE MERCKANT TAILOR HANDSOME LINE OF FALL PATTERNS JUSTIin. ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE. CALL ON S.M.STARkE ARMSTRONG BLCCK agents make five dollars a day. Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invtttfid. Retails 35 cts. 2 to 6 s >ld in every house : saw pls Postage paid five cents McMAKIN * Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. CITY REGISTRY TION. Netice of Registration of Vot< { City Election. Offlcal notice is heieby given that the book i for the registration of city voters for the next municiple election are now open at the clerk <4 the council s office at the city Hall- AU City taxes, fines, and all dues to the city must in paid before registering ihe attention of city voters is called especially of the fact that the payment of taxes does not register voters in the city registeration, but in addition to paying all tines to the city personal application must be ma Je to the clerk. Attention of all city voters is called to thi 1 notice. Registration cicses Saturday Feby 17 at 7 o’clock p. in. Election Tuesday March 6, 1894. M. A. Nevin, Clerk Council. Feby. 17.