The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, February 08, 1894, Image 1

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THE HUSTLER ()• ROME. THIRD year. jMWSIIitt ** * Chattooga'* Drunken Sheriff has resigned. A Mt RDERER. B y tak i. s l>imoutvfJuil»nd gelling’ (lrunk with him. Judge Henry takes a h;l nd a.d calls halt in Aertrelry. | The folding, elippe< l from yes ttrday’s Chattooga News will make I most inteiWing reading m dter for the people of this city • S CHATTOC GA S DI-GRAt’E. I Monday <v> ning about Slier- ■ iff Rrvan iice.-inp.mied by Jail t Buc hanan took John Jones oat of ja a 1 I won. down to Ch. in nous' bar. Here fl ‘’set drinks to I Joces. They sfinc 1 tlieie some lilth I time Joins remarked I that be ut-Hc 1 to go back From the H bur the trio crossed over to Hiles B dore up t:.e street to Cleg fl Lorn’s where some little purchase B was made, and then back to the j;il. ■ Sheriff Bryan’' and da lor Buc g hanan were both drunk so d'Uiik B iu fact, that they could not walk ■ straight. Otm witness raid the fl sheriff was so drunk that Jones B had to support him as limy walked ■ Judge Henry was promptly no fl tified, and Im dincted Deputy g Sheriff Dave Henley to take charge fl of the jail until further orders g Last night Sheriff Bryan's resigns fel tiou was forwarded to Gov, Nor- B then. It is understood that Ins bonds- I men had determined to be released I and if they had not so decided, an B effort wodld have been made to B impeach him ’ Last 'Sunday afternoon Jailor ■ Buchanan was »o drunk that he ■ fell-sprawling in the floor and ■ could not rise without aesis ance. I He ii habitually drinking or drunk I and it is stated on good authority that he left the jail door unlocked B a few days ago with three prisoners inside, one of them charged with B murder. j It should be stated here that Fl Jones, whom the sheriff was exercis- I I ing for his health Monday evening, I*l was not hand cuffed or confined in, 1.1 anyway. They were out between Kl dusk and dark and there was nothin" ■k O KI to prevent Lis escape if he.ha I tried. K- He is in jail charged with murder-- 111 ing his father, and was arrested by ■I Sa»n Kim two weeks ago. Governor H N u.- the case of enough I I importance to < ff-r a reward of S2OO ■ which has been paid. Ip The whole business is an infa- K| mousshame, and a burning dis- H| grace to the country It is passing g| strange that intelligent people will ■ submit to such drunker, imbecility F | so long. Further, it is a reflection || 01? - every good citi Z en in the coun ty that such men can get enough B votes to be elected to office. W. A. RHUDY, Furniture and Undertaking, Carpetsand Matting CORNER. C3C3*7„ EROAD ST. ROME GEORGIA. It is presumed another election will be ordered at once, and it is hoped that the law abidii g people will see to it this time, that a to h r, reliable) and responsible man is elected to fill this important of fice. They have the conso'ation of knowing, at least, that they aai not do worse than they did befon —if there is any consolation iu it The people of Rome are not unacquainted with the character of Sheriff Bryan, of Chattoga Ou more than one occasion ho ha* been arrested for drunkness while in this city. His action, iu the recent outra ges in bis county, when Mr. Adams was killed by three wondering ne groes, is believed to have had much to do with the feeling which pr mpted good men to take two of the negroes from jail and 1 nc them. It is claimed that good citizens feared that thi drunken officials wSuld allow the negroes a chance to escape and they therefore tool, the matter in their own hands. A gentleman from Chattooga said today, that when Sheriff Bry an’s last escapade was reported to Judge Henry that Official look ed up the drunken sheriff and Jail or who were being supported by the murderer prisoneis and ‘“just ripped him up the bask.” The citizens of Summerville are highly indignant and many of them hope the sheriffs resignation will not be accepted—thinking that common decency demands that he publicly impeached. Editor Cain's scathing remarks, as published in the News, are re . gar Jed as none too strong, and his courageous denouncment has hit the popular chord. RETRUN. With the new receiver ship of the C. R,&C, road Rome has already been benefited, in as much as the establishment of head quarters in this city has brought back to the city Messrs Will nd Frink Darby, two of our old boys, and two of the cleverest young railroad men in *he state. Both young men have aban donedlucrative posifwus iu Atlan ta, to accept better oties on the C . R. &C. and also that they may again make Rome their future home. Mrs Will Darby, remembered as Miss Pattie Warren, is one of the most beautiful women in the South and like her popular hus band, has a host of friends who will welcome her back to the Hill City. Much interest is being manifested in the coming concert, which is to be given on Friday night, in the College Chapel of grand old Shorter. A most delightful program has been arrang ed and those who accept the cordial invitation and attend will certainly enjoy the evening. THURSDAY EVENING FEBRUARY. 8. 1894, WAS IT Flllil IW. Is the question being as ed by Waiter Mitchell's friends. BRUISES OVER THE HEART. aid t® have been found on hi* body after his death. May beau ciiuod by a “slirg «hat.” A brief letter has bee n received by the sisters of Mr. \V alter Mitch ell who’s untimely dea h occur .1 iu New Orleans this week, and. around which a cloud of mystery hangs. The letter does not state wheth er his money had been taken from his person or not. but says that he walked into his ho'id, the Victoria, uid said that he was deathly aick and requested to be sent to a hos p tai, A short time after his arrival at he hospital he breathed his last. Whether he threw any light on he cause of his death is n t mown. However, the letter states that two large blue spots were found >n his body just over his heart, immediately after his death. Mrs. Mitchell, the s.ep mother if the unfortunate young man, is ■xpected to arrive iu the city t - morrow afternoon, A Hustler of Rome renorteT 1 isked the opinion of a Roma f hy •ician this forenoon as to the prob able cause of death, t.king the bluespots over the heart into cou- Gderaf ion. He said the blue s; o‘s would never have cccured nad death re sulted from heart failure alone and he was inclined to the theory, uivi uced by tbe Hustler of Rgmk and adopted by the Rome Tribune viz: that death resulted from a blow from a ‘‘slung shot“ Said he, “a blow deli vered, from a nurderous weapon of that sort, over the heart could produce un c meciousness from which the vic una might rally for a little whi'e > die a most painful death a little W le afterwards,“ The mystery of the death’ if aueiiig much discussion in the city and public opinion is dt cideck iy inclined to a verdict of foul play. Mrs. Turrentine, the dead man‘s widowed sister, returned to her home in Gadsden today- Miss Lil lie, another of his sister is deeply grieved his untimely end, Mitchel], his brother is also very much over the tragic occurrence. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the ■ ntire community in this hour of bereavement. Ladiei flair Dressing Mrs. Sitton, is now ready to wash hair and, dress the hair for any ccca tion, efit ** e irl the bangs, a’so treat the face, or in other words make ladies bea.stiful in two weeks. Cal Ko 1 Ouk Easi Rome Ga A B.McARVER&Co. Tire Entire Stock of Dry Groocbs r Notions, Hats and Shoes, at NEW YORK GOST DRY GOODS. Dress Goods. White Silk Warp Henriettas All Wool Cashmeres, Half Woe! Cashmeres Al! woo! Flannels. Black SaHens. Col ored Sattens. Check Nainsooks. Check Lawns- Plain White Lawns. India Lawns. White and Cream Midis Hamburg Edg ing. India lined Em broderies. Torchon Laces. Ribbons. Ta ble Linens, Table Damask and Nap- SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. Men’s Fine Shoes, Good Shoes Boys’ Good Shoes, Be ys’ cheap Shoos Boy’s Rubber Shoes. Goesl® TIST THIS SYK-TutEl. SHIPP--MEYER. A Chattanooga Wedding of- In terest ‘to Romans. Cards have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Miss Carry Lou Shinn and Mr Will ’Teycr both of Chattauoo— g v '■ ling to occur in that ‘itv;>i >i. Valentine’s dav, Feb. 14'h. Miss Car-ie Lou Shipp, the pros pective bride, is well known’and xreatly admired in this city, She La graduate <f Shorter Colirge and had oflan visited here. At least two ymting Romans have extended invitations, with black borders, ask mg the happy couple to visit Room on the 15Hi and at tend a pair of fashionab t> sum ra s from their individual residences. kins. Towels. Red and White Flannels. Dress Lining. White Bed Spread •. Jeans. 10-4 Sheeting 5-4 PillOiV Casing bleach ed Domestics. Drill ings, She: tings Shirt ings Calicos Buttons, Thread lanketsand Comfcrls. GENTS’ FUSNISH- 1N G GOO D 3 Scarfs. Half Hose, Suspenders Collars a n d C ulfs F i n e S h i rts Flannel shirt cotton shirts. Undershirts, Oversh i r t s. Ov3r a 11 s | , Mens’Cheap Shoes I Ladies’ Rubber Shoes. Ladies’ Shoes. Ladies’ Fine Shoes Ladies’ Good Shoes CONFEDERATE YE I FR.>NS W T/l. HO D AN IMPORTAN MEETING TUES AY. An i portaut mutirj-f the Coufcdir.ite Vet ,< i e <’ nip is hereby called to » t Tues lay at 11 ’ I’34>W ■ the Su|" ' ,r <:■ ui o ou< o. the New Court House. Matters of great in are to be considered and every mem ber of the Camp are hereby urged to be present, By order of J. G. Yeis tr Co nn an ler. J T. Moor- Adjutant. 1 O CENTS* A WEEK and Jackets. Rub ber Coats Good line of Ha’s. Good line of T runks. Ladies’ and Misses* Hose. Children’s Hose. Ladies’ Hand kerchief. Ladies* Under vests. Ladies Gloves Shawls scarfs Cloaks Jackete. Gos samers. Misses’ Gas samers. Misses’ Cor sets. Ladies Corsets, etc. Boys’ Shirt Waists, Spool Silk. Spool Cotton, ; Ladies Cheap Shoes Misses’ Shoes Childrens Shoes Childrens’ Rubbers I « Buist’s prize meda garden seeds, for sal by, Hammack Lucas & Co* A T The Hustler of Rome is horized to announce the follow in ticket for mayor and alder men of the city of Rome: FOR MAYOR. JOHN J SEAY. FOR ALDERMEN. First Ward—Henry Harvey. Second Ward —H. S. LansdelL Third Ward —I, A. Gammon. Fourth Ward—Valter Harris. Fifth Ward —H ury Hoskinson.