The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 26, 1894, Image 4

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LOCALS Miss Lillian Lochrane uni Mrs Willis Westmoreland are near Rome, visiting friends., Mrs. Lochrane will join them in a few days. Atlanta Journal. Mr L. B Htrless,of Rome, ha-< one huudrad and sixty acit b of land from J It. Coker, of Aniston, Ala., that lies about six miles from Trion. —Chattooga News. Col J E Sliumats of D.dton spent the day in the city. You can ouy a Mac intosh coat or a first class umbrella at fac tory prices at Gam mon’s Cash Cost Sale. Capt R. G . Clark and hie bride have returned to the aity from their bridal tour New ork and other Eastern cities. You can buy a first quality Stetson hat at factory price at Gam mon’s Cash Cost Sale. | Mr. Fred Lochrea, one of AtlaiJj tas most handsome young mea, is in the city for a day or two visit ing relatives. WANTED! Second hand type writing Rem mington Machine. Address 1-17-ts Hustler of Rome. Linen towels voith $3 per doa will sell u. $2. Fine fast black regular made hose ry worth GOets, for 35. A B McArver A Co. All wool dress Flannel worth 50c per yard for 33cts. A B McArver A Co. Cost sale. An effort : s being nad • to in duce Co!. T. W. Alexander to run for Mayor. A petition is »eing cir culated and several signatures have been secuicd. Col. Alexander isnotoulya popular cit z-n, but an able man Go to A B McArver ACo to buy your goods at Coat. A B McArver A Co Store was crowded with customers yesterday buying goods at Ccst. Read A B McArver A Co adver tisement on front page. Mrs. C. C. Holn <B )f Macon Ga is in the city, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wardlaw at their pretty home on Avenue A. In Gammon’s Cash Cosa Sale you can get a fine well-fittingchild’ suit for less than you can anywhere, even it you bought them of the trash shops. Mr. Thomas Warters, proprietor of the Rome Cigar Factory, has returned to tho city from a busi ness trip to Atlanta. J W Thornton and L S Collier, two of Cuatimooga's leading business men came down today and put in the day looking after their valuable properties around Rome. Hon A H Wyche of Macon spent the day in the Hill City. A httle baby girl arrived at th* lent ci Jut’e »i d MiM M. Hen ry last Friday, audit is n ‘edless tossa that she is the autocrat of the house hold, paying the smallest possibly heed to the ruilings or decisions of his Honor But the judge, from much experience, has learned to submit racefully.—Chattooga News. _ u i •• P v -«RESTAURANT.«- Boarding and Lodging! I have opened up a first class Restaurant and Boarding House, at 202. Fifth Ave. Opposite the new Court House, And invite your patronage. Prices reasona ble. special Rates by tne Day Week, or Month, give me a call. Pryor E. Williams, A KLOSTER OF BULL'S EYE *HOTS. It was early yesterday morning when the wind was playing nip and tuck through the reporter" whiskers thst he p ssed down Broad Street and ran into a con course of leading citiz 'ns in front of Reese.A Whiteheads drugstore. » 1* ♦ •‘This is a fearfully cold uioru *ug,” exclaimed Capt. Moseley. “The coldest I have experienced in forty years,' said Col. Jim Nevin as he crope his neck down into his Chin chilla. “Whew!' exclaimed little nie Reese ae he stamped hi" little ootsie toetsiee on the pavement. “Whsit does the thermomet e. ay? asked Alf Harper as he recalled hitoeelf from a deep reverie in which he seemed to be calculat ; ng hew many cubic yards of maca dam could be crushed from one I average siz*d volumu «f Black— I stone. i With oueaccord we turned unto the big th*ifmometre that hangs jnst out of the Drug store window, and —ye gods—she registered 13 belo* zero. * • * At that moment, even an edito rial on beet culture and villiage farming would have been warm to our touch. Later we discovered that t e themomet re had Been mon keyed with and was no more to be relied ou thau a.n Evans 800m — besides, like it. the thing was bust"d . And we all drank —coco cola. « • * The plate glass window in the new Curry Building is not only the largest in the city, but one of the most perfect in the Sta'e. The glass is eight feet high and thir teen feet six inches wide. The Cur ry building is perhaps, the hand sumest business house in Rome. It will be ready for occupancy on the first. • * .Speaking of the Curry building, reminds ine that the S6,GW soda foundtain of the firm has arrived and will soon be put in place. Think of it a 5 cent drink from a six thousand dollar fount—why a dimes worth of mince pie and » thousand dollar nightmare ain’t i i it at all, stall! A rooster fight has been arrang ed for, up in Timbuctoo, just ab ve North Rome. Governor Nor then however, has been not fied and has got the police and a posse of white caps guarding the Possum Trott rangers until his arrival. Our war goveuor propos sto lead the charge and suppress the rebellion, take notice. You are hereby notified to come torward and pay your street tax it ouca, as you will be summoned o appear before the mayor and o< uic silling as a board of com mi ioners. You are liable to be tinea for non-payment of same. J. C. Brown, ts. City Marshal. Fiae white Bed Spreads worth $2 for $1,20 A B McArver A Co. B!an' ets worth $6.00 350 “ “ 5.00 “ 3.00 " “ 4.00 “ 2.50 “ 3.50 ‘ 2.00 “ “ ,2.50 “ 1.50 “ “ 200 “ 1.25 “ . , “ 1.75 “ 1/0 “ 1.25 “ .85 A. B-. MeArver A Co. - - - - ■•---. ’ NINEVEH SFALL- Only'Oni Scrapping Match To Dis POSE OF. The regular convocation of the house of Nineveh was held this fore noon but owing to the l ick of witu- s-> the fill was a tains affair and boob disposed of. Several cases were disposed of, or. carried over - The only one tried was against Colored Sergeant, Jessy II >lt who was charged with fighting and disorderly conduct. The evidence showed, that L«-t> Hymen a “darktowu dynaster’ had begun the rucus, and that when he found that the “Sergeant” was ub common coustituator he fied and reported the case to an officer. Had the truth been “come at ableY r the “Sergeant” would have “come clear,” As it was, he w: s fined $5 while the prosecutor wa e fined $7,50. The “Serg< ant’’ paid his fi+ie and walked out. f- OFFICER L'XUNS CAT. Officer Tom Lbgan comes for ward with a scheme to do away with rabbit Mr Logan says that all that is necessary is to take a kitten, bob off its tail and feed it. In due course of lime the kitten makes a Robert tailed kat and that every Robert tailed kat he has ever known has been a first class rabbit catcher. Mr Logan will apply for a patent on the scheme. He proposes to sell the kittea tails to Pink Shropshire who will stock his fish pond and raise kat fish and kat tails for market DEATH OF MR. SCHIRMER. Died in Kansas City. Will be Buried Here. Mr. Frank Schirmer, of Kansas City, dropped dead at his heme this forenoon. Mr. Schirmer’s wife was a sister »f .Mrs. R J, Gwaltney, aud is bur ied on Myrtle Hill. He has a daughter, Miss Ella Schirmer, who is in tl i city b »sr 1- mg at Mr, Sam Cothrans and at tending Shorter College. The remain" have been shipped, and it is thought, will arrive in Rome about Sunday morning They will be intered ty those of his wife, His daughter, is very mu-jh dis tressed over the sudden death of her Father. Mr. Sehimer was in Rome on a visit two weeks ago. We carry ? large and well selected stock of Gold and steel frames, Lenses & etc. Hammack Lucas& Co- Buist’s prize medal ga> ’on seeds, for sale by, Hammack Lucas & Co. If you want a first class tailor made suit, i cheaper than vou ever saw trash sold, visit Gammon’s Cash Cost Sale. You can buy a first class trunk, bagorva lise at the closest fac tory price, at Gam | mon’s Cash Cost Sale. T notice::: The public will please take notice that the freight depots of all the Railroads in this city hereafter will be closed between the hours of 12 noon and 1 p. m. CHAS. I. GRAVES. Agent E- T. V.& G. R. R C. S.PRUDEN. Agent Central R. R. J. H. CALDWELL. Agent Rome R. R Rome, Ga, Jan, 15, 1894. 1-16 6t JOB niRTUG IF YOU NEED Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Hea s, Statements, Envelopes, Circulars, Programs, Posters, Dodgers, Pamphlets, Minutes, Cards, Tickets OR ANYTHING FROM A VISITING CARD TO ’ A 3-SHEET POSTER, YOU CAIV SAVE MONEY By Getting Estimates From the SHANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE. A large assortment of New Type, Rules, Borders, Etc. If you want to save money on your print ing, give us a chance to bid on it. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. SHAHSTIKZLIZN" J"O2E3 FIRLTZbTTIITQ- HOUSE AFTER IS 4 A> ■ The Greatest, knock down in prices ever Known. 1 c ~ ' *HAMMACK, LUCAS & CO.* C? fl. - .» < • w f f .< . . We Mean Business Cal! snd get our Prices Before Buying we are Selling, SASH DOORS and BUNDS. FLOORINQ,CEILING G BALLUSTERSand BRACKETS AT BOTTOM PRICES. ALEXANDER & HUME NEW CENTRAL HOTEL NEW MANAGEMENT NEW FUENISHINGS N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor. RENOVATED THROUGHOUT ALL MODERN 1 lAIPROVEMENTS ELECTRIC BELLS ELECTRIC LICHTS. TheßeunaVista REMODELED RESOV A TED AKD REFURNISHED. THE ONLY sloo, A DAY HOTEL IN THE CITY Table supplied with the best the a fords polite and attentive servants. u ATES, transient SI.OO, PaV y the week m '1 th. JMLRS.S.E VICK. PROPRIE SS orner 6th Avenae and Broad Street Rom e ~I I ■ \TS A y’e .Cl i'.' THE ROME COURIER. ▼ ’ The best weekly news paper ever published in Floyd County. * , ” ■ ■ . . - - - ■ ■ - Have you a friend in the fdßAVefit who would appre ciate a good thing? Send the RCJME COUf?IER< J Have you a relative in the bleak North you would in duce to move into God’s country? Send the ROME COURIER. Have you a friend, loved one or acquaintance in t crowded East who you would induce to come South? he Send the ROME COURIER. ->§THE ROME Costs less than a cent a weeK Subscribe at once, or 2send us the address of your friend and let us send him a sample copy. Address, THE ROME COURIER. ROME GA. L' I