The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, March 04, 1894, Image 2
THE HDSTLEB OF ROME. f M as "Or* -•!«* neomn-claa* Mail <at*f Pi'” G.BYBD, '/y"".;'.''' daily and Sunday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIG 1£) cent a week or $5 00 per annum FFICE: Corner Broad Street and b 'ifth Avenue. Official Organ Df the city of Rome, and Foyd, the “Banner county of Georgia. - ~ ANNOUNCEMENT. Rome Ga. Jan. 23. 1894. Kdttor Hustler or Rome. You are hereby authorized to announce this ticket to the voters of Rome, subject to their action in the 'coining municipal election, Ask ing their support, we pledge our best effort, individual and com bined, to the services of the people and to the upbuilding of our city. Respectfully, FOR MAYOR JOHN I). MOORE. FOR ALDERMEN First Ward—A. B. McArver, Second Ward—W. J Nee-1, Third Ward —Henry Sioffragan. Fourth Ward Walter Harris, Fifth Ward -T.J. McCaffrey. Mr. Atkinson, makes the follow ing additional appointments for speaking: Baxley, Appling county, on Monday, March 5. Jesup, Wayne county, on Thurs day, March 6. March camo in like a lamb, she will of course go out —the J3lts. Says the Carrollton Times! Ten years ago Cockran had eleven bar rooms and whiskey held high carnival. Now the town has but three saloons, and a drunken man on the street is the aynopsure of all eyes, The Krupp gun works claims to have manufactured a machine which will iol’ iron so thin that it would take I,BCO sheets to make an inch. Mr. William Durant has bteti treasurer of the Boston Transcript for sixty years. Although low in hie 78th. year he is still to be found at his post in the connting rooni early tlnd lat» | LET THEM DEBATE. No sooner had General Evans accepted Mr. Atkinson's invita lion to appear on the stump and debate the issues of the campaign, than all the papers on I is side commenced to cry in concert that no debate was wanted. This was a very poor comp'iment to their cauditate, virtually admitting >1 a he could not cop® in ability with his opponent, but they are still keeping U)> the cry. Ths Atlanta Commercial, however, believes in carry ing out a tbiugto its logical conclusion, no matter whom it may hurt, and justly says : “The papers that are arguing •gainst a joint debate between Gen era] Evans and Mr. Atkinson, do not• represent the with s or the interests of the people. “The candidates themselves have recognized the importance of * a joint canvass for governor, by agreeing to make one. If they are satisfied, why should others object? “The Commercial believes that the only way open for a fair esti mate of the candidates for cflice is for them to meet each ('♦her face to face before the people, and discuss the different questions of interest. The fact that they tnav occupy practically the same posi tion on ißfeUes of State and natioi - il importance, is no argument against joint debates. Tl.e people ant to ‘size ’em up,’ us it were, in Harner ways, -there is abuudant prece-l dent for such a canvass, There has sever been a gubernatorial cam paign in Georgia when there were only two candidates, that a joint debate true not demanded by the people,” LOOKING HACK. WllfHl MTUI BCKDAT H VST IBM O» BOMB She opsn*d a little worn package, Scarred yellow by times ruthless head D scloeit.g a bundle of letters Glred up wltb a blue ribbon baud’ "These” she said are “like leaves from a fernery, Long preased Iw a book with a newer," And the memories wafted up from them Likejperfume that follows a shower. “With no wermwoed or gall in the esse nee’ Few Life* garden were eown, The clouds partly hiding the susihine Rome weeds with the flowers hare grown. "But we loved"--here she held out a pictnre A tear drop was dimming her eye, As a cloud will o’ershadow the landscape, Or shut out a star in the sky. I turned to the sad, little figure— Round the package the faded cord tied— Tressed my lipa to her cheek—Ah: how sadly. The roses had bloemed there a d died, Her eyes were not awake In Ropes morning, Love did not kindle their depths with hie spark— . Mnt even then from their great depts shla i»K. They glowed like gems in the dark. Leng we sat in the lingering twilight, Looking back o’er the vanishing years; Bbe sobbed eut her grief on my bosom, And moistened my brow with her tears: What comfort in words could I offer,? There was more in a soul tolling glance; For each heart hath its season of epring time, Inch heart hath a hurled romance, Ford’G*-. Minute Loe Arnold. We venture the prediction that if Evan® gets the nomination for governor, Atkinson will do all in hi® power to have him ®lected. That is the kind of Democrat At kinson is, and that is one reason why he ought to win.—Chattooga News. A Boston evangelist told his con gregation the other day that one log ical conclusion of the various schemes to popubze church services would be the establishment of a kitchen in the basement and’ the hanging on the door of a playcard reading: ‘‘A flapjack for every worshiper cooked while you pray.” »»»»■! i ■ ii_ —. M ii , I, wv< Out in Kansas a lawyer sued a newspaper for libel and at'ained bo much notoriety that the sheriff of a neighboring county recollect ed that he had several w .mints for the plantiff The lawyer is in jail and the editor i< doing business at the old stand. A newspaper is like the old muzzle-loader of child hoed, dangerous without lock, stock or barrel. —.Mobile News. A BACHELOR’S SATIRE. Oh, I am a bachelor, living alone. With no one to kiss me ard call me her own. Or say, when till midnight the city I roam ; “Well, this is a nice time of night to come home!” A stranger 1 am, 1 confess, to the joys, Felt by fathers when young ones are making a noise: 1 never have known the delirious delight Os walking the floor with the baby at night; I have no affectionate mother-in-law; •n calling from slumber a servant girl raw At 8 in the morning. I waste not my breath, And yet I’m not fretting myself half t» death —New York Press. Sometime ago. the Itlanta Journal wis called upon by an Evans weekly to know wiiy it had become so silent al < ul the gubematoiial race. Its columns of comments from other papers about the campaign has recently couthiuetl a number, which were very favorable to Mr. Aikin son—the number being greater than one wou’d th uk that courtesy or the desire for information about both sides on the part of it« readers demand. In yesterday afternoon s issue we find the following very suggestive paragraph: “ I’he man whose business is to inter pret the bible, is likely to make a sad mess of interpreting a partv platform ” Might it not be true that he might make as “sad a mess” in bearing the standard of Democracy through a heated campaign? Would a man “whois likely to make a sad m< ss of interpreting a party platform,’’prove a fit occupant Hie gubernatorial chair of the Em pi'e State of the South whose Dem ocracy is her pride? Is not Gen. Evans a man whose business, during the past quarter of a century, has been to interprt t the Bible? ,| In view of all this, we are led to believe that the Atlanta Journal i discovering the error of its way and may yet come over upon the right' side of the gubernatorial question When it does, it will receive a Dem ocratic wdc >me,such as the yoeman ry of the Democratic party knows how| to give. —Columbus Ledger. I THE HUSTLER OF ROME, SUNDAY MARCH 4. 1894. Earners who make their owi fer tilizer® and raise their own meat, and ■take their own hce and axe handles etc. ai e the m n who stand the bard time? best.—Eli jay Courier’ THE “WOOL HATS” RALLY. Mu. Atkinson made an awful break in writing to a Baptist preacher asking for his Mippo:t and unwittingly addreawd a Pop ulist. He may beconnoled to learn, however, that his pure and distin guished rival has asked the sup port of numbers nf the prominent Populist® of Greene. But isn’t it awful for •andidates to appeal to an\’ one sav® the ’‘organized? ’ — Gieenaboro Herald Journal. Unless all signa are deceptive Atkinson is winning slowly but steadily in the gubernatorial race. We br gin tj believe deep down that he is a sure winner.—Chattanooga News. Gen. Evans must be a first-class straddler to command the support of both the Constitution and Jour nal. —Dubli n post. The Tifton Gfiz-dt object® to be ing numbered among the Evans papers; but the objection is not heeded. The Evans papers contin ue to print the Gazette in the Ev ans list.—Jessup Sentinel. “From all parts of the State comes news that the pet pie are declaring for Mr. Atkinson. The ‘‘popular uprising” for Gen Evans that we heard so much of a few weeks ago has been swallowed in the Atkinson wave, and from At lanta comes the news that it has bam discovered that Gen. Evans is not as popular as he once was and a new man with the Atlanta influence behind him is to be put forth,’ I—Savannah 1 —Savannah Dispatch. “Hou. W. Y Atkinson will have no trouble in securing the Wilcox county del egatieu.’ I —Rochelle Sol id South. The democrats in Glascock are solid for Atkinson.—Gibson Re cord. The yeung democrats seem to be gaining on the old preacher war horse.—Thomasville Advertiser. Some of the papirs favoring Geu. Evans are calling on Mr At kiimon to “come down.“ Mr. At kinson insists that he is coming ,‘down“ and that when he hits the ranks of his apponeut they wont know what “dropped.“ —Macon Daily Bee. The Evan® men of Wai‘on coun ty admit that the county is for Atkinson says the Walton News. Hon. W. Y. Atk n o.i is ref-pond i ig to many invitations from every quarter of the State to address the public, and is favorably received wherever he speaks, This gallnut Democrat is gaining ground daily, and the public is listening to his manly, statesmanlike utterances. We wonder when, the joint discus sion between Col. Atkinson and . Gen ral Evans will begin? The voters of Georgia would like to hear these two Democrats talk to getber—Cedartown Stanbard. NATIONAL POLITICS, There is coming to be a senti ment that l orn Reed’s plan of con trolliing a mule-headed Cuogress is about the only way to corral the beasts—Brunswick Times. We wonder if in the twentieth ceiDury Chicago will still be wrest ling with the Coghlin trial?—Mc b !e News A WIG THE FAINCIS. • If the droll buzz of the Bee does not harmonize with the melody of R me’s sweet singing Byrd, he can warble it a fsw notes and it will hum the echo with a delirum of delight. M icon Bee. ‘ Delirium of delight” is good and ' w® will gladly take the Bee in ourn, j but will be highly pleased if Langley w J keep a base bill mask over the Bee’s '‘business end“ o Phil Byrd, of li uue, is offering his I mill in exchange for Atlanta real es tate. Probably he can't dam the mill pond.—Brunswick Times. Oh come eff, how could there be a mill pond without a dam?—What we want is a chance at At Anta “mwsiety,, and w® will show you bow to dam it Tn the mean time we have got a bar gain for some Atiantian who ha* ha i enough of the Gate City. Th® Evans clabj-propi, >f J oa please—are hardly s roug enough to hold up the boom. —Dublin Post. Tbat.R the size of the tiolte up her® in Rome. The “Max Meyerhiu’dt Ev ans Club“ of Rome is no bipfer’en a little wooden dumb bell and it s three months old too. Q Thi® is a day of patent medic na. Every man prescribes for himself from a corn to a boil on top of his htad. — Thomasville Advertiser. Since when did brother Piuit see a man with a ’ com” on “top of his head?’* Up here in Floyd the boys some times get a little “corn 11 on the brain, but it's always under the skull. o Montgomery Folsom should “get a move on him. “ Hie “Georgia Cracker 1 ' column is greatly missed.—Albany Herald. The same over hero brother Mc- Intosh, We miss Montgomery pow erful. Fulsomely does fulsome rolsom— (aare old boy, Montgomßry) - Tickle folks with wit that’s wbßlasotne, rolsoin s fulsome mummery. And far be it from The Rustler, Like the Byrd on E owah’e shore, To say—as he does in The Hustler- Fulsome Folsom's full some more I —The Rustler. In (edtownStandard A clergyman stariled bis drowsy congregAtion the other day as follows: ”My dearly beloved friends, permit Be to preach not to act as an um pire in a sleeping match.’—Griffin, AV e will bet 15 cents that in less than as many minutes hd was hear ing a snorou® echo POLITICAL RETORTS. There is one thing against Col. Atkinson. The Macon Telegraph is lor him, aud tbit paper ha® never been on the right side in ttflte politics since the war. —Au gusta Herald, This is a rather broad state ment, and the Herald ought to be prepared to back it up with evi dence, Will it be kind enough to give one instance in which, during the last seven years, the Telegraph was on “the wrong side in stat* politics?”—Macon Telegraph. \V hat has become of Bobbie L Rodgers and those side whiskers, of Atlanta? Hie silence must be painful to lhe ‘-Evans boom” and we fear it cannot survive it mu ch longer.—Dublin Post. Dent be uneasy about its ‘sur vival ’ for even if Side-whiske:s Rodgers is nonest has not the Seutemental boomkt one Max Meyerhardt cf Rome who stands able aud willing to defend the ■‘E vanescents” and the most koly and righteous ‘ Atlanta ring? Sam Jones has converted John •J. Inga’D. lhe devil is having a tough row to hoe this winter. While the lamp and Gen. Evan - hold out there's I h >pe for the de luded Atkinson bo maleteers. —Macon News. It is very probable, however that Rev. Evans can do nothing in the matter of many and a tn ijority oF voters ot lhe state who are wedded to the support of Mr Atkinson, and are beyond recall.—Columbus Ledger. ARO UN D CRACKE R DO M, Mayor Good win showed himself lo be c 'Dsiderable of a man when be vetoed the Piedmont Park pro position. Cities are too often en guifed in the hurrah ot a popular m tveuieni.—Brunswick Times. It has* developed that the man Drauhn, who had forgotten bis nanis, has three livii g wives Po r man ! No wonder his msino ry failed him. —Greensboio Her ald. Thomasville is to have a can ning factory to cost |12,000. Tiiomasville is a progressive city. —E ist aan Time®. The Pickens County Herald re marks : “Bill Glenn and the Atlan ta Journal cannot get over the Gober investigation,” to which the Journal retorts: “And neither can Judge Gober.” We thought the Gober Investigation wa® over time ago.- Elijay CAirier. Bam Brother Byrd i® damming the Etowah—al®o stopping the Evans Bo im. —Cave xlA'aia As to th® Evaua Boom, what the Hrsi u R of Rome, an ' the puro, prac tical dt mocrats of Rome have doue a 4 tin it it, »ud what Politician Max Meytrhait has done for it, has about kit ed it out of this neck of the woods. Three additions to our exchange list lately—the Worth County Locp 1 , the Cochran Telegram and Thk Hustler us Rome. There are no bolter local weekli®® than the two former, while the latter is one of the bwt dailies in the State.—Loe Coun ty Enterprise. . In behalf of the trio, we tip oUf wool hat and Hay “thaßky.’’ DIGGING GOLD IN THE STREET The novelty of digging gold in the s'reetfl can be seen uow iu Dahlonega. A vein of rich gold bearing quarts has beeD discovered iu ih® streets near Lew ie Meaders’ resi dence and two of our local miner®, Wash Jenkin® and Henery Lohert, have obtained permission from the city council to work it. They are taking out the ore and having it crushed at the Lawrence mill and it i® rich in the precious met al. It is not often you see a town whose streets are paved with gold bearing rocks, but Dahlonega is an exception. Outcropping of a ledge of gold ®re can be seen in the public square, and often after heavy rains small nuggets have been picked up in the gutters along the sidewalks that had been washed out of the vein®. A”, some distant day we believe the town of Dahlonega will be un dermined and these veins deve loped into a mine of great rich ness. —Dahlonega Nugget. Inflamed itching, burning,crus ty an>4 scaly skin and scalps of iu fants, soothed and cured by John eon’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D W. Curry Druggist. Buisfs prize medi garden seeds, for sail by, Hammack Lucas &. Co' I Have a sixty horse power mill —Wheat, corn, and sawmill that I want to exchange for go >d rent ng property in Atlanta. Mill is in good first class condition and is surrounded by 1G acres good creek bottom lands, Correspondence solicited. Phiil G, Byrd, VIOLIN LESSONS. Taught by. Edw. Buchanan. 507 E. First,St. Care E. C. Ford A GRAND ERCC MME. A, RUPPERT’S y FACS BLEACH M ME. A. RUPPt'RT ?? y ? : •.•tsL'pP’Ciate the fact rSfc that tlier e are many thou- BandsoflndioaintheUnited fetatestlia t would like to try t \ V.’orid.Reiicwned I'acb wTu BlfWch: but have been xJSni J -<7 v kept from doing so on ac w* W*- ®° untof P r -d-vhloh isf2.oo JWWI’V" p er Irnttleor 3 bottles taken 1“ order th, tt all of these may have W- ? no PPOrtunity,l will give Yd J 0 every caller, absolutely Xz , _ free, a sample bottle, and o—Z—j.-CA.o’norder to supply those out TT. iZT of city,or in any partof the World,lwlllsend ft safely packedin plain wrapper all charges prepaid, for 25 cents, silver or stamp." In every case es freckles, pimples, moth sal lowness,blackheadß,acne,eczer»a,oiliness rough ness, or any discoloration or diseaseof the skin <not ooused by facial expression! Fach Bleach remsvos stbsolub ly. it d oeß not ©over up, us cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address MADAME A. X€ WI-EBT. (Drpt. O ) No. 6 Eastt4th St., NEW YORK CITY. Kxecutors, Sale. Agre -able to n order of the Court of Ordina ry of Floyd county ;will be sold a auction at the < ourt house doorjat Calhoun GaCouu’y of Gordon on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale: The following property to wn all that tract of land in the 14 District and 3rd beetOn of originally Cherokee now G ordon County, known as the I’rintup farm lying on the East side of the Oostauaula River about (.3 nttles west of Calhoun and known as lots two hundred and ten (210) two hundred and eleven (211) and two hundred and twenty two (222)- and >ree parts of lo ts lying on the East side of the Oos anaula River, known as lots two hundred r t<O h,ln,lre<l “nd twenty-one (-A) and two hundred and forty eight ( --48>‘ COn tatus in all about seven hundred and twenty John C. Printup Exector of Estate of H. 8, Printup Dec’d. pbofbssml cuii ••■TitT®? J , ov.r C»au-»1! Ow« a ‘ ’ *■ ■— ■ <. _ A TTOR N E Vs. ~ MAX Attokmuy at Law Office up stair® in new Court H o in rear of Superior Court R Oota JAMES B NAVIN-Attorae, wT —t- I’arerty Hui ru Avian Chas, w. u Masonic Temple, lttorn «J Rome, G a W. WK. .'..IS— -Imo. W ... “ ~ ~ * * ****"' 11 " 1 WH. SMITH, Att<»rney.at4,aw~7ffl'‘'' Attorneyß oflica*, ! ' ( * t OuvtdH.a Hardware Co., Broad street fhysician® ano surgeon®"^’ Howard e. FKLToN-}>i, Vs|Pi " N ’’ t !%elX e A r " 2ar‘? Rt r «^»nc/ g 6i?a D ve a a “ e L. Office at*Crouch' v-<i Broad street. ar 8 ’tore,» DR. C. F. G» JTFi'n- Physician and 3w “h 8 ; u e. a8 '’ niC bUlldine ’ The Penn. Mutual Lifel n . surance Co, of Philadelphia Assets $22,773,00 with this Co. the Ass’n will get benefit of Interest rents profit! that have been accumulating for a century. R, G.Crosi, Agent, can show many ad vantages to be derived by taking their Policy. FOR RENT CHEAP. 1 will rent, cheap, to right party my former home rr Fourth Ari. an elegant 9 room resident)* with splendid garden and a number of exceleut fruit tree3,JHaß been rent lug for £4O. per. month. Will rent now for $25.00 per. month. Address or apply to: Mrs Joe H. Sergent, . 2-25‘f. Centra! Hotel. Coosa Steamboat Schedule. After this date steamers of the White Star Line Steamboat Co. will leave Rome on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:30 a. m., instead of 8 :10 as heretofore, Freight for Coosa river points will be recived on Mondays and Thurday evenings J. D. Kirkpatrick, General Manager, i +WIIAIJLMS’* RESTAURANT 202. FIFTH AVE, Opposite New Court House, Boarfliig arid Mitt at all STATE <& COUNTY TAXES. Ail unpaid taxes for 1893 are being put in hands of Sheriff for Colection Jno. J. BlaCk. T-C. Warters “Extra Good Cigar, most fragrant, newest brand, and Rome made, ask yo ur dealer for one. Ladies will find the wafers j- I ’* what they need, and can Ic dcp« n ed upon e” nyvme to gi»v relief 8" and sure. Can be sent by mail ic® l securely. Price $2.00 per box. son Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., » u( i 0 salp by Reese A \\ hitehead- If-you want a first class tailor made sinh cheaper than veu ever saw trash sold, visi Gammon’s Cash cost Sale. Have you tried ters “Extra Good Rome made cigar? 1 is the most fragrant smoke on the market