Newspaper Page Text
Editor 'V, G Coopi r’e little 18
mouths old giil is t-siiig much
easier t"day Ou 'l ii'clay she fell
from h >' «ir and the back of her
right b> ■ <1 was s« ly burned in
a plate ■' hot <mu tv.
J. W. flaucoek sup of
the Ro. t, Ire Co , w nt down to
Binnin l *' >in today.
You can buy a f’rst
quality Stetson hat at
factory price at Gam
mon’s Cash Cost Sale.
Mn. R. V. Mitchell and daughter
Mias Estelle, returned from a ten'days
visit to NewOrleana and Montgom
Warters “Extra Good”
is his newest brand
and is the best cigar on
the Rome market.
Mrs. W I) Jones is quite ill at!
her home on upper Broad street,|
but is being skilfully tn ate 1 by
Dr Hammond.
Have you tried War
ters “Extra Good”
Rome made cigar? it
is the most fragrant
smoke on the market.
Mr. E. J, Webb, a prominent
merchant of Spring Garden, Ala.,
is in the city today.
Warters “Extra Good”
Cigar, most fragrant,
newest brand, and
Rome made, ask your
dealer for one.
Conductor .Joe Williams one of,
the cleverest railroad mon in four
states, after a three months illness
resumed his run on the Rome de
Decatur divison of the East Ten
If you want a first
class tailor made suit,
cheaper than veu ever
saw trash sold, visit
Gammon’s Cash Cost
Mr. George B»it»y, the micbin
ery man, went down to Childers
burg today.
10 cents shave at Lewis Barrett’s
old stand, now run by R. W, Lew
is. Good work by first-class bar.
bets. Hot ai d cold baths at all
hours We intend to satisfy our
customers, ami their patronage is
respectfully solicited,
R. W. Lewis.
Little Max Wright, son of lion.
Seaborn Wright, is so far conva
leecent as to be pronounced ‘‘out
of danger,”
Coosa Steamboat Schedule
After this date steamers of the
White Star Line Steamboat Co.
will leave Rome on Tuesdays and
Fridays at 5:30 a. m , of
8:40 as heretofore. Freight for
Coosa river points will be recived
on Mondays and Thurday evenii .<
J I) Kirkp; rick,
General Manager.
In a leaky house or have
a garden without fences while
the Cundell Lumber Co. is selling
the best heart shingles, oak posts
and heart fencing at “hard times'
prices. Lumber arriving every day
2 9 Imo
Boarding and Lodging!
I have opened up a first class
S Restaurant and Boarding House,
at 202. Fifth Ave. Opposite the
, new Court House, And invite
™ l your patronage. Prices reasona
ble. special Rates by tne Day
Week, or Month, give me a call
Pryor E. Wiliams
k I
Lewis Bass, will not spend the
winter in Kingston reading law.
II • is a Roman of the Romans.
You can ouy a Mac-i
intosh coat or a first
class umbrella at f c
>,orv prices at Gam
mon’s Cash Cost S'lle.
Despite the cold soap, as we go
’to pr?ss the ‘ Keely silver tea” is
in full b’ast, at the residence of
Mrs. 11. \. Smith, on East Fir®t
St. Go around, tlii 4 evening and
get a nip.
Fine white India lawns at New
York Cost, A, B McArver & Co.
Cheek Nainsook, and check lawns
at New York Cost. A B McArver &
Capt J. L. Edmondson, of the
■ g-and o'd State Road, was in the
city today—in the hands of his
Warters “Extra Good”
for sale by all cigar
Mr. T A Smith, of Chattanoego,
and J D Dunwoody, of A'lanta.
spent the day in Rome.
Table linen and Damask at New
Ncrk Cost. A B McArver & Co,
Linen Towels woith four dollars
per doz for three dollars. A B McAr
ver & Co.
Mrs. J H Demmick and Mis
Beu’a Demmick, of Anniston are
gue»ts of the Armstrong hotel.
Read A B McArver A Co’s advertise
inent on front page, >
Black silk warpe Henryetta at New
York Celt, A B McArver A Co,
Attention is directed to the an
n mneament of C ipt, L. Lytle as a
candidate to represent the Fifth
Ward at the coining city election.
Capt. Lytle is for economy and re
form and if elected will not only
m ike a good aiderman but will work
with all his might to carry out the
‘Economical Platform 1 ' of which ho
is the author.
Washington; Febuary 14, —The
senate has confirmed the following
nomiaations: Thomas Ferguson, of
Matyland, envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to Sweden;
John Barrett’ of Oregon, minister
r <i<iont and consul general tn Siam;
Thom is Jernigan, of North C arolina
eons il general to Shanghai, C iina,
D laware, Kemper of Virginia, een
sul to Amoy, China John Falcolm
Johnston, of South Carolina consi 1
at Pernambuco, Brazil. Collector of
customs—Marion Hutson, district of
Beaufort S, C,; William Keenan,dis
trict of Wilmington N, C
The senite yesterday rejected the
nomination of Benjamin Lenthier of
Massachusetts to be consul of the
United States at Sherbrooke, Q le
b’c. whoa nomination failed to re
ceive the c incurrence of theeenate
at, its last session .
Wuter tax fcr \ Fourth Quarter
is now past due. This being the last
quarter for the n cal year, it will be
necessary for con timers to meet the
bills promptly. All bills will be pre
sented at once, If i» t paid the water
will be cut off.
Consumers who wish to settle, at
the water works office can do, be
tween the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock p
m L J Wag ner,
I was sorry to see the Texians
round up Mr. Hice Howell’s herd of
Jerseys today, and put them on the
trail for a stock car depot. The herd
was a magnificent one both in size
andj .edigree.Many te irs were shed’ 1 y
the mild eyed bovine’s us .Ley par.
ed forever from the “Imperial Citv.’
♦ ♦
Capt, John Reese is very mich
“put out” over the health of his
son Burton. Every body who
knows Burton intimately knows
that he is a brainy boy awd of a
most lovable charecter. He is the
only son'eft Capt. Reese, and of
course hit# fnturehad b eo planned
but now he is smitten, and Dr.
Holmes says he will have to quit
school indefinitely I voice tha
sentiment of every oni who knows
the father when I wish the son
may fully recover in a year or se
snd yet come up to the hopes of
his parents
♦ ♦
Bob Griffin says he is goin to leave
Rems, just to eave clothing, He
says if a man were to board at
William‘B restaurant on Fifth
Avenue for a mouth he would gain
225 lbs. Heres the place for soma
of Rome's light weights—and they
should thank Bob for puiting them
onto the snap, too,
* *
News from the Rome colony in
New Orleans is to the affect that
the climate has proven so 1 • iefi
ci d toJMrs. Dr. D k H llyer, that she
will not return to her home in this
city, until the roses go in blast—
I mean bloom. Dr. Hillyer and
hie daughters Mrs. Ethel Hillyer
Harris and Mies Mai el Hillyer
and his 1 ittle grand daughter, Mies
Maud Harris will remain with
* *
With the weather “spitting mew,
and every body drawn down next to
their flannels, a box of beautiful
spring flowers in the window cfTan
ners book stors were pleasant to look
upon, and. well it was human to pluck
them from the outstretched hand of
Jack Frost.
* • *
Tha Hustlem receipt for chockelate
from Water Werks water has pro
voked much comment—One jolly
hearted fat cheeked bonif&ce tells me
that he finds the use of Water-works
water economical Says he: "I use it
exclusively in soup—you see its rich
color saves the item of canned tc
matoep' —Oh dam the Etowah. f'
• *
Capt. A. B. S. Moseley thinks he
knows how whiskey came ’o be
called “coffin varnish.“ He says
that many years ago ‘here lived in
Rvme, an undertaker who loved a
nip for his stomach's sake, Rud to
keep othe a' mit h's undertaking
establishn )»'. rawing umn
his eapitol and watering the re
maining stock he kept his jug Lid
in a coffin.
The boys found the “ardent‘and
th«y sampled it too, but the un
dertaker never missed his “coffin
varnish 1 ' until the jug run dry.
from the great, griping,
dreadful pills to Doctor
Pierce’s Pleasant Pel
w'iat nn ad
w BSr* vance there is:
•3 U hBHI These little Pellets,
scarcely Inger than
niustard seeds, are the
smallest and the easiest
to take tiny, sugar-
Ra. coated granules that
every child is ready for.
They act in the mildest, easiest, most nat
ural way. No violence, no reaction after
ward, and their help lasts. They perma
nently cure Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, anti all
derangements of the liver, stomach and
They’re put up in sealed vials. This ketns
them always fresh and reliable, unlike tin?
ordinary pills in wooden and pasteboard
They're the cheapest, for they’re guaran
teed to give satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You j>ay only for the good you get.
No matter what you’ve tried and found
wanting, you can be cured with Dr. Sage’s
Catarrh Remedy.
A B Me Vrver A Co are still selling
out their entire stock of dry goods
notions, hats and shoes at New York
Fits, dizziness, hysteria, wake
fulness, bad dreams and softening
of the brain quickly cured Hy
Magnetic Nervine. Sold by D. W
Curry Druggist.
One of the finest views of Rome
and surrounding countrys may be
I had from Fort Jackson, where th®
magnificent reeivoir for our new
water works is situated.
One evening recently Alf Har
p< r and myself went out for a lit
t jtuat, end directed our foot
steps there. The fine woods all
up ihe slopes of Fort Jackson are
h« prettiest I ever saw. Th® pines
are of almost uniform size with no
undergrowth at all, and the ground
has a soft yielding carpet of pine
needles. But the crewning glory
I eomes when yo» Maud with bared
head upon the summit. Mountains
rise tier on tier cn al! sides, until
they are lost in a faint blue line
in the distance. The Oostanaula
winas its sinuous course, like a
ribbon of silver thr< ugh rich
meadow?, and as you trv to trace
it back, you finally lose it in tl •
mountains far to the North.
Rome with its church spires,
handsome stores and elegant resi
dences, lies at our feet. The new
court bouse is strongly outlined
in the clear air, and all its grace
ful, yet substantial proportions are
brought into sharp relief,
I turn, with reluctance, at last
to descend and find Alf composing
a. d impassioned ode on Spring!
o o o
A “prominent” young society
man of Rome will give a sv e l
Pretzel Tea to the boys soou. De
licious refreshments, such as Bo
logna sausage, limburger cheese,
Hot Temolies, pretzels, and “tea,”
will be served. Each guest will be
r* quested to wear upon one lapel
of hia c.»at a bottle of Bergin Bu
gles and upon the ether a Pretzel.
Just be f ore the affair is over
each guest will be presented with
a Tomato can filled with malted
hops and half a dozen crackers, and
drays have already been engaged
to carry them safely heme,
o o o
Did you ever stop to think about
how far ahead of any town in the
•State Rome is in regard to h®r
d ugstores? The store of Ham
mack, Lucas & Co., and D. W.
Currys new one at the Corner of
Broad St. and Second Avenue, ar®
not surpassed in the South in
elegant of furniture and conv«u
ieuces of the interiors.
Then th-res the Rome Hardware
Company. They have one of the
biggest stores aud most varied a«-
s rtmeuts of such goods in the
whole country. And they are al
ways busy sending out their wares
too,and I only ask that you step iu
there some day and watch for
half an hour aud you will find all
I say to be true.
o o o
An old anti-bellum d irkey iu
Tailed*ga county Ala, finding his
larder sorely depleted and grim
want staring him in the face, ap
propriated another mails hog for
t is own use.
He was detected in the act ( f
s aying tne Porker, and w; s
promptly arrested
In due course of time the trial
came off, and uncle Tom got up
to speak in his own defense,
“Fore Gawd, yo Honor, I didn't
ontentionally kill dat air hawg. I
was anomin er loag and he just
ruu at me and tried to bite me, so
I was jist erb'eged to kill it in self
d-»rfeuce.“ He was convicted.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for alderman from the
Fifth Ward of the city of Rome.
If elected I pledge myself to dis
charge my dutn s to the best of my
ability, irrespective of party
favoritism or nationality, with
equeal rights to all, and special
favors to none. I promise you the
above and ask you to vote for me.
If it should be insiited that I was
not born in Georgia, I will say in
reply that it was not my fault. If I
could have had my choice I would
have been born in Georgia. Never
theless, I am here with you as a
matter of choice, Let Rome rise or
fall, I am with her. All that I have
is hers. Whatever is her destiny is
L. Lytle.
Mr. Lytle [is the author of the
“Economical Platform," Which
will b® reproduced in the Hustlbr
or Rom® tomorrow afternoon,
Our prescription clepartmen'
may be said to be rightupto date
We handle only Chemicalsand drug<
that are of the highest standard of purity an< |
excellence- Physiciansand famlies sending
prescription to us mav be confident that thjy
will be carefully .1 d skillfull y compounded
300. Broad St
We Mean Business Cal! snd get our Prices
Before Buying we are Selling,
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
■MOM—MMMK’IH il" ®iniißi i I i M .'"rq ,■» , .c
My exhibit of Seeds an I G irden Vegetables was a war 111 sjverfl Pii
iunas and a Special Diplona by PieJmmt Exposition Jnlges in 1891.
Incouraged by this suceess, I sent a colection Seeds to the World
Fair, and was awarded Medid Diploma for best collection there This b
high endorsement, for the Seed met in competition those great seed house
of this country, but mine got there beautifully. I have had experifM
with the various seeds offered the farmers, and my judgment any the «01.
lection below is the best. The solleetion is a choice selection of Gar
Vegetable Seeds, and is gotten up with the idea of establishing a seed bn
n ess 28 papers (extra large) of choice Vegatable Seed 1 package containin
00 Annuals (Fiower) 1 package of my Cotton, “King Improved" on
package of my Corn, “King Improved“-all postpaid for SI,OO. Circular tel
ing ah about my Seed free Address T. J. KING, Richmond, V
Seed for trial purpose® only.
We Have Every Seed iu Existence.
There is no Money in Cotton at 8c
There is an active, strong demand
for long staples at IGc, Then why
not plant it? Your answer is: Be
cause none of the long staples will
make enough to the acre justifiy plant
ing them even at 1G cts. per lb.: it is
difficult to gin it properly; it is hard
to pick out. and lands will not pro
duce staples, and so on,
Inland Sea Island is a long staple
cotton in which all objections are
removed. It is ENORMOUSLY
PRODUCTIVE, easily ginned and
no trouble to n
make it with no extra expense or
trouble. See what Mr. Jeff M elborn
has to say.
No Seed For sale until next season save a limited number of P a *
which we send out for trial purposes . Will positively refuse to s' l ' ’
any other way this season. Space forbids our saying more here but wrl
us for full information.
Packets 25 cts. by mail 3 for 60 cts., 6 for SI.OO, , v,
Floral Guide? -
Xvv. ZLvX 1 f The Pioneer Cntalocue of Vccetabl ju and - ’’
? I Contains 113 pages Bxl2 1-2 inches, with desoiip- , 1
tions that describe, net mislead j illustrations jt’Ol'- " ''
that instruct, not exaggerate.
The cover is charming in harmonious blending of (ofte'r “ ri
water color prints in green and white, with a gold back- lu anthemun')
f ; r ! S ground,—a dream of beauty. 32 pages of Novelties mi s ßf us. Sunsth
eWf-TCA i printed tnß different colors. All the leading novelties 111 ’ . i.jptVirk.
JWi.Ci.LA 1 and the best of the old varieties. These? hard times you ‘ , ( ;|nri*
Vick's r cannot affon' to run anr risk. Buv HONEST GOOES Large Jiornimt
I, ' 5 / where you will receive FULL MEASURE Itis not nec- Sn< iiiOUC, I
••’iV’iu'"'-C I eseary to advertise that Vick’s seeets grow, this is known i’Ouu
’•NC|w > the world over, and also that the harvest pays. Avery Charmer I «*• ,
V x 'oil- little spent for proper seed will save grocer’s and doe- , ji u rnlir
VricslScts torsi.ills. Manyconcede Vick’s Floral Guide the band- " a 65 l , hP r i’.'tel 11 *
aomest catalogue for IKU. It you love a tine garden ....
<l?ra'tePsWk. send address now, with la cents, which mav lie deducted
from liist order. *3eo Cash Prizes tor Potatoes.
Richmond Va;
This is to certify that I had “Inlaol
Sea Islam" cottna plant’i 1 ‘
plots with Sea Island, uh ■<
Allens latest improved lo •-
Ozier Silk Southern Hope
c iher var.’etes of long lint. U ,
land Sea Island was a gre .t
earlier than any of them and
one third more lint per plot
size) than any and double as
as any save one variety (Ozier e.
While the lint was no lon ’er ‘
the Allen it was much finer
and richer colored than it or
except Sea Island and Allisons
but it made four times as
plot as either of these two. I
your Inland Sea Island a big J
forward in the long lint bus
because of its Earliness 9
Prolificness. ~
Very truly! JEFF WELBOBS