Newspaper Page Text
TBc hiis'iLLii 6F 1018..
nce a« •‘twat-cliss k
aeeonnoau Mail Halter.
ffHILG.BYItI), | K^’“ d
ER> cent u week or $5.00 per annum
WICK: Corner brood Street and
friftn Avenue. i
Official Organ
city of Reme.and Foyd, the
"Banner county'* of Georgia.
The man whose business is to in
4tXpr«*t the Bible is likely to make a of interpreting a platform. 1 .
Atlanta Journal, Evans organ •
m. 1 w‘- 1--
The per capita debt of Arkansas
the smallest of any State in
’ir* union.
iLxJkdale with all of its adjoin
counties are for Atkinson for
Tremor. —Hales Weekly .
■ •A'r.en Madiine Pollard goes on
iia ataga, watch the “bald heads 11
tJMUQt off the front seats.
1 UJJ Jit.'
<"nanceß for ths repeal of the 10
cent, tax on State bank issues
now invisible, —Albany Her
>. man named Pearl has been
nr.tes.tßd in Pennsylvania on the
of stealing a grave for his
Jssd body. Thus does the law
Murt Pearl before swine.
Tiou. John P. Shannen, of El
.AK'tJii, succeeds Grand Master
i?ar’dson as the head of Georgia
3Uae Masonry. will this “Lynching busi
4fflj3aa” etop,over in Pennsylvania?
"that industrial product was
Thought, to be peculiar to the
.VLE!-. 1 Ji-5.".. 1
The Nebraska populists, who
.«tcged Secretary Morton in iffijy,
ftar'e been fined each S2OO and
3Of?18. They will hardly indulga in
. «uv more such expensive “fun.“
Colonel Peek says cottan will
to 5 cents a pound, and thi t
Batson will be United States
■?kmator, next year. These illustra
“sore heads 11 continue te read
*S»? country to the demnitian bow
wwwfi. They need a frog pond in
which to absolute thamselver They
a_.. . at
Bays th« Columbus Ledger: A
’O’tcago sport attempted to play a
jP’rac ical joke upon a policeman
Approaching him and asking
•Affi what he did to earn a living,
L'iiv policeman answered him by
•eking him up and the next
Morning he w s fined $5 and cotts.
Tliis goes to prove that a polica
knows a joke when he sees it.
■■■»■«»!■ IBL 11
A letter fr >m a prominent ant
-W.-H i»os* <1 g ntleman in Colum
' to the editor of News and Si i
-toys-; “Afkiuson is ahead in Cc
■ Jatmtiue and still gaining rapidly
A jfreat many are uoncommitted
,iir.fij?y are joining the Atkinson
>7* :'rocn -g aining recruits seem to
£* Mead.-)y thinning out.’’ —Grif-
-*Eii News.
Absalom failed to become King
>. Israel on account of his curly
k<okfl If Mr. Atkinson wants to
Ua Governor of Georgia real bad,
Arriiould get his hair cut - The
•sSSeueral may get him up a tree.
s*iid leave him hanging by those
.Jtarely bangs.—Greensboro Herald
. Journal.
. This is indeed a bright bit of
t3 7)air-um Skair-um’ politics,
•tfhy-d on’t you know that if Bill
ilk inson should have his haircut,!
*_Aat the old man ‘‘Thems- my- sen
4j»eaite,’ of Atlanta, would be
to 4, get his hair cut just like
SRiIFe 9 Then he would ketch kold
sand die and Bill kould’nt have
more fun. Let the Herald
Jr«n£ia&l barber kontiuue to shin
via news papers.
Hale’s Conyer's Weekly bits the
nail on the head when it says: At- i
kinson is supported by a large ma- 1
jority of thecoHßtry weeklies. I
Eight women and three men
have started A new national party
in Pittsbu r g for the abolition of
drink.—Augusta news
Thats noting—why three men
and a letter from Max M-yerhardt
started an Evans Club up in
Watters district last week. When
it comet to political freaks,
Pensylvania has never seen the
day she could down Georgia.
It is reported that youug T. R.
R, Cobb, of Atlanta, wrote the ar
ticle from Crawfordsville to th*
I Atlanta papers puffing the speech
he made there in reply to W. Y At
kinson at that place. Mr. Cobb
was forced to do this kind act for
himself as none of his auditors
were sufficiently impressed to pay
any attention to it.
It is further reported that Mr.
Cobh solicited quite a number of
those present to call for him when
Atkinson finished speaking, but
intsead of meeting with the ova
-1 tion expected, only two or three
weasly voices heard. But this did
not deter the valliant T, R.R. for
at the first sound of his name h»
sprung to his feet, like a hot tack
1 had perforated the seat of his
1 little pants. There were about a half
1 d< z m Evans men in the crowd
when he began, and less when he
T, R. R . is a failure and the
boomers have muzzled him. As
Larry Gant once said: “The Cobbs
1 are like yam potatoes —the best of
them are under the ground.”
Lawrenceville News.
The editorial page of the Atlan
ta Journal, just now contains
many strictures upon the Atlanta
3 Constitution. Yesterday it re
, marked:
1 ‘‘Tom Watson and John Cocker-
i ill tried hard to beat ths Atlanta
Constitution in the contest of
slander against the chosen leaders
• of the Democratic party, but they
t can't do it.”
' Mr. Atkinson was a chosen fead
■ er of the Democratic party during
1 the last campaign, when as chair
- man of the State Demociatic Ex
i ecutive Committee, he led the
r Democratic forces forth in battle,
with the enemy. He was the gen
eral of that campaign,
k When the smoke of conflict
t cleared away, it was found that
] Georgia had rolled up 80,000 ma
j jority for Northeq and Democracy
and from Nick-a-Jack to Tybee
, Light, there were rejoicings of th**
, faithful.
We aradnclined to believe that
the Journal is correct. —Columbus
Chattanooga, Tenn., March 18 —
’ Chattanooga must have in its
midst a suicide club of large mem
bership, for scarce a week passes
that some poor wrech does not
feel called on to hand in his checks
by the self-destroyer route. About
noon Joseph H. Carden swallowed
a big dose of strychnine and in
; four hours was a corpse, despite
th° efforts of three physicians to
i save him.
Carden was thiny-five years old
and a trustworthy locomotive en -
gineer of eight years on the line
of the East Tennessee railroad.
He leaves a wife and one child in
this city.
Last Friday he drew his months
wages, about $95 and that night
dropped it all in crap games over
JackjS saloon at 11 West Ninth
street. Yesterday he registered at
at National hotlol, evidentily
ashamed to go home penniless.
This morning he borrowed 25
cents from the landlady. Mrs.
Vaiidergriff, with which to pur
chase the poison The coroner’s
jury rendered a verdict of suicide
Yesterday forenoon a negro
woman, while taking a bath at her t
home on Lloyd street, in Atlanta, 1
fell in the fire an I was roasted t* I
death. From now on Atlanta ne
groes will quit bathing—at least
bathing in bath tubs.
At last the enemies of Max M«y
erhradt the father of the Max
M yerbardt Evans,‘Club of R me
are happy. They have “muzzled”
him, and new he will have to
write] over his non de plume of
“Seri bier”, Does Max knew who
silenced his batteries?
Until the Waycross war your
uncle Billie’s chances for the sen
ate were good. But he let the wind
blow through his whiskers —Thom-
asville Advertiser.
Fifty illicit distilleries were
seized by revenue officers in Geor
gia, during the mouth of February
—Brunswiok Times.
Winn, up in the Ninth, is said
to be grooming himself for a tilt
with Carter Tate. What’a the mat
ter with Parson Bell?—Brunswick
The Jesup Sentinel, published
in the adjoining county of Wayne,
i says that Appling county will not
have a gubernatorial contest this
year. It’s all one way up there,
i There is no opposition to Mr. At
kinsan worth mentioning]—Grif
i fin News.
Mclntoah, Albany Herald :“Hog
aud homiuy and th* Chautagua. ’’
Editor Phil Byrd: “Atkinnou
for governor, and Dam the Eto
Lawrence Gray, Fort Valley
Leader: “Peach and pear culture
in Central Georgia. ”
Tom Reed, Athens Banner: “A
young man for wit. W. Y, Atkii
son for governor.”
Pruitt, Thmaasville Advertiser:
“Turner for the senate, vain hope,
my boy .”
Clarke Howel, Constitution:
“Stand on the platform. ”
Editor Stovall, Savannah Press:
“Railroad News.”
Henry Richardson, Atlanta
Journal: “The Constitution's mis'
Editor Wrsnch, Brunswick
Times-Advertiser: “A first class
quarentine station aud Brunswick
pert superiority.”
Editor Blackburn, Atlanta Com
mercial : “Chivalry •”
Ceoper, Rome Tribune: ‘‘Hon
est news, no fake date lines.”
McLeond, Macon County Citi
zen : “New court house at Ogle
Macon Evening Jim Jam: "Hie,
how ,tis old spzort? hie, and, we
went go home till morning, hie,
zee? whoop la zee? —if aeon Bee.
The charge is made against Mr.
Atkinson that he is too young to
be elected governor of Geoigia.
That point is easily and effect ve
jy answered by reference the Con
stitution <*f the state which <’e
cli-r 11 lat any citizen over thirty
years of age is eligible to the office
of governor.
It seems that the constitutional
convention of 187.7, of which Ar
gust body the late Robert Tombs
was a leader and over who e del.b
eratiou the illustrious Char'ei J,
Jenkins presided, was cf the opin
ion that a man who had passed
th « age of thirty should be eligi
ble for that office.
In the past. Georgia has seen fit
to honor her young men in such a
way. Howell Cobb was elected
at the age of thirtv-six Joe Brown
was elected at thirty-six; and Ben
Hill made his famous race against
Brown when he was only thirty
Mr. Atkinson is in his fortieth
year and is in every way qualified
to fill the office of governor of
Georgia.—Athens Banner.
VP ‘““ U.
Max Meyerharut nji'v/’ed ! For
the first time in • be Suudny
Tribune had no article frani Max a
gifted pen. We had hardly be
lieved that his enemies in ths
Evans ranks could “muzzle bim.
but they have done it.
It is a sa l commentary *n the can
didacy of Rev C. A. Evans that his
organ, the Atlanta Constitution, is
also the orgra ol ■, .■ -o lit*. t Ala
bama and the M nites in Georgia
—Lawreneevill* N;ws.
Ob,it‘« funny to watch the Ceaeti
tution and the Journal bMaborating
each other until the name ®f General
Evans is mentioned, when they fall
upon each other's neck and kiss. But
then’ you know, General Evans lives
in Atlantp. Milledgeville Chronicle.
1 Hon W. Y. Atkinson's speech at
Baxley. Appling County, was
received by the people with great
enthusiasm. Appling ceunfy is like
west of the cth-.r comities of the
t state, almost uiiLaaimously for the
young statesman —Daug'as Breeze
General Evans’ supporters are de
ceiving him as to his strength in the
I State. Indications point to his defeat
—Sparta Ishmaelit* •
t Atlanta wants “the «a t i and the
8 fullness there of.“ For a generation
. nearly she has controlled the fat of-
- flees of the stite. The people are be-
- ginning to realize that a iu ; ri can be
found outside of Atlanta wao is enti
tled to some political recognition.
Georgia politics are no longer con-
r trolled by the city dt i ies. We, the
people, will elect a governor this year
He will not be an Atlanta man nor
one whose only claim upon us is that
he wore the epauletts of a brigadier
thirty years ago.—Milledgeville
y Chronicle.
If Uncle Evan Howell should be
nominated for governor by the popu
lis s, Atkinson would wipe up the
earth with him. Lawrenceville
“Aint it de troof?”
The hog and hominy campaign in
Southwest Georgia inspires the bard
of the Blake[y News to the following
If farmers wish to live and thrive
And from their debts get free,
Each one must either hold or drive
And pull for hog and homiuee
—Albany Herald
Easter bonnets are almost ripe.—
Hales Weekly.
Yea, verily, and when the Easter
girl pulls the bonnet—one of her pa
pa’s legs will be longer than it real
ly ought to be.
The editor of this paper has been,
farming the past two weeks—hence
Hie shortcomings of the sheet.—
Hales Weekly.
Farmer Hale needs make no tipolo
gy. His weekly is at all times one of
the brightest in the state.
Moved by some unseen power, the
Chatteoga News man adds to grave
yard lore the following bit of verse:
Stranger, pause and shed a tear,
Fur nary Min lies buried here;
Mixed in seme mysterious
With NancyJaue and probably Hanner.
Brother Pruett of the bright
Thomasville Advertiser has a most
lurid opinion of Col. Moll Lease of
“Bleeding Kansas 11 He says:
Mary Yelliu Lease has only to fill
her pcckets with sulphur and brim
stone and she at once becomes a
walking hell,
Farmer Everette is reported to be
after Colonel John Maddox's seat in
Congress. Johnny get your gun.—
Brunswick Times.
As Judge Maddox is not trying to
be elected to both the office of U. S
senate and ccngress, we bardiv
think Mr, Everett will commit politi
cal suicide this terr.—Tardly.“Our
John ’ is all right.
The Rome Hustler is a good paper
and a valuable one. wonder if Editor
Byrd could spare us a copy occasion
ally?—Columbus Ledger
M e kin, and more than occasional
ly. You shall have it five days in the
week, yea, veri y, and on the sixth |
day you shall not be without it.
r A fc g ' ’ZToEcyEaMts
*■! si fedr!’: , > •.<*l eu.ed nt home wah-
t 3 f’ - ,'-¥-7'- •• i’ n; ' .Lock of par-
B ». u J:. a.j.t
ill 1 .... ik M - "OOLLEY, M. D.
MB AUsau.Ga. otbce luV. Whitthail St
This morning’a Atlanta ConsVv
tutmn contains the following
complimentary notice of twoyoung
Romans of whom iv-rybody iu
the Hill City may well be proud:
Clyde Shropshire aud Doi a d
Harper, two Georgia boys, are
rapid y requiring fame and for.
tu .i iu Paris.
Hr, Shropshire is vice consul
g.- . . for the United States and
is accounted the most popular
m 1 * roi the American colony
i .he gay French capital. He re
c< i u lifi.iidS'Jiiio ualiiry and lives
lueftlord. His affability, bril
liancy aud divine gift of sayii g
the right thing at the right time
eminently qualifys him for diplo
matic service, and should he de
vote himself to it his friends pre
dict he will attain the heightest of
Dena’d Haiser is associated iu
thw practice of law with Hon. Ar
thur E. Valois, counsel for the
consulate general at Paris, Ameri
can attorney of the most fascinat
ing city on earth.
Mr. Valois has recently sent out
beautifully engraved notices
the canection of Mr, Harper with
him, The firm has been employed
Prince by the Co’onna, of Italy, to
reprt‘BentJhip|cauFe ygainst h a wi e
daughter of Millionaire Mackay,
who fled to this country with her
children some time ago and who
says she will sue him for a divorce.
Water tax for the Fourth Quarter
is now past due. This being the last
quarter for the fiscal year, it will be
necessary for consumers to meet the
bills promptly. All bills will be pre
sented at once, If not paid the water
will be cut off.
Consumers who wish to settle, at
the water works office can do, be
tween the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock p
m L J Wagner,
A GEN T MAKES Five Dollars a ayselling
n the greatest Kitchen Utensil ever invented.
Retails fer thirty-five cents. Two to six can be
sold in every house. Millions scld in this coun
try alone. Dont miss the greatest opportunity
ever known to make money, easily and quickly’
Sample sent, postage prepaid for five cents.
MoMAKIN & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio
Fits, dizziness, hysteria, wake
fulness, bad dreams and softening
of the brain quickly cured by
Magnetic Nervine. Sold by D. W
Curry Druggist
There is no money saved and
compounded without danger from
panics and depression, like that of
a life policy in the Penn, Mutal
Life Insurance Company,
R. G. Cross, Agent.
Warters “Extra Good”
Cigar, most fragrant,
newest brand, and
Rome made, ask your
doaier for one,
If you want a first
class tailor made suit,
cheaper than vou ever
saw trash sold, visit
Gammon’s Cash Cost
I Have a sixty horse power mill
Wheat, corn, and saw mill that
want to exchange for good rent
Ing property in Atlanta. Mill is
m good first class condition and is
surrounded by 10 acres good creek
bottom lands, Correspondence
Thill G. Byrd,
•r -I W. k.
0000ta.;:..;.,. ..
n a
’ is.)
M -
W. L. Bouclas
S 3 SHOE th¥&K o .
Shoes are stylish, easy fit
vnrG* 52 »t Klve bettei “tisfaction et the prices ad
1 cru ? <4 t than anv other make. Try one pair and
nn THe slam; in?: of W. L. iounlas’
th ir vni-iA^e ICC ° U P' c -,vl.ich guarantees
tothose w 6 ’ Pilars annually
vr .ir ; Twe Os , - nvun vby bi:vin" ail
BWMm, ga
Attorney at j JiW
Offl« up stairs i 0
in rear of Superior Court R Oom H
11UjB N KVLN_A.ttor»..’~: —
Poverty Hui postoflicj wL.r
Masonic Temple.
W. *
* Temple, Rome, <;a ys 41U ’ I «
. w
' , ;I
Attomeys-»t-atl iw' , «
navidson Hardware C 0.,, " rLt', a*
Howard e. fei.ton_pi. e s ' I
geon-Office in Ma-oni, 1M '»
a >' a '”‘ nigu. T.-leX/?®
Dm. RAMsnfZpi,,;,. - “
* ward eatr6UdeUCe
LP. HAMMOND-Pliysiciai.Ti; —s
. Offers his ! enfessional sirviX
plo of aud si-rr?.',,, otie ll
Otllee at Crouch and WatLnT n ,i ll,e
Broad street. “ * K
out 4tn ai °
The Penn. Mutual Lifili
sui ance Co, of Philadelplii
Assets $22,773,00 with
Co. the Ass’n will getbenel
of Interr st rents & protij
that have been accuniulatii
for a century. R, G.Croa
Agent, can show many J
vantages to be derived I
taking their Policy.
I will rent, cheap, ta right pul
my former home an Fourth
an elegant 9 room resid^nct*nil
splendid garden and a nunibeil
exceleut fruit trees,"lias baeuJ
Ing for S4O. per. mouth. Will J
now for $25,00 per. mouth. Ad J
or apply to : g
Mrs. Joe H. Sergent, .1
2 —25 *f. Central Hotel. I
Coosa Steamboat Scior™
After this date steamers oil
White Star Line Steamboat ■
will leave Rome on Tuesdays fl
Fridays at 5:30 a. m., insteadfl
S:4O as heretofore, Freight ■
C<osa river points will be reeifl
on Mendays and Thurday
J. D. Kirkpatrick, ■
General Manajifl
Ail unpaid taxes ■
1 893 are being putß
hands of Sheriff fl
Colection I
Jno. J. BlaCk. Tfl
Road Citation.
Georgia, Floyd County
Whereas, T. J.Glenn, e 1 ;
Board of Commissioners or fv.w'W lll,l
of Floyd County, Georgia for a 1W
Bass Ferry road at blue Fond, - 1 ■ ’
the east side of Z. T. Carver s field,
same having been favorably reported#
reviewers : This is to notify all p.'-*
objections thereto or claims for dant t;
therefrom to tile the same with sail
Commissioners at their regular tieetu
first onday in May, 1894,
Witness the Hon. John C, Foster, c
This March 7th,1894.
3 7d-30 d Max MeyerliariM
Ail persons in debt to Be
Whitehead are requested w®
settle at once
All a ■counts unpaid on -
March will be placed for c 61
A. 8.5.J1-
Meh 7-D-t.
Mrs. J. W May is noff J
spring work. Dresses .' ib
dren’s especially Gut'- 111
tang 50 & 75/ . ..
_ • a!«
For Rent Cheap: Br
pretty little'six room
garden and stable wl^ 11 . j
very cheap. The reskl |
on Fifth Avenue » ear I
Street. I
3-16-ts. I