Newspaper Page Text
Tit JrBUM.
V «» as “Ora
Seconu-class Wail Matter.
MIILG.BYKD, | E £‘£’“ d
10 week or $5.00 per annum
FFICE; Corner Broad Street and
* 3 'ifih Avenue.
Official Organ
JJF.the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
.‘•Banner county’' of Georgia.
• I
Four wsekfl now we have not
ueard of a new Evans Club. Au
UNI predicted: ‘’clubs are not
-Xj_mps in this campaign.”
Aad now the busy house wife
,ias a ahoo-er occupation—kssp
2m» chickens out of her frsshly
slanted garden.
S' he Hawkii Bville Newg and
Diapatch is authority for the
itatement that Atkinson is at the
ixad of the procession in Laurens
'The Constitution and the Jeur
_»al are mortal enemies until they
.ouch Rev. C. A Evans and then
•diwy get together and slobber over
sack other and fall su each others
:*ac.k —Why>e man is General
Clubs are nice things to use in
jxdTi ng a boom, but they make a
ievlish poor prop for holding one
' '4p- For further particulars address
Aev. C. A. Evans or Max Meyer
hardt, father of the Max Meyer
rixrdt Evans Club of Rome.
With the Constitutions it uee-te
:js “Come down Mr. Atkinson.”
_3Tow it is shouting “Go slew Cok
«iel” and the campaign only two
anoathfl old. Before it is too months
Alder *' anybody to beat Atkinson.”
.Atlanta’s individual interests will
demand it and the Constitution is
always for “At’anta first.”
Kight weeks ago the Evans pa
gsers were claiming that the Gen
-waA would sweep the state, four
weeks ago thiy claimed 100 ooun
f ias two weeks ago they claimed 00
•• rouuties and now th <y m idestly rs
•wrt that they believe that he will
=#st 75 or 80. At this rate where
' opill his Reverence be “at” by Au
gust 2nd?
The idea of democrats joining
:lubs and organizing to work
•Against a working democrat—
working for a man with no party
record against a man whoso record
'luUlengaß investigation, Will
ihx M eyerhardt that apostle of
il<»mocTacy explain the Democracy
>1 the Evans Club campaign?
The true Southern watermelon
‘ u and not to be men
tioned with commoner things. It
chief of the world's luxuries,
king by the grace of God over a 1
.bo ru’** of tn.i ecrth.
h» -.acted ie . ova what the
aiiglea e t. was rot Southern
swaterm don that Eve took: we
kao : t became si e rejeubd—
Mark T wain in the March Century.
. oine people are charging that
''be Journal aud Constitution got
aapdie exposition scheme in order
*33 well some lands in which they
were interested. If the charge is
rroe —and it cettainly seems to be
—Ahe people es Georgia have a fair
m. tuple of what the Atlanta ring
would do if Mayor Goodwin could
os bull-dozed.—Eowrencsville
- "At first there was no room on
Me trask for Mr. Atkinson but
-Aroorgia Democracy made room;
sSaau we heard the cry “Ceme
• -iowu Mr. Atkinson” but th* wool
□set boys said remain and “he
-Jaae it.” Now the Evanesent
awmer, the Constitution is fran
‘hically shouting: “Go slow Colo,
csel?’ but the army that follows the
'■"Lolonel” is large and much swift
<ar on the run than the regiment of
3>ciiticai hacks who are following
-Ster. C. A. Evans. Atkinsons host
h 1£ Wool hat boys are many miles
F *he*d of the Atlanta ring and the
.. »<Litical hacks.’
Th« New Jersy man who killed
two negrses, who had killed his
wife and child, has sold the fur •
n t ,re of the room in which the
homicides occured to a New York
musrutn. Id the lot was a crib in
which his baby was killed.
The rc-union of the blue and the
gray on the battle-field of frbilcL
April 6, premises to be cae of the
most interesting since the war, but as
, Si.iloh has no vote in the August
Convention in Georgia, why of course
(general Evans will not—leave Geor
gia on that occasion.
The Georgia Cracker has found
out thi.t the first thing the managers
did after inflating and precipitating
the gubernatorial boom, was to set
dows and divide out among tbem
, selves the State offices. It is glad to
know that Gainesville was not forgot
, ten in the distribution, and that one
of its distinguished citizens is to be
made principal payeician of the peni-
I tentiary.
A governorship, a senatorship
and a ntlmber of seats in congress
besides numerous smaller offices,
are involved in the, Geo r giacam
r paign now about beginning. With
1 a full peach crop and a bountiful
r harvest of water melons, we ouskt
I to be able to have some very in
teresting quarters ot an hour be
fore the campaign is ended.—Sa
vannah News.
1 Secretary Herbert's order for
the assembling of a fleet of war
-1 .
ships at Sitka by May Ist next,
forth® protection of seals in Ber
ing sea, says an exchange, is an
assurance that our government
means to firmly assert its rights
, as determined by the Paris tribu
nal, despite the audacious move
} meat of Canadian sealers ou the
# one hand, or the efforts of the
» British Government oa the other,
! inorder to secure a nation
, of the regulations which experi
aacehasihown to be necessary.
J . ■ *-
Atlanta doesn’t want very much in
a political way this year. She only
ban candidates for governor in the
■ parson of Gen. Evans, attornev-gen
era' in the person es Col W. C.
Glenn, commi • oner of agriculture in
the person of Col. J. O. Waddell and
United Stetrs senator in the person
of Gan. Alfred H. Cnlquitt, If she
, can have these few places she will be
soatent this year. Really tha balance
of the state shoul I feel grate -
ful to Atlanta. It has left as many of
fires as Atlanta waats. They are
comptroller-general, secretary of
state, treasurer and commissioner of
education.—Macon Telegraph.
Oar neighbor, the Eatonton
Messenger, has the boldness to say
that it prefers General Evans for
governor because he is better qual
ified for the place than Mr. Atkin
son. As Artemus Ward expresses
it, this is “devilish amoosin.’’—
M dledgeville Chronicle.
The Constitution is a gr at pa
per and is usually equal toady
emergency, but has an elephant
on its hands now i ■ p’ •? it
awake at r.ignts. V h>, a
collapsed boom, of course. —Geor-
gia Cracker.
Wherever Mr Atkinson ajx&ke
he sows seed that will bear fruits
•f victory.—Lawrenceville News.
The friends as General Evans
are not making any more votes,
for when they ac
cuss Mr. Atkinson es ‘‘Trimming
and ccqueting with the Third par
ty” in the last campaign. Mr. At
kinson, as Chairman of tHe State
Democratic Executive Committee
p rformed his whole duty faithful
ly, nobly and uncomplainingly.—
Lee County Enterprise.
The Journal and the Constitu
tion now lay down together in the
matter of gubernatorial preferen
ces. Wonders will never cease.—
Thomasville Advertiser.
The Evans papers have hushed
up their cries about having a sure
thing, and are now frantically en
gaged in advising their friends to
get a move on them. But how can
they move with the breath all
punched out of them by the sud
den discovery that the “uprising’’
is turning into a “downfalling?”
—Griffin News.
The Democratic |pap*rs that rae
continually criticising and denounc
ing the administration are doing the
party more harm than all the third
parly organs combined.—Fayetteville
The Record is greatly in hopes that
Mr. Hill’s opposition to the income
tax bill will not meet with the same
approval by the congressmen as did
his opposition to Hornblower and
I I’e kbam. —Gibson Record.
The Drmrcratia pxrty uuk a
sosae mistakes in its administration;
but other parties do not, of course
they never did—certainly not. Yeu
eannot recall to mind a single mis
take of the Rads or thirds, can you?
Certainly not.—Senoria Enterprise-
An enterprising member of
Philadelj hia’s unemployed strob
ed aiouad the streets sandwiched
between a sign which read “I am
looking for work.” —Augusta
» New*.
The average jeweler keeps a
’ watch out for trade. —Albany
The farmer in this section is
right hard down at work . He is
determined that this year shall be
the most prosperous one in his
existence I—Thomasville 1 —Thomasville Adver
A farmer near Flintsville recent
ly wrote to the postmaster at New
Orleans and requested him to send
him (the farmer) a sample pack
age of “mardi grass seed,” and re
ferred the postmaster to Mr. Hill
the transfer agent at Toccea.—
Toecoa News.
6mith of Gwinatt is for Evans
and the Augusta papers have for
given him his assaults on thbir
dams, verily, him doth- misery
love company.
A man may be a dude before mar
riage but after he qualifies, be is gen
erally subdued. —Augusta News.
And his wife may have been a
“butterfly of society” but after com
mitting matri-money she is more
than apt to make his money ly.
Mrs. Lease is still wrangling about
being her brother’s keeper. She
would stir up less antogaism and dis
pute if she would change the title
of the lecture to “Am I My Hus
band’s Keeper”.—Columbus Ledg
Hale's is one of the most popular
weeklies in Georgia Hale has plenty
of boss-sense and knows how to show
The Dalton Argus says: “Atkinson
has changtd*his initials to “I” Atkin,
son. ’ And then in the next para
graph it ads that the Rome people
don't Seay it that way worth a cent.
A new play is entitled.“ The School
.or Seandle.” Two thirds of the peo
ple of the country ought tejoin the
troupe as star teachers. —Albany
Peachtree street, -but every body
knows about Peachtree.
John D. Moore has beeu elected
mayor of Rome. And the Hustlsk
of Rome scores a victory.—Thomas
ville Advertiser.
The Macon Telegraph is doing
some tall hustling for Atkinson. The
Telegraph is a power in the land •
Ihomasville Advertiser.
The Macon Telegraph is not only
one of largest papers in Georgia but
one of the mosUreliable shests in the
B.>uth* May it live long and grow
The Hustlbr of Rome continues to
pour hot shot into the Evans column.
Editor Byrd is a bird after the bee
martin strip*,—Thomasville Advertis
The Hustler will not let up eye
ther, antil it captures the “Bee-in
the-bonnet“ of Rev. C. A. Evans.
Mark that prediction.
If the gum on the back es a pos'-
age stamp was flavored with cluvea'
what a blessing it would be to hu
manity.— Mobile News.
The rtayi are getting longer f .st,
Ke, eath the suns great leer;
But man, poor herd up inar, alas!
Is just as short M ever.
—Monterama Rr cord.
While the Omaha girl, in furs to her toses>
Hae fu- with hr r chclly in a skate,
The swoet Georgia lass naudera down
throntib tTie roses,
To meet her M Hie at the|gate.
Early countys**ws.
*. ■—! T
These beautiful pictures
ready fc" delivery m ten cam)
parts —1G pictures coirpr >g -
each part —and the whole set can
be secured by the payment of one
dollar, sent to Gee, H. Heafford,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway,
Chicago 111,, and the portfolios ot
uictures will be sent, free of ex
pense, by mail to subscribers.
Remittance should be made by
draft, money order, or registered
The Penn Mutual Life Insur
nuce Company it conducted sole
ly by members for members, has
greatest paying ability and un
equaled A non forfeiting
Policy after second year issues
Trust Certificate for Guardians
bas pericd to policy holders.
R. G. Cross.
with your flesh reduced below a healthy
standard, for Consumption and other Scrof
ulous and dangerous diseases. And it’s for
iust this condition that Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery is especially valuable.
If you’re thinner than you ought to be,
whether from wasting diseases, defective
nutrition, or whatever eause, the “Discov
ery ” will surely bring you up to the healthy
standard. By restoring the normal action of
the deranged organs and functions, it arousee
every natural source and means of nourish
ment. As a strength-restorer and flesh
builder, nothing like this medicine is known
to medical science Filthy Cod Liver Oil and
all its disguised compounds can’t oompore
with it.
It’s »old on trial. . That is, in everything
that’s claimed for it, If the “ Discovery ” ever
falls to beaaflt or cure, you have your money
What effier eon Id be more business-like I
The following letter was written
by W. A. Rhudy, one of Rome’s
leading businessmen, and he “speaks
out in meeting" about the New York
Life Insurance Company. Mr. Rhudy
is a most conservative business man
and his letter is strong and to th®
Rome, Ga., March 5-1894.
Jno. J. Mickle Esq.
Agent New York Life Ins. Co.
Rome, Ga.
Dear Sir:—
I have been carrying a
$5 .000 policy in the company you
represent and have received my first
dividend and settlement. I am so well
pleased with the company's liberality
in dealing with its policy holders that
it affords me pleasure to say that I
have taken out another $5,000 policy
with you and consider myself fortu
nate in having SIO,OOO insurance in
the New York life.
Yours Truly,
W. A, Rhudy.
Frank Taylor the old knight of
the razor has epend up a new bar
her Bhop at 224 Broad street. He
invites all his friends and patrons
to call early and often . I—24’j
Have you tried Wai
ters “Extra Good’’
Rome made cigar? it
is the most fragrant
smoke oTi the market.
Citation—Leave to Sell,
Georgia- Floyd County
To all whom it may concern Cezar Stalling
Administrator of Tempy Stalh.s deceased hag
ih due form applied t» the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in April next, This
5 h day of March 1894,
John I’, Davis,
~ apg 4 . -
fi asjoq p u 3|jOM JduO jo p[O us of ejt] a»«
VUI.Vpi ‘SUIJO.VI A<\j)sop pus suapjowp
POJJOO ‘uopudpsuoo OAOipj JO 9HO,
attio ‘uops&ftp f.tß ‘rooms orp dn »uoi Aom
wapwoj UOJJtpUOf) BkADIT)8 k ADIT) -Jf[ XjJ lionift
uoj AU'jwq 9uj b uj otuoq « Jup>nd aoj[
•ststXSnjp aq ojug lo j . lO q
P* 9 !! P lni jjng ‘jana£ YtuaKn,
w l!<{ ‘•’l'G’M “spui saj potYjnusjxj
JO J ww uinjjao wsj
Wnmioic *IXS Pw« egg ■ Ypsjwqwav
Warters “Extra Good”
Cigar, most fragrant,
newest brand, and
Rome made, ask your
| dealer for one.
if you want a first
cass tailor made suit,
cheaper than veu ever
saw trash sold, visit
Gammon’s Cash Cost
Sode. •
-•*»*■**»*“■ I
I Have a sixty horse power mill
Wheat, corn, and saw mill that
w nt to exchange for good rent
log property in Atlanta. Mill is
- in good first class condition and is
sarrounded by 1G acres good creek
bottom lands, Correspondence
Phiil G. Byrd.
E T. V. & G. Ry.
ONLY. 2.1-2,
Lv Romedaiiy 8 35a.m
Ar, Atlanta . 11.10..
Lv. Rome . 1 1.30 a- m
Ar. Atlanta. 2.30 p.m
Lv. Rome . 1 1.10 p.m
Ar. Atlanta. 1,30, .
A !■"" . . . _ . J_"!
* C SMITH G Pa & Ta.
Armstrong House,
Applicatioa for Charter under
name of Oostanaula S earn
boat and Trading
Cotnpa y.
Gkougia, Plotd County—
To tho Sapenor court of said county ■
G«o, W Trammell, H L Trammell, Frank
Holdbrooke and their associates show they de
sire to be made and created a body corporate.
And that they be created such body corporate
under the name of the OosU-aela Steamboat
and Trading Company,
That they be created such body corporate for
the term of twenty years and as such and in
said name that lhey lie allowed to sue and bo
The principal office and place of business of
such corporation to be in the city of Rome
Floyd County, Ga.
The character of the business to be done and
earned on by said corporation is the running of
a steamboat upon the Oostanaula and Coosa
rivers and hauling freights and charging there
for; the buying and selling of lumber, bricks
and all kinas of building material and dealing
in country produce and geneial merchandise,
object es said corporation being pecunia
ry gain tosteckholde u therein.
The capital stock of said corporation to be
two thousand dollars actually, ■ ai ! either money
or property before beginning business and divi
ded into shares of one hundred dollars ea'
with the privilege of increasing the ca»
stock to twenty five thousand dollars or
other amount as may be agreed upon by
stockholders, not in excess of twenty-five thou
sand dollars
That such corporation bo allowed to (upon
organization) pass such by laws, as it may deem
to its interest and advantage, that are hot in
consistent with the lae -o’ qeorgfn . ’ U ted
Wherefore petitioners pray an or l r be g.ant
ed creating them a body corporate v ioer name
for tne term, purposes and . bjoOt a ?resaid and
thereby duly chartered as such oodyOrpo a e
Geo. ~', waiter Harris,
Petitioners Attorneys.
Fi ed in office Feb. 19, 18.<4,
W in, E, Keysiegle,'
Clk, Sup, Ct.
Georsia Floyd Count y-
The above appljcatio « ior charter of “Oosta
naula and trading Company ” is a
Win, E. Bevsiegle.
Clerk Superior t ourt,
v. c. g,’a.
Citation-Leave To Sell.
Georgia, flotd Countv :
To all whom it may cohcerl»:_W. A. Rhudj
Administrator of Henry B rryhill deceased
has in due form applied to the undersigned
for leave to sell the lands and personal Proper
ty belonging to the estate of said deceased, and
application will be heard on the first Monday in
April next. This 7th day of March 18 ‘4.
John P. Davis Ordinary
Letters of Administration.
Georgia,floyd county;
To all whom it may concern :-Warren V Timms
having in proper form applied to me for perma
wniilmTT fa ' ,minis ‘ ratioßontl,e es,ate of
Wil lam V. Timms, late of said, county. This is
to c to all and singular the creditors and next
of kin of W illiam v . Timms to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed bylaw and
show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted to warren
. Tnnms or some other fit and proper person
on WHli.m V. Timms estate. Wuness my hand
B *‘f uaturß tKi9 Bth day of M areh
John P. DavN,'
Quinary Floyd ( oanty.
J O orer Owent store? M
Attorney at Law.
Office up stairs in new Court R olla|
in rear of Superior Court Room,
JAM.ISU VEVlV—Attorney at 7 1U , "7 —•
Uevercy Hui p.)stoAij» eoraor Jrd
/-VIIAS. W. UNDKRWOOD- Aitor,.... '
Masonic Temple, 'itoruey at
Rol »e,Ga.
Reece si denny— Att<>rnev< .7> ——
in Masonic Temple, Romt. Gu. aW-Olli «
WW. VANDIVER-Attorney and r"*
’ B sellor at Law—Rome, C «U
A' Starling, Attorneys at I v, u
* Temple, Rome, Ga. *
WIL SMITH Attorney-Ht-Law. Officii
* fcb32tf” nl,l °’ R ' nUa ’ ,ieor 8i»
, J. NEAL-M’henry. Nunnailvl I'. ’
Attorneys-nt-atLaw, office ilver Hik
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad street, Ronie.fh
HOWARD E. FELTON-Phvsieian and ».
geon— Oflice in Ma onie Temple Ann«
Ai office day and night. Telephone 61
D“ ff. RA»raVk—Physician and gu,
I Office at retddcuce Cl 4 avenue A,
ward. ■
LP. HAMMGND—Physician and SurseoZ
B Offers his ! rofessional services totfien»
pie of Ke.ue and surrounding
Office at Crouch and Wataon’s due stum*
Broad street. s
R. W. D. fibVT-Otkce at C U rrTHI
drugstore. Fo. 331 Broad street Teleolw.
110. resider >». No. 21
DR. C. F. Gl V FIN- Physician and Burgece
—Office n« r Masonic building. RejideM
3(N4tha, jue.
The Penn. Mlittial Life j a .
alliance Co, of Philadelphia
Assets $22,773,00 with this
Co. the Ass’n will get benefit
•f Interest rents & profits
that have been accumulating
for a century. R, G. Croa\
Agent, can show many ad
vantages to be derived by
taking their Policy.
I will rflit. ahflap, te right party
my formar hom« Fourth Av».
an elogaat 9 r««m r«flidenee with
splendid garden and a number o!
fxcelent fruit treaß.Jllas been reot;
Ing for S4O. per. month. Will rent
now for $25,00 per. month. Address
or apply to:
Mrs. Joe H. Sergent.
2 —25 ts. Central Hotel.
Cooba Steamboat Schedule.
After this date steamers of th*
White Star Line Steamboat Co.
will leave Rome on Tuesdays and
Fridays at 5 :30 a. m., instead of
8:40 as heretofore, Freight for
Coosa river points will be recived
on Mondays and Thurday evening!
J. D. Kirkpatrick,
General Manager.
Opposite Not Court House,
at all
Ail unpaid taxes tor
1893 are being put in
hands of Sheriff for
Jn o. J. BlaCk.
Road Citation.
Ckorgia, Floyd County : , t | rf
Whereas, T. J.Glenn, et al have petiti'-r- 6 <
Board of Commissioners of Road* and i“'
of Floyd County, Georgia for a change
Bass Ferry road at blue I’ond, so »» t ! ‘ (M
the east side of Z. T. Carver’s field. -
same having been favorably reported on .
reviewers: This is to notify all
objections thereto or claims for dam 'g'' a " i
therefrom to file the same with sai'l 1 ' nt je
Commissioners at their regular neeting
first onday in May, 1894, w
Witness the Hon. John C. Foster, c a>
This March 7th,1894. ,
3 7d-30 d Mux Meyerliardt. •
All persons in debt to R p eceAj
Whitehead are requested to cai aQ
settle at once. ,
All a counts unpaid on 31st
March will he placed for coll eC^08l
by law.
A. B. S . M osle y
Meh 7-D-t.