Newspaper Page Text
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, March 19, 20 and 21.*
YOU AFE CORDIALLY INVITED to inspect our Grand Display of French Mini nery and Pattern Hats, exclusive styles DI RECT
FROM PARIS ARTISTS and designs of our own work-room
With an entire new order of talent we intend that our Millinery Parlor shall be the most popular in North Georgia.
No 333 Broad Street, The Leader of Fashionable Millinery in Rome.
Here’s your chance
Absolutely clean Ken
tucky Blue Grass seed
of the new crop, at reg
ular prices just receiv
ed by Trevitt & John
Muss Rath Shockly of Cartersville,
sirived in the city Saturday night and
ia visiting her brother, V . R'. Shockly
at 113 West Second Street. Miss
Shcckly may remain in the Iliil ( ity
f._ r the summer.
We will dose out the balance of
our garden seed at less than cost.
Hammack Lucas & Co
Mrs. Lewis Harold is dangerously
at bfr koxne, corner Went Second
Street and Second Avenue.
B« : liff Henry Beard has pur
chased the Lewis Barrett Barber
Shop and is now m charge. Mr.
Beaid has a host of f' ; “nds and
says he proposes to shave all friends
L at ten cents per face, enemies at
the eame rate. Call early and
avoid the rush,
8-15 ts.
Mrs. Begett, of Tunnel Hil\ ’’s vis
iting her sister, Mrs. W J Vincent?
in the Fifth Ward.
Rev. Dr. Headdea after an ab
scenes of two or three days attend
ing the General meeting of the
Floyd county Baptists at hloydj
Springs returned to the city yester
day afternoon.
Mr J. F. B iruett of Cedar Bluff)
w 18 ill the city today for a few hours.
Mr. Burnettwi’l figure, as bride
gioom in one of the most happy af
fairs < f the season, at the Blufl on
next iVednesday.
G. T. Stribling, a right “up to
snuff’t ’bacco drummer, of Atlanta'
was in i' e city today, a guest of the
Armsli g.
• Mr;.. M. T. Watt-, of Atlanta is a
guest oi te Armstrong today.
Hon. F vor Childers of Cave Spring
ejent th- forenoon in the city.
T . O Schofield, a wide awake Life
Insurance aan from Maeon, is in the
city today, on important business
connected v ith the unfortunate Riv
er fft 'd.ty oi last week.
Mr. M. S’. Govan will probably take
a week ffi - mand go angling for
the fimr. tri oin the limpid waters
around Liu. * on.
Col. ”. K. yer es Possum Trott
is autogr ipb. at the Armstrong to
day. ■
jj -t; ,;-. L 1 Edmondson es the
W A A t . 11. f.ud A. A. Gallagher of
c ie down from Chat
tanougs. a. 1 i.e registered at the
A gentleman from Atlanta, is my
authority—he says that Lord Beres
ford is now wearing shackles as he
goes about his daily labors. He also
stated that Harry Hill, who rooms
with “the enly Lord some Romans
ever had” Lord Beresford, is now
learning to be an ingineer. A fine
pair of dux.
Dr Frank Thornton, nearly
everybody iu Rome remembers
Rome’s ouliest patent medicine
vendor, Frank Thornton, Well he
passed through the city yesterday
at noon, en -route, se he said to
Celumbus, Ga Frauk told me that
he had been doing a big business
in the West and had also “done
Canada. I asked if he was going
to “get off at Rome.” “No” said he
“the wind es the Boven Hill City
will never monkey with my whis
kers again. Frank said he was
“sick’’—-and he did look “kinder
♦ ♦
One day not long ago I found
Claude Jones, the clever ticket
agent at the East Tennessee depot
puzzling over a telegram. I asked
him the trouble and he replied
that he was trying to “Recognize
tho hand write.’ I dont know
what the contents of tho message
was but its my “private opinion
publicly expressed” that it was
“something”—to get Claud® so
badly stirred up Hand write by
te’egram. 1
An election is to be ordered
to decide an important matter.
For a long time the Kinkaid kor
uer lias been recognized under ths
title of “Council Bluffs,,, but since
Mr. Will Rhudy, the up town fur
niture prince has erected his awn
ing, and lined the pavement with
easy chairs, the more appropriate
name of “Loafers Roost“ is becom
ing prevalent, Lets have the elec
♦ ♦
Col. Henry Dean was in th
city this forenoon Col. Dean, says
he will plant heavily this season
of the famous Dean water melons.
He believes he will make a decid
ed improvement on them this year
but that is hardly possible.
* *
Yesterday foreno®n, Capt. A. B.
S. Mosely addressed a mass meet
ing at the Baptist church at Floyd
Springs, alter which, church went
into Conference and at once pro
ceeded te organize a Sunday
School fer Floyd Springs. Capt.
Mosely returned to the city this
♦ ♦
Rivsr Joe Harris tell me that»as
he drove into the city this morn
ing he saw Flatwoods farmers
planting corn. Mr. Harris ,’ays he
sowed a field of oats last Monday
and on last Saturday’ they were up
—and a beautiful B‘and of them
too. He says that he considers
spring about 30 days ahead of the
average opening of the season.
Mr. F. 0. Sehofiwld, of Mason,
one of the General Age.ts of the
Metr®poliue Life Insurance compr.
ny of New York, is i;i th® city.
Mr. Schofield is here to make
settlement of the policy of Mr.
John F. Anderson who wei drown
ed in the Coosa river on Thursday
Mr, Anderson took out a $5,0(0
policy with Mr- J. J. Mickle who
re preseated the Metropolitan at that
time, in Decembor last and his good
judgment in selecting that company
is emphasized by the promptness of
the Geneneral Agent in coming to
Rome three days after the loss oc
curred io make settlemeat of the
death claim.
When asked as to what effect th®
possible not finding of Mr. Ander
son ’s body would have on the settle
ment of the claim, Mr. Schofield re
plied: “We will pay this claim at
once as Mr, Anderson’s good char
acter and manly disposition, as well
as the certainty of his accidental
drowning, ar® so well established as
to preclude the possibility of any fine
play, and no technicallity or legal I
quibble will not be allowed t® retard
th< payment of this claim.’’
The “Metropolitan” is right on
the spot in the persen of State Agent
Schofield, and hie promptness and
energy cannot fail to gain many
friends for his most deserving comp* •
between Dr. Pierce’s Pellets and y'X
wvery other pill. The Pellets are A
smaller. And this difference in L, \J)
size, with their sugar - coating L qf
makes them the easiest to T I
Hut there’s a difference all i v
through. Thsy're eesiusi
in the way they act. X*,/ /k ' J j
No griping, no vio- •** i I
lence, no reaction /
afterward. They <
do permanent . N
good. They reg- kN
alate the system, as well as ** I
cleanse and renovate it. fig-gig
Sick or Bilious Headache, J
Constipation, Indigestion, fjlEys /
Bilious Attacks, and all de- f$KSa A
rangements of the liver,
stomach, and bowels are
prevented, relieved, and
cured. Egf S 3 /
Put up in sealed vials, ’As A
always fresh and reliable: a p A ' sjF
perfect, vest-pocket remedy,
They re guaranteed to
give satisfaction, in every W'W^ 5 “- if
case, or the money is re- SK& nu 1 ”
turned. What offer could be fairer I
Mr- and Mrs. Vi • S. Hill, left this
afternoon for Grand Rapids Mich,
to attend the funeral service of their
daughters f ithe - n-law. Mr. Waters
died iu Flordia Saturday last' and
bis remains pa se I through Rome
this a- no. at 5:35, accompanied by
Mrs. Waters, Mr. Dudley, E. Waters
and wife and Mr. Lee Hill.
Mr and Mrs Hill hope to return to
R®me late in the summer,
Mr. Lee H.ll of Colombia College
New York, arrived in Rome Satur
day night, on a visit to his parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hill. He went
this morning to Grand Rapids.
“Orange Blossom.” the Common
Sense Female Remedy, draws out
pain and soreness. Sold by Ham
mack Lucas & Co,
A beautiful lino of
Hats and bonnets in
all the latest patterns
and shapes, and every
lady in the city cordi
ally invited to call and
see them A.O. Garrard
No 22 Broad St-
Miss Cattie Hambright, of Tunnel
Hili, is visiting relatives in the Fifth
Made of Gluten Graham Flour it
is wholesome and nutritious food for
Dyspeptics, Brain workers, children.
It contains the phosphates and glu
ten of the wheat. For sale at
Jamison Bros
222 Broad St.
for rent, Two comfortable tenement
houses five rooms each on 4th Avnue
for rent cheap. Can if desired be
converted into one very comfortable
3-12-ts W. D. Hoyt.
You are hereby notified to come
forward and pay your street tax
at once, as you will be summoned
to appear before the mayor and
council, sitting as a board of com
missioners. You are liable to be
fined for non-payment of same.
J. C. Brown,
tL City Marshal.
ji > i.;*q 1
‘ to himself, “If the jfc I
i moon I could get, !
; whenever I’m dry hSiap
z tnv throat I could
j wet; Ihe moon is a ‘
J _ quarter -with aquar- ’
k' ler \ I’ o ®*, you can I
Ij s" purchase five gal- '
d lons of
Root Beer.”
‘ Del’clous, Temper-
« Health-Giving Drink.
Go®’ any time of year.
As; -. package makes 5 gallons. Be sure and
get Hirss' ;
For the Benefit of Creditors
The large stock of Clothing, Hats, Frruishing Goods
Trunks, Bags, Valises, in fact the entire stock of the late
firm of W. M. GAMMON & CO., will be closed out for
the benefit cfcreditors.
The money must be realized on Lhis stock at once and
prices will be made to force the sales REGARDLESS OF COST
Dunlaps $5 Ha‘s at $2.50 E. &W\ Collars at $2 per doz
Clothing and everything in stock at prices to suit purchaser
CASH down will be demanded. Nothing will be sent out, ex
changed or taken back. All persons indebted to said firns
are hereby notified to settle at once or claims will be put out
for collection,
R. G. CLARK, Assignee.
m IlMUffl
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
We Mean Business Call snd get our Prices
Before Buying we are Selling,
1 g.moulddng
The Oostanaula Steamboat and
Trading Company
C Tihh s TH m attention of merchants,
lat we will run our Steamer Tony, on regu]a trips
Carters, every week,
Ship what you can by us, Give
us your orders for all Kinds of
Country produce
Chickens. Eggs. Corn. Hav. Pe.s Butter. Bacon. Fruits.
Ui'ed, Wheat. and all Products ofthe Country.
Geo W Trammell
F. B. Holbrook,